Contest of the Arts

Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:10 pm

Contest of the Arts

Post by mDuo13 »

mDuo13, a human of medium height, build, and general appearance, possessing a thin, enigmatic visage and a long stride, walks through the countryside, and, seeing no reason not to, sets down his travelling pack and withdraws from it a carpet, several stakes, and a broad, light, cotton cloth. He spreads out the carpet, places upon it the stakes, the pack, and the cloth, still folded, and goes looking about for some kind of pole to hold up the center of the stall.Having found a pair of similarly sized fallen branches nearby, mDuo13 drags them over to his carpet, where he sits down, draws a knife out of his bag, and carefully begins wistfully stripping them, so that after a period of a few hours, he sits with two wooden posts, each of about 6 feet in height. He carefully unfolds the cloth, and places it upon the two posts, which he lays on the ground in a diverging position. From there, he plants two stakes through one end of the cloth and firmly into the ground, and then lifts the two wooden beams so that they rest, caught on the cloth, in a position which holds the cloth overhead; and so the overall structure is that of a seemingly precarious but relatively simple shelter from the sunlight overhead.Satisfied with his temporary abode, mDuo13 withdraws another piece of cloth from his bag, and proceeds to cut a strip from it. Reaching again into the pack, he draws a pair of small bottles of paint, and carefully crafts a banner, which reads as follows:To Be Held Here, a Grande Contest of the Arts of Painting, under the Judgemanship of one mDuo13, with all Entries having been submitted by the day which is no less than one Week from this very day, and having been received withal by the aforementioned mDuo13 within the same Period.mDuo13 finishes the careful strokes of the sign, and, taking one more look at it with a craftsman's eye, applies a few careful administrations which improve its appearance, then hangs it from the ceiling of his tent-like abode. Nodding at it, with an air of gratification at its completion, mDuo13 makes one step further into his tent and picks from his bag a book, blank on front cover, spine, and inverse, begins to read as he waits for submissions.((Okay, OOC rules are as follows:1) The submissions are to be images, in a format of .gif, .jpg, or .png. They should NOT be animated.2) Submissions should be linked to in this thread. Smaller ones may be posted directly, but it is suggested that for medium- to large-sized images, they be posted as a link to either the image or an HTML page which displays the image (preferably without any extraneous content beyond that which is necessary, i.e. ads)3) The artwork must be yours and completely yours. This means that you cannot make a collage of others' images, or use a background scanned from a calendar, for example.4) Scans of your own handmade artwork is acceptable; scans of others' artwork is not. As for digital photographs, they may not be of others' artwork, but such things as still lifes, people/animals, landscapes are acceptable IF AND ONLY IF you are the one who took the photo.5) Any program is acceptable; you may use more than one if you wish, for example creating a 3d image in Strata Studio Pro and exporting it to Photoshop where you apply some filters, etc. Users are encouraged to use MS Paint and similar simple programs to create art; such art is appreciated in its own way because of the skill it takes to create such works in an inferior environment.6) Subject matter may be anything, but it is required that it be within the G to PG-13 range -- please, no overly gruesome or sexually explicit images.7) Submissions are to be received within 1 Shirithian week, that is, two weeks real life, from today, 10-20-03. The deadline will be about 10:00pm on that day (whatever the date is). If you are having hosting problems, e-mail ( mduo13 __at__ ) or IM me and I'll deal with them.8) The prize will be a sig or avatar tailored to the winner's preference, within reason, and hosted for free with unlimited bandwidth on my server. This can include dynamic sigs like my randomizer or a NowPlaying script, or an animated sig/avatar. I can do image editing, or search out PHP scripts, if you're looking for something like that.9) This contest is not limited to Kildare; all Shireroth citizens and denizens are welcome to participate. However, we encourage those who liked the contest to come back and visit Kildare a little more often. ;) That's it. Have fun!)) Edited by: mDuo13 at: 10/26/03 12:48 pm

Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:10 pm

Re: Contest of the Arts

Post by mDuo13 »

mDuo13 sits around, in his makeshift shack, and waits for someone to enter his contest. Having neither seen nor heard from anyone interested in entering, he withdraws from his pack a small canvas, on which he makes a simple painting in a dark style for Halloween..."Humm.... Well, if nobody else enters, I suppose I will be forced to declare myself the winner... but I wouldn't want to have to do that..."(( Come on... does NOBODY have the guts to enter? All you have to do is beat that pic and you've got the prize... I mean, it would be EASY! Please? Somebody? Anybody? ))

Chimaera the Wise
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Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2002 8:26 pm

Re: Contest of the Arts

Post by Chimaera the Wise »

I shall submit the Flag of Schlangen as my entry.It was originally done large enough to fill a page, but I do not remember the address, and even if I did, I believe it was on Angelfire or Geocities... one of those evil no-remote-image-hosting I shall submit the tiny one, as it is the only record I currently have.

Yankee Wolf
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Re: Contest of the Arts

Post by Yankee Wolf »

Although I am no longer a citizen here, I submit the following three photographs i've taken around where I live. ... mn.gif-The road I live on. A simple piece titled "Autumn" taken in early October of 1997 during the height of the fall foliage season. ... uck1.gif-A old truck I discovered deep in the forests and actually rebuilt part of for this photograph. I just love classic trucks, and it's too bad I could'nt tow it home. ... ash3.jpg-A photograph of the Marble Palace ruins' doric columns at the Ashintully estate.They're GeoCities links, so cut & paste the URL's into your browser.

Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:10 pm

Re: Contest of the Arts

Post by mDuo13 »

Quote:-The road I live on. A simple piece titled "Autumn" taken in early October of 1997 during the height of the fall foliage season.Wow. That is awesome. You make me want to live where you live!

Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:10 pm

Re: Contest of the Arts

Post by mDuo13 »

Alright. I apologize for my absence this last week, so that the contest is nearly a full week overdue for closure, but I was preoccupied with other things. Anyway, time has come to pick a winner, and that winner is Yankee Wolf for his autumn.gif picture.Now, Wolf... do you have anything in mind for a "prize"?


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