Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

A library of bills passed into law by the Landsraad

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Zirandorthel »

Having doubts now aswell, Kaiseress? ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

Kaiseress Jadie
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Kaiseress Jadie »

Not really...I agree with the law as it stands......but I am trying to think of the law from other people's point of view. Kaiseress Jadie IThe Elf-Cat Kaiseress of ShirerothCarry on with your lives people....Nothing to see here

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Zirandorthel »

Well it's staying open till Friday, plenty of time to mull it over. ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

Kaiser Erik
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Kaiser Erik »

If you think about it.. we can't enforce anything in micronations.. not really.. So, with that logic.. we should not even bother passing laws. It's a priniciple. So...Mari.. you like Smoking? and fully Support it? Smoking Smilies... aren't people.. heheAnd you COULD enfore this. During a Convention we could fine anyone who smoked. or anywhere that is designated Shireroth land.... like my house... and most of Sonoma..hehe.. (though that is a bit harder to enforce...)So this is Enforcable.. in all the places that it accually applies... So saying it isn't.. isn't true. And like I said.. if you voted agian everything that didn't look like it was enforcable.. Micronational Law wouldn't exsist. Kaiser Erik of Shireroth.Duke of BrookshireNot death yet...

Mari Greenwood
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Mari Greenwood »

oops thanks for reminding me to put my number of nay votes in my post. You will see that I edited it.I disagree there are lots of laws in a micronation that can be enforced.This just does not happen to be a law that can be! Ha Ha!Can you tell if I am smoking now?Geeze!

Phoenix the Risen
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Phoenix the Risen »

First of all, I'd just like to say: If you want to smoke, there are a bajillion more things to smoke than tobacco, and I think maybe our smileys here have caught on... I mean, who other than a stoner would wear that hat? or purple sunglasses? And it is enforceable if you are smoking in Shireroth. It is the duty of anyone with administrator power to uphold censorship law (if I am correct, Erik), and if you happen to smoke on Shirithian grounds, then administrators may legally edit or delete your post on those grounds.And now that that's done and over with...Kildare votes YEA (4) Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess Pro-Tempore of Kildare; stand-in for Gryphon the Pure - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - "To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

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Gman Russell
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Gman Russell »

I am changing my opinion to abstain(2).I also believe they should be able to smoke in the privacy of their own home, buisness (if they allow it), or car, but I also know it to be addictive.... so I am rather confused as to what should be allowed.But please, i'm open to other ideas... convince me either way

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by UEC »

Mari... you aren't getting what I'm saying... Not all of SHireroth is just this forum... and technically you can't physically smoke on a forum... if you get my point.. but.. you come to any place that is designated Shireroth land.. such as my house... areaas of Sonoma.. parts of Campbell.. Place we have control (as much as a bunch of teenagers can..).. we can enforce it..In all honosty.. I don't think people should be smoking.. it's evil.. disgusting.. dangerious.. and fucked up and who ever sell tobacco should be shot in their blackened lungs.... fucking tobacco companies... .......sorry... So.. yeah.. Who cares, people should be smoking in theiry homes either.. it's dangerious for those in their house..And this law only addresses tobacco.. I didn't feel like making it complicated.. And before someone says something about rights.... Don't... E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Scott Alexander
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Scott Alexander »

I am concerned about citizens and the effect this might have on them. Does this mean that no Shirerithian citizen can smoke? If so, we might lose some potential immigrants who would be very productive citizens (and if any of our current citizens are smokers, it's certainly much more likely that they'd quit Shireroth than quit smoking if offered the choice.) I think that if this is passed, it should be clarified that it only applies on Shirerithian land, and that since there is no Shirerithian land, that is not particularly a problem.I'm also concerned about the effect this has of mixing real-life politics with micronationalism. If this passes, are we going to legislate abortion? Alcohol use? The use of relatively harmless drugs like LSD? If so, are we actually going to expect citizens to not get abortions, not drink, not use LSD, et cetera? If that is the case, then Shireroth will become one of those micronations everyone hates that restricts real-life freedoms, and I will have to think twice before continuing my citizenship here (no, for the record, I don't drink, smoke, use LSD, or have abortions, but I reserve the right to do so without my micronational involvement getting in the way)Hyperborea must regretfully ABSTAIN (2) on this until these issues are cleared up. It would favor, however, a less binding condemnation of smoking and tobacco with provisions such as banning tobacco advertising from Shireroth's boards. Edited by: Scott Siskind  at: 11/13/03 5:00 pm

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Rakesh86 »

Nobles of Shireroth,I say again ~ yes smoking is bad! I hate smoking and smokers in any way, shape or form. However, I am not going to let my emotions govern the way I vote on this. I will not address the enforcement issue - however this does infringe on the rights of the people of Shireroth. While smoking can be banned in public, people should have the right to privacy and thus the right to do whatever they want in the freedom of thier homes. It is not the place of the government to dictate what people can and cannot do. Some of you may say that Shireroth does not codify our "rights" - however right to privacy is inherent no matter where it is or isn't written. Plus, if we are going to support a ban on smoking - the law should be better and more inclusive. We cannot just pass a law stopping smoking without adding provisions to deal with those who have smoked for years. We need to provide facilities and resources to help people deal with nicotine withdrawl and what not.Please do not pass a law - just for the sake of passing it. We must pass good laws that will truly deal effectively with the issue at hand.

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

"a. No person within the lands of Shireroth shall be permitted to smoke any form of tobacco. "Lands... not Forums... No clarifying needed..And about smokers not coming, or leaving shireroth... I'll be honest.. if you are dumb enough to smoke....well... I'll stop there....And I have no problem mixing RL and Micronational politics... when those politics have accually affected Shireroth citizens... THose issues you spoke of.. have no effect on Shireroht cits.. Smoking has had effects on AT LEAST 2 citizens. (Details will no be given, so don't ask...) Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Scott Alexander
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Scott Alexander »

Quote:I say again ~ yes smoking is bad! I hate smoking and smokers in any way, shape or form.There are a lot of good people who happen to be smokers. My grandfather comes to mind, as do quite a few of the Babkhans. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

I do love the sinner..... and hate the sin... I can still think it's stupid of them... and still like them... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Scott Alexander
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Scott Alexander »

I was to Rakesh talking, but ok.

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

I missed his post... Tough I will mention.. AGAIN.. The rights mentioned.. don't exist... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Phoenix the Risen
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Phoenix the Risen »

2)Quote:however this does infringe on the rights of the people of ShirerothQuote:And before someone says something about rights.... Don't... 3)Quote:I think that if this is passed, it should be clarified that it only applies on Shirerithian land, and that since there is no Shirerithian land, that is not particularly a problem.Quote:And you COULD enfore this. During a Convention we could fine anyone who smoked. or anywhere that is designated Shireroth land.... like my house... and most of Sonoma..hehe.. (though that is a bit harder to enforce...)as well as the following exerpts from the Yardistani Annexation List (Yardistan is part of Shireroth, therefore Yardistani land is Shirithian land):Quote:5 inches of land in Stephen's backyard3 square meters of downtown San Francisco1 Square mile of ArizonaAll the Garbage cans at Archbishop Mitty High SchoolAll shrubberies in EnglandAtalantic OceanCloudsCzechoslovakiaDstryer's backyardDstryker's BasementFremontGlasgow, ScotlandHalf of AustriaHawaiiIrvine, CaLocker #2323Locker #2359LondonMarsNick's treehousenorth half of Mt. EverestPart of GS' backyard.Remnants of the Gazebo (or Gabezo)Room 604Senior HillSpace Station MirSunnyvale, Ca.SwitzerlandThe 400 WingTHE stairway to heavenThe treeThe VaticanThe WallU.S.S.R.UtahVenusWall StreetWater on MarsSonomaSonoma State UniversitySanta Monicathe Mission of St. Hereton4) *kills self*......1) *is reborn from own ashes* Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess Pro-Tempore of Kildare; stand-in for Gryphon the Pure - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - "To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Zirandorthel »

We're going to be rich, in that case. Can we swap Switzerland for France? Swiss are particularly finnicky about vices...Incidentally, the results so far still put the affirmation of this act far ahead.The vote will be closed tomorrow morning. ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

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Gman Russell
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Gman Russell »

It doesnt matter if all the abstains were changed anyway; the yea's would still outvote us.

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

*clears throat*All holdings of the Yardistani Annexation Corps, both listed and unlisted, are not subject to the laws and regulations decreed and passed by the Imperial Republic of Shireroth nor are they the property of the IRS, except under the explicit decree of the Lord Governor of New Yardistan, the YAC or imperial decree of the Kaiser of Shireroth; but not under decree or mandate of the YOHB, YSAMCDi, Yardistani Landsraad, or Shirerothian Landsraad except in cases when such a bill is brought forth by the Lord Governor himself.Oh, Erik agrees. -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Zirandorthel »

The results of the vote are:Aye 23Nay 6Abstain 4The Ayes have it, with a majority of 66%. This Act is passed. Does it have to be put into the Lawbook? ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

Yes. But it was written to be put into it.. So it won't be hard.. Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

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Eriana Moon
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Eriana Moon »

Phoenix the Risen, How do you keep track of all that do you keep a list???

Phoenix the Risen
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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Phoenix the Risen »

the Yardistani have many lists, including the ones in their fora, the "official" list on some site, and then the YAC randomly makes a list of things everytime it annexes something. They aren't too hard to find... Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess Pro-Tempore of Kildare; stand-in for Gryphon the Pure - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - "To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

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Re: Shirerithian Anti-Smoking Act.

Post by Zirandorthel »

Okay so, I'll close this and paste the Act in. ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

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