Archive 1: Schlangen

Kaiseress Jadie
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Re: Ducal Decree #

Post by Kaiseress Jadie »

*sniffles*dag nab it..I wasn't expecting that....I was hoping to find someone for that barony too.......but if that is your wish ...then I will respect that. *shrugs* Makes my job a little easier....the barony shall be remember well. Harvey's Elf-cat Kaiseress

Gryphon the Pure
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Archive 1: Schlangen

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

This Decree is hereby revoked, and is to be archived in accordance with the Kildari Recycling system. This is because this Decree conflicts with Article III, Section I of the Statutes of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.Quote: I. Multiple Titles of Nobility.1 No Shirithian shall rule over more than one subdivision with a single exception. In the event that a subdivision is without a ruling Noble, the ruling Noble of the subdivision above it shall take rule over the vacant subdivision. The citizens of the subdivision shall have one Shirithian week to decide upon a new ruling Noble, after which time, the subdivision goes under the direct control of the Kaiser until a new Noble is appointed.However, instead of putting the Barony under direct control of the Kaiser, I shall instead dissolve it. The Barony is to be preserved in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of the Interior.Well, it seems that this decree is the first of the Duke of Kildare for its lands. So here we go.I, Gryphon the Pure, as Duke of Kildare, hereby declare the Barony of Schlangen an historical Barony, to be preserved in the memory of the late Baroness Sabriel. That the lineage of the throne of Schlangen be that of her right, and also preserved to mine own. That in the case of neither lineage being present and qualified to hold the throne, that instead a Protectorate be appointed. This Protectorate shall hold no more than one vote in the Landsraad, and shall not hold moderatorship over the Barony forum. The name, flag, and land of the Barony shall not be changed by order of any but the Baron. In all other respects, the Protectorate manages and represents the Barony of Schlangen.Thus is my will.edit: clarification I Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 10/31/03 5:07 pm

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Re: Ducal Decree #

Post by UEC »

It is indeed the first dukal decree.. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.


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