HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote:What does fdisk /mbr and fdisk /cmbr do? reset the mbr? I'll go into the hardware and disconnect the 30giger..Yes. fdisk /mbr uses BIOS calls for it, and it just so happens that with them it can only rewrite the MBR of the first hard disk. fdisk /cmbr uses some different method and can thus be used for resetting the MBRs of different disks... but I'm not sure about the notation to select which hard drive's MBR to reset and you should always do the safest thing when your data is at stake...Quote:map (hd0) (hd1)map (hd1) (hd0)This "swaps" your two hard drives virtually. What makes it important is that it means that Windows 98, or at least its bootloader, now thinks it's booting on the first HD. grub uses BIOS calls to perform this swap, so it effects only the accesses to the hard disks that are done with BIOS calls. This should be fine since we're interested only in the boot-up and it's highly probable that the bootloader does use BIOS calls... Mitä minä todella sanoin

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

OK... so that one worked, apparently, although with root(hd1,0) instead of root(hd1)... so this whole issue was about the inability of DOS-based operating systems to boot off other hard disks than the first one after all. I think. Mitä minä todella sanoin

Kaiser Erik
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Kaiser Erik »

Quote:map (hd0) (hd1)map (hd1) (hd0)root (hd1)chainloader +1didn't work...Quote:map (hd0) (hd1)map (hd1) (hd0)root (hd1,0)chainloader +1Did!.. YAY!I LOVE YOU ARI! Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Kaiser Erik
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Kaiser Erik »

And Mozilla blows.. it was eating RAM.. I think... but Mozilla Firebird is clean...Yeah.. something in Linux was eating RAM.. and not giving it back.. might have been XMMS... music and all.. which I got working... I WIN!.. YAY!and I got my net working..and I got my sound...And I got my printer working!And I got stuff working... And.. and..and...I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!but...I can't install mouse gesters for some reason.. BUT!..... I can fix that.. maybe!... I just need to use the chown and chgrp commands with -R hehe.. and I win! THanks to Ari.. Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

Phoenix the Risen
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Phoenix the Risen »

yeah, I was having that problem with my MozillaFirebird... something about an HTML error or something... but the mouse gestures still work ... they're just stuck on default because you can't customize them from preferences... yahafta go do some hacking... which I don't feel like doing... because I'm lazy and stupid... but yeah... they need to make mouse gestures compatible with firebird...and yayy for alt+"Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess Pro-Tempore of Kildare; stand-in for Gryphon the Pure - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - "To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote:yeah, I was having that problem with my MozillaFirebird... something about an HTML error or somethingI don't think this is the same problem... this sounds like what I had with an earlier build of mouse gestures. It was an XML error, BTW, not a HTML one, and it's fixed in the latest nightly build... Mitä minä todella sanoin

Kaiser Erik
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Kaiser Erik »

Yeah... the Nightly build is working.. but do to permissions and crap.... That's why I needed to change the owner and group of the whole damn thing after I un Tar'ed it. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to do that..hehe.. and how to install RPMs... but I figured it out...Ari, are there any known problems with XMMS 2.8 putting stuff in ram.. and not giving the RAM back... or Mozilla doing that.. I know I had a theory about Netscape doing that.. and Mozilla is basicly Netscape... but more bloated.. or was it less....Anyhoo.. yeah.. something was using my RAM... it would say I was using like. 280meg.. or once 498megs of 502 megs of RAM and looking at the running processes, could only acount for about 100megs or less. It might be though, that I had 6 desktops running instead of 4.. I like virtual desktops... I put a terminal on the 2nd.. GAIM on the 4th.. the 1st is my main.. and the 3rd tends to be filemangering... I COULD do it all on 2 or 1.. like I do in windows.. but Why? When I can have 4? or 6? I don't really need 6 anymore...hehe I like how in RH 9 you can send windows to desktops.. nice menu feature... Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote:Ari, are there any known problems with XMMS 2.8 putting stuff in ram.. and not giving the RAM back...Yeah, it has happened to me. It's a known - possibly for quite long - but unfixed bug, and for now the only way to get rid of it is to use some other music player.Quote:or Mozilla doing that.. I know I had a theory about Netscape doing that.. and Mozilla is basicly Netscape... but more bloated.. or was it less....Mozilla does use quite a lot of RAM but it doesn't usually leak very much, AFAIK. As for the bloat... well, Netscape contains advertising stuff which makes it bloated, while Mozilla's interface is simply implemented in an inefficient way. The simple way out of it is to just use Mozilla Firebird...Quote:It might be though, that I had 6 desktops running instead of 4.. I like virtual desktops... I put a terminal on the 2nd.. GAIM on the 4th.. the 1st is my main.. and the 3rd tends to be filemangering... I COULD do it all on 2 or 1.. like I do in windows.. but Why? When I can have 4? or 6? I don't really need 6 anymore...hehe I like how in RH 9 you can send windows to desktops.. nice menu feature...Hm... RedHat's interface is based on GNOME, if I remember correctly... but... it can't be 1.4, now can it? Or is it 2.2? Anyhoo, as for my preferences, I use eight virtual desktops (only because evilwm doesn't support more by default, though). I usually run:1: gaim and some xterms2: Mozilla Firebird (fullscreen)3: irssi (fullscreen inside a xterm)4: rhythmbox (fullscreen)5: top (fullscreen inside a xterm)6, 7, 8: Whatever I'm working on... I'm currently reading the man page of fvwm... Mitä minä todella sanoin

Kaiser Erik
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Kaiser Erik »

hmm... XMMS is the problem then... well.. Guess I need to replace it... Any advice?And I switched to Firebird.. I like Firebird.. Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Weell, there's rhythmbox (an iTunes clone, the interface is designed for well-tagged music libraries. It's usable even without tags but looks ugly), cplay (a text-mode front-end to various music players, it's powerful and small but doesn't look so very nice)... and... well, liteamp works nicely in GNOME although the last time I checked it was a bit on the buggy side (and, in general, it doesn't seem very professional)... and... hmm, totem is meant for playing movies... gstplay is merely a proof-of-concept program... Mitä minä todella sanoin

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Not to forget zinf... and the billion other media players... heck, you could probably whip up something even yourself pretty quickly with PyQt assuming the bindings for stuff like libvorbis and libmp3lame already have been made for Python... Mitä minä todella sanoin

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

am going to try again with linux tonight......last attempt failed....dont know wether it installed or not proper...when booting, just got infinate numbers of 's1 and 0's....had to run "fixmbr 2 in winxp repair mode to boot up in winxp again... war trophy liberated from Babkha by the Federated NORworthic Liberation Devision (FNORD)

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote: am going to try again with linux tonight......last attempt failed....dont know wether it installed or not proper...when booting, just got infinate numbers of 's1 and 0's....had to run "fixmbr 2 in winxp repair mode to boot up in winxp again...lilo was trying to use a call to access your HD that wasn't supported by the BIOS (it apparently tries to do this forever). I didn't find terribly much documentation about this issue, but you might want to try out a different bootloader, such as grub, or perhaps changing your BIOS settings (if you can find a setting which you can believe could cause this behaviour)Quote:LILO start message- - - - - - - - -When LILO loads itself, it displays the word "LILO". Each letter is printed before or after performing some specific action. If LILO fails at some point, the letters printed so far can be used to identify the problem. This is described in more detail in the technical overview.Note that some hex digits may be inserted after the first "L" if a transient disk problem occurs. Unless LILO stops at that point, generating an endless stream of error codes, such hex digits do not indicate a severe problem. () No part of LILO has been loaded. LILO either isn't installed or the partition on which its boot sector is located isn't active. L ... The first stage boot loader has been loaded and started, but it can't load the second stage boot loader. The two-digit error codes indicate the type of problem. (See also section "Disk error codes".) This condition usually indicates a media failure or a geometry mismatch (e.g. bad disk parameters, see section "Disk geometry"). LI The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot loader, but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map installer. LIL The second stage boot loader has been started, but it can't load the descriptor table from the map file. This is typically caused by a media failure or by a geometry mismatch. LIL? The second stage boot loader has been loaded at an incorrect address. This is typically caused by a subtle geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map installer. LIL- The descriptor table is corrupt. This can either be caused by a geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/map without running the map installer. LILO All parts of LILO have been successfully loaded. Disk error codes- - - - - - - -If the BIOS signals an error when LILO is trying to load a boot image, the respective error code is displayed. The following BIOS error codes are known: 0x00 "Internal error". This code is generated by the sector read routine of the LILO boot loader whenever an internal inconsistency is detected. This might be caused by corrupt files. Try re-building the map file. Another possible cause for this error are attempts to access cylinders beyond 1024 while using the LINEAR option. See section "BIOS restrictions" for more details and for how to solve the problem. 0x01 "Illegal command". This shouldn't happen, but if it does, it may indicate an attempt to access a disk which is not supported by the BIOS. See also "Warning: BIOS drive 0x may not be accessible" in section "Warnings". Oh, but of course it could be this, too...Quote: 0x10 "CRC error". A media error has been detected. Try booting several times, running the map installer a second time (to put the map file at some other physical location or to write "good data" over the bad spot), mapping out the bad sectors/tracks and, if all else fails, replacing the media. Then again, the first one is supposed to never to happen, and every sage knows that when there are two possible causes of an error, one of which is impossible and the other possible, the true cause always the impossible one. Mitä minä todella sanoin

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

...i am sure the loader was grub it said......anyway, that install was mandrake 81.now installed 9.2...it worked...mmmm....not got modem working yet...*returns to linux...* war trophy liberated from Babkha by the Federated NORworthic Liberation Devision (FNORD)

Kaiser Erik
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Kaiser Erik »

Proly a WinModem.. POS windows..Do you know what the modem is? Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

no...cable modem..NTL...has ethernet cable and usb cable...on ethernet it dont work on win...yet...works on niether in linux war trophy liberated from Babkha by the Federated NORworthic Liberation Devision (FNORD)

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote:..i am sure the loader was grub it said......anyway, that install was mandrake 81.now installed 9.2...it worked...mmmm....not got modem working yet...*returns to linux...**shrug*It just didn't sound like the kind of thing that grub would output... lilo is known for going into infinite loops over stuff...Quote: no...cable modem..NTL...has ethernet cable and usb cable...on ethernet it dont work on win...yet...works on niether in linuxhttp://www.linuxuser.co.uk/forum.../1221.htmlIt should be that easy if your Ethernet card is supported by Linux. What model/make/chipset is it? Mitä minä todella sanoin

Kaiser Erik
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Re: HAHA! I win!.. and lose....

Post by Kaiser Erik »

Linux kicks ass..hehee Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot dead yet...

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