Meeting of the Minds

Erik Mortis
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Erik Mortis »

After the conference Letifer arranged for his pilots to meet him in lower kildare. From there he would fly with them to the coordinates Nik provided to him. Before leaving for the conference Letifer had gotten to test fly the new JASO Wraith mk2 he and his boys would be flying. He was generally impressed with them. Letifer was pleased with his new mission and his new squadron, fine lads, all of them. What would please him more though would be if he was able to go after the bastard who commanded the bombers who bombed Norfolk, that would truely make Letifer's day. Letifer met up with his Squadron in Gong Li, thought he had to wait a while for them to catch up with him. After a quick secret briefing they left Gong Li Air Base for their new coordinates. "Now remember boys, we're running cold for this one so keep those engines cool and the chatter down." Erik Mortis BrookshireEricir Murtil ranna ChasemónCount of Monty CriscoDuke of BrookshireMember of The Programmers' Guild of ShirerothShirerithian ElderGeneral in the YAC

Kaiser Los III
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Meeting of the Minds

Post by Kaiser Los III »

The city of Biotopia in the Raynor Isles, once a fringe experiment by renegade Audentes in rational communal living, was now just another Shirerithian outpost, and less attractive than most. Lacking the storied history of Tymaria City, the impressive walls of Acre, the airtight security of Nafticon, or even the quiet charm of Cognito, it nevertheless had one thing going for it - it had not been blown up.Nik Raesin had arrived there on a helicopter, flying low to avoid detection, from the Raynor II, and was pleased to find his flagship docked in the port, repairs already underway. The town had never been intended as a major military base, but the Ministry of Military Affairs had a small presence there, and workers were fast adjusting to the town's new status as the closest Shirerithian city to the fighting in Terre d'Riches. Nik knew similar preparations were being carried out in the sister city of Libertopia across the strait. Both were well out of range of Karnali aircraft, extended fuel tanks or no, but both were installing extra anti-air defense to be safe. The plans for extension of the military facilities were still in the early stages, but Nik was happy to see they were already beginning to take visible shape.As he headed towards the command center of the small base, he literally bumped into a man wearing enough medals to honor the entire population of a small country for a year. Apologizing profusely, he realized it was not a man at all."Cerune Russell! What are you doing here?""You ordered me to come here, Commander Raesin! Didn't you? For the conference."Right. He had ordered her to come there, now that he thought of it. Mentally he slapped himself. He never had his wits entirely about him when he was around women. Well, when he was around beautiful women. Well, okay, when he was around Cerune Russell. When military sorts described the commander from Amity as striking, they usually meant something entirely different from her ability to make quick tactical strikes."Of course I did. What about the others? Are they here yet?""Ozarka Monto arrived here a few hours ago. Av Nirim was unable to make it as he's suffering from a terrible case of Slacker Flu that's got his entire unit incapacitated. And the new fighter ace from Monty Crisco, Letifer, is supposed to be here, though I haven't seen him yet. Flew in all the way from Musica, only stops were for refueling, they say. A driven man. Son got killed in the Norfolk debacle." She spoke impassively, even though Nik knew she had been involved in the Norfolk battle and that her quick thinking in evacuating the transports had been one of the only things that prevented it from being even worse than it was.Nik could sympathize with Letifer, whom he heard was some sort of ace pilot besides being of one of the Imperial Bloodlines, putting him in the upper echelon of Shirerithians qualified to someday become Kaiser if they so merited. Nik had lost a country to the Babkhans, Letifer a son. Both had eschewed flashy fits of anger or hopeless despair to take the hard and unrewarding path of vengeance. There were thousands more like them in the army, the navy, the air force, the civil service, the defense contractors, not as well known or highly placed as Nik or Letifer, but there nonetheless, burning invisibly with their inner fire each time they fired a rifle or tightened a screw. There were more each time the Babkhans sunk a ship or bombed a city. They were the weapon that Babkha would never be able to plan for, to counteract, they were the inner army within the shell of the outer army, implacable, unyielding. It was because of them that Nik knew Shireroth would prevail.And now he was in the conference room, gesturing to an old map of the Raynor Sea. Three pairs of eyes watched him - the three highest level Shirerithian commanders in the region, the people who would make or break the war. Whether there was any way for the Babkhans to know what was said in this room - of that he was less certain; after the surprisingly good intelligence they had been receiving recently, he did not want to make any more assumptions than were absolutely necessary.As he talked, he sized up each of them. Ozarka stared into space as if he were somewhere else, but he had managed to build in his Halluci territory the much-needed fighters that had slowed Extreme's progress and of which five remained, waiting to avenge their lost comrades. Letifer looked just as Nik had imagined him; nondescript on the outside, but stony and fiery all at once on the inside, and the Audente decided that the fighter wing Shirekeep was planning on entrusting to him would be in good hands. He stared longer than was strictly necessary at Russell, but she too looked determined, scarred from the last few days of fighting but hardly humbled. There also was Admiral Alasur, who had given Shireroth its most significant victory thus far and chosen to stay on his flagship in the Isles rather than go to the action in Acre. Nik addressed them thus:"With some exceptions, our progress thus far has been good. Jaris remains unconquered despite the appalling lack of ground troops on the island. Despite superior numbers the Babkhans have not yet been allowed to rule the seas, and the aircraft carrier we sunk is greater than any comparable damage they have been able to inflict upon us." Left unspoken were the words "except Norfolk, of course". "Our submarine warfare has been moderately successful, and we have men poised to strike at the heart of TDR. Today it is time to discuss how to leverage this successful containment into an actual victory." He knew that he was being more optimistic than the situation warranted, that a Babkhan general could be having the exact same talk with just as much justification, but the faces of the people in the room seemed to brighten - except Letifer's, which remained as inscrutable as ever."First, Acre. As you know, we have been waiting for Captain Nirim's unit to recover from the epidemic that has them in its grasp. We can no longer wait. Captain Russell, you will be attacking Acre first thing tomorrow. The Anticans will be able to reinforce you, as will the Grand Fleet of the Shirerithian and Natopian navies. The garrison in the city has been under a long siege and should capitulate easily. I want this done as soon as possible. Khan is as yet far away and should take days to arrive, but no use giving him time. Tomorrow, Captain Russell!""Yes, sir.""Admiral Alasur, the repairs on the Revenge and Wolfraven are going well. I expect you to start sailing back to the body of the Grand Fleet soon. As you do, we will send much-needed supplies with you. Supply ships have arrived from the ports of Shireroth Proper in Biotopia, but cannot go closer to Acre until they have escorts. The Revenge and Wolfraven will be that escort.""Commander, in all honesty, I don't think two ships will be sufficient escort in these troubled times. Even though Admiral Ackbar is likely out of range, the closer we get to Acre the more likely that Extreme will find us, and quite frankly two ships aren't enough to stop him from bombing us, despite the Wolfraven's enhanced anti-air capabilities.""Acknowledged, Admiral. Ozarka, you will rebase your five fighters in Biotopia and intercept anything that comes against that convoy." Oz did not look happy at the pronouncement; Alasur looked less so."Five aircraft are not going to be sufficient to protect my convoy, Commander.""They will suffice. We are hardly rich in aircraft these days, as you may have noticed. Extreme will not be expecting the Halluci jets to have returned from Shireroth this quickly and will be careless. By the time you are within Babkhan radar, you will probably also be within our fleet's defenses. Consider it an incentive to avoid detection by Babkha until then.The Admiral frowned, but said nothing."Captain Letifer Mortis?" He handed the Brookshirerithian a piece of paper. "These are your new coordinates. You will re-base to this location tonight. It is far enough from Karnali and Babkhan radars that you should have no trouble remaining undetected, but I suggest you take the long route just in case. We can't have any Ashavans making mincemeat out of your plans. You will also find your orders at the bottom."Letifer nodded just as the clock struck five."Our friends in the Natopian fleet have begun the bombardment of Acre just now," said Raesin. "I suggest you all return to your places to prepare for tomorrow. Admiral Alasur, good sailing. Get that ship to me in one piece.""Aye aye, sir!"As the assembled officers departed, Nik heard a groan behind him."Damn helicopter's got a sprained rotor!" Cerune wailed. "Now I'll have to borrow something from these poor Biotopian folks and probably get it shot down in Acre.""Hey," said Nik. "Why don't you let me take you back? I can afford a brief stop-off on land before I land on the cruiser. Maybe I'll even stay with your unit a bit. You could use the morale boost as you go up against Tyre."Acre," said Cerune. "Acre.""Right," said Nik. "Here's my ship, so...""You mean helicopter?" asked Cerune."Yes, a ship of the air so to speak." They climbed in."What was on that piece of paper you showed Letifer?" asked Cerune.Just at that moment, the chopper's blades started up, and Nik received an excellent opportunity to pretend he had not heard the question.Summary: Conference of all Shirerithian officers in Biotopia. Revenge and Wolfraven to sail back with supply convoy next day. Ozarka to defend supply convoy. Grand Fleet to bombard Acre. Russell to invade Acre along with Anticans and Eoin if he ever shows up. Letifer to head to undisclosed coordinates out of range of Babkhan radar.OOC EDIT: Rakesh, I just noticed you launched cruise missiles against Nate and I. I'll deal with that later. Before I do, is this the start of some grand naval battle, or is it just the cruise missiles, so that we can post what actions we take and then a judge can decide how many of them hit and it can be over without Nate and I having to find you online? Edited by: Kaiser Los III at: 8/19/05 4:40

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Zirandorthel »

On board the Joycean NeedleAv Nirim coughed again, and spat into the basin next to his bed. Nearly over it. By the Seven Wanderers, he despised being sick. Not only was it inimical to the Paladin concept of purity of body and soul, but as a cold-dwelling people, the only thing that made Hyperboreans sick was hot-weather diseases such as fever and flu’s, such as this mysterious “Gravedo nebuli” which his doctors had called the epidemic which struck both the Armoured Division and the Raxidal before Plan B, the scheme which could have saved the disastrous Operation Obsidian Haddock, could be put into practice. He’d be up in about an hour, he could feel the strength returning to his limbs as his mental and physical exercises took hold of his body and gave it a good shake. At least he’d walk again. Some were not so lucky.He thought sadly of the Karnali attack on his unit’s transport ships. The Joy of Work had been heavily damaged, with nearly two hundred Raxidal and a handful of tanks lost to the flames and the sea, and the Cruiskeen Lawn had been completely destroyed, along with half its complement of soldiers, there recuperating from the plague-like disease which had struck them only two days before. It was as if some complacent and forgetful god had taken his eye of them and their quest, and left them to doom and destruction through his caprice, thought Nirim. Well to the pit with him, they would prevail. The other three ships of the transport contingent had survived with only moderate damage, and those troops who hadn’t been lost to missile fire were recuperating from the illness, with those already recovered feverishly repairing their ships.“So that makes at last count…12,000 marines remaining, and 100 tanks. About 80% of our original manpower. And I said I’d lose no-one. Nice work, Lotter Nirim, nice work,” he said to himself. “And I lie slugabed while more men and women die. What a visionary leader I have become. To your feet, Hyperborean, and present!” With that he stood up, shaking only a little, and donned his clothes. With furious energy he left his sickbed far behind him, forging his way through the noiseless corridors, swearing not to return there until he had done his work. Arriving at the command centre of the Needle, he glared around angrily at all assembled. The captain, who was not intimidated by the angry General in the slightest, presented him with a command memo, colour-coded vermillion for urgent. Squinting to make out the letters against the bright colour, Nirim made out “Attack Acre ASAP.” He scrunched up the paper after reading it, throwing it towards a waste paper basket. The feather-light piece of wood pulp hit the bin at such a speed that the metal rattled. “You know the message’s contents?” The captain nodded. “When was it received?” “Five hours ago, sir. Your medical staff said you would rise today..” Nirim’s glance cut him off. “Five hours would have been enough time for me to rise and lead the attack once we arrived there! We have lost time! Radio the Shade, the Bounty, and the Joy, if their repairs have improved their situation any. Run the flag for attack. Has Major Mac Fheardaigh recovered?” “Yes, General.” “Get him over here in a jerry-boat, I want to coordinate our attack.” Nirim gave the captain a salute and stalked from the command center to his maproom. This time there would be no stupid mistakes. Summary: The 1st Raxidal and 1st Armoured Division have recovered from their mysterious “Gravedo nebuli” and are back en route to Acre. One of their transports was destroyed by Extreme’s missile attack, and another heavily damaged. They have lost 50 tanks and 3,000 marines, either to illness or explosion or death or all three. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by extreme007 »

OOC: no you can't get 20 more... i am ready to give you 1 more.. but not 20... i am sure Kaiser agrees with me... Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Zirandorthel »

The coast off of Acre, aboard the Joycean Needle“Landing craft ready, troops boarded. Attack ready.”The words of the intercom rang out across the hold of the Needle. Nirim thought of how similar the scene was, the troops ready in their transports, the tanks in larger open-decked ones, he and Mac Fheardaigh surveying from a raised platform. But this time things were different. Both the Raxidal and Mac Fheardaigh’s “tank jockeys” looked older somehow, had a look of realism in their eyes instead of idealistic dreaming. They knew that there was no great charge in this war. Many of them looked haggard and sick. They were aware of the risks and dangers they faced now, more than they could be made aware by any training film or speech or exercise. Now they were soldiers. And so dissimilar from anything Nirim had imagined them being that even the frightening dissimilarities between the Paladins and the ‘younger’ Raxidal seemed miniscule now.“Raxidal, attend!” he roared out over the crowding troops. Three thousand faces turned towards him. “Today we are going to invade Acre and take it. We will meet an enemy who is not one-tenth as determined and fearless as the least one of you. For they squat in their bunkers like rats fearing the bombardment of our Shirerithian shells. They cower like beaten dogs! Our charge will rid them of whatever paltry spirit they had left. We will send them squealing and yowling back to their mothers! For we are the Narwhals, the Raxidal, our weapons are our tusks. And when it comes to sparring, these Commonwealth troops know nothing of courage, they know nothing of fighting. All they need to know is that the Hyperboreans that will face them today will beat them, will destroy any resistance they had left, and will take Acre for Shireroth. Now get to your transports, and don’t let me see you without the flag of Truth and Beauty flying above that town.” Then he turned his heel and dismounted from the platform. The Raxidal watched him descend, and then the cheers began. With a roar of ferocity and new energy, the transports sped from the hold down the ramp of the Needle and into the water, their drivers skilfully switching from ground to water transportation and cutting out towards Acre, which lay baking in the sun just a little distance away. The cheers continued, along with Paladin war chants and the anthem of all Hyperboreans: “The Song of the Wanderers”. Nirim sang with them. Lotter Nirim of the Eastern Lot, son to a mason and a councillor, was forgotten. Now he was Av Nirim, General of the fighting Raxidal. And they would take Acre.Summary: The Raxidal are attacking Acre, along with the Armoured Division. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Sebastien Alexandre
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Sebastien Alexandre »

In BiotopiaOzarka sighed, "Damn him, I came with 25 fighterse and he expects 5 to avenge that of twenty, while protecting a convoy? The kaiser must be mad..." he said. His eyes glowed an angry blue as he spat various insults towards his officers surrounding him."Send word to Halluci, tell them to send 2 more fighters. We will fight fresh, if we fight at all."Summary:I am sending word to my Barony that 2 more fighters need to be sent. Shouldn't be too long, and since its a Barony.. I definitely believe I could pull 2. Especially since I'm based and Halluci is of course based in friendly territoryI changed th enumer to two Edited by: OzarkaMons01 at: 8/19/05 20:31

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

(OOC: Please note, I had started writing this before Eoin posted his landings and it is consistent with the deployment of forces into Palastina from Terre d'Riches viewable in other posts)At the southern tip of the peninsular upon which the city of Acre is situated, a medium sized Babkhan colonial contingent of six thousand men, supported by artillery and a sprinkling of tanks approached the Northern Gate of the city of Acre from along the Tyre Road. At the head of this column came the Lord of Richmond's Regiment of Pioneers, a body that specialised in field craft, sharpshooting, and demolitions, scouting the way ahead, next behind them came the second regiment of the King's Royal Yeomanry which comprised 10 Kapav II "Zulfiqar" main battle tanks and 5 30-Tube Multiple Rocket Launchers designated as Shahanshah Osmanis. Behind them came the bulk of the manpower in the form of the Lord of Richmond's Regiment of Foot. Bringing up the rear was the Lord of Richmonds's Artillery which consisted of 15 Sexton 25 pounder self-propelled guns.Driving on the left of the road to overtake the marching infantry was a single landrover which carried the column's commander. As the landrover came within viewing distance of the fortifications and walled harbour of Acre it pulled to a halt to afford the said commander a view of his ultimate destination.Sarlashger Ahmed Majeed Nasuri was distinctly amused. "So I am not longer an expeditionary force but a front?" He chuckled as he read the latest missive from Ardashir in Tyre. A front perhaps, a barrier most certainly, that might well be the case if, as had been rumoured in some quarters, that the vespa jihadis of the fedayeen had slipped away from their defensive position in the harbour and along the city walls and had taken refuge amongst the civilian throng of the old town. The Sarlashger was pleased to see that at least the landward walls of the old town were intact and the minarets of the Friday Mosque still visible and dominating the skyline. As an Umraist Ahmed gave praise to almighty Allah for this tender mercy. Ahmed hoped that Acre would just be another in the series of battles which would further cement the Islamic revival in Babkha, to return the religion of peace to its exaulted position that it had once enjoyed under the patronage of the great Shah Abbas, whose reign had been lamentably short on account of the the Zoroastrian rebellion which restored the Kapav throne. Since that hallowed antiquity Islam had been a minority religion in Babkha, yet for some reason whenever Ahmed had been abroad foreigners always seemed to assume that every Babkhan was a muslim, and they reacted with incredulity when Ahmed tried to assure them that they were a minority, perhaps no more than 10 million on the entire continent of Eura, with another two million in Palastina. However was not Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful, the most patient of plotters? Now after untold centuries of oppression and marginalisation was not the ummah advancing everywhere with fresh vigour and confidence - had not the Sultanate of Hatay been founded by the Mufti of Kamalshahr as a place of migration for the faithful? Had not the infidels of Outremer been overthrown? Did not the cities of Palastina administer themselves according ot the precepts of Divinely inspired sharia law? Were not the hadith and the qu'ran and the sunnah gaining new converts daily, even amongst the kafir? Were not the oppressed slaves of the salt mines the keenest converts, would they not embrace submission to the will of the one true god in exchange for freedom? Islam was on the march and Ahmed felt with certainty there would be a domino effect, the house of Majeed, of which he was a minor member, would turn to Allah, once Terre d'Riches joined Palastina, would not Babkha be far behind in overthrowing the detested Osmani dyanasty, whose representative was currently bringing his corruption to Tyre.Nonetheless, the fall of the new Islamic heartlands to Shireroth or Antica would be a castastrophic set back so the faithful, such as Ahmed, were prepared to maintain the facade of loyalty to the Shahanshah in order to keep Babkhan forces defending the ummah until it was strong enough to proclaim itself. Accordingly he found himself at the head of a predominantly Christian force readying itself to relieve predominantly Muslim Acre. This was an inconvenience but Ahmed could already imagine himself being recieved by a grateful mullah at the Friday Mosque, cheered to the echo by a jubilant crowd, the enemy driven back into the sea by his tanks, if they could ever be prevailed upon to leave the Norfolk Isles and actually invade, those damn fedayeen, the deluded Khanist scum, they were suffering nothing worse in this war than a bad case of Gravedo nebuli and yet he had to relieve them and be seen to make a victory out of it..."Sarlashger!" A large party of officers came running up to the commander as he day dreamed in the back of his landrover, desperately panting for breath, as though they had ran all the way from Acre itself. Ahmed would down the window of his vehicle to listen to the delegation, who seemed thoroughly alarmed. Patiently Ahmed listened and suddenly certain fears were becoming confirmed, not only had the fedayeen contracted the Gravedo nebuli but even those who were well enough to contribute to the defence had mysteriously taken leave of their posts. Ahmed darkly suspected they had gotten on their scooters and gone to the bazaar for a spot of looting. Worse by far was the latest report reaching civilian officials from the harbour masters office in the town, and now relayed to him, that Shirerithian transports were once again unloading landing craft before the city. The intention obviously being to storm the city unlike the debacle before where they had been halted by a chain across the harbour entrance. Ahmed had to make a sudden choice. If he was to take his force into Acre there was a chance he could repel the landing. On the other hand there was just as great a chance that he could be traped inside and crushed like a walnut. On the other hand to let the enemy take Acre without a fight would mean the loss of a vital port through which enemy forces could land in Palastina and it would also open up the lagoon for enemy intrusion.The snap decision was made, the pioneers pressed into through the north gate, their mission to secure the Friday Mosque, the harbour and the key public buildings, secondary to rally the fedayeen and the civilian population to stir up acts of resistance that could make the enemies visit 'uncomfortable'. Next the MRLs were driven into positions where they could cover the most likely beaching points, so it was hoped. Certainly there was more than one place, but the five MRL's had a 20 km range each and were set up to give interlocking fields of fire.Ahmed had his foot in Acre now, but had no desire to watch it be cut off with the surrounding land washed over by a Shirerithian tide. His priority then was to set up a strong defensive position behind Acre in a crescent shape upon the high ground with its focus upon the Tyre road so as to prevent the encirclement of the city and also to inhibit any attempt by the invaders to push up the peninsular. The tanks were dispatched to vantage points, where with sufficient digging they would have hull down positions that would make them more difficult to target by the vulnerable enemy infantry and tanks coming in the landings. The Sextons were disperesed to favourable firing points along the crescent where the khaki clad colonial infantrymen of the Lord of Richmond's Regiment of foot were entrenching with frantic urgency.The battle was joined and it had the fresh impetus born of a Babkhan determination to hold and a Shirerithian determination to capture. One thing was for certain it would not be a repeat of the first debacle... as gratifying as it was for an elite Shirerithian unit to be foiled by a chain.Summary: Relief Column which set out earlier in the week finds it has not arrived a moment too soon and has moved its forces into the city and surrounding countryside to make a fight of it. Edited by: Osman Shahanshah  at: 8/19/05 18:16

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Sebastien Alexandre
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Sebastien Alexandre »

OOC: OSman, i noted before and the kaiser can verify that before extreme was even in the air i had bombed pretty much every road i could find for atleast an entire hour or two... i doubt you'll find the north gates with pretty flowers all about still

Erik Mortis
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Erik Mortis »

Letfier look at the picture of his son he carried in his wallot. With rage in his eyes he thought back to when his son was a child, taking him to school, dropping him off at friends' houses. All gone now. As a teen, Deegin had always spoke of how he wanted to join he army, how he wanted to be a heroe and fight for the glory of the empire. Letifer had never discouraged his son from this plan, after all he was military himself. Now, he wish he had. Only 25 and dead. At least he still had Niccali. Niccali was 28, married and had a child on the way. At least Letifer would have grandson, and the family line would continue. Not that his branch of the line was particularly important, but he was descended from a Kaiser, several accually. His father was a descended of the Line of Mors, his mother was of the Line of Grifos.Letifer's train of thought was interupted when he saw Captain Idihoe pass by. Captain Idihoe was about the same age Deegin had been 25, young for his rank accually, But Idihoe had always been talented. He continued to watch the pilot as he walked back to his bunk and had a seat. Idihoe didn't see Letifer watching him, or if he did he didn't let on. Sitting on his bunk, he opened a letter he had been carrying and began to read it. As he read it his expression changed from that of nuetrality to look as if he was about to cry. Letifer wondered what news could be affecting him so. He decided to find out.As Letifer walked over to Captain Idihoe, the pilot saw him coming, hid the letter and composed himself. Nuetral again, but his eyes were now ever so slightly reddened. LEtifer stood before Idihoe and stared at him, the pilot stared right back."What is it Captain? Bad news from home?" Letifer was genuinly concerned for his men."Bad new sir? ""I saw you reading that letter you are currently hiding under your ass. " Letifer pointed to the edge of the letter that was showing from underneath the pilot. "What's wrong?""Wrong sir?""Son do I need to smack you!?! Stop playing dumb. "Captain Idihoe composed himself. "I'm sorry sir, Nothing's wrong, I'm just kinda in shock is see...My wife...well fiance...Well.. will be wife, once we get around to doing that, we kinda hot distracted and all with the war and me going off and... " Letifer interupted."You're rambling Captain. " Letifer chuckled slightly."Well. Commander's my fiance..she...She's pregnent.. and I don't really know how..."Letifer eyed the youn Captain. "Son, didn't your father ever explain the birds and the bees to ya?"Idihoe laughed. "No sir. I mean yes sir, he did. I mean.. I know..HOW it happens. I'm just not sure how this happened.. I mean.. well.. I guess...""Son, you know latex sometimes breaks right?" Letifer remembered when Niccali told him about his going to be a grandfather, that was awkward."I never used one. We never thought...""Never thought... son...You only got yourself to bla...""No. We thought, the doctor said she couldn't. This isn't an accident, it's a blessing from the gods! We didn't think we could get pregnent.. Not ever."Letifer always found it amusing when couple talked about getting pregnant, since it was the woman who got pregnant, not the man, unless mother nature was lying to us."Well, congradulations!" Letifer took Idihoes hand and firmly shook it. "You have a fun and interesting road ahead of you now. "Yes, sir. Thank you sir."Letifer walked away, leaving the Captain to his own inner joys. Letifer however, had no inner joys at the moment. Yes, he was happy for Idihoe, but having lost his own child only recently, one mans joy, was another man's painful reminder...Summary: Just some side plot and character development. Introduced a new character, Captain Reginald Idihoe, soon to be a father. Erik Mortis BrookshireEricir Murtil ranna ChasemónCount of Monty CriscoDuke of BrookshireMember of The Programmers' Guild of ShirerothShirerithian ElderGeneral in the YAC

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Remains of Norfolk Naval Station17:50Cerune had returned from her emergency meeting with her superiour, Raesin, with a renewed sense of confidence, a much needed sense of confidence. Her transports were loaded up again, and the troops loaded as well. As soon as the helicopter landed, she was escorted to the Norfolkian Legend, and they took off to Acre. Time was off the essence, and they had to be there when the Raxidal attacks to support.Summary: Rusell Company has taken off from Norfolk, and is heading to Acre. They have 105 tanks and 14,883 men remaining. A more detailed post will be made later, im going to bed... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

OOC:Oz, roads are different to railways. Once a railway is bombed then yes the track is fucked until specialist repair team swings by. Roads on the otherhand, especially the glorified dirt tracks in Terre d'Riches, any old fool and his army can go around or fill in the craters, it won't matter if the damaged roads aren't metalled since half of them weren't to begin with.

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Zirandorthel »

Acre HarbourGeneral Nirim stood on the foot-polished stone of Acre’s harbour, looking towards the city, where gunfire, yells and screams could be heard. They had landed not twenty minutes previously, and since then the city had been a hive of activity. Before their landing it had seemed relatively quiet and peaceful. Nirim had known this disquieting silence for the enemy’s anticipation of their arrival. Anticipation, except in the most fanatical of armies, is expressed in the form of a dogged staring silence. And when given the panorama of a large flotilla of landing craft cruising towards your location, well…Nirim smiled. It quite took one’s breath away.Not that the Acre defenders’ reaction had been all silence. A flight of rockets that reminded Nirim of his homeland’s northern lights had streamed out of Acre and descended on the Raxidal’s transports like vengeful valkyries. Luckily, most of those transports hit were not so far from land that their human cargo could not swim to shore or even beach the landing craft before it sunk or exploded from damage. Some tanks were lost to the waters of the bay. A hazard of attacking in the day time, Nirim assumed. Even so the artillery-men at the rocket launchers could have been using grid references, or even firing indiscriminately at the general area of the bay. There were many targets, he supposed. And at least they’d managed to get their own back. By his estimations, they were only a dozen or so rocket platforms, perhaps mounted on trucks other vehicles. By the time the Raxidal had reached shore, those marines carrying bazookas had begun to view the plumes of smoke following the rockets as adequate targets, and a few satisfying detonations had informed Nirim that the Acre defences had lost a few of their artillery. He had lost a score of tanks to both rocket fire while on the ground and the sundering seas, but by and large the Raxidal remained intact. And raring to get their teeth sunk into Acre.The chain across the harbour had failed to pose a problem as soon as their full initiative was applied to the problem. The ships from the First Fleet already bombarding the city had focused their attentions on the towers supporting the chains, and down the mighty links fell, leaving a clear path for the transports. Then, aside from the rocket fire unleashed on them, it was clear sailing. Now Nirim stood at last upon Acre’s docks, watching his troops’ invasion. He dispatched orders as he saw fit, but mostly his junior officers were clever enough to keep tabs on each others movements, move themselves where they were needed. Intelligent warfare against a bogged-down foe. The radio officer reported a call from Russell Company, requesting further orders. Looking to the horizon, he thought he could make out the Amicable company’s transport ships past the blockading vessels and his own transports. Excellent. Grasping the proffered receiver, he clicked the button and spoke “General Av Nirim here, request to speak with Commander Russell.” There was a moment’s silence, when all that was heard was the occasional crackle of the speaker. “Russell here,” spoke a surprisingly feminine voice on the other end. Nirim had forgotten that the skilled military officer from Amity was a woman. Though his own Raxidal held many women, he knew many other fiefdoms in Shireroth did not have such liberal attitudes towards their armed forces, and so had forgotten her gender himself. “Commander, once landed at Acre proceed to advance along the city’s perimeter walls and meet Raxidal forces who should have mopped up in the middle by then. We believe a hostile force has bunked down outside the city. Alert of rocket fire as your transports enter the bay.” As he said this, another detonation in the city suggested the demise of another of the MRL’s, “Good luck to Russell Company, and we will talk further when we meet. Nirim over and out.”Furlong Blv., AcreTamm Mac Fheardaigh barked at his gunner to keep up his firing, and squinted at the map across his knees. By his reckoning, he was in the middle of Acre by now, on a wide street with shops and outdoors cafés, now sadly wrecked. Ah well, such was war. It had amused him to see a couple of hundred “Tammlyn Mac Fheardaigh - Traitor to the Commonwealth” posters pasted up on walls all over Acre. An amusement of Grand Commonwealth intelligence officers, he assumed. Neo-Babkhans, the Kaiser had called them in his speeches as the war in Jaris kicked off, and well Tamm knew it. If he hadn’t been in the interior of his command tank, he would have spat.Tamm had come to Hyperborea, and then later to Volsung, after a fairly distinguished career in the Treesian Bucklers, and had there also been a tank jockey. His credentials had made him the commander of its first tank regiment. Back then, his career in Hyperborea had been a product of the Treesian economic model, which benefited the rich (specifically the Chancellor for the Exchequer) but left the average Pól sadly out of pocket. Now, his emigration, promotion and subsequent location once the war broke out, which meant he could potentially be facing fellow Treesians, even though the likelihood was slim, made him a “traitor”. He had even received e-mails from his mother back in Halberdshire, begging him to abandon his unit and defect to the Grand Commonwealth side. He had had to delete the e-mail and re-format the Shade of Kaiser Jaundice’s rec-room computer’s hard-drive to prevent the chance of his mother being arrested by GC secret police for communicating with an enemy officer. Stupid old woman. Hadn’t talked to him for eight years and then endangering himself…anyway, to the task at hand.“Enemy artillery sighted,” cried the navigator, somewhat unnecessarily. Tamm could hear the whoosh of rockets firing. One of those damned missile trucks! The tank rocked, but not with the familiar inertia of a direct hit. Perhaps a rocket had exploded nearby. No way Tamm was looking through the hatch to check. “Damage?” “Left tread’s gone, sir,” reported the navigator, a young lad from Volsung. Damn it. That made them sitting ducks. He leaned back, scooped up the radio microphone, and said, “Any marine units near Furlong Boulevard, we are in need of assistance. Repeat, immediate assistance required on Furlong Boulevard.” To his gunnery officer he yelled “Fire again, damn you!” “Imigh leat,” cursed the younger man, a plucky type from Wickhigh. Tamm smiled grimly. Down but not out. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

To the north of Acre, dispersed in support of the defensive arc that had been formed behind the city, into whose harbour area the enemy was now pouring, laid the sextons, the mobile armoured 25 pounder guns, whose range of 12 kilometres put the old town, the slums and the harbour in the field of fire. To the evident satisfaction of the Sotvam on the field radio the order was received to mount a moderate barrage – moderation in this case being to the tune of thirty shells a minute might be a virtue to those inside the sexton loading the guns, whether those on the receiving end would regard it as moderate, well they would probably think it anything but moderate. And that was the entire point.When the two thousand men of the Lord of Richmond’s Regiment of Pioneers entered the city of Acre, they had at least hoped to find some fedayeen who could be rallied to effect a defence, however upon arrival they had discovered that the 25,000 men, or at least those who had not been killed in the bombardment, had gone to ground, as was rather easy for paramilitaries. Their trademark Vespas were casually abandoned among the narrow streets. With 2,000 men divided into eight companies, plus the 763 men of the Regimental Quartermaster’s Battalion, essentially mechanics, technicians, porters, guides, labourers and clerks with side arms, the pioneers had no intention of securing the entire city. Instead their orders were to secure certain strong points; the Friday Mosque, the Mayor’s Office, the General Post Office and the main city gates, so as to put the enemy through the mincemeat grinder. As the pioneers settled into the defensive positions hastily abandoned by the fedayeen a certain Nematollah Nassiri approached them. Interviewed by an Agha Farman of the 1st Company, the fedayeen officer was evidently distressed at his failure to escape the town nonetheless he was able to inform the Pioneers of the location and activation codes for a number of improvised explosive devices which had been planted around the old city as part of the planned spontaneous resistance of the inhabitants of Acre to the subhuman invaders from the west. Apparently, before going into hiding, the fedayeen had taken the time to indoctrinate and arm some of the children of Acre for acts of self-sacrifice, or martyrdom as it were. Apparently the little nippers wanted to emulate the GCS Tullon and become their own individual exploding frigate and schoolboys could be seen running around in the streets with grenades, mortar shells and bomb belts strapped to their bodies. Furthermore the weapons of the Palastina Defence Force, which ran away even faster than the fedayeen, had been distributed amongst the civilian population. Looting was already breaking out in the bazaars and other commercial premises, the intention to make Acre a cauldron of bloody chaos whose broth the invaders would have to drink deeply if they were to secure a hold.Five Shahanshahi Osman multiple rocket launchers from the Royal Yeomanry and entered the city at the same time as the Pioneers and had been parked up in side alleys and wherever the previous bombardments of the town, the harbour or its slums and cleared a suitable space for the truck and its deadly payload to be positioned. The MRLs had done sterling work by firing according to coordinates picked out and reported back by pioneer spotters. Landing craft sat aflame and sinking just off the shore whilst at least a dozen tanks had put out of action on the beach by the barrage, dead Shirerithian infantrymen laid scattered all around them. However the enemy invader had arrived in force and was not deterred by these initial losses. The situation was confused but it was apparent that somehow the Shirerithians had breached the city walls and entered the harbour area. Intense exchanges of gunfire could be heard from those quarters and three of the MRLs were reportedly destroyed in street fighting. There were reports of ‘block duals’ where advancing marines were held up by pioneers firing rocket propelled grenades, only for the enemy to call up their own bazooka teams to blast away at the points of resistance.Through the chain of command up to Sarlashger Ahmed Majeed Nasuri outside the town a general picture was compiled, that the enemy was ashore, in possession of the harbour and pushing up into the old town. The commander, who still dreamed of his triumphal entry to the city, nonetheless resolved to demolish a portion of it and ordered an indirect moderate fire upon the harbour area to prevent the enemy command from sending in reinforcements. Ahmed called up the Sotvam on the radio who was coordinating the sextons targeting and laid down an order for the bombardment of the harbour area. A moment or two later the air was filled with a sudden high-pitched whine, and a brown cloud of dust rose majestically from amongst the mud brick buildings of the slum area that linked the harbour to the old town. A correcting shot and now the bombardment was starting to fall in more or less the right area, amongst warehouses and dockyards. *** General Post Office, Furlong Boulevard, Acre:Connla McCulann would never in a month of Sundays have ever thought it conceivable that he would ever don the uniform of the Babkhans and yet, by a series of untoward events such as the rather sudden closure of the Treesian Consulate in North Babkha which ended his career in the diplomatic service to say the least, and then Treesia itself went to hell, literally if some people were to be believed, in any event once it had stabilised it found itself seduced into the most hellish design, a political union with Babkha of all people! Those same dark skinned heathens who every summer, for most of recorded history, had made it their business to rape, loot and despoil on the Fifth Isle, as though it was some sort of holiday for them. Yes those crooked fascist toe-rags and their manifestly deranged Shahanshah, what did the Sovereign Order of Treesia decide to do? Have a Grand Commonwealth with them of course! And to think, if those two thousand bottles of exploding Treesian Red had reached the Shahyiar Palace, so much of modern history could have been avoided. Well what was the use of complaining he thought? The Tashbaan debacle may have ruined him, but this Grand Commonwealth, the Great Satan as almost everyone calls it with an affectionate mix of fear and loathing, opened up a whole new career fir Connla. Before becoming a diplomat he had been a solider, serving with the Treesian Bucklers, his trade was killing people, and if any place on Micras had a sellers market for killers it was Babkha. That the Babkhans were palpably insane was hardly his problem. That they were pigheaded and murderously insane, that was somewhat more of a problem, especially when the orders of a pigheaded and murderously insane Sarlashger, derived from the vague wishes of a pigheaded and murderously insane Shahanshah, were to hold a post office with one hundred and fifty-three pioneers against the full armoured might of a terrible enemy. To be sure Connla had no great love for the Shirerithians, they had exactly the same dark imperialist impulse as the Babkhans, and although they may not be as keen on burning and beheading as their erstwhile swarthy allies they still harboured the same annexationist desires regarding Treesia. At least with the way the Grand Commonwealth had brought together Aerlig and Karnali into the empire as well there was no way that the Babkhans could behave like complete bastards, even if they wanted to, which they probably did. With Shireroth in charge, the place would be drowning in dukes, mangos and festivals of boom in no time flat. Suddenly the crazy alcoholics from Eura didn’t seem so bad after all… except for the fact they had managed to conspire with their demiurge to bring Connla to Acre where he was probably going to get killed along with a whole lot of other people. Still it’d be a good craic blowing things up before that time came. Connla had commandeered the mail sorting room for his command centre, the main virtue that recommended itself to him was that it was set in the basement and thus afforded some protection from the crazy stuff going on upstairs and outside.Unfortunately the Babkhan commander had chosen to place one of the infernal multiple rocket launchers outside the GPO and there was an intermittent whooshing sound as another salvo of rockets were born skywards, leaving more fine coarse masonry dust and plaster to fall into Connla’s coffee. It was ok, the coffee was made with ground acorns rather than actual coffee beans, damn rationing, when was the Commonwealth going to end the recession? When would it end the war was more to the point. The shortages may have started before the war, but it certainly wasn’t making them any better.Another salvo shook the ground and more dust fell into Connla’s coffee. In frustration he gave up and tipped the coffee away into the flowerpot of some wilting plant on the mail sorting supervisor’s desk – no reason why the plant should survive if everyone else was going to get it in the neck. This time however there was something different, for almost instantaneously there was another huge explosion, that of an impact. ‘By the cringe!’ Coonla’s thought to himself ‘the bloody Shirerithians have started a counter barrage.’ Suddenly a pioneer ran down the stairs from the ground floor and shouted to everyone to get upstairs quick. ‘Tanks!’ he cried, ‘tanks!’. The Pioneers by Babkhan colonial standards had good weapons, sniper rifles, fully automatic machine guns, shaped charge anti-tank rockets, to the pattern of the standard RPG used by all formations, but much more potent. Also potent was their skill with explosives as befitted their role as sappers.Connla ran up the stairs and into the foyer of the GPO, whose modernist glass front had been blown out by all the various explosions. Straight away Connla saw that something was very wrong outside, the missile truck had depressed its rocket launching tubes almost fully down to the horizontal, pointing down the street – presumably at the tanks. An akinákes laconically told Connla to get down, apparently the Osmani had managed to blast the tread of the lead tank advancing up the street, but the tank was still functioning in its new static position and was traversing its gun to take a shot on the missile truck. Certainly the crew of the Shahanshahi Osmani had realised they had no time to reload their beast and had abandoned it to seek shelter in the foyer. Duly the Shirerithian tank fired, and duly the artillery piece was blown to atoms. Dust and debris showing the foyer along with shrapnel fragments and more broken glass. Connla could not instantly make out who was killed or injured by the explosion for the fog of war had become very definite in that foyer but the cries and groans of agony were manifest evidence enough some had caught the force of the blast. Connla certainly was getting fed up with being covered in dust – it was about as much fun as drinking Babkhan ‘Victory’ brand acorn coffee. Fishing around in his pocket Connla hocked out his walkie-talkie and spoke into it. “Can’t somebody nail that bastard tank?” For a few moments there was just static and then came a squawky reply. “Agha Farman, this is Hesam up on the roof. Confirming visual on tank. I’ve got a round loaded in the Saghegh. Permission to engage?” Connla barked back “Yes, fucking get on with it! Take the bastard out!”

Yuri Zhivago
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Yuri Zhivago »

Sorry for my work related absence, but now that my weekend is over I'm heading to my 2 days off. Anyway,Some fedayeen, ashamed to be hiding when the pioneers were fighting for their life, came out of hiding and began to accept the commands of the pioneers and to assist in the defence of the city. Sumary: I'm still in the game and will post some more on Tuesday when I get the spare time. In the meantime the Khan of the Blue Horizon and Shah of Shahs Ardy McFardy has the right to use say a thousand fedayeen to assist the defence. Soviet Republic of Novaya ZemlyaWe must be ever vigilant, Comrades!

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(uh-uh, thats illegal) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

OOCQuote:Two people can pool their units into a larger army if they agree on who has control of the group and can post for it. However, at all times each unit must correspond to a person who has posted at some point in the last three daysGame on.

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(Bah!) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

The harbor of Acrelater that day?Cerune watched as her troops landed on the beaches and docks. The artillery whittled away her men, but hurt her tanks the most, being slower and less agile. As they came up into the city, they met heavy resistance.summary: Russell Company made it to Acre, and are invading.p.s.- I'm drained tonight, so all apologies for the short post. I'll do better tomorrow. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Break Down The Wall

Post by extreme007 »

"Yes. Understood. I'll send you the results of the remaining bombs soon."Air Chief Marshal extreme007 put the phone down and closed his eyes. The strike on the Antican battlecruiser had not worked as per plans. The incendiary device had exploded several meters above the battlecruiser causing very little to no damage at the Antican ship. The strike had been a failure in terms of not hitting the enemy. However, it had proved a success for the research people back at the Karnali Air Force and an even greater success for the planners of the war. The data collection pod had provided the researchers with huge amounts of data, some of which astonished the researchers as well. Infact, the research institute had sent one of their men to take samples and other information from the transport wreck to study the effects of the bomb even more. extreme007 knew that wars were won by such research work and for that very purpose, he had allowed the researcher complete access to the Shireton airbase.While the researchers were surprising happy with the outcome of the first drop, the planners of the war were on an equal footing. They had found, or atleast thought they had, a gap in the defense of the Antican super battlecruisers. If they were going to be destroyed, then the planners were going to have to bring in the aid of several different types of forces in the vicinity. And 11th Air Force was going to be a part of it, extreme007 made sure. Afterall, they were the ones to have found the weakness in the enemy's defenses. And when the war came to those battlecruisers, 11th Air Force was going to come out on top.But for now, the war was in the south. News had arrived to extreme007 that the enemy now had a foothold in Acre. Parts of the Acre city were falling to the enemy and rumors had it that they were getting reinforcements constantly. If they were true rumors or false, intelligence reports or not, extreme007 knew that the fall of Acre would mean a domino effect in the region. The enemy had a great and powerful expeditionary force and two full units were in Acre. After getting Acre into their grasp, all they had to do was move to Tyre and then island jumps to Eblis, and at the end of this, they would still have troops to defend these areas. That was almost the entire Palastina territory. That was a huge loss for the gain of Jaris. That was bad and everyone in the Commonwealth realised the importance of it. The enemy was stronger and larger in Acre and an equaly stronger navy supporting it. Or atleast it was before the attack of the second Commonwealth fleet. Reports showed that the enemy had suffered several damages to their fleet, especially the Natopians. They had lost two to three surface ships, and reports said that the status of the carrier was still not known. Further, it was said that perhaps the Shirerithians were pursuing the Commonwealth fleet to extract's its revenge. With some of the ships damaged, some sunk and some leaving the area, extreme007 knew that the time to strike was NOW!The War Room at the Shireton was now back to full combat readiness. It had all the facilities and stations that were present at York. extreme007 entered the room and quickly asked for the status of his attack. Six planes were already enroute to Acre, two of which were in full anti-air weapons load out while the rest four where in full anti-ground weapons load out. The primary goal of the two aircrafts, designated Ghost, was to provide protection of the remaining planes from any enemy aircrafts in the region. Although, it was most likely that there were none, since Natopian aircrafts were flying away from the fleet to Shirerithian airports at Raynor Isles. The remaining four planes, designated Thunder and Storm of two planes each, were to bomb the enemy who were pouring in on Acre. Each of the four planes packed two CBU-59 Rockeye II cluster bombs, two MK-84 and four MK-82 general purpose dumb bombs. This amount of firepower was enough to destroy the entire Acre harbour and according to the friendly troops at Acre, the entire reinforcement team and base supplies were located in the harbour area. Removing this reinforcement and/or the supplies would render the fighting force in Acre effectiveless and would even prove to defeat them."Sir, two minutes to Acre harbour."The officer was looking at the radar screen in front of him while still speaking to extreme007. He must have been amazed at the technological marvel the Karnalians had in the Avekshak. It could provide a radar coverage farther and deeper into the enemy territory and still be able to help out the friendlies with missile guidance and targetting. The Avekshak was one of the highly guarded secrets in the Karnalian Air Force, with its information on data collection and other statistics kept hidden even from Commonwealth allies. Steps and precautions were even taken to ensure that enemies could not steal the aircraft, especially in light of the stealth heist from Jaris. The Avekshak was providing the entire radar coverage for this mission from behind the safety and it was clear that the mission was going as per plans. Ghost was flying as high as possible and between the two other groups and the Grand fleet, while the other two groups, Thunder and Storm, were flying as close to the ground as possible. This was done for three reasons. One was that flying low would allow the aircrafts to release their cluster bombs at their best effectiveness thus allowing for far more damage. The second was that it would make it harder for the enemy to see the four planes were inbound until the planes were directly overhead because the planes were as such travelling at more than the speed of sound. The third and final reason was mainly an after effect. Flying close to the ground at speeds greater than sound created sonic vibrations in the ground, which could easily break glasses and small structures. It could also weaken the walls or break weak walls, which were numerous in the harbour region after the bombarding by the ground artillery and also because of the ageing."Bold Eagle, this is Thunder leader. Target in sight. Cluster bombs selected.""Acknowledged Thunder leader. Give them a ground breaking 'Welcome to Commonwealth' greeting.""Roger that Bold Eagle. Ha ha."The pilots and ground crew at Shireton were aware of the mission's bombing target. They had somehow managed time to write words and other writings on the bombs that were going to be dropped. Writings like "Welcome to Commonwealth", "Have an earth-shattering experience", "Commonwealth Christmas Gift", "Commonwealth Mangoes" were some of the ones clearly visible on the cluster bombs and other general purpose bombs. The crew had a fun time coming up with these names and their pilots were going to deliever their message in another few seconds."We are ten seconds away from bomb release.""Five""Four""Three""Two""One"Summary: A strike on Acre harbour, six planes. Bold eagle is providing radar coverage.Two planes, Ghost, are flying air defense. they are flying as high as possible.Four planes, Thunder and Storm, are flying ground attack. Their load out is 2 cluster bombs, 2 MK-84 1000lb bombs and 4 MK-82 500lb? bomb each.. they are flying too low for three reasons: effective kill height for cluster bomb release, less time and warning for the ground troops (almost like the planes are overhead before they can even hear the planes!) and finally, the supersonic speed should create vibrations in the ground that should further damage (although not as much) the harbour..the cluster bombs have just been released...... Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Sebastien Alexandre »

OOC:IF we want to play it htat way.. someone in SH recruit a unit of 25 fighteres and place them under my control..

Kaiser Los III
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Re: Break Down The Wall

Post by Kaiser Los III »

Admiral Alasur spotted the planes on radar as Nik was discussing the ground battle with Eoin."Only six," he thought to himself. "Maybe, just maybe, this time we can do something about it."Summary: Suggest Nate launch his ten planes to drive extreme off.

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by extreme007 »

OOC: i thought that nate's planes were already enroute to raynor isles??? i think i mentioned that... i am assuming that this incident (the arrival of greg in acre, and my bombing raid) is taking place hours/day after rakesh fired his cruise missiles! Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

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Re: Meeting of the Minds

Post by Zirandorthel »

Furlong Boulevard, AcreWhen the last pieces of shrapnel from the enemy rocket-truck had hit the paving stones, Tamm Mac Fheardaigh unclipped his safety harness, and looked to his gunnery officer, whose name was Sheosamh. “Well, the marines are all busy, so we’ll have to see if we can get this baby mobile ourselves. Get out there and see what the damage is. You too,” he said, tapping the navigator on the shoulder. With considerably less grumbling, the young Volsaarn followed his Treesian counterpart out the hatch. Tamm sent out another distress call, using a wider frequency this time. Yet more apologies from marine units under heavy fire. While on that frequency he heard the arrival of Russell Company. “Good, maybe they’ll free up some Raxidal to come help us,” he said to himself. Outside, he could hear Sheosamh cursing. “Major, we might be able to get the axle fixed, but there’s no way the tread’s going to get repaired with that toolbox in there.” “Well feck it anyway…” murmured Mac Fheardaigh, kicking the steel inside of the Lawal tank. “Might as well bring out the tool box anyway, Major,” said the young Volsaarn whose name constantly escaped Tamm’s memory. “Sure thing,” the Treesian Major said, and moving out of his seated position into a crouch, reached for the steel container for the usual heavy duty tools needed to repair a tank in the field.Through the hatch, Tamm heard a phooom noise, which his battle-trained ear recognised as the sound of a bazooka being fired. “Oh no,” he breathed. He had only a moment to brace himself against the ceiling of the cramped tank compartment before the impact came. With a shriek of ripping shrapnel and protesting steel, the tank was thrown into the air, tipping over into a nearby building. Tamm slammed painfully into his command chair, and he heard the crack of ribs. Shielding his head, he managed to protect that with only a few potential bruises. Broken pieces of masonry fell in through the hatch, and Tamm was soon covered in plaster dust. Checking that he had not broken anything, he levered himself out through the hatch carefully. He could smell the smoke. Part of the tank was on fire.He found that because of the way the tank had fallen, the hatch now opened into a building, with the rest of his Lawal lying outside. A wall had been broken down as the tank was thrown through it by the impact of the rocket. Standing up carefully, he could see that the bottom section of the tank had been torn off, indeed he could easily have climbed out of any number of large gaping holes in its side. That would be dangerous though. A merry fire was burning somewhere, Tamm could smell it and hear it crackling. A thought came to him. Running like a madman, he hid behind an overturned shelf. Another explosion rocked the tank and sprayed pieces of metal over the inside of the building. Fuel tank caught alight…Moving cautiously out of the building into the open air, Tamm saw with sorrow the splayed bodies of his comrades, Sheosamh and the young Volsaarn. Young men cut down by an explosion. Their bodies were burned and pierced in places by shrapnel. Such a shame that they die and an old traitor like he survive, he mused. He looked around at the boulevard. In the distance he could hear gun fire. Or thought he did. His hearing had been all but destroyed by the blast. Across the street was a post office. Treesians had an innate fear of post offices, it was the cramped feel of them, the feeling that a post office was not a safe place to be. A national phobia. Psychologists had tried to diagnose it and failed. Most Treesians spoke with postmen only as a last resort and then made the axe sign of the Battleking to ward off evil afterwards. The only ones who could be employed by the post office were foreigners or pariahs.Making the sign to ward off evil just in case, Tamm decided to go back and see what had survived the two explosions. The tank didn’t seem about to throw shrapnel around any time soon, so he thought it would be safe. Just before he could, though, a swarm of what were plainly civilians given far too much weaponry came out of the front door of the post office. “Feck,” Mac Fheardaigh said. Their officer, a man whose face was partially hidden by an odd sun-hat, stepped to the fore and pointed a gun at Tamm. Then, in a voice Tamm knew all too well, said, “Step away from the tank, or I very much doubt I can restrain these gobshites from cutting you up right where you stand.” Tamm turned away from the smoking remains of his Lawal, so that the man could see his face. “Connla McCulann, as I live and breathe. What is the man who once said that all Babkhans were ‘motherless vampires who wouldn’t buy their own mothers a drink’ doing in charge of a fedayeen unit in some backarse province of the Neo-Babkhan Empire, as our dear Kaiser’s calling it?”Acre DockSwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmThe first Nirim knew of the bombers’ passing, they were swooping overhead, dropping their payloads onto his troops and the surrounding docks and buildings. The next he was near deafened by the supersonic noise of their flight.“Casualties?” he roared into the microphone of the radio centre. There was no need to ask from what. “Squadrons 13, 15 and 17 gone, sir. Medical units dispatched to the docks.” Nirim wrestled with his inner feelings. The medics were needed in the town, where a hostile population was just beginning to see what they could do with a lot of guns and a bit of hatred. “See if the wounded can be transported to the field hospital on Breccia Street. We don’t have many medics to spare.” “Affirmative General.” This arranged, Nirim ran out of his headquarters a block away from the docks, in order to see what damage had been done.The newly-arrived Russell Company had taken the aerial bombardment hard, but the most casualties from it were still on the Hyperborean marines. Those bodies not already consumed by the blast and fire lay tattered all around. He would have to assign a detail to wrapping up the bodies and bringing them back to one of the transports. The wounded lay all around. Too early for the screams to begin in earnest, though those who had woken up to the extreme pain were already crying out.Through the smoke and his bleary eyes, he could see a tall statuesque woman approaching him. “General Nirim?” she shouted, saluting. “Commander Russell, I presume,” Nirim roared back, returning her salute, and then continuing, “the situation is 50/50, Commander. What I need is for your troops to advance into the centre of the fighting, where it is thickest. Knock down whatever buildings you require to get your tanks through, just try to assure they’re empty first. Any medical units you have to spare would be appreciated in cleaning up this damn mess. If you come back to my headquarters I can show you where we’ve set up a field hospital. Any other questions you have can be answered there. Follow me.”He set off, trying to ignore the increasing cries of the wounded. The medics would find them soon. All their general could do was ensure that there were no more poor bastards like them than were strictly necessary.Summary:Extreme’s bombardment of the docks has killed around 250 marines and wounded another 300. Russell Company has been requested to move into the centre of Acre and free up Raxidal troops there. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Push The Limit

Post by extreme007 »

"Bombing raid over, Bold Eagle. We are returning to base.""Acknowledged.""Officer, ask Thunder how was their defense," extreme007 wanted to make sure that the enemy did not possess much threat to his pilots, "also ask Ghost the same thing."The officer quickly asked the lead pilots of the two groups the questions and waited for their reply."Sir, Ghost says it was a boring mission and Thunder says they got small arms fire on their last run. Nothing serious."extreme007 closed his eyes and visioned the skies above the Acre harbor as his aircrafts made their attack. He ran a couple of simulations in his mind wondering the sort of damage his planes did on the enemy and what possible defense the enemy was taking to avoid another of such attack."Officer, ask Bold Eagle if any of the ships are moving in near to Acre to provide an air defense.""Yes sir," was the quick reply and then came the answer to extreme007's question, "Bold Eagle says no movements of ships towards Acre.""Good. Get me York now.""Ahmad Arash here sir.""Ahmad, I want you to send six planes to Acre. Two air defense aircrafts and four ground attack. Fill all four with general purpose bombs and order them to bomb Acre harbor. Send them NOW!""Yes sir. But, that will leave me with only four planes.""Four? You should still have six.""Yes, but two of them are in the air as a look out for those Shirerithian fighters.""Ah yes. Well, don't worry. If the Shirerithians attack, inform immediately. You should have almost a half hour worth's of advance warning. That will be enough to send all my planes to help you out.""Yes sir. The strike package will take off in ten minutes sir.""Good. Shireton out.""Shireton, this is Bold Eagle, Thunder and Storm are approaching Acre. ETA two minutes. Bear has crossed the wilderness and is approaching Miska. ETA one minute."extreme007 sighed and waited for the outcome of the next mission. York had sent six planes to Acre. They were designated in the same manner as the previous strike package, with Thunder and Storm doing the bombing and Ghost providing the air defense. This time however, the bomber planes were flying higher than the previous run. They wanted to drop the bombs on specific targets, like the transport ships, signs of a field headquarters and any major concentration of military equipment or personnel. The four planes, totaling forty general purpose dumb bombs, were ordered to return to base with all of their bombs dropped. This order, from Ahmad and not extreme007, was going to stand even if the enemy had brought in a ship to provide air cover. However, should the enemy bring in their ships, there would be advance warning provided by the Bold Eagle. And once this happened, the planes were going to fly at their ceiling limit and continue bombing. The air defense ship was going to be considered just as prized target as any of the other targets they could find. But the bombing of Acre was going to go to the last bomb.extreme007 had other plans of knocking the enemy out cold. He had sent up two more planes, designated Bear, to attack the enemy. Bear's mission was two fold. First, they were ordered to fly to Miska, taking the long route through the wilderness, and observing any sort of reinforcement arriving at Miska. They were ordered to bomb any such reinforcement that was inside the Commonwealth territory or inform the headquarters of any reinforcement that was outside of the Commonwealth territory. Packed with four anti-aircraft missiles, four general purpose bombs and two anti-ship missiles, the planes were on their own till they landed at their new home at Chaddington airbase. The second part of their mission was even more hands-on job and was to be performed if no enemy reinforcement was seen near Miska. For this part of the mission, they were to fly directly to Acre harbor and participate in the bombing mission, wherein they would drop the second test bomb. One of the planes carried the incendiary device, while the other carried the data collection pod. The previous strike package was going to relay the information to Bear of the location of the largest cluster of enemy military equipment, like tanks, supply vechiles, etc.. Bear would then highlight the target with the laser and drop the incendiary device. extreme007 had made sure twice with the weather station and the already returning strike package about the cloud condition above Acre harbor, and they both had said that it was a clear bright sky. This would allow the Bear formation to target the enemy from their aircraft's ceiling limit and also keep them out of any danger. The enemy was going to be greated again with a warm welcome. Too Warm.Summary: the first strike package has returned to Shireton. the second is two minutes from Acre. it has the same style as the previous one. same names, same roles. only thing different is that there are no cluster bombs, only general purpose bombs.. their target are clusters of military equipment, personnel, any sign of a field headquarters and the transport ships.. four bombers, with 10 bombs = 40 bombs are going to be dropped.... if any ship is found enroute to defend, the planes would take to their limits of ceiling... and continue bombing...another 2 planes are attacking... they are flying from Shireton to the wilderness to Miska.. they will bomb any enemy reinforcement arriving to Miska.. they will then fly to Acre, where they will drop the second test bomb on the largest cluster of military equipment, like tanks, supply vechiles etc.. that the above four planes missed.. after that, the planes will fly to Chaddington, their new home. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

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Re: Push The Limit

Post by Zirandorthel »

OOC: Extreme, you're "pushing the limit" of our fecking patience. That's two posts in one day, for one thing. I don't care how many stars you have, although you obviously do. "Giving your enemy a chance to respond" does not mean letting one enemy who has no control over any ships respond and then saying "Well, no ships are moving. Boom boom". Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Re: Push The Limit

Post by extreme007 »

OOC:er..... i posted because you posted...and secondly, i just said that should ships move in, i am going to fly up.... thus, allowing for people with ships to move in at their free will... and i dont believe i have started bombing ... i think there was still some time left before the bombing started.... Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)Edited by: extreme007  at: 8/23/05 11:38

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Push The Limit

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

The GPO, Furlong Boulevard, Acre:“Well Mac Fheardaigh, aren’t you grateful I saved your life? I said I wouldn’t let the ragheads upstairs cut you up if you came quietly and you did, so I was good to my word.”A battered, bruised and severely lacerated Tamm, who was wondering whether every post office in the Babkhan Empire had a torture chamber in its basement or whether they designed every subterranean space with a view to converting it to a place of torment when necessity dictated, motioned as if to make a reply but instead first coughed up a spray of blood and mucus onto the cold concrete floor. “Are you sure you ‘were true to your word’… you fecking wannabe camel-humping gobshite?” He spluttered, baring his teeth at Connla McCulann, the Treesian who had found himself in command of a company of pioneers, a mob of fedayeen, and a horde of enraged civilians armed with whatever came to hand, who was now his captor.“Now my dear chap, I said I wouldn’t let the mob indulge in its natural proclivity for cutting up infidels on the spot and displaying their gangly parts in prominent public places. I never said I’d call the lads off from giving you a well deserved kicking.”“Who said it was well deserved? I was just doing my job.”“Levelling these peoples homes? Oh yes you are doing an excellent job mate.”SwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmAt that moment more Ashavan fighter-bombers swept low over Acre, their destination most likely being the harbour. As the sonic boom echoed all around in the fighters wake the vibrations shook the walls and ceiling of the post office and dislodged more dust and plaster sending great lumps dropping from the ceiling onto the floor. To Connla’s great disgust a lump of plaster had fallen into his latest cup of coffee, and this was real coffee as well. Taken from the ration pack of a Hyperborean Marine who had been shot in the head and then disembowelled by one of the rampaging crowds that had taken to the streets against the invasion. A cacophony of anti-aircraft and small arms fire erupted from the Shirerithian positions in the city. Connla smiled, the 11th Air Force was hardly going to pay scant attention to the enemies’ attempts to shoot them down. Crazy ruthless bastards, like all Babkhans, but efficient, probably down to that Karnalian chap who was leading them these days. What was his name? The one with the ridiculous nom de guerre, ‘Extreme’ something-something…“By the sound of things, I’d say your chaps weren’t doing such a bad job flattening the place either.”“If you are going to backchat I can always have you taken next door.” Connla said cheerfully. ‘Next door’ it happened was the photocopying room which the fedayeen and pioneers had turned into a make shift abattoir for dispatching prisoners after their interrogation was finished and all useful knowledge extracted. Tamm would see the occasional Shirerithian be led in there by fedayeen with sharpened knives. Behind the closed door one would then hear the cries of several voices rhythmically chanting ‘Babkha Zindabad’ over and over until it reached a crescendo when a piercing scream would be heard. That was the moment that the head was sawn clean from the body at the neck.”Connla saw Tamm starring nervously at the door to the photocopier room where a pool of crimson red blood had spilled out from underneath. “You know what our Babkhan friends do with the heads?” Tamm made no effort to reply. “They take them and throw them back to the unit from which the prisoner was taken. And it’s not just the guys here who do it. All the companies have been instructed to do the same. Orders, from above” Connla, pointed skywards, “even they say from that mad old Shah himself. Psychological warfare, it instils terror you see. If you are not sniped, blown up by an RPG, demolished inside a booby trapped house, or machine gunned as you turn the street corner, you run the further risk of being suddenly pulled into a dark ally way and having your head sawn off by some deranged fanatic. And it could happen to you or any one of your colleagues… and to have your friend’s head then thrown back at you. God those marines will be scarred for life, if they make it out of Acre alive. You got to admit, even by the standards of the ragheads it’s a pretty fecked up strategy, but there is no denying its efficiency.”“Whatever happened to the rules of war?”“Not my responsibility.”“You are their commanding officer you bastard.”“Oh come off it Tamm. Who do you think you are dealing with? I don’t like it anymore than you do. If I objected to what they were doing, they would just call me a traitor and hack my head off as well.”“Then why stay with them?”“For the money obviously.”“What money? They don’t pay you shit.”“What money Tamm? Why you of course. In case you didn’t notice when you so rudely barged into this city, there are wanted posters for you all over the place. You’ve become a media sensation, ‘Tamm Mac Fheardaigh’ the Treesian Shirerithian. You know they’ve arrested your mother, right? I was listening to the news on the radio just now. The teargas was probably excessive, but I hear the Gardaí have been training with SAVAK, so I expect they’ve toughened up a little. Not so keen on the pleasantries, more up on the old fashioned police brutality.”“You’re a black and tan so yer are.”“Better I must say than being a blackleg. A traitor.”“Ha! It’s not me who is working for the bastards who are reducing us to slavery as surely as they did the Mondesians!”“Don’t be so naïve. Treesia has no choice but to stand with one of the great powers. Whether Osman, Rakesh or Los, they all want to rule the world. The thing is, the Neo-Babkhans are far away, and their authority would be weak. The Shirerithians, just across the straits, they would be the greater risk. Our culture would be drowned.”Summary:Babkhan defenders of Acre have stirred up the civilian population and are committing atrocities to demoralise the invaders.I'll finish this tomorrow sometime.

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Re: Push The Limit

Post by Zirandorthel »

Shirerithian HQ, Acre“Now, Commander, observe this map. It’s a bit sketchy, we haven’t had time to take a proper survey,” Av Nirim said as he pointed to a chart of the old town on the wall. The perpetual scattered gunfire outside provided his excuse for lacking in that respect. “My marines are committed here, here and here,” he pointed to three spots in the north, west and southeast of the city, “with tank divisions between them and also here.” The last division was stationed in the east, and his finger landed on Furlong Boulevard exactly. “We’re facing moderate to heavy casualties in most areas, where squads of ‘pioneers’ have already taken to insurgency. Our main concern, however, is the force stationed outside of the city. I want you to move in and take the positions my marines are occupying so we can move out of the city and deal with that imminent threat.” Commander Russell nodded her lovely head, then pointed to an area along the northern perimeter of the city, the Northern Gate. “Is that the only way out?” Nirim nodded. “The closest to the Babkhan regiment, yes.” “They can see the gate from their position?” “Our scouts have indicated so, yes.” “So heading out that way, except at night, would guarantee observation. That’s suicide.” “Seems so. Which is why we’ve got another strategy.” “I hope so.”The radio in the corner crackled. Pomol, a young man from Taras, picked up the receiver. “General Nirim’s HQ receiving, request identity.” A deep voice on the other end spoke, “Inform General Nirim that the Isa III and Gaelen I have moved into the harbour to provide cover from future aerial bombardment. Apologies and sympathies for not being more vigilant in the past.” Nirim walked to radio and picked up the microphone, “Information received, Captain, and condolences appreciated. Nirim out.” Replacing the microphone, he stepped back over to the map. “Alright, so Russell Company can pick up where my marines have gotten to, and perhaps occupy those sectors of the city which remain fully in enemy hands.” He tapped the northwest corner and sketched a circle round the eastern half with his finger. “Any troops you have to spare can help us in our effort to tackle that force outside the walls. Particularly any tanks you have to spare.” “What have you in mind?” “A little demolition, that’s all.”The radio crackled again. It was the same Shirerithian naval officer. “GC planes sighted over Acre. They climbed high as soon as they saw us, but they’re still dropping! They’re just barely within AA-gun range. We’ll try our best, but you might be getting a little lead rain down there.” Nirim shook his head, “By Yaanek how I hate war.” He pointed at his radio officer. “Issue a warning to take cover if they aren’t doing so already. Use the Russell Company frequency too.” Running a hand through his hair, he looked to Commander Russell. “Commander, do you have any anti-aircraft capability in your unit? All we have is bazookas, and they’re not much good if the cowards are going to hang around up their like a child’s mobile and all we can do is reach for them…” The commander from Amity was a little put-off by this odd Hyperborean idiom, but she took his request on board. Outside, Nirim could hear the first bombs hitting ground. Some not so far away. As the plaster dropped in showers from the ceiling, he groaned inwardly. Summary: Russell Company has been requested to take marine positions while the Raxidal prepare for an assault on the troops outside the city. The Isa III and Gaelen I have moved into the harbour (with Scott’s permission), and are firing upon the attacking bombers. Troops have been instructed to take cover as much as possible. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Re: Push The Limit

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(ooc: continue to use my unit, Zir, I dont know if I'll have any free time untill friday night...) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Fax Celestis
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Re: Push The Limit

Post by Fax Celestis »

"Alright, men, for king and country!" Fax Celestis yelled to his men as they dashed out onto the tarmac. "Come on, you maggots! Into the planes! A war's on, you know!" His men, hearing the sarcasm in his voice, laughed and jumped into their own planes.And with that, he dove into his own Einhander, the Stella Crinitia, and lifted off, twenty-four of his nation's finest pilots close behind him.Each and every pilot flew with a smile on his face, for they were the best and they knew it. Only they had been given access to Shireroth's elite wing of Einhanders, only they had been trained for what they were about to do. And they were proud, they were ready, they were strong. Fax Celestis trusted in his men, and they trusted in him.Under orders, they left from Mirioth, heading east, to join with Letifer's unit. Blindness Is A Blessing


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