
Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

I'm a Gold... uh... Goldshirian? I live here now, that works.So, uh... hello fellow Goldshire people! "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Hi sweetie You are a Goldshirian!! YAY!! Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Yay for me! *does a happy dance* "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

*runs up to Zary and dances with him* Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

Thinks to himself: "The people of Goldshire sure are weird, aren't they? I'm so glad I'm Brookshirian/Yardistani, as it's currently in dispute." Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Because, you know, the Yardistani are pillars of normalcy and all? "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
Posts: 339
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

//annexes normalcy Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Does that mean the sections on Normalcy in history books have to start with: "Annexed 16 March 2004, by Shireroth"? "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
Posts: 614
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Normalcy has been annexed!! WHEE!!!!!! Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
Posts: 339
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

Annexed by ME, mind you, not the YAC. I'm a free agent. Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

You don't even know what Duchy you're in, how can you annex stuff? "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
Posts: 339
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

Mercenaries call home wherever they hang their two-hander. Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Jadie of Goldshire
Posts: 614
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire » James....he can do what he wants...*laughs*Um..I wanna annex something...*ponders* Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Uh-oh, pondering Jadie. This could be bad, or good, or somewhere marginally inbetween. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
Posts: 339
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

It all depends on what she's pondering. If she's pondering annexing you, that could be a good thing. If she's pondering annexing Canada, that could be a marginally good thing. If she's pondering annexing Bush's brain, that's a bad thing, because she wouldn't be getting her annexation's worth. Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Jadie of Goldshire
Posts: 614
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire » like it when I ponder..I come up with good ideas.*annexes Zary*He he belong to me now....*grins* Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Hmm, I've no problem with this situation. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
Posts: 614
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

I didn't think you would....ha ha ha You are mine Kenny Kelb!! Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: Oooh.

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

*slaps head*so thats who he was! "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Jadie of Goldshire
Posts: 614
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Yes...that's who he is...*sighs* Poor David... Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Seeing as how my name is up in the Babkhan forums... I'm quite impressed everyone gets so amazed by discovering my name and all.And unlike Silby, I'll not be requiring you to not use my last name... which, by the way, doesn't happen to be Silby. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

david northworthy beckfor
Posts: 1530
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Re: Oooh.

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

but I dont read babkhan forums "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

*shrugs* Okay then, it's been up (rather innumberable times) in various Troy chats (as was my, old, phonenumber in one). So it isn't my fault. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Wait...*I* don't even have your phone number...something's not right about that.... Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Oh, it was my old phonenumber that went to my room in Idaho. Mostly I did that cause Silby was threatening to call everyone in the chatrooms parents and 'get them to kick us off the net'.So, I gave him that number (which led to me), cause I figured it'd be funny to screw with his head when he called and assumed I was my father. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

He actually called?? And thought you were your dad?? *giggles* that is funny Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

No, he didn't. But that was the /idea/ behind it.I found out later that Archetype actually kept it and was planning on calling it once the other people in Menelmacar decided they wanted to know why I had dropped off the face of the earth or something like that. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

*shrugs*Doesn't surprise me....I remember the old Archetype Chats...I remember being soooo torn in those days....because I was loyal to one side...and friends with the other....those were tough times for me. Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz
Posts: 131
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Ruhan Zarathustra Erudinz »

Perhaps, but this emoticon is funny. "Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus"

Jadie of Goldshire
Posts: 614
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Re: Oooh.

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Um.......riiiiiiiiiight Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.


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