Soldiers, fall in!

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

Name: Nick Foghorn LeghornBranch: NavyUnit Nickname (where applicable): Naval InfantryUnit Backstory (where applicable): must I spell this out?Abilities (where applicable): Black ops forces. Misc: The rough equivalent of Marines, but better trained.

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Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

I need you to choose a branch of the military, either Air Force, Army, or Navy. You will also need to specify whether you wish to command a unit yourself or simply be a soldier under anothers command. The latter is reccomended untill you get the hang of SNARL, but is not forced if you feel ready. You must also, if you choose a command, post their nickname (wolf unit, raven unit, etc), their backstory, and any special abilities they might have (are they paratroopers? Are they marines?), and anyhing else you feel is important to add. After posting this, I will assign your unit a designation, and anything else I feel is important to add. Use this format if you would.Quote:Name:Branch:Unit Nickname (where applicable):Unit Backstory (where applicable):Abilities (where applicable):Misc: There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find. Edited by: AngelGuardian93  at: 9/2/05 21:05

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Allright, since you live in Yardistan Proper, you are:"1st Naval infantry unit of Yardistan."Though I must say, I am dissapointed at your lack of backstory or interesting nickname Foggy. :PI assume that this is the same unit you used in the war? There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

This war, the Veliken war, the Red Antillean Invasion...yeah, it's all the same unit.

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Soldiers, fall in!

Post by John the Red »

I wish to serve, but wish to get the feel for it first.Name: John the RedBranch: Armyafter that I will be informed by my superior officers.For the will of the Kaiser!

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Shyriath »

Name: Shyriath BukolosBranch: ArmyI'm still tinkering around with the Knights of the Burning Claw, so I think I'll just be an average grunt for the next war.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Zirandorthel »

Can we register more than one unit, so long as we only use one per recwar, or so long as all the different units are commanded by one person each in a recwar situation? Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Zirandorthel:Yes, of course.John the Red:Welcome to the Shirerithian military. Which subdivision do you live in? That will be the militia you will be a part of.Shyriath: I hope you reuse the knights again, they are brilliantly designed. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Bill3000 »

Name: 1st Army Division of KildareBranch: Army (Militia)Unit Nickname: Control of Destiny MilitiaUnit Backstory: The Control of Destiny Militia was formed from the descendents of the refugees from both Elpidos and Menelmacar. As most would know, (fictionally) both nations had collapsed after the Purge of Nonhumans, crippling both nations and leadig to a massacre of many - this lead to the net complete abandonment of the Tapfer continent.* Many survivors from both nations had fleed to Kildare, one of the only remaining places in the worl welcoming to nonhumans. These refugees formed the Control of Destiny Militia, named after the legendary group of heros that saved spacetime in the past. The unit, lead by Radru Umbarcotumo, the grandson of Quillan Umbarcotumo, had sworn to defend the remnents of the past.Abilities: An small, elite squad of 10,000 soldiers; plurality of human, with elven and micron minorites. Their strategies mimic that of the CoD team itself; elite troops with the ability to use magic as well as their own modern weapons.Misc: Magic-based unit, so will only be used in wars where magic/fantasy is allowed. However, the unit does have modern technology, so perhaps it could slide into other wars. Has one gold star from the Velikan War.* Did you actually think I would call it Novasolum? Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismPissing off Micras, one nation at a timeProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="Why do I need some cheese?";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock. - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);Edited by: Bill3000 at: 9/8/05 10:08

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Duly noted! Nice to see you back in action with a veteran unit. Your designation will be the "1st Army Division of Kildare". There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Shyriath »

Quote:I hope you reuse the knights again, they are brilliantly designed.Oh, they'll be back, never fear.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Zirandorthel »

Name: The 1st Raxidal MarinesBranch: NavyCommander: Av NirimCommander's Backstory: Av Nirim is the son of a herdsman from Thule. He became accustomed early to the harsh landscape of his homeland. His mother lived out near the coast, and it was on visits to her that Nirim found his true passion and life-long hobby: diving.Eventually his vocation called him away even from his favourite but perilous job of ice-diving for salvage, to the Paladins of Volsung. With them, he learned of the martial concepts that the Hyperborean and Volsaarn warriors used to defend and uphold Truth and Beauty. He also met his wife, Kikat Dalag, with whom he now has a son and a daughter.Av excelled in the Paladins, eventually becoming Lotter of the Eastern Lot, serving alongside the mercurial Nirus Tinenetuwar, an immigrant from Treesia whose part was uncertain and not ofte talked about. Through Nirus he met Tammlyn Mac Fheardaigh, a former officer in the Treesian Bucklers, with whom he formed a fast friendship. Nirim distinguished himself well as the Eastern Lotter, even aiding the local economy by distributing Paladins to the various small villages as workers, instead of squandering their talents on defending the sleepy villages from the invisible attackers.Unit Nickname: The Narwhals/RaxidalUnit Backstory: With the accession to the throne of Kaiser Los III, of the Hyperborean Kalir line, there was a call for modernisation in the Hyperborean military sphere. The Paladin way of small units of highly-trained and specialised warriors used primarily for defence was all very well, said authorities on the minaland, but it was time that Hyperborean military ability was put to use defending and fighting for the entire Imperial Republic, not just the Big Cold.So came the formation of the New Military Academy at Vanam, on the isle of Volsung, and with it the new branch of Av Nirim's career. He and other Paladin colleagues of his helped set up the Academy, and taught in it as well. Nirim's role in the Academy was so integral that when the time came for its first new unit to be assigned a commander, Nirim's name was the only credible choice.The unit's first outing in the Jaris War proved near-disastrous. Heavy losses to insurgency and aerial bombardment compounded with a mysterious epidemic accounted for over half the unit's military strength, as well as two of its transport ships. A return to Hyperborea, however, did not bring the doom and gloom that was anticipated. Certainly there were tears shed over the sons and daughters who would never come home, but a new impetus was granted the Raxidal. The marine unit now had experience, and not only of marine tactics, but of street fighting and in evasion of aerial bombardment. Future conflicts would see the Raxidal acquit themselves more admirably, it was certain.Abilities: Standard marine tactics, also experience of city fighting.Miscellaneous: The gold star earned in the Jaris War is being retained by the Raxidal. The tank unit previously attached to the Raxidal has been dispensed with for higher manpower. The unit now numbers 20,000 marines, along with the transport ships the Shade of Kaiser Jaundice, the Lizzard King's Bounty, the Joycean Needle, the Fiddler in the Flames, the Importance of Being, and the Swim-Two-Birds. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Excellent. You are "the 1st Marine Unit of Hyperborea"I look forward to the next war. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Zirandorthel »

Quote:Name: The 1st Pikoral AirborneBranch: Army (Parachutists)Commander: Lewin KidunUnit Nickname: Seabirds/PikoralUnit Backstory:After the operation by the Raxidal in and around southwestern Terre d'Riches, it was realised that fast and redeployable reinforcements were needed in order for the marine unit to establish any hold in an enemy region.Considering this problem, the New Military Academy at Vanam decided that a unit was needed that would be super-mobile and able to drop down in enemy territory. What was needed was airborne infantry, able to deploy anywhere in the world within 36 hours. Thus were the Pikoral formed.Their commander was not an ex-Paladin, but the military prodigy named Lewin Kidun, the star pupil of the Academy, who had proved herself again and again both in theory and in simulations and war games. It was decided that this commander, educated and trained alongside her troops, would provide from the outset the morale and camraderie that a leader such as Av Nirim could only hope to carefully foster and build up in a theatre of operations.Backed up, of course, by experienced ex-Paladins officers, Lewin Kidun and her unit train alongside the Raxidal, honing their skills and simulating join assaults. Together the Pikoral and the Raxidal are a formidable force, and one to be reckoned with in the future.Abilities: Airborne regiment, able to move swiftly and be redeployed so long as there is a nearby friendly airfield for the transport planes to both land and take off from.Miscellaneous: The troops are transported using large transport planes, and their initial dropdown is on parachutes from these planes. After this and until they are redeployed, they are picked up and dropped off by helicopters, which are either transported separately by ship or by larger airplanes. The helicopters are equipped to withstand storms of both snow and sand. The Pikoral have 15,000 men and women.Another unit. In an actual recwar situation, I might arrange for the Pikoral to be placed under my command in the sort of cosy arrangement that Yuri had with Ardashir in the last war. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Fax Celestis »

Name: Ravius Fael Totajinrale HorgorisaBranch: Army (Rangers)Commander: Rutaus SurvariaUnit Nickname: Hunters/RavensBorn and bred on the Island of Naudia'Diva, the Hunters of the Stag come forth as an army unit.Abilities: Magically capable, so only usable in war applicable as such.Miscellaneous: More geared towards a medieval than a modern setting. Blindness Is A Blessing

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Fax Celestis »

Name: First Test DivisionBranch: Special Forces (Prototypes)Commander: Fax CelestisUnit Nickname: ProsAbilities: Mixture of air and mobile weapons platforms.Breakdown of Units:15 Einhander class fighter planes, divided as follows:6 Einhander Mk I'sDurestral, equipped with a vulcan chain gunLegionairre, equipped with a vulcan chain gunPeregrine, equipped with a hedgehogMeridia, equipped with a cannonHeather, equipped with a spreaderScythe, equipped with a riot arc cannon6 Astra Mk II'sHorjin, equipped with two vulcan chain gunsVercingetorix, equipped with a cannon and WASP missile launcherSorto, equipped with two cannonsQuetzalcoatl, equipped with two riot arc cannonsSerenade, equipped with a grenade launcher and cannonBeesting, equipped with two WASP missile launchers2 Erymethea Mk III'sLuxembourg, equipped with a cannonJareth, equipped with a spreader1 Stella Crinitia Mk AStella Crinitia, piloted by Fax Celestis, carrying a spreader3 Mobile Weapons Platforms, divided as follows:2 Cyaegha Assault VehiclesRedux and Cthulhu1 Tiamat Assault VehicleBahamut50 Troops in Infantry Battle Rigs25 units in Gleiphir Berserker Armor25 units in Special Forces RigsMiscellaneous: More geared towards a Futuristic setting than modern. Blindness Is A Blessing

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Zir: Assuming these parachutists (haha) are from Hyperborea, then they are the "1st Airborne Divsion of Hyperborea"Fax: Hunters of the Stag! Excellent! Too bad their limited though. As for your second unit, some of that technology seems a bit... too advanced for SNARL... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Bill3000 »

Quote:Fax: Hunters of the Stag! Excellent! Too bad their limited though. As for your second unit, some of that technology seems a bit... too advanced for SNARL...It's a matter of how powerful something is, rather than their actual technological level. Have Fax analyze the unit and see how many ships would be required to have a balanced unit that is equal with the same technology level that the rest of Micras has. Remember Jasonia? Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismPissing off Micras, one nation at a timeProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="Why do I need some cheese?";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock. - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Yes, I do, but this is not Jasonia. This is Shireroth, and we dont have flying islands, or uber-advanced fighters, or laser swords. (as cool as that would be.) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Fax Celestis »

As stated, the second division would be for futuristic battles only.My Hunters (who may or may not be joined by the Children of Mors) will probably be my main unit. Blindness Is A Blessing

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

*nod*Good. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Bill3000 »

Let it be known that I am boycotting SNARL until its issues, if they ever, work out, regarding the different aims of the different peoples of SNARL. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismPissing off Micras, one nation at a timeProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="Why do I need some cheese?";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock. - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Duely noted. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Soldiers, fall in!

Post by Zirandorthel »

Does your boycott extend to not reading threads in the forum? Cos I left one that is addressed to you that you should probably read before you start whiteboying the place.. Wil Nider to the HyperboreansEoin to the restZirandorthel to the ages

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Recruit wishing to join

Post by Rarkasha »

Name: Sam HarwoodBranch: MillitaryIn real life, I do better at strategy games than shooting excersizes and what-not, and that's really what I would prefer anyway. Hopefully whatever position I land on will focus less on front line duty, and more on supporting or directing where necessary.

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Re: Recruit wishing to join

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Sure. Are you a good tactician? We are in need of some of those types. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Post by Rarkasha »

I'd say I'm relatively decent. I've spent enough time with related simulations and a good enough understanding of how the mind works in battle (read:war documentaries and books) to think of ways to outwit and outmaneuver an enemy in real life. Or at least people pretending to fight in a real life situation.

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Re: Well...

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Then I will get back to you on how best we can use you. Are you familiar with SNARL at all? There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Well...

Post by extreme007 »

Looking forward to our face-off rakarsha Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

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Re: Well...

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

I'm looking forward to kicking yours Ex. :P There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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