Integration aCt

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Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

I do take Shireroth serious to a certain degree....or I wouldn't even be worried about what Shireroth is becoming...right?I didn't mean that Shireroth is a game as in a game with rules..I meant to say it as Shireroth is just a website...and the laws kind of are like rules. We all play our part in this government...but it isn't real...the companionship is real..I will admit that. But the government itself isn't....*sighs* I don't know how to explain what I mean. Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Erik Mortis »

I guess we just have differing views on Micronations.... Erik Mortis BrookshireCount of Monty CriscoCommoner of AlexandrettaHeir to the Line of Metzler/Mortis/RaynorBig Cheese of Rrakanychan Inc.Shirerithian ElderGeneral in the YAC

Kaiser Wyltheow I
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Kaiser Wyltheow I »

Rakesh's postulation that the Kaiser's and, subsequently, the Imperial Government's power are derived from the citizens of the nation is entirely and wholely true. Go read my treatise on micronational government in the Library. It explains why.As for Jadie saying the government isn't real, i will ask how it is not. What makes our government less real than that of a Macronation? The fact that we have no edifice in which we meet? That we have no land over which we rule? If anything, all a micronation is is a government without anything else but citizens.As for decreeing this into law, I have concidered the option, but I ultimately decided that that would be far too overbearing of me. I am not here to force policy on the nation that the majority disapproves of. However, do not make me regret this decision. Wylþeow du GrifosThe Kaiser of ShirerothThe gods blessed you with power and a visionThe gods gave you life to accomplish a mission...

Austi Scot
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Austi Scot »

Well, as for me – I think, how can we make the government experience of Shireroth close to that of a feudal society? So, I think rebellion and overthrowing nobles should be a part of that – and if you get overthrown you just go back to being a commoner and plotting against your noble again. (if you want to plot that is) Say perhaps any two people from a Barony can start a rebellion against their Baron, and Baron and at least three others from a Duchy can start a rebellion against their Duck and perhaps three Dukes could start a rebellion against the Kaiser.Each would then have to be successful in the rebellion, as the noble would gather forces against them to put down the rebellion. I think the starting of a rebellion should be limited to an attempted overthrow of your own noble but that you should be able to gather forces from other Baronies and Duchies once it’s started – just as the noble should be able to gather forces from outside their land to put the rebellion down.If the noble loses the battle then he is replaced by whoever is the leader of the rebellion. The person who was the noble goes back to being a commoner – perhaps in a different Barony within Shireroth. .. But anyways, I think rebellion should a part of the feudal society experience that makes up Shireroth. Twod be a good micronational lifestyle!Signed Count Von ScotMinister of VisionsHallucination

Erik Mortis
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Erik Mortis »

But how do you win a battle you can't really fight? and than you start getting into rules of combat and it starts being more like a game.. and not war.. and than the nation is more gamish.. and less real... and things are just generally bad from there.. The only reaason the Mog overthrow worked was cause JAmes and I agreed he was to be the loser from the very start. We knew the ending but not the means to get there.. thus it was fun. I called it a Civil-Rec-War because unlike most recwar we were.. well.. civil about it.. Erik Mortis BrookshireCount of Monty CriscoCommoner of AlexandrettaHeir to the Line of Metzler/Mortis/RaynorBig Cheese of Rrakanychan Inc.Shirerithian ElderGeneral in the YAC

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Re: Integration act

Post by Rakesh86 »

Of cours rebellion or duchal war can either work two ways:a) Real It is possible for some of us technically experienced enough to use micronational weapons such as the classic EzBomb etc. to bomb individual forums - but of course the effectiveness and legality of this is questionable. Of course, one would hope that no one in Shireroth is mentally unstable enough to consider such a course of action. Additionally, in reality all the administrators could effectively take control of Shireroth, but that wouldn't be much fun would it? b) SimulatedRecWars are being abused these days, when nations believe they are some ego contest and thus have millions of men, thousands of ships/planes/whatever and superweapons such as nuclear bombs or whatever. RecWar or rebellion etc, needs to be plan and coordinated much like what Erik said. People need to be realistic and accept the fact that they can't win all the time.Of course when it comes to rebellions and uprisings, I personally believe that there should a rational basis behind them. Something worth fighting for or what not. Rebellion and Revolting are not tools to boost one's personal ego or purely for entertainment but instead is a means of accomplishing goals most probably political in nature. Like I presume many of us would be angered if a Kaiser or Kaiseress became completely autocratic or if someone usurped outside of accpeted means.

Austi Scot
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Re: Integration act

Post by Austi Scot »

True - means would have to be developed - discussed - agreed upon. Determining the end before the battle commences is one way I suppose. Seems as though there should be others - I don't have suggestions for them.

Kaiser Wyltheow I
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Re: Integration act

Post by Kaiser Wyltheow I »

As long as there is ez-op...war is obsolete...unless you have a completely unbiased person with the operator powers, one side has got a big advantage.Of course, we could argue this forever... Wylþeow du GrifosThe Kaiser of ShirerothThe gods blessed you with power and a visionThe gods gave you life to accomplish a mission...

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Gman Russell
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Re: Integration act

Post by Gman Russell »

Stability is killing this nation! We need some excitement... something to grab peoples attention, make them want to come back. I do it for the art. For KSHR's broadcasts, in hopes Eriana's play will get done, For Hyperborea's poetry. For the debates we hate each other for ( ), for the challenge of making this place work, for the mythology at the boomist temple. We need to progress, but it seems that the more we progress the more stability we get, and the more that happens the more we turn into less of a nation and more into an arts center or discussion off topic forum. The age-old curse of the micronation is upon us!!!We need to determine what will make us stay active and healthy... and the only thing I see right now that does that is a civil war... Ok ok, so maybe not THAT per-say, but I think I know what part of our problem is, and that's what our Kaiser said over the IM.We get involved in our own projects then forget others have their own, then wonder why no-one is paying attention. It's like we're spread too thin. Edited by: Gman Russell at: 4/22/04 10:15 pm

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Hey Eris, I think we need a golden apple with "For the most active one" engraved on it Do you really believe Project Bluebook revealed EVERYTHING the Army Air Corps knew? Do you know what REALLY happened at Roswell, New Mexico in the late 1940s? Have you even heard about the Men in Black? Do you have any friends who have `missing days'? Do you sleep with your window unlocked?Be seeing you...

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Eriana Moon
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Eriana Moon »

*throws in a ceramic golden apple with "For the most active one" engraved on it. And then runs off* Baroness of Lunaris in The Republic of ShirerothBaroness-Councilor of Tallandor-New Barbary in TreesiaFounder of Lumenetra (please stop by. We would love to see you)This has been a test of the emergency Eri update system. Had this been a real emergency there would have been a lot more cussing.Have a nice day

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

The only way I can think of to possibly make rebellion work is that everyone here, I believe, cares more about the country than about their own personal position. So if a rebel can get virtually the entire nation behind zir, then the Kaiser would probably step down of zir own free will in order to get things running smoothly again.I don't know if it would be worth it to legally encode that somehow, like saying that if at least four Duchies are in rebellion at any time, the Kaiser has to step down. "The Lord is a shoving leopard." - Reverend William SpoonerEdited by: Scott of Hyperborea  at: 4/25/04 10:13 am

Austi Scot
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Re: Integration aCt

Post by Austi Scot »

I think I like it - now to decide who to throw my support behind - rebellion instead of election - yeah, I like it.

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