Onward shining soldiers of the Godhead!

Moderator: Scott of Hyperborea

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Philip Locke
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Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2002 6:36 pm

Onward shining soldiers of the Godhead!

Post by Philip Locke »

TAKE 3 - ALL That being said, I proclaim the answer to be thus:A radical social war waged by starving artists and furious dancers and raving poets and slumped over dope fiends and 93rd Street boozers who wear overcoats and smoke two packs a day but make some money and militant musicians who lay entire congresses to waste with screeching guitar solos and whitey suburban anarchists and zombies but real ones and abortion performing RUwhatever toting womyn of Women’s International Terrible Heathen-istic Thing amd office drones who spit in the Boss and the cynics who giggle at the Yippies and the kids who are YIPs to the end and queers who frolic in the dark and emigrants and Step Sons Step Daughters of the Revolution and Q: Are We Not Men A: We Are Devo! And carnies who haven’t got much anything better to do and futureless oblivious burnouts and graying agitators who worshiped Abbie Hoffman by canonizing Steal This Book and convenient store clerks and [un?]wise magicians and grammar Nazis so that constitutions don’t blow and little messiahs and sun soaked centergirls’ wire thin man mistresses and faux philosophers and real ones but not as many and contemptuous student intellectuals and shot gun lovin’ Southern libertarians who chew straw and disenchanted priests or popes and ugly Native American shamans pushing a millennium and young fascists young lesbians young communists and green politicians who will loose their hair before counterrevolutionary tribunals then lose their scalps to counterrevolutionary firing squads but first play johnny hancock and the ghost of cummings or prhps byron (ah-hah!) and his choice angels and discjockeys who spin for underground stations and pure or impure prostitutes makeup and all and enthused campus rings and dedicated hedonists plus pious gurus and kinda old swamis and long haired botanists who grow it all and fanatic Kierkegaard sp plus Nietzscheans plus Marxists and well armed power to the people types and “trying to be where you are”A glow, a shimmer, a dusk, oh my!END GAME WORSHIP YOUR LOVERS AND SEATBELTS

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