Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the dukes..

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Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the dukes..

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

I'm displeased... (and pleased.. but that'll be explained..) The duchies are inactive. (save yardistan).. but the baronies are active.. even the thanedom saw some life recently... now... we have a problem here.. Dukes are higher up than thanes and barons.. but the barons are doing more work... and getting less say in the landsraad. and less bonuses.. and this.. displeases me. So. I want either solutions.. or more active dukes. Lothlaria (I mutilate this name sorry) has taken a step forward, all be it the easiest step. But that still pleases me. And a happy Kaiser(ess) is a less vengful Kaiser(ess) I could makes the barons and thanes into dukes.. but that would throw the system off and require more work than it is worth.. so... What do you have to say dukes? I know Whitt is MIA, so I'll proly find a replacement or something... but I might also merge Jaris into Loth... I have some options.. but I need to see progress... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of Shireroth

Lord Raglan
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Lord Raglan »

Kaiseress,You correctly spelled Lothlaria. As to our activity, well, it will take some work. And as too merging Lothlaria and Jaris, I see no problem with that. Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Joe might..hehe Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of Shireroth

Lord Raglan
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Lord Raglan »

but is Joe around to defend his realm??? Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

No... That is why I'm considering merging... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of Shireroth

Zhaki the Dolphin
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Zhaki the Dolphin »

At the moment I'm using my copious time allocated to "computers > online > micronations > serious work" mainly to its subsection "computers > online > micronations > serious work > gibs project". I might be able to leach some time from "home > sleeping > night", "work > tietopalus > php writing" or "out > walking > purposeless philosophical pondering" but at the moment both social and organic pressure are higher in the latter areas than in the area of Straylight.... did anyone understand this? Tell the world that we're going to be the grim reaper of innocent orphaned children.-- Linux kernels 2.4.5 onwards

Lord Raglan
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Lord Raglan »

I am not quite sure, but I will venture to say, "Yes." Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

As will I... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of Shireroth

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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by JoeWhit »

Yes, I do have a problem with this..If you do this, we're going to have to suceed. I don't want to do that, because I've learned the worst thing to possibly do is get a band of angry BO0/\/\ists ganging up against you. That's the last thing I want. so, I'd like Jaris to be seperate from the Loth-whatever.

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Than get it active.... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Lord Raglan
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Lord Raglan »

First off, it is Lothlaria, Duke of Ja-whatever...Second, the mention of this idea was just the Kaiseress thinking out loud, it wasn't formal, just bouncing ideas around. Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Scott Alexander
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Scott Alexander »

Ari - what's a gibs project? Vote Au for Prime Executive!Or don't!We're doomed either way!

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Now gentlemen.. let us not get hostile.... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Lord Raglan
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Lord Raglan »

hostile? who's getting hostile? Nick RaglanTymaria-RS Duke of LothlariaMACH Duke of ItaliaSpecial Assistant to the Prime ExecutiveChief of Defense Staff, TDFDelvenus-Governor of Electrovenus

Zhaki the Dolphin
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Zhaki the Dolphin »

The GIBS project is... well... you'll see. I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing. -- Dissident, of Apolyton

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Ari, You'll be proud of me.. I'm using Linux to post now.... and to IM people.. I'm almost completely Windows less..... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Zhaki the Dolphin
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Zhaki the Dolphin »

Good... What sort of ICQ client do you use, BTW? I haven't been able to get any to work on my comp at Oulu...* blesses Erik *

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

WEll.. I have the AIM client for Linuxx.. you can get the RPM from I DLed Gnomeicu in RPM but I need Gnome-lib 1.2 or run... and I only have 1.0.4 something or other... since I'm running on 6.1, I know it all comes with 7.2 since that is what's on my dad's comp... but this machine doesn't have the space to install 7.1 it's only a 1 gig.. and I like to install like.. all the games and all this random stuff I proly don't need... but I don't like being hindered by stuff not being available... I even install KDE since it has a few things I like....But yeah.. AIM for Linux works well enough...I'm having some problems DLing RPMs though.... I've tried to DL a few things.... and it gives me stuff about not being able to open a port for security reasons.... might be the proxy on my main comp... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Zhaki the Dolphin
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Zhaki the Dolphin »

Bah, stupid RPMs. If you were a Debian user you'd almost never need to download anything manually; apt-get and dselect (or whatever other front-ends you want) would do all the work for you.About not being able to download some RPMs... can you use ftp? That's the first reason why your downloads would be hindered that I can think of. I don't think you're using rsync for downloading RPMs ;). I think I'll try installing zICQ or something on this computer... If that doesn't work, I'll move on to AIM. I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing. -- Dissident, of Apolyton

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

If I had more free time...I'd work on my linux box...but...I'm not at home much...usually with erik...and my Linux box is in a room with a sleeping person when I'm home...and I leave soon   Nick the Yardistani Anarch of All of Yardistan / High Priest of B0O0/\/\ism Wandering Bard of Istvanistan Save the Kiwi! Quote: ¡Ay! ¡No es bueno! ¡Mis pantelones están en fuego! -Jubbles

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

And I need to find Debian...I wanna try I've gone thru Gnome (good), KDE (Me no like), and Another Level (me get confused)   Nick the Yardistani Anarch of All of Yardistan / High Priest of B0O0/\/\ism Wandering Bard of Istvanistan Save the Kiwi! Quote: ¡Ay! ¡No es bueno! ¡Mis pantelones están en fuego! -Jubbles

Zhaki the Dolphin
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Zhaki the Dolphin »

I can only show you the door, you have to walk through it: http://www.debian.orgI don't know what kind of a connection you have, if it's not broadband downloading Debian won't be such a good idea. Another Level? * starts googling * I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing. -- Dissident, of Apolyton

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Like Gnome or KDE.. But I've never used it myself...Nick says another name is FWMV, yeah.. something like that.... Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

Zhaki the Dolphin
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Zhaki the Dolphin »

I think he said Fvwm... I use Icewm myself. Nice, small window manager that isn't too weird to be used by responsible people (don't even try twm) and can be configured just as much as I will ever configure a window manager. It's definitely better and faster than the bloated Enlightenment or Gnome... I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing. -- Dissident, of Apolyton

Kaiseress Viviantia I
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Re: Activity...This concerns all nobles.. especially the duk

Post by Kaiseress Viviantia I »

Doesn't enlightenment run on gnome? Kaiseress Viviantia IKaiseress of ShirerothSAVE THE KIWI!

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