Transportation of Lothlaria

Lord Raglan
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Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Lord Raglan »

Okay, a barony is building a highway, but I feel that Lothlaria, the perfect ecosystem of the kiwi, needs a more eco-freak... eco-friendly mass transit system other than the car.So, my proposal...Lothlaria will build a magnetic levitation high speed train through our duchy. It will connect our capital of Semper Mors in the Barony of Loralia, to the main cities of our other baronies, Primeus of the Barony of Auxere, Nynchara of the Barony of Lycurgia, and Bonapartii of the Barony of Napoleona.The main hub will be Semper Mors with Primeus, Nynchara, and Bonapartii being spoke cities.This is only a proposal, but the new service will be run by the Lothlarian Transit Agency, a public corporation owned by the Duchy of Lothlaria. I predict it could be in service as early as, well, early July.The environmental effects of this low air pollution, low water pollution, low noise pollution alternative to the car and a highway will be minimal. The only forseeable problem would be how to combine the lines with the good nature's bounty of Lothlaria! Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Doesn't this require alot of electric power..... Which is polluting to make? Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of Shireroth

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

Actually, if you make a huge bar-type magnet, and hollow out the middle, you could run a car through it... the problem would be switching the polarity of the magnet in the car. Even before the magnet is replaced, it would have an extreme force towards the opposite pole. You would have to have a huge lock and insulators on the outside (though it would be an easy way to get tips...). You would need a really good lock to hold the car in place while people are loading. It would cost billions, but it might turn out to be worth it if the transportation got a lot of use. In my opinion, it would be better in the long run to just use a whole lot of solar power plants and have a light-rail system. (Also, it would be pretty harmful to the environment to manufacture huge magnets.) Heil Apostrophe! "Some are destined for greatness, but others decide for themsleves."-Destiny, Angel of Light

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Perhaps... but if you only have to make the magnets once.. Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

yes, but... a) the magnets have to be huge to both enclose a whole train car and span many miles, b) there's still the problem of magnets depolarizing after extended exposure to magnetic fields, and also use, c) you still have to figure out a way to switch polarization on the cars, and d) umm, can you say 'momentum', or 'inertia'? these cars will gather so much speed that decelerating them at the ends of the poles would be nearly impossible, risk people losing their lunch or being flattened into a smidge (1/16", I believe) and you would then have to push the cars back between the poles otherwise they would be repelled out of the tunnel, and hurl into oblivion. Heil Apostrophe! "Some are destined for greatness, but others decide for themsleves."-Destiny, Angel of Light

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

iow: lots of work, lots of calculations, lots of material... anyone have a doctorite in physics?

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Maybe we could use it for a weapon? Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Mercurivs »

Why not try a PRT system instead? All the benefits of the above, only a lot cheaper and easier on your resources. And kinder to your environment too.Failing that there's always bicycles.

Lord Raglan
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Lord Raglan »

PRT system? What is that?As to electricity, we don't have a fusion power plant around here? Well, umm... I think a combination of solar panels and wind power plants will work for us. also, some hydroelectric plants will be a help, but those hydroelectrics do quite a number to the environment.... Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Mercurivs »

PRT = Personal Rapid Transit.Try looking here for the concept: here for a smaller-scale maglev system: about wave power through say, turbines, ducks, etc?

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Duck power? *sees somes ducks waddle away*.. That might work...I think JASO was working on Fussion long ago.... but never got it to work....We could also do Microwave... put giant solor panels in space.. and beam the energy to big dishes.... Like in SimCity 2000.... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Lord Raglan
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Lord Raglan »

Okay, PRT it is!I would make the adjustment of having 5-person vehicles instead of 3... That is just too few people. 5 will be much much better...As to energy, microwave technology will be excellent, we will have to put in a power plant at Bonpartii... and maybe another in Semper Mors Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

I oughta have a few built elsewhere.. 1 in brookshire, kildare and jaris... the main continental groups... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Lord Raglan
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Lord Raglan »

Lothlaria will gladly volunteer its services and people to do such projects... Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Excellent *plots* Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by ErosDarkstar »

If it weren't for the fog, I'd lobby to put one in Kitanus Fields... but what about the larger areas of the Duchy of Kildare? It's already polluted from all the war-mongering Fax does... a few more plants wouldn't hurt it much...Also, on a somewhat related note, what if one were to do the magnet idea (without the people), and find some way to convert the energy lost in the collision at the end into stable electric energy?Finally, the magnet-as-a-weapon idea is called a railgun, and it's a very good idea Eros DarkstarGovernor of Aerovenus(Republic of Delvenus)Thane of Kitanus Fields(Imperial Republic of Shireroth)SAVE THE KIWI!!!

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

yayy for solenoids!

Lord Raglan
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Lord Raglan »

I do believe the rail gun is kinda like a sawed-off mag lev...As for use militarily, let's just say I would want to be against one of those. But are we using magnetic projectiles or using any type of projectile with a shuttle behind it?When you think about it, the rail gun could be used for fast quick, but rough cargo transportation... You would have to aim it off the coast and have ships go after the "cargo" which hopefully will float...As to plants, the microwave plant is mostly pollution free, because all it is doing is receiving the energy... The microwave plant is an energy transport station in a way. The energy isn't created there... That is why I would be happy to have one or two inside Lothlaria. Of course, being a SimCity 2000 veteran, I will have to have fire stations all around the microwave stations, just in case... Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

I hated it when it missed.... but we could develope a system to check alignment.... we send down a weak beam that would hit the dish than bounce back up.. like PINGing a computer to check the connection... than we do it 2 more times to see if there is any variations in alignment.. than fire if all is ok..Rail guns are great for weapons.. especially fired from space.... nice big mass of molten iron would be left after it came through the atomospher.... you could sink ships quite nicely.. or hit bridges or powerplants.. Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by ErosDarkstar »

But could you hit with prescision? I'd be against anything that wouldn't hit the intended target at least 95% of the time, and to be honest, a big freaking lump of molton iron fired from space sounds like something not-so-prescision... Eros DarkstarGovernor of Aerovenus(Republic of Delvenus)Thane of Kitanus Fields(Imperial Republic of Shireroth)SAVE THE KIWI!!!

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Yeah.. well..... That would require some testing.. now wouldn't it? Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Lord Raglan
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Lord Raglan »

Well, you will have to take into consideration: speed of the object, air resistance, wind speed on earth, and just plain luck... I bet with a few tries, it wouldn't take long to calibrate it... Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Transportation of Lothlaria

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

A sophisticated program could proly take much of that into consideration.... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!


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