
Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Then, sadly, I must declare you heretic and bring to might the full power of the Order of Erutirn and the Florenet military might, we shall not rest until we have our revenge and Lac Glacei and all Chickenist forces lay dead in the streets... and are converted into fertilzer for the Kiwi Plant farms that shall soon occupy your soon-to-be-former home. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

*is confused*Um...okay?? Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

~um, ok --- what's going on in this fight - I've been gone to a chicken dinner - wings and all!

Erik Mortis
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Erik Mortis »

this makes noooo sense... cool. Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of AlexandrettaHeir to the Line of Metzler/Mortis/RaynorBig Cheese of Rrakanychan Inc.Shirerithian ElderGeneral in the YAC

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Did you expect it to make sense?? I sure didn't..I mean c'mon....this whole argument is based on Equity with Chickens....it isn't supposed to make sense. Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

~begins putting on my armour - the one with the chicken crest ~

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Ooo..is a war going to be started because of this? That would be interesting Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

Austi, your armour and food chioces suggest you are now a faithful chicken supporter...is that the case?Jadie, the infidel may ask you to start a vote in the landsradd about this. I ask that if this happens, that you will make the correct decision "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

If he proposes a law to be proposed to the Landsraad I will make the right decision.If we don't have rights then neither should chickens Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

REVOLUTIONARY CHICKENS! Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism : Priest of Horjin--

Alexandra Decens
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Alexandra Decens »

Revolutionary chicken?...is that like rotissarie chicken?...mmmm...roasted chicken....*goes off to find a roasted chicken*.... I have no custom signature...oh wait...

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

//sings "Cows With Guns." Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism : Priest of Horjin--

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Eriana Moon
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Eriana Moon »

But the chicken is mighty. They must have rights or you will doom us all. Baroness of Lunaris in The Republic of ShirerothBaroness-Councilor of Tallandor-New Barbary in TreesiaFounder of Lumenetra (please stop by. We would love to see you)This has been a test of the emergency Eri update system. Had this been a real emergency there would have been a lot more cussing.Have a nice day

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Chicken sounds good...even though all day I've had a craving for a western bacon cheeseburger and fries... Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

When I’m in battle I want all sides to be confused as to what is really the case. With my chicken crested armour on I pick up my chicken plumes and add them to my helmet. My chicken quill spear leans against the wall close by. Hey, do you think it was a good idea to paste those chicken tail feathers on the back of this armour like that?I will fight the chicken to the death – its’ death! – then we’ll eat.

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Um...I don't know it might make it difficult to sit down...and it looks kind of silly *snickers* Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

how can he look silly?wearing chicken feathers will make him look dignified! "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

I wouldn't call it dignified.... Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

I plan on not sitting down during the battle - can anyone help me put those chicken winging things around the arms of this armour?

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

*helps out Austi*Anything else you need help with Sir Knight? Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

yeah, thanks - there's that beak thing over there on the floor - the thing with the rubber band hooked to both sides.Just slide the rubber band around the helment so the beak is attached in front ... the the three toed chicken feet and hand me the quill spear --- then I'll be ready for those tasty chickens KILL the CHICKENS - SPIT OUT THE FEATHERS! YAAAAAA

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

*helps Austi out with his beak*There is that good?Now go kick some chicken butt! Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

Thanks - and if anyone calls me a chicken in battle what should I do?

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

be glad that some one honered you by calling you that! "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

There is no honor in being a chicken - we must fight and kill the chickens before they take over. Chickens are a danger to our way of life in Shireroth.We must eat chickens and spit out the feathers!

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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Angellene »

*wanders in as a chicken, quickly changes back to her usual owl form for fear of being eaten*hmmm, things sure have gotten interesting.....

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

ah ha! a chicken posting on the boards! it is a sign!*does minor worship type thing to Angellene...* "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought." Edited by: david northworthy beckford  at: 4/13/04 3:56 pm

Kaiser Wyltheow I
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Kaiser Wyltheow I »

how unusual...that hasn't happened n the longest time... Wylþeow du GrifosThe Kaiser of ShirerothThe gods blessed you with power and a visionThe gods gave you life to accomplish a mission...

Austi Scot
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Austi Scot »

Draws my arrow lance to strike through the chicken ~Start up the camp fire - perhaps we shall have roasted chicken afore the battle is bare begun~

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

I agree with Austi, roasted chicken before /AND/ after battles! Every one! "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"


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