The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(This is my long term project, meant to be a long and entertaining tale done in sections as my creativity allows. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Prologue"Once upon a time.""Yes. Once upon a time it goes."The old man cleared his throat. "Once upon a time, in Elwynn, a land far to the North of Mirioth, there were mighty forests." The old man had greying hair, which looked darker in the failing light of another day, the fire was all that kept Shiek, the Ninja-Goddess of the Night from taking her rightfull place among them. A young girl laughed and pointed to a nearby tree, a gnarled oak. "Like that Tree Grandpy?" The old man laughed and smacked his knee, "Yes dear. Just like that. Except bigger, And grander, and full of life." The girl gave a perplexed look to her elder. "What do you mean 'full of life'? That tree still has leaves." The old man lifted his hand with the palm upward towards the tree. "You are still young. You have not yet learned to feel the energy of living things yet. This tree is old, ancient even, and lives now only barely. The soil it grows on is rocky, and dull, and not good for growing trees.Elywnn is, was, different than Mirioth my dear. Its forests were large, and the spirits still were happy there. Now do you understand?" The little girl smiled, and nodded. "Of course! You are saying all things are alive, and that this... Elywwnnnn... was the most alive of them all!" Once again he laughed at her curious way of talking. "Yes. A glorious way of looking at it my dear. Once upon a time, in Elywnn, a land far to the north of Mirioth, there were mighty forests. Inside these forests lived special beings. Not man, not plant, not animal. They were called Elves." The girl cocked her head to the side. "El...ves? They sound really cool!" The man nodded solemnly, then broke into another smirk. The little ones enthusiasm was infectious. "Yes. They were cool. The coolest of the cool. You see, these Mer, for that is what their plural name is, were forest-dwellers." The girl piped in, "Like us!" The old man frowned back at her, but not in a serious way. "No no, they were nothing like us. They live for hundreds of years, and somehow they live off of Mircas without ever destroying permanently."It was clear the girl had lost her understanding at some point. "What do you mean Grandpy?" Once again he raised his hand to the new clearing, reclaimed from the forest just bare days ago. "They do not have to cut down trees for space to live as we do. They can bend Nature to their calling." The girl looked enthusiastic now, "Why can't WE do that?" her grandpa rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then looked back at her, "I don't know why. I suppose only Viviantia herself could answer that question. Perhaps were are meant to be this way, or perhaps we lost the knowledge; This is the great mystery that perplexes the Elves. But we are getting sidetracked dear. This is a story about why they are here now, In Mirioth." She nodded, eager to hear the story. "Yes, please tell me Grandpy!" PLEASE?" The old man laughed again, and held up his hands again in a mock-gesture of surrender. "Allright then my dear, this is the story of the passing of the elves."

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by osmose1000 »

Not bad, although I don't know of this Mircas place that they live in. They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

seriously? *blink* There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

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I've heard of Micras, but not Mircas. They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

*glare* There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

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They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Chapter 1: How deep is too deep?

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

"Ayr! Ayr where ARE you wench?!" A grouchy Ardashir Khan sat on the baronial throne of Elywnn. It had been twenty-eight days since his ascension, and his work had only just begun. Why was a babkhan sitting on the throne was anybody's guess, but Duchess Mari Greenwood had selected him personally. The peoples of Elywnn weren't to keen on having a foriegner rule them, but it was a Babkhan, and they were the close allies of Shireroth, so most people didn't mind. Of course, these people had never met him personally. His cruelty was a well-kept secret in the court palace, and his love of loose woman and venomous wine had allready sent many servants packing and rumours flying.Ayr was a maidservant, and had done a wonderfull job under Mari. Her family had been maids and butlers since Elywnn was first sheperded into the Imperial Republic ages ago. They were poor despite serving the wealthiest men and woman of the land, and as such couldn't afford to leave like the others, thus Ayr put up with his secret debauchery time and again, and dutifully never said a word to anyone. Running as fast as was possible while carrying a tray of wine, she ran to his throne room and bowed lightly. "All apoligies my baron, I was held up by the cook. He had trouble finding more of the wine you wanted." With a wave of his hand and a snarl, he spoke up with a thick accent. "Why is it SO hard to find a bottle of GOOD wine here in Elywnn?! Treesian Red is MUCH better than this "Shirekeep Ale" thats so popular here." With a half-drunk smile he snatched the gobblet and drank until it nearly came out of the corners of his mouth. "Come here you comely wench!" You get better looking with each drink!" Ayr winced and hoped she wouldn't have to... perform... like last time. He took yet another drink, and with a short laugh he fell into a slump on the throne. He had finally reached his limit after... how many hours? Oh goodness, it wasn't a good sign when you lost track of the hours someone had been drinking. With patience beyong her years, she someoned his loyal Babkhan guards, and they took his unconcious body to his bed chamber. Those cut-throats were the only thing standing between him and a date with a knife from one of the servents. He had the barony fooled, but not his hired help. When the baron had been moved from his throne, she and her fellow maids began the unenviable task of cleaning it. After twenty or so minutes, one of her close friends, Ann, let loose a gasp. Gathering the attention of everyone she blushed alittle, and quickly hid something in her pocket. her sleight-of-hand was too fast for the rest, but Ayr caught it. If Ann was hiding something from her, then it had to be big. She would bother her later about it.After another hour had passed, the throne room was spotless, and the tired maids began to exit the room, starting on their other tasks. Ayr had become increasingly curious of just what Ann had found, but by then the guards had returned to keep their appointed post. She left just as non-chalantly as the others, but as soon as she had cleared the room (and thus the loyal guards), she ran up to Ann, and with a swift motion grabbed her and ducked into a small space in the wall meant to be a small workspace for the butlers. "Ann, what did you find?! You look like Mors himself came down and you saw him!" Ann had become increasingly pale since finding whatever she did. It took her a second to respond. "I.. found a note. It looks like a letter to Baron Ardashir. Here, read it." She pulled it out of her pocket and showed it to Ayr. What she read was absolutely the most disturbing thing she had ever read before.1st Gahgday of BiternionsmoonBaron Ardashir Khan, We have scouted the entire forests of Elywnn as you have requested.We have found 23 major Elven settlements. They appear to be lightlydefended, but some of our elder scouts tell us that this is wrong, andthat they have a terrible ability to mobilize instantly at the sign of anattack. Our Reccomendation is a single, heavy strike syncronizedacross the barony, or else this might drag on for a very long time. The Kaiser wishes for this to be as fast and silent as possible. He has granted the temporary use of the Imperial army to route themout. Don't dissapoint us, Baron Khan. The Kaiser will be watchingwith his own spies very closely.-Gamemalvin Usa. Edited by: AngelGuardian93  at: 9/5/05 19:43

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Re: Chapter 1 continued: How deep is too deep?

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Ayr gagged, and nearly threw up on the carpet. She knew Baron Khan to be a ruthless man, so this wasn't what had so upset her. What upset her was the fact that Kaiser Los had authorized the extermination. The armies of Shireroth were allways Militia until they were mobilized, that meant armies from the other duchies would be marching to Elywnn soon. That was upsetting. She looked back up at Ann who quickly took the letter and stuffed it into a small inner pocket in her outfit and spoke out loud. "Ayr, you didn't see anything. Ok?" Ayr bit her bottom lip and nodded, still very upset. "Ok, Ann, but don't do anything stupid." Ann nodded back and looked back into the hallways slowly, looking for any sign of the guards. Seeing no one she looked back at Ayr. "Ayr... I can't promise that. I got to do something." Ayr furiously shook her head and held out her hand palm up again. "No, if your going to do that then give me the paper. I won't let you get killed." Ann shook her head in reply. "No, I have to do this."With another peek into the hallway, she took off around the bend and out of Ayr's sight. Ayr was about to go after when she spotted a guard coming around the corner. She quickly forced herself to look non-chalant and walked by as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, the guard turned around and grabbed her arm, making Ayr jump and yelp. His accent was thick, but passable. "Hey, you, you're one of the maids, yes? You're supposed to be setting up the banquit hall. Why are you still out this way?" Ayr had to think fast, but her mind was still flustered and produced a giant blank. She looked shocked and turned her face downward, sure that she had been caught. The guard studied her for a second, then let out a gutteral laugh. "Ah, I see, the mighty Baron Ardashir has impecable taste in his call girls! Go on!" Ayr blushed, this dolt of a guard thought she was one of his sluts! Well, it WAS true in some sense, she had been forced to do certain things she wasn't proud of, but never had she ever had open sex with Ardashir. The guard let go of her arm and kept walking, still chuckling to himself and uttering Babkhan phrases she didn't understand. Pigs. All of them. She thought. Ann, don't do anything stupid... please.A week had passed since Ann and Ayr had discovered Ardashir's little secret, and Ann had paid dearly for it, just as Ayr had feared. Ann had disapeared two days later, and was presumed dead. If this had been Babkhan land, she was sure that Ann's head would be on a pike in front of the Baronial palace by now, but this was Shireroth and the secret still had to be kept. Ardashir had kept his servants busy with 12 hour workdays all week, making sure the mansion was fully prepped and ready for his celebration. All claims stated that it was for a Babkhan holiday, but Ayr knew better. She planned the first night she got off work to head off to the nearest Elvish settlement, Nightfall, and warn the elves there. She wasn't sure if she was being watched or not, but she had to try like Ann did. The very memory of Ann made Ayr want to cry, and made her feel like a coward. Ayr had wanted to sweep what they had found under the proverbial rug and forget it, but Ann... oh Ann, she was allways the brave one.It was the middle of the evening, six o'clock by her watch, when she woke up. She was part of the night crew after all, and by all means all she had to do was grow fangs and she would have passed for a vampire. A knock at her door shook her out of her sleepy haze. "Ayr! Are you awake yet?" It was her brother John. She rolled her eyes and of course, replied. "No John, i'm still asleep. Leave a message won't you?" He ignored her sarcasm. "Baron Ardashir called in all his servants early. Apparently some of the guards got drunk last night and pillaged the hall. We gotta be there in ten minutes or so." Ayr sighed. She was supposed to have tonight off, and had planned to make her way to Nightfall. Well, she was tired of feeling guilty. "Ugh... thanks John." "Sorry Sis... but youll have to catch up, the rest of us are heading there now." She nodded her head, rubbing her eyes again. "Allright." She could hear his footsteps walking away, presumably downstairs. Within fifteen minutes, she was dressed and outside. She locked up their house behind her, and headed down the street. She lived just outside the baronial mansion, along with all the other maids and butler families, so it was just a short walk to the gates and the mansion. Instead of heading north though, she quickly slipped southward, towards the elven city."Grey 13 to HQ, it's just like 4 figured. Ayr knows about the operation. Further instructions?" A man sat kneeled in the bushes outside Ayr's house, blending perfectly with the background. "HQ to Grey 13: Follow her and eliminate her. Burn the body beyond recognition to avoid any... problems. By the time she gets to Nightfall though, the operation will be in full swing." "Roger."Ayr ran to Nightfall, taking about an hour to get there. As she approached the outskirts she began to hear signs of a battle inside the city. Gun blasts, screams, and blazing smoke could be seen and heard as she approached, and as she got to the gates she was out of breathe, and sobbing. She was too late. The great incursion had begun. She fell to the ground, and wept bitterly. Suddenly, she heard the click of a weapon just behind her ears, and the voice of a man dead to his soul."Don't weep for your failure woman. We were watching you the whole time." There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 1 continued: How deep is too deep?

Post by RicLyon »

This is so brilliant. I love it. Richard LyonYansha Elaer Kyon gef ShanPernem kahn gef kuymal per varga stiPernem kahn gef varga per kuymal sti

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Re: Chapter 1 continued: How deep is too deep?

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

THANK YOU! I really appreciate that. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 2: Flying requires wings of faith.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Ayr clenched her teeth, and with red, tear-stained eyes looked up to the man holding the sidearm to her head. "Why have you done this?! What have they done to you?! They wished to only live in peace, and now they must pay for that?! WHY?!" Ayr yelled at the man, figuring it wouldn't matter what she did since she only had a few moments to live. Grey 13 replied snidely. "That's really none of your concern. Or mine. We do our jobs and do as we're told. Now die." He went to pull the trigger and Aye closed her eyes, not wanting to let her last sight on earth be this fallen angel of despair. She heard a click, and then a short scream; but it wasn't hers. She slowly opened her eyes and found Grey 13's bleeding corpse on the ground beside her. She screamed again and looked up at the killer of Ayr's would be killer, and gasped at the sight before her."ANN!" She exclaimed. It was all she could manage to force out of her flabberghasted lips. She quickly got up and gave her a desperate hug, thanking Vivianta that her beloved Ann was safe. Ann gagged and gave Ayr a hug in return. "Ayr, it's allright. Calm down." Ayr finally let go. "What happened?? I thought for sure that Ardashir had you killed. He mentioned something about a "dishonest wench" a few times when he was drunk, and that he had "showed her a good time, then a really bad time. I thought it was you!" Ann shook her head and replied. "No no, I made it, but that's another story for another time. We have to get out of here. Now! We're no match against the army and the Elves are fleeing." Ayr looked back at the burning town, then back at Ann. "But where do we go?! We can't go back to our lives now or Ardashir will surely kill us!" Ann shook her head and put her free hand on Ayr's shoulder. "Don't worry Ayr, I allready have that covered. Come on." She headed towards a thick bush, and pulled out a Moped. It was small, but Ayr noticed it was one of the more high-powered versions. Ann motioned to Ayr. "Come on, we're going to Shirekeep. Someone will listen to us there!" Aye nodded, and got on the seat behind Ann. With a sputter, the Moped started and the two girls were off to Shirekeep.Two hours had passes since they left the ruins of Nightfall. They found themselves in a small town only one hour away from Shirekeep. The welcome sign called it, "Woodshire Hamlet", and it seemed that from the archaic look of the town it was settled by Brookshirian settlers a long time ago. Ayr was nearly asleep when Ann gently jabbed her elbow into her stomache. It wasn't that Ayr was tired, really she had only gotten up three hours ago, it was more the fact she was about to pass out from a combination of too much excitement and fear. She roused slowly and bleakly looked around, her memories of Nightfall still too fresh. "Where are we?" Ann replied. "Woodshire Hamlet. Only about fifty or so minutes from Shirekeep. Can you drive a moped at all? I'm exhausted." Ayr shook her head. "No, I've never driven one, and i'm not doing too well myself. We need to stop somewhere and collect our thoughts. You still haven't told me what happened after you left!" Ann sighed, but consented. She saw a small Inn coming up off the road and pulled in. Turning off the Moped, she got off and lead Ayr inside. Together they went off to a corner table, and sat down. No sooner had they done so when a waitress stopped at their table. "How're we doin' tonight ladies? Looks like you two've been travelen hard. What can I get you two strangers to drink?" Ann nodded. "We have. I just need some water. Lots of it." The waitress turned to Ayr. "what about you darlin'?" Ayr responded without looking up. "Elywnnese Cider." The waitress smiled and nodded. "Allright ladies, here's some menu's. I'll be right back." the waitress left, and Ann peered over to Ayr. "Elwynnese Cider? I knew you drank at holiday celebrations, but i've never known you to drink..." Ayr looked at Ann with a hollow expression and replied. "I just saw an entire town burn to the ground, and watched my first death Ann! How could you be taking it so easy?! We have NO LIVES ANYMORE!" As she raised her voice, a couple of people turned their heads at her outburst, curious. She blushed and turned her head away until they stopped caring and went back to whatever they were doing before. "Ayr... I know its hard... and i'm sorry you had to get involved, but I don't know what to say. I feel as bad as you... I guess I was just... prepared mentally for what we saw." Ann threw a hand around Ayr's waist and hugged her, almost in a matronly way. "Ann... what happened after you left?" Ann sighed and removed her hand, and after a few seconds of silence, responded. "I made it to Nightfall without incident. I tried to warn the village elders. Showed them the note even. They... didn't believe me. Well, one of them did. After my disastrous meeting, he took me in and tried to train me in everything he could about surviving on my own. He said the others had fallen into complacency. All the while, he sent servents to Shirekeep to try and find out what exactly was going on. The servants never returned. Then the attack began..." Ayr nodded solemnly. "But how did they know to spy on me if they never caught you?" Ann nodded again. "Because they were watching. Watching Nightfall. After that, I suppose they were watching all of the servants to make sure I was the only one who knew. They couldn't get to me or they'd give away the attack, but it didn't much matter because they figured they'd get me during the ambush of the town. I'm glad they were wrong." Their drinks arrived, and the waitress was about to ask for their orders when two uniformed men walked in and shouted to get the attention of everyone in the room. It looked like it was a local policeman and a special agent of some sort. "Hey! Everyone! Theirs fighting going on! All over the forest, and parts of it are on fire! All phone lines have been jammed and no one knows what's going on, but the town mayor has ordered everyone to their houses, and restricted going outside only for work!" With cries of distress, many of the patrons ran outside without paying, much as the officer tried to stop them. The agent ignored the fleeing customers and walked over to the counter and started talking to the bartender. Once most of the room had been emptied, the bartender called out to the shocked waitress and motioned her back over. Ayr looked to Ann. "I don't like this... we need to get moving..." They stood up and were about to exit when the man at the counter called out to them and motioned them over. Ayr looked to Ann and panicked, and ran for the door. Ann followed suit, with the bartender yelling curses at them. The agent pulled his sidearm and began his pursuit. "Freeze or i'll shoot!" he yelled. As they ran out, they both literally ran into the cop, who was just as confused as they were. Ayr screeched in panic, but Ann as the braver of the two and the one who could allways think on her feet, yelled and pulled out her gun and put it to the officers head. "Don't you dare or he'll get it!" The agent clenched his teeth and growled. "You wont get far! Every Police agency allready has warrents drawn up for you two!" The cop whimpered alittle, but said nothing. "Ayr, grab the cops gun!" Ayr did as she was told, but seing as how she was not trained in holding a gun, looked to be a rather awkward sight. The officer finally opened up his mouth. "Now, don't do anything hasty with those things, we can work this out..." Ann laughed bitterly. "NO! We can't! He's with the army! Do you know what they did?! They sacked all of the Elven towns at Ardashir's command! They're all stone cold killers!" The agent growled and lost his temper, and against every brain cell in his body, opened fire. Ann pulled back on the cops body instinctivly, and the bullet went into the cop's upper right-hand chest. Ayr screemed again and with a panicked reaction opened fire herself. She dropped the gun and the bullet missed by a long shot, but it was enough to send the agent, and the two workers, ducking for cover. Ayr was mumbling things in her panicked state as Ann dropped the dying police officer and pulled her away from the door as the agent recovered and started firing again. They ran to their moped, and started it up. It sputtered and refused to start. "NUTS!" Ann yelled, and tried the key again. It refused to start again. Ayr yelled out, "Hurry! HURRY!" Ann yelled back a hurried, "I'm trying!" and tried it one more time. Success! It started and with no hesitation they quickly drove off, tires squeeling. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 2 continued: Flying requires wings of faith.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

A siren cried out into the night like a banshee wailing about her lost innocence, and the flashing lights accompanied her for seeming comfort. Ann and Ayr were being chased by the agent and his unseen partner, who was sitting in the passenger seat. He looked over to the driver and yelled. "Wha'cha doing messin' up like this?!? We had 'em cornered and you blew it! AND you killed that cop! WHAT WERE YA THINKIN'?!" The first agent let out a cry. "Shutup! Just SHUTUP WILL YOU AND SHOOT THEIR DAMNED BACK TIRE!?" The second agent grunted and rolled down his window and leaned out. "I should'a not had 'dat lasght Cider..." He shook his head to clear his vision and closed his left eye, preparing to fire."AAAAH!!!" Ayr screamed and clinged tighter to Ann, nearly causing Ann to crash. "ANN THEIR SHOOTING AT US! ANN THEIR SHOOTING AT US!" Ayr was close to hysterics. "SHUT UP AYR!! They're trying to hit our back tire, not us, he's just drunk out of his mind! We'll lose 'em at the next intersection... we'll turn right, then into an ally, then another until we've lost them. Then backtrack." Ayr bit her lip and was crying by this point. "Ok... ok... but please don't be wrong..." The road turned from dirt to cement, and more and more dark buildings popped up around the road. Eventually they reached what looked like it was 'downtown'. The road started to curve to the right, when suddenly they saw several flashing lights, and a blockade to match. Ann swore and hit the breaks, but she was going too fast. No way she was going to stop in time. The second agent cackled and slid back into the seat and nudged his partnet. "We'ze got 'em now eh?!" The first agent sneered at his drunk partner and then at the girls. "They aren't gonna stop in time, and neither will we!!!" His partner howled in drunken fear and leaned back in his seat, while the driver clenched his teeth and all his muscles. The cops dived away from the baricaded cars as the moped's tires squeeled. the inertia of the bike made it flip forwards, throwing the girls onto the pavement with screams of fear. The car then swerved to its side, then flipped over and over, untill it rammed into the baricaded cars and came to a screeching halt. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

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"What should we do with them...?""What do you mean send them back?! They're in NO condition to go anywhere! The blonde has three broken ribs and both her wrists are shattered, and the raven-haired one, well, she got out lucky...""With all due respect- er... yes ma'am. I'll stabilize their conditions and transport them back to his residence at once."'Ayr slowly opened her eyes, and the first sight that met her eyes was a plain white ceiling with some flourescent lights. She tried to move her right arm, but couldn't. She moved her head to look down and found her arm was bound with a leather strap. She panicked and tried to get up, only to find her entire body was strapped down. Where am I...? she thought... Where's Ann?! The Crash... oh no! They caught us, and now they'll kill us! she was squirming heavily now, when she heard a voice speak up from behind her. She couldn't turn her head around all the way to see the voice, but it was obvious he was getting orders he didn't like, but had to follow anyway. Proly Baron Ardashir, ordering us back to his manor... She heard footsteps coming her way, and then someone's voice. "You there... your ID confirms you as the woman known as Ayr D'arcia, yes?" She stared at the person in front of her, not speaking out. It was a male, with balding white hair and glasses. He wore the standard doctor garb; a shirt and tie with a white lab coat over it. "Well, that's alright if you don't want to talk. You might as well save your strength. I'd like to say you're being taken back to our Baron's lovely manor for proper sentancing, but we both know that's not true in the least. He'll probably torture you or rape you, and then probably eat from your bones or some Babkhan punishment not disimiliar from that fashion." He absently looked back at his clipboard and adjusted his glasses. "I am truly sorry I must do this to you, but you are a directly responsible for a number of serious crimes, and now you must pay the price. You'll be transferred to an ambulence where we will take you back to your home for sentancing and punisment. I am not entirely without sympathy though, have you any questions or last words for your family?" Ayr sniffed lightly, and lightly shed a few more tears. Finally she managed to speak a few muttered words. "Where... where is Ann...?" The doctor looked back down at his clipboard and cocked his right eyebrow. "You're partner-in-crime, your... Ann... is in critical condition. She has several broken and shattered bones, and patches of her skin are burned from contact with the pavement at such high speeds. I am admittedly loathe to move her in such condition but... it was made clear to me by Baron Ardashir's secratary that either she went or my daughter did in her place... well, as you can see the choice was clear."He was about to continue talking when the door to Ayr's room swung open. A dark-haired woman stepped into the room. She was wearing the uniform of a SHINE officer, and had an air about her that could only be compared to dying roses. The suprised doctor turned around with a flabberghasted look on his face. "Pardon me madam, but it IS still customary to knock before entering a private room!" She gasped lightly, and lightly bowed her head in a none-too-convincing manner. "I'm terribly sorry, my enthuisiasm overwhlemed my good sense. My name is Victoria Rose, Hunter in the service of SHINE and His highness, the mighty Baron Ardashir Khan, has asked me to escort the prisoners to his residence for personal sentancing. All the paperwork has been finished but for your signature of releasal of the patients.The doctor opened his mouth to speak, but quickly thought better and closed his mouth again, only to ipen it again cautiously. "madam... I was hoping to perform some basic, exploratory surgery to further stabilize the patient named Ann. She is still very weak and-" Victoria interupted him by holding up her left hand, palm out. "Your concern is noted doctor, and truly your record speaks highly of your concern for the well being of your patients, but time is of the essence, and the good baron is not to be kept waiting. The doctor sighed and looked back at his clip board, then signed the paper on it. "Very well, both patients are hereby released into the custody of the barony." He walked over to the calm SHINE agent and handed the paper to her, vaguely managing to hide his feelings of anger and guilt. Ms. Rose spoke again. "Thank you, Doctor, for your cooperation with the barony. Have a pleasent day."The doctor expected her to turn around and leave, but found she stayed right where she was. "Is there... something else, Ms. Rose?" She smiled, like a shark. "I was just wishing you a wonderfull day. After all, you are a very important man with many, many patients, and I would hate for them to be neglected of their doctor." It was her underhanded way of telling him to scram. He was taken aback slightly, but quitely left. As he left, Victoria turned to two agents standing just outside. "make sure no one enters." They promptly saluted. "Excellent." She walked into the room, and closed the door behind her."Ms. Darcia... it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I've heard MANY things about you and Ms. Ann. You've been... naughty... haven't you." She slowly inched closer, like a spider closing in on her poisoned prey. "What is it? You have nothing to say in your defense? No, 'It was all a conspiracy against me' speech? Ayr glared at Victoria, but remained silent. "Well, thats allright. Soon, you'll do enough talking for both of us. Do you know what this is?" She held a small device. It looked like a small brace, a tiara-looking device that would fit on an average-size head. "It's called the Mind-Brace, but we in SHINE like to call it, "Lil' Shocky". She placed the device on Ayr's head. "It will deliver a terrible shock to your central nervous system via your temples when you decide you don't want to talk to lonely me." She batted her eyelashes at Ayr, and played cutesy like it was all a game to her. Perhaps it was. She then placed a small device onto her chest, right where her heart would be. "This is to monitor your heart rate, so I can tell when you're being honest, and when your being... naughty."She stood back upright and folded her hands behind her back and turned around. "Did you know that when someone lies, their heart jumps just a little. It's so small its not even noticable to the person telling the lie. But this device, it knows what even you don't. Now tell me, Ms. Darcia; who else knows about your misadventures besides the elves?" Ayr layed there, helpless and confused. No one but Ann and her knew anything. "I... don't understand..." Victora held a small remote and hit a red button. Suddenly Ayr let loose a terrible scream, and every muscle in her body spasmed."Wrong answer. Now tell me who else knows about the details of the attacks.""J... just Ann and I..."Victoria turned around and glanced at the heartrate monitor. It had two lights on it, green and red. The green was to light up when a truth was spoken, and red for when one was lying. The light was green. "Good. Now that wasn't so hard, now was it? Now tell me this: How did you find out?" Ayr flinched lightly, and sobbed lightly, tears falling down her cheeks. "Please... don't do this... ""WRONG, ANSWER."Ayr spasmed again, and screamed in agony. "We... we found a note... a note from Ardashir... " Victoria smiled and turned back around to glance at the monitor. It was green. "Excellent. Oh, and in case your wondering why no one is RUSHING to your aid, it's because they can't hear you. This room is soundproof. Normally used to keep hysterical patients from waking neighbors, it's also handy for 'playing". Just one more question, Ms. Darcia: The elves were running into hiding. We want to know where they are going." Ayr was quite hysterical now. "I... I don't know! I don't know!" Victoria saw the light flash green, but decided to ignore it."WRONG, ANSWER."She pressed the red button again, and sent pain through her victim. Ayr screamed again, and after what seemed like an eternity of blinding pain, passed out. Victoria scowled at her fun being cut short, but picked up her 'toys' and stuffed them away in her suit."Soon, ms. Darcia... you and I will get to know each other a whole lot better............" There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Ann was close to death. She could feel it. She was sure someone outside was a Child of Mors, and that he was waiting for her demise so he could claim her soul and wisp it back to the god of death for sentancing. She could feel an intense pain in her lower abdomen, and what felt like shards of glass embedded in both of her wrists. Slowly she opened her eyes, and saw the same type of plain white ceiling that Ayr had seen. She tried to move her right arm, but also like Ayr, found herself strapped down. She closed her eyes again, despairing. "Is this... the end...?" she spoke to no one in particular. Something replied back to Ann, which made her jump."NEVER is there an end. Only new beginnings. Ann, daughter of Josee, heir to the house of Malaky; I have healed your wounds, and I have set you free. You MUST make it to Shirekeep. There you must seek out the one with the dark curse. He who commands the island on which the great temple stands..."She looked up, and standing over her was the golden aura of Los, god of Justice. She gasped and layed there slack-jawed, unable to speak. He smiled, and ran his hand through her hair. Instantly she felt the pain in her stomache and wrists disapate like steam."You must not fail. You and Ayr are the balance in which this injustice is now weighed upon. If you fail, then the scales fail."She gasped again, and managed to let two words escape.""He smiled again, and she could feel his benevolence wash over her."That is the mystery of the gods. If we are omnipitant in our aspects, why choose we to work through fallable mortals? This is a mystery you cannot fathom yet. Now go and fufill your destiny."She felt a wave of tiredness wash over her, and she once again closed her eyes. "Ann... Ann Malaky, open your eyes this instant or I will be forced to use stricter actions."She opened her eyes again, and instead of a golden visage, saw an old man. The same doctor that had been treating Ayr's injuries in the room next door. "Ah, yes. There we go. I was afraid I was going to have to use some stimulants to wake you. They aren't harmfull per se, but they aren't recomended for those with greivous injuries like yourself. Tell me, how do you feel?" She flexed her wrists, and found they didn't hurt like before. Maybe that vision she had really DID happen. She lifted her right arm up, and to her suprise it wasnt restrained. The doctor gasped. "Who let you loose?! Orderlies! I need you in here on the double!" Ann stood up on the ground and looked around the room. She found a small scalpel lying on a sterelized pan, and lunged for it. She grabbed it, and ran for the doctor. He had allready began running for the door, but being in his late 50's, she quickly caught up. He opened the door to escape, but she kicked it shut with her right leg, then grabbed his left arm with her own, and wrapped her right arm with the scapel to his throat."One bad move and your dead." He swallowed nervously, and with a quivering voice spoke up. "Now now young lady, don't do anything hasty... what is it you want?" Ann clenched her teeth. "I want OUT of here! Tell me where Ayr is, and where a car is!" The doctor grimaced. "There's... an ambulence waiting in the courtyard... the keys should be waiting in the ignition... but Ayr was in the room to our right, but she's allready been taken back to Ardashir's Manor! Oh please don't kill me..." Ann cursed loudly, she wanted to go after Ayr, but she had no idea where she was now, and the police almost certainly had a dragnet going back in Elywnn. She'd have to continue going to Shirekeep, no matter how much her heart ached. She had to find the one with the dark curse... somehow."DROP... the scalpel and you wont get hurt."She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the orderlies sneak into the room. She cursed and backed up into the room, doctor still in tow. "NO FRIGGIN' WAY! You back up and the doctor lives to see another sunset!" The first orderly raised his hands to chest level, palms out, in a gesture of surrender. "Ok... Ok... no problem... just calm down." Ann sneered and cut him off mid-sentance. "I'm taking that ambulence in the courtyard. Clear the way for me or his neck will enjoy a pleasent breeze!" The second orderly ran back out into the hallway and did as he was told. Slowly Ann inched forward. The tense situation made its way out to the ambulence. Ann told the doctor to open the door. He obliged. "Are there keys in the ignition?" "Yes... yes and it has a full tank..." She nodded. "Good... now lets hope I never see you again." She removed the scalpel from his neck finally, and shoved him out of the way. She climbed into the drivers seat and started the vehicle, and with shouts and curses coming from the orderlies, she drove off toward Shirekeep. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find. Edited by: AngelGuardian93  at: 10/29/05 14:52

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

(I think I'm developing a fondness for Victoria Rose - please don't kill her character we can find her a place in Elwynn)

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(I'm glad you like her. As for where she's going, shes not going anywhere. I only give names to characters i'm keeping around. Hehe) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

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(Cant wait for your when your stuff includes the Great Ozarka Mons fighting for elves rights back home :P )

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Sorry, this wont include the present day. THis covers the original story back when you were still in Kildare. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

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Then I can't wait for it's sequel.Oh yes.. there will be a sequel....

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Broken Wings and the End of Days.

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I said Kildare? I meant Elywnn... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Chapter 4: A Phoenix Reborn in the Fading Twilight.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Ann was getting tired, but she had made it to Shirekeep somehow. She could only guess that Los was watching over her. She sighed. What a bitter thought it was, that their kaiser was named Los, and that the god who had blessed her and given her this mission was the TRUE Los. Ann didn't believe in fate, but she was starting to become a believer. She had heard over the Ambulence's CB radio that the police had been alerted to her presence, so she did what any sane person would do. She drove it off a cliff. No, of course she wasn't IN it when the vehicle went over, but that was a minor technicality. It would be weeks before anyone noticed the wreckage, and by that time she would be long gone. She then decided to visit a local dive bar. A pleasent place called, 'The Adder's venom'. It was here that she had stolen another bike (and a new set of clothes), and with renewed purpose made her way to the capital.It was huge. People scurrying here and there, flashing signs that promised the best deal, and tons of traffic flowing on the roads. She had only been here once before, when she was little, but she knew the general layout of the city from her 'training' with the Elven leader. The Landsraad was in the heart of the city, and the noble manors weren't far away, in the northeast section of town she thought. She wasn't sure who Los had been talking about, but she knew he was talking about the leader of Mirioth. That was where the high temple was, after all. The cursed one... who is that? I need to find a public library and look this up.. she thought. A couple of minutes later she saw a sign that read, "Shirekeep Public Library #12: Next right." She rejoiced at her good luck and turned right. As she made another right into the parking lot of the library, she cursed as a police cruiser passed her on the other side of the road, apparently leaving. Before she had a chance to duck down or look away, he caught a full look at her face. She cursed and was about to speed off when he waved a non-chalant 'hello' to her and drove off."Whew... that was too close Ann..." She parked and as she turned off the motorcycle she noticed something sticking out of the handlebars she didn't notice before. She tugged at it and out of a well-hidden holster was a 9mm. Convenient she thought. As she was walking inside, she noticed she was standing out. Everyone else were in typical upper-class clothing, but she was dressed in almost ALL leather. After all, she DID steal the clothes (and the bike) from a dive bar. There were a few stares, but most prefered to look away or ignore her. She approached the front desk and a plump, old lady approached her. "Hi. Welcome to Shirekeep Public Library #12 she said in a cold line she proly repeated a thousand times a day. "How can I help you?" Ann spoke up. "Where are your public internet computers?" She nodded and pointed down toward the end of the room. "Right over there. Maximum time limit is one hour though, and no pornagraphic or mature content unless scientific in purpose." "Thanks." Ann replied and made her way to an empty desk. She sat down and activated their web browser."Gaelen 3.5 huh?" She absently spoke, Gaelen being the Cedrist god of Technology, it made sense. "Take me to the cursed one..." She searched untill she found the web address for Shirekeep City's official website. Located on a sub-page was a list of all the current ruling nobles of all the lands.Gman Russell... he's the ruler of Mirioth? And Amity too... and So-Sara... he sounds really important. Or maybe just really land-happy. How the hell am I gonna get close enough to talk to him privately? I can't just scream out, 'hey! I need to talk to you about the Elven massacre!' she thought. Maybe I could break into his manor and talk to him? Nah, that won't work. He'd have guards and it's too crowded for that sort of thing to go unnoticed. How on MICRAS am I... her thoughts were interupted when she glanced back at the desk. Two men in suits wearing earpieces were talking to that same librarian she had talked to. She pointed towards Ann. She cursed inwardly and instinctivly went for her gun. The two agents shouted at her and pulled their own guns. Suddenly, all Balgurd broke out. Every patron broke into terrified screams and ducked out of the way. Ann grabbed the table the computer was on and pushed it onto its side with a loud crash and fired. The shot went wide but it was enough to send the agents ducking. DAMN she thought, that cop must have recognized me after all. The first agent re-apeared from behind a turned-over desk and fired at Ann. She ducked and the bullet missed her. The second agent fired at her from behind the Librarian's desk. It missed but not by much. These guys were no slouches about aiming. The first agent spoke up. "Ann Malaky, put your hands up and surrender or we'll be forced to kill you!" Ann's reply was less than polite."UP YOURS!"She stood back up and fired at the first agent. Much to her suprise, he yelped and went down. The second agent screamed. "MURDERER!" And opened fire with four shots. Ann ducked behind again as the bullets ripped past her. Oh PRH what have I done?! That's TWO that'll be blamed on me now! she thought. AND this'll be ALL OVER the news! I have to escape! He's a much better shot... I have one chance... After the fourth shot, she leaned back up and fired. It went wide but the agent ducked. That was her cue. She fired again to keep him down and ran to a fire exit. An extremely loud siren blared as fire-warning sirens blared now. She was in a different parking lot now on the other side. She jerked her head all around trying to get her bearings when she heard more sirens. She cursed again and was about to bolt into a back alley when a black car stopped in front of her. She was about to fire when the passenger side door open to face her. She didn't recognize the face of the guy in the drivers seat. It was a male, dark-skinned, and built like an Ox. "GET IN!" He yelled. Ann sneered. "Why should I trust you?!" He choked a curt laugh out. "Because i'm your only way OUT OF HERE! Now HURRY AND GET IN!" She swore and looked around nervously for a second before deciding to jump in. With tires squeeling the car drove off.Within minutes they had managed to hit the elevated freeway ramp above the city, but so had the cops. Ann's curiosity overwhelmed her as she studied her rescuer. "Who ARE you?!" He replied curtly, mostly not paying attention. "Names Muzzle. But we don't have time for introductions." Suddenly, another voice popped up. "Especially not when we have two cruisers behind us." She yelped and looked into the back seat to find another man sitting there. He was yellow-skinned, and had slicked back, jet-black hair. The fading Twilight reflecting off his sunglasses like the perfect shimmer of salvation. In his hands he had a rather large automatic rifle. Ann recognized it as one of the Boomist Automatic Rifles. He spoke up again. "duck low and pray." He opened the right side window and leaned out, firing. The civilian cars swerved out of the way and hit the brakes, but the cops were trapped in the middle of the chaos. The left car driver panicked in his swerve and ran into the right car. They both crashed into the side-railing and hit another civilian car, which caused one of them to flip over on its side and into the air. With a terrific explosion it landed back on the freeway, and with a sudden silence as terrifying as the ruckus it had just made, the chase was over. For now.Every now and then one of the exit ramps went into one of the massive center-city skyscrapers or complexes, allowing for the car drivers to easily get into work without having to leave the freeway. One of the few neo-modern improvements the kaiser had recently allocated funds for. Muzzle grunted and turned onto one of such ramps. "Dis ramp goes through this building, but has alot of exits. It'll keep da helicopters busy guessing which way we'll come out." Ann nodded, still slightly terrified. "and which way ARE we going out?" The man in the back laughed at her. "We aren't going out. We're going DOWN." Suddenly, Muzzle slowed down and approached what looked like a solid wall. He pressed a button on the dashboard. "Watch." He said crypticly. Suddenly, the wall moved upward and revealed a car-elevator. She gasped in amazement. They drove in slowly and let the doors close behind them. Ann spoke up again. "So... where are we going...?" Muzzle laughed again and slapped his knee. "We'ze going to da under-city. Most top-siders don't even know it, but their's a whole network of underground tunnles and caverns and ruins. New Shirekeep is built on the ruins of Old Shirekeep." The other man spoke up again. "Some old history lesson everyone forgot, or would prefer to forget I think." She nodded, still amazed. "And once down there you'll explain everything?!""Promise." There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Chapter 4 cont'd.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Lower Shirekeep
Half-hour later.

"So tell me, what IS your name?"

Ann turned around and looked at the yellow-skinned man behind her. "Name's Yoshiama Kiratora, but for goodness sake, just call me Yoshi." Ann nodded. "Allright then Yoshi, tell me what exactly is going on here. You guys didn't just save me for no good reason." Muzzle laughed. "Sorry missy, but 'da explanation has to be given by 'da boss man. He'd be sore if he found out he wasn't 'da first to clue you in. Yoshi nodded sagely. "That's where we're heading to now. We're almost at bottom of the elevator, don't worry."

No sooner had he spoken those words, when the elevator slipped down into an enormous cavern, lit by dozens of run-down buildings and tunnels that led off into the darkness. Muzzle spoke up again. " 'Dis particular cavern is the territory of the Ghosts." Ann peered down into the cavern with wide eyes. "The Ghosts?! I've heard of them. You guys are the mob." Yoshi shook his head. "No, not the mob. The mob has no honor. The Ghost Program only acts in the best interest of Shireroth. We do what has to get done to keep the 'topsiders safe, and for that we get a bad reputation as outlaws." Muzzle laughed and lit up a cigar. After rolling the window down, he took a long drag and puffed it out the crack in the window. "We seriously need a PR department. 'Might even get to go topside without gettin' into a slugfest with the local PD." Yoshi laughed, and Ann just kinda stared outside.

After a few minutes of silence, the elevator touched down and Muzzle started the car again and drove through the crowded, dirty streets. Ann tried not to stare at the passing people, but she couldn't take her eyes off it. The pavement was cracked and dirty, and in places missing. Most buildings were little more than rubble waiting to collapse. Bonfires coming out of rusty barrels and bums huddling around to get warm seemed to be standard. Yoshi noticed her shock and chimed in. "You're wondering who and where all these people come from, aren't you?" Ann nodded silently and noticed some of the bums staring back. Their eyes were hollow. "We call them the Forgotten. Most of them come from other lands to find a life topside, and when their luck runs out, they find themselves with no home, no money, and no way out. They eventually filter out down here, where the cops can't enforce the law. Life is brutal topside in the big city, but its so much worse down here." Ann continued staring. "Can't you do anything about it?" Muzzle replied this time. "Nope. We only got so much money and resources, and it has ta go ta makin' sure what has to get done, gets done. Greater good an' all 'dat."

They drove into an old parking garage, and stopped at the front gate. A man dressed in all black, openly brandishing an automatic weapon, walked out of the booth to meet them. Muzzle rolled up his sleeve, and on his bicep was a tattoo with a barcode on it. The guard scanned it with some sort of electric device, and nodded to the other guard on the other side, who proceeded to make sure nothing was hiding inside the trunk or under the car. Muzzle rolled down the back window and Yoshi rolled up his sleeve, and just like Muzzle, had a barcode. The guard scanned it, and finally spoke up after getting the 'all clear' nod from the second guard. "Nice ta see you made it in one piece mate. E's waitin' for ya guys in the office. Don't waste time gettin' there." Muzzle replied. "Of course not. I'd nevah keep HIM waitin'. That's a deathwish. He nodded and went back to the booth, raising the bar that was in their way. Muzzle rolled up the window and drove into the deck. He drove to the top floor and parked.

Muzzle got out, as did Yoshi, who opened Ann's door for her politely. She meekly uttered a 'thank you' and got out. Yoshi replied, "This way please. He's waiting." Ann's eyebrows furrled. "Who's... 'he'? Yoshi looked at Muzzle, as if he was wondering if he should say anything. Muzzle shook his head in response. "We don't say his name out loud. You'll see when you see him, why." She sighed, but relented. "Allright, lead on then." They walked across the lot and onto what looked like it once was a crosswalk to the adjacent building. Ann looked hesitant, and stopped just short of getting on it. Muzzle laughed. "Don't worry girl, it only looks unstable. I've walked 'cross it a 'tousand times." Ann stared in disbelief at Muzzle, then down at the crosswalk, then back at Muzzle. "Allright... if you're sure..." She cautiously walked across, and to her great relief, it didn't collapse. Yoshi chimed in, "Don't worry, the garage and the building are all structurally sound. They just look decayed in order to hide more effectively." Ann let a sigh of relief out and continued with more confidence. They walked inside, and to her suprise, it looked empty. "Is it vacation time this part of the year?" she quipped. Muzzle and Yoshi laughed. "Nah, 'dis how it allways is. We hide so no one knows our true numbahs." Yoshi continued. "This building is riddled with hidden passages, false walls, and secret staircases. Right now we have guards watching our every move." Ann 'humphed' and crossed her arms as they continued on. "Trusting types, aren't you." Yoshi shook his head. "Afraid not. We get SHINE agents trying to inflitrate all the time. We've learned that they cant keep cover with all these security precautions. Ah! Here we are, his office." They stopped at what looked like an average door. Muzzle chimed in. "Only you can go in missy. We can't folla' you, but dun' worry, he's not a bad guy, really." Ann felt a knot in her stomache forming. "charming guy, i'm sure. Well, here goes..."

She opened the door, and stepped inside. It was a completely black room, with archaic white writing all over the walls. A single window looking out to the city below, was the only source of light. A small Bamboo-like mat was in the corner, and on it a small laptop, were the only props in the room, save for the man in siloette staring out of the window. Ann meekly walked to the center of the room, when the deep-throated man spoke up. "Come no further, Ann. I prefer... space between myself and others." Ann stopped walking, and waited for him to continue, awkwardly shifting her balance. Finally, after a minute of silence,she spoke out again. "I don't know who you are, but thank you for saving me." He remained silent. "I... don't know why you did it though. Or for that matter, what I should call you..." She waited another minute in silence, when she spoke up a third time. "Uh... hi...?" He interupted her. "The Dark Man. That's what you may address me as. No one may know or say my true name." Ann nodded. "Well, thank you... uh... Mr. Dark Man... but I still dont know why you saved me back there." He replied. "I didn't save you, My agents did. I never left the room." Ann was getting annoyed now. "Well, yeah, but... like, this is your organization right?" He audibly forced air out of his lungs. "It is NOT my organization any more than you are the leader of your body. Do you understand?" Ann shook her head. "No... not really. Look, is there a point to this?" He snorted again. "Impudent. Los really knows how to choose his acolytes, doesn't he?" She was suprised. How did he know Los had chosen her for this? "So... you know...?" He laughed coldy. "I knew from the moment I heard your birth that you were chosen. As you fumbled through your first words, I knew that you were chosen. As you cried out in terror, that day in the village, I knew that you were chosen." Ann was quite beside herself in confusion and anger now. He hadn't given her a single, straight answer since she arrived. "Look you, stop being so damn creepy and give me a straight answer!"

He sighed and looked down. "So arrogent, so quick to judge. You have a long way to go if you are to save the Elfinshi. If you require a 'straight' answer, then you require nothing more than a lie. A straight answer is, according to math, the quickest way from one point to another. Well, if we are all fallible, then a 'straight' answer is the quickest way to fallability, yes?" Ann opened her mouth in suprise. "I... don't know. I guess so." He replied again. "You guess? Why don't you know?" She shrugged. "Well, because... well, I guess because i'm just fallable." He continued on. "So, you guess that you are fallable because you don't know? If you dont know, than you are fallable by default, yes? The infallable know. they allways know" She looked downward in confusion. "Yeah... sure..." His sillotte turned around, still obscured. "Excellent. Acceptance of the fallability of your nature. This is your first learned lesson." She looked back up and narrowed her eyes, trying to see his face. "Lesson? Are you trying to teach me something?" He replied. "No, I am trying to teach you everything. In time, you will need it. I see a great destiny in front of you. The destiny of an entire race rests with the decision you must make sooner than you know. It falls to me to prepare you as best I can for this decision. Can you accept the tutalage of the Dark Man, Ann?" Ann looked down for a second, then looked back up at him. "I don't know, are you infallible enough to teach me?" The Dark Man stared at her for a few seconds, then turned back around to face the window. "You learn fast, Ann. Perhaps there is hope for you after all. We continue the lessons tomorrow. Leave my presence now.
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

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Baronial Residence, Elywnn
3 days later.

"She's close to breaking, you know. Without Ann to keep her steady, her willpower is fading by the second. It's beautiful to watch, really. Like watching a courageous lion die at the teeth of many hyenas." Victoria Rose took a long drag from her cigarette as she reclined, and blew the smoke up into the air, letting it join a growing cloud at the top of the room. "Excellent. I knew I chose well when I had you assigned to this case." Ardashir took a drag from his own cigar, and blew the smoke upward. "If not for pressing matters, I would have joined you in the sessions myself. I'm almost jealous." Victoria took another drag and stared out into the night sky, watching the clouds cover up the moon. "It was a shame, but now that your back, you can hit the ground running. We're at the most crucial stage now."

"Soon, she will become ours."

A knock at the door interrupted their musing. "Yes, what is it?" Ardashir asked.. The door was opened by one of his guards, and in walked one of his messengers. "News from Shirekeep, milord." Ardashir gestured with his hand to continue. "SHINE has... um... well, been unable to locate Ann, as you know-" Victoria lashed out before he could finish. "OF COURSE YOU IDIOT! We had that news three days ago when she disappeared into Lower Shirekeep!" The messenger straighted up with fear. "All apologies my lady!" Ardashir raised his hand to Victoria, and spoke to the messenger. "I take it that there is more to this then a reminder of your failure?"

The messenger nodded, and continued. "Yes sir, there is. The CSI investigators finished their report on the freeway chase, and have concluded that the shell c" Victoria sat up straight now. "A BAR you say? That's interesting..." She looked at Ardy, and continued. "Only Shirerithian military officers and special forces have access to those." Ardashir narrowed his eyes and stood up, walking to the open door of his office balcony. "You are dismissed, servant." With a salute, the young man left the room. "It isn't the military, I have many contacts, and this operation is being kept strictly secret. So that leads me to believe that SHINE isn't the only black ops program the kaiser has." Victoria followed suit and stood up, placing her half-smoked cigarette in the ash tray. She slowly walked over to him. "Darling..." She reached out with her right hand, slowly tracing an imaginary line upwards. "SHINE is the only official black ops program. Everything else had been shut down and archived. We're very... thorough like that." Ardashir pulled away from her subtle caressing and turned back around to face her. "Your lying." Victoria looked shocked, then perturbed. She sighed and sat back down and grabbed her cigarette and took a drag.

Ardashir narrowed his eyes again, he didn't like where this was heading. "If you have secrets, it would be best to tell me now..." Victoria nervously took a drag, and crushed the butt into the ash tray. "It's the Ghost Program." She crossed her arms and looked up at Ardy. "They were a black ops program under the direct control of the kaiser, started forty years ago. Have you ever heard of the Immoti?" Ardashir shook his head, and Victoria continued. "They're a branch of the Cedrist faith. They believe that neither the gods, nor the daemons of Balgurd are correct in their beliefs. Their god... If it can truly be called a god, is named Neharad. To make a long and confusing theological discussion short, when you die, you are reincarnated with greater or lesser karma, and that gets you closer to the Celestial Temple, or Balgurd. These guys straddle the line between, and were given strange and special poweal prophecy, but I'm not sure how its different. Anyway, some of them approached the kaiser and asked him to start a program to train more Immoti. They said something about 'needing the power and money of the kaiser to maintain the web tapestry'. Well, he agreed, and started it up. Most agents in SHINE don't even know much more than that. Shortly thereafter, their activity became unmonitored, and rumors started flying that they became a rogue operation. They've been a fly in our otherwise flawless soup ever since." Ardashir stroked his beard absently as he thought, then finally spoke up. "So your saying this Ghost Program of yours, has sheltered Ms. Malaky from us?" Victoria nodded. "It's the only logical conclusion." Ardashir nodded again. "Alright then, I believe it's safe to assume that their working against us, and are to be considered an enemy." He turned back around to look at the night sky and took a long drag. No wonder you kept that a secret. That's truly embarrassing."

"But if you ever withhold information again, I will break you. Is that... understood?"

"Yes, my darling."
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Chapter 5: Through the Looking glass, Darkly.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Lower Shirekeep
2 months later

It had been two months since the Dark Man had taken Ann under his tutelage. Every day, she awoke at dawn and began an alternating series of mental and physical tests, each more grueling then the last. This boot-camp style of training was meant to strengthen her mentally and physicaly, of course, but it was also meant to break Ann's spirit, so that it could be rebuilt correctly. She had a long and difficult road ahead of her, or so the Dark man kept saying.

"Wake up, Ann. Dawn approaches, and you have not yet achieved your full potential."

Ann groaned, and sowly sat up in her cot.

"We're underground. How is dawn approaching?"

The allways-silhouetted man replied as he allways did, with an answer that begged for more questions to be asked.

"Dawn is a new beginning, not simply the rising of a star over the horizon. Your dawn begins today. But it will be bloody."

Ann sighed and rubbed her eyes. "As allways, I have no idea what your saying."

The Dark Man shook his head and slowly faded from sight.

"Dawn. Approaches. You have not fufilled your full potential."

And then, a loud explosion.

Ann screamed and ducked down onto the floor. She could hear shouting and the firing of guns from somewhere close by. After a few moments had passed, her training seemed to kick in, and she stood again. grabbing her 9mm from beside her bed, she made for the door. Opening it, she saw several men running frantically in all directions. She managed to grab one by the arm and stop him.

"What's going on?!" she asked.

"SHINE agents!" He replied, and broke her hold on his arm and continued running down the hallway.

"Shit!" she screamed, unsure what to do next.


She turned around and once again saw the Dark Man stading behind her in the bedroom.

"Find Baron Russell. He will shelter you. Tell him the Dark Man sent you."

Ann looked back down the hall, then back at the bedroom. Where the Dark Man had stood, Now only emptiness.

"Ok then..."
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by Prodigy Almighty »

>.> Sadly, Greg Russell isn't Baron no mores... He's a count.

Still, I like your story telling! :yay:

You weren't around for my promotion. I'm the current Duke of Yardistan. I've seen your name around, good to have you back. :thumbsup
Boris Ivanovich Serov ronToketi VI
Executor of Chelkran Kesh
King of Kagan conToketi
Baron of Absentia, Yardistan

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Gman Russell
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Re: The Passing of the Elves ~A continuing saga~

Post by Gman Russell »

This takes place when he was a baron. At the time, it was current. Hehe
What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased.

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Chapter 5 cont'd: Through the Looking glass, Darkly.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Ann cursed again and manged to quickly get on some black jeans and a black T-shirt (for wasn't everything in the Ghost program in the dark?). Wrapping a shoulder holster around herself, she holstered the pistol she was carrying, and put on a black leather jacket. Grabbing her second 9mm, she pushed the safety into place, and tucked it into the back of her jeans. She heard cussing from down the hall, and as she turned around to see what the commotion was, she saw Yoshi and Muzzle run full force into her room. They were both armed with BARs, and like everyone here, were dressed in black. "Time ta go Annie, we're shutting down operations, we gotta getcha to 'dat Baron man!" He tossed a BAR to Ann, who made sure it was ready to go. Yoshi stuck his pointer and his middle finger up to his earpiece and cursed, "Shit, we gotta go now! They've called in reinforcements and breached the front door!" Ann clenched her teeth and cursed. "Let's go!" Muzzle yelled, "To the parking deck! We got a car standing by!"

Leading the way down the hall, Muzzle's BAR aimed and ready, Ann was in the middle, and Yoshi brought up the rear. As they came to a corner where some stairs were, they heard footsteps and voices coming their way. "Fire team twelve, moving up to second level." Muzzle cursed again and dropped to one knee and brought his gun up to fire. As the team rounded the stairs, Muzzle unleashed a hail of bullets. Ann aimed and fired as well, with Yoshi firing above the crouched Muzzle. The point man went down with a bloody scream, as did the second soldier. The third soldier cursed and jumped back down to the first floor, no doubt sustaining injuries in the process. The fourth Soldier went down without even a scream, his helmet proving no equal to a BAR round. "GO!" yelled Muzzle. Yoshi took point, and Ann followed closely, with Muzzle now in the rear. They got to the door that seperated the main building from the parking deck, and opened it to the sounds of screaming, cursing, and gunfire. "They're still being kept at bay at ground level, that means the secret exit hasn't been overrun yet!" Yoshi yelled. Ann replied, "What IS the secret exit?!" Muzzle grunted. "we'ze gonna jump 'da car!" Ann cursed. "Why can't we ever have a normal car ride?! We're allways using secret exits and running from the law!" Yoshi spoke up, "Just a way of life with the Ghost Program. Come on!" He jumped into the drivers seat, with ann riding shotgun, and Muzzle in the back seat. He started the car and drove it to the far corner of the second level, ignoring the battle that was raging at the ramp. Yoshi looked over to Ann. "Ready?" Ann gave Yoshi a 'what kind of question is that?' look, but nodded.


He poured on the gas, and hit the ramp, jumping over the gap like Evil Knievel onto the second level of the parking deck right beside it. Without missing a beat, Yoshi took control of the muscle car and drove it down the ramp and onto another street that hadn't yet been fully locked down by SHINE yet. "We need to get to da elavator!" Muzzle yelled. "If they know about our base, they proly know about the lift then." Yoshi replied. Ann spoke up. "You guys have a backup elevator?" Yoshi nodded. "Several. We just have to find one that isnt overun." Muzzle grunted. "How'd they find our base, anyway?!" Yoshi shook his head. "Unkown, but they didn't get the Dark Man, so we'll just move to another base and re-organize. It's not the first time it's happened." "Look over there!" Ann pointed towards a building back in the distance, "It's on fire!"

Both Muzzle and Yoshi gasped in terror.

"They're burning everything in this cavern to make sure we don't escape."
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Chapter 5 cont'd: Through the Looking glass, Darkly.

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

The car came to a complete stop, swerving slightly from the hard braking. "Damn, dat's where da backup elevators are too!" Muzzle yelled. "What's on the other side of the cavern?" Ann asked. Yoshi shook his head. "Just some tunnels that lead to more of the undercity. They HAVE to be guarded, though." Muzzle's fist slammed down on the window. "Dey're heardin' us like Benacian Octoclucks!" Ann shook her head and cursed. "There is no way i'm going back to Ardashir's manor. Uh-uh, i'll shoot myself before getting caught again!" Yoshi leaned forward and pointed. "You won't have to, look! We just have to make it to the top of that apartment building, there's a ladder to the surface!" Sure enough, there was a run-down apartment building not far that wasn't completely engulfed in flames. On the roof was an attached ladder that proly led to the sewers of the city. In fact, there was still a detachment of SHINE soldiers guarding it from, well, everyone not them. Muzzle shook his head. "I guess we're not going to get ou'da here alive wi'dout sheddin' more blood, huh." Yoshi shook his head, "Look's like. Maneuver 12?" Muzzle looked back and grinned. Maneuver 12, huh? Nevah used 'DAT one before. Sounds appropriate enough, 'dough." Ann shook her head at the spook mumbo-jumbo. "Maneuver 12?" Yoshi nodded his head. "That's right, we rev the engine as fast as we can and crash it into the area the enemy is at. Kills most of the soldiers instantly and we can shoot the rest. Of course, we jump out at the last second, use a duck-and-roll so we don't die too." Ann rolled her eyes. "You guys are all crazy. All of you!" Muzzle grinned and leaned back. "Yeah, but we'ze a hell of alot more fun 'den 'da crowd you was hanging out with." Ann humphed, and Yoshi straightened up and spoke. "Hang on, and on the count of three, duck-and-roll."

The SHINE soldiers didn't see the car coming until it was too late. At the count of three, Yoshi, Muzzle, and Ann jumped out of the car and watched as it crushed 3 of the 8 soldiers instantly. The remaining soldiers screamed, cursed, and jumped out of the way. Muzzle was the first to stop rolling. He pulled out his sidearm 9mm, and instantly put 2 more SHINE agents out of their misery. Yoshi rolled out on the other side of the car, and took out 2 more himself. Ann stopped rolling last, and managed to aim her BAR at the last soldier, killing him instantly. Muzzle got up, holstered his sidearm, and offered a hand to Ann, who accepted it and got to her feet. Yoshi walked over to them and smirked. "That went well." Muzzle laughed and high-fived the grinning man and then high-fived Ann. "Yeah! Now let's get goin' before da reinforcements arrive." Ann and Yoshi nodded and climbed over the wreckage of the car and the front entrance, with Muzzle bringing up the rear. Climbing up to the roof of the 6-story building, they began the long climb up the ladder.

"You know... that maneuver only killed 3 of them..."

"Shut up."

"...just saying... not really all that effective..."

"Shut... up."
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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