
Handles economics and bountying.

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Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Economy

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

Phase II and Phase III are easy responses:Regarding Phase II, I don't think Agriculture should be any more distinguished than any other resource. While it would certainly add to the simulation value of the nation, I don't think anyone is going to care enough to keep track of all the different crops they produce on their farms. For simplicity's sake, I believe Agriculture should be bundled up in one generic term for purposes of production, and while each purchase can be made for a different piece of agriculture (if the purchaser so desires), it should all be taken from the commmunal production level.Regarding Phase III, I think with a simulated economy it does make sense to have larger sums of money, so going from DeciErb to KiloErb should work. Good idea, Shacia.And yes, I think we should stick with €rb for this. If we're running the gift or real economy alongside, we can distinguish them by some name such as §€ for SimErb and &€ for GiftErb. Or simply the difference between € and

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Re: Economy

Post by Zirandorthel »

As we've discussed before, I don't think the Euro symbol should be used. There's plenty of e-like symbols that could be used without resorting to a real-life one just because our American citizens aren't as used to seeing it as our European ones, or if all else fails we can create our own symbol and use it like the ! Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Economy

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

And as I have stated before, the use of an emoticon for our currency negates the ability to use it intermicronationally or around websites or even in the Wiki. The only web symbol even remotely close to the traditional is the Euro's €. Stick to what we -can- use, rather than what we -want to- use.

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Re: Economy

Post by Shacia »

I was NOT ready!I'm VERY upset that you would post a work that was in progress, and by no means finalized, not to mention un-edited. I am so upset, I dont have words. I am also embarrassed. I asked for patience, and it wasnt given. I can not believe that you would post this before I was ready. I was going to go about this in a very different way than it was presented. I'm appalled. I was no where NEAR done with this. I was going to present each phase individually. I sent you this ONLY as a courtsey and in respect for your authority, and you had NO right to post it without my express permission. For God's sake, I was packing up and moving all my earthly possessions, so that I and my daughter could finally have a home of our own. I was completely without computer access, and had no way to even see that you had posted.For the next two days I don't have access to msnm or aim express, so you can find me in the forum chat room. Edited by: Shacia at: 9/20/05 8:19

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Economy

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

yeesh, it's not like he did you personal harm or anything... and just look at the great discussion it's started!

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Re: Economy

Post by Shacia »

I feel violated, and do not appreciate having MY work posted by someone else. I did ask for people to bear with me. It was my work, and not his to post. Period. end of story, regardless of any discussion. The discussion would have come when I posted it as well. I like some of the ideas that have come out during the discussion actually. I plan on taking them into account, and discussing them myself, but that doesnt change the fact that he posted my work without my permission.EDIT:I have asked Fax to either remove the former Kaiser's post, or to delete the thread entirely. I do not take kindly to ANYONE posting my intellectual property without permission. Edited by: Shacia at: 9/20/05 10:10

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Re: Economy

Post by osmose1000 »

I understand your anger, but just try to consider it from his viewpoint: You were gone, and he had increasing pressure to get some form of economy up before the end of his reign. To spark discussion, he posted yours. The interest in yours seemed much greater (I admit that my first waryness has been abolished, with much thanks to Gryphon's maps helping me get a good visual) and as such, he resigned his post as Minister of Trade.Look on the bright side - you're the prime canidate for next Minister of Trade. They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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Re: Economy

Post by Shacia »

While I understand that he was under pressure, that does not excuse what he did. He could have very simply given himself more time before resigning, or not done anything at all. There WERE alternatives. He choose to ignore them, thus my anger. I am no longer angry, the issue is resolved to my satisfaction. While I could wish for some sort of statement from him, one doesnt look to be forthcoming, so I shall be satisfied with things as they stand. Thank you moose for removing the post, and for everyone else, thank you all so much for your support, and never fear, I will be finishing and continuing my plan as soon as possible.

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Economy

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

(I am the former Kaiser Los)I posted it crediting you completely and making sure not in any way to imply that it was my own work. I posted it so as to give you a chance to have input in the discussions we were having despite your apparently being gone and not knowing when you were coming back. You did not make it clear to me that I was not to do so.I have resigned as Minister of Trade and asked Kaiser Yarad to appoint you my successor, so hopefully you will be able to do whatever you want with the proposal without my having posted it interfering. Have fun.

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