Imperial Decreebook.

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

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Kaiser Raynor XI
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:02 pm

Imperial Decreebook.

Post by Kaiser Raynor XI »

Decrees of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth
Updated 3/24/2005

Chapter I: Legal Clarifications
A. Supremacy of the Kaiser
1. The Charter
a. Imperial Decrees may not and cannot violate the Charter.
b. The Kaiser is not above the Charter.
c. The Kaiser can however create a new Charter when the need arises.
2. Landsraad and the Nobility.
a. The Landsraad may not make any law that violates the supremacy of the Kaiser.
b. Nobles may not make any law that violates the supremacy of the Kaiser.
3. Ministries and the Judex
a. The Ministries may take no action that violates the supremacy of the Kaiser.
b. The Judex and its officers may take no action that violates the supremacy of the Kaiser.
c. The Kaiser can however submit to the ruling of the Arbiter if the Kaiser so wishes.
B. Statements of the Kaiser
1. Decrees
a. An Imperial Decree is an official written statement from the Kaiser that establishes law but do not violate the Charter.
b. Imperial Decrees can be used to appoint officials, nobles or bestow honors.
c. The Kaiser may use Imperial Decrees in any manner he wishes.
d. Imperial Decrees are legally binding.
e. Decrees which appoint ministers are one time events and do not establish permanent law; therefore the Landsraad may remove a Minster appointed by the Kaiser, at a later date, with the Kaiser having final say.
2. Proclamations
a. Imperial Proclamations are official statements of opinion from the Kaiser.
b. Imperial Proclamations are not legally binding.
c. Imperial Proclamations do not establish law.
3. Orders
a. Imperial Orders are written or verbal commands issued from the Kaiser to a citizen(s) of Shireroth.
b. Imperial Orders are legally binding.
c. Imperial Orders do not establish law.
4. One Time Events
a. Statements that establish a ministry, subdivisions, appoint a minister, declare war, create a treaty or have no long term effects on written law shall be known as One Time Events.
b. The Landsraad may make law contradicting One Time Events after the Decree, Proclamation or Order as been given with the Kaiser having final say.

Chapter II: Subdivision
A: Official positions
1: Restriction
a. In order to hold official positions or titles within a subdivision an individual must be a citizen of Shireroth and meet all Census requirements and regulations set down by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization.
B: Citizenship
1: Restriction
a. Individuals cannot hold Citizenship in a subdivision. Individuals are Citizens of the Empire of Shireroth and Residents of a Subdivision.
C. Alliances and Treaties.
1: Alliances
a. All Duchies are allied to each other through the Imperial Government.
b. Barons may not make alliances with any other subdivision that is not the Duchy to which they are subordinate.
c. Duchies may not create any manner of alliance with other subdivisions that are not their subordinate.
d. Subdivisions may make no alliance with powers outside of Shireroth.
2. Treaties.
a. Subdivisions may make no treaty with powers outside of Shireroth.
b. Subdivisions may make no treaty with any other subdivision.
c. Subdivisions may make economic or cultural agreements with other subdivisions, which the Kaiser or Landsraad may dissolve at any time.

Chapter III: Nobles
A: Classifications
1: Recognized Titles
a. The Imperial Government only recognizes three titles of Nobility. These include Kaiser(Kaiseress), Duke(Duchess), Baron(Baroness).
2: Unrecognized Titles
a. The Imperial Government does not recognize the title of Count(Countess) as a title of nobility.
b. The Imperial Government does however recognize the title of Count(Countess) as a title of status given by Nobles of the Land.
B: Requirements
1: Citizenship
a. A Noble of Shireroth must be a citizen of Shireroth.
b. A Noble of Shireroth shall not be a minor as defined by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization.

Chapter IV: The Kaiser
A: Requirements for the Kaisership
1: Dual citizenship
a. The Kaiser of Shireroth may not hold citizenship or allegiance to any nation other than the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
2: Minor Status
a. The Kaisership of Shireroth may not be held by an individual who is still a Minor.
3. Arbiter
a. The Kaiser may not hold the office of Arbiter.
B: Succession of the Throne
1: Heir
a. If the former Kaiser has appointed an heir, either by decree or by an unequivocal statement of intent, the throne passes to that heir.
2: Line of Succession
a. If the former Kaiser has not appointed an heir, the throne passes to the highest person on the Line of Succession, which is as follows:
1. Erik of Brookshire
2. Shyriath of Benacia
3. Scott of Hyperborea
4. Greg of Amity and Mirioth
6. Fax of Naudia'Diva
b. A person on this list may accept the throne only if they are a full citizen of Shireroth. Upon receiving the throne, a person on this list must resign all other citizenships. If a person cannot be contacted within three days, is not a citizen, holds the office of Arbiter, refuses the throne, or does not wish to resign other citizenships, the throne passes to the next person on the list.
3: Steward
a. If none of these people is able or willing to take the throne, the throne passes to the Steward, if there is one, subject to these same restrictions.
b. The Steward may be a Duel Citizen if there is a Kaiser on the throne.
c. The Steward does not become Kaiser upon taking the throne, but merely rules in the place of a Kaiser until one is found.
4: Election of Steward
a. The Landsraad shall immediately appoint a Steward if one does not previously exist, and the Landsraad and Steward shall govern until a Kaiser appears.
5: Claims to the Throne
a. If no one in the Line of Succession is able or willing to take the throne, the Steward either does not exist or is unable or unwilling to take the throne, and the Landsraad is unable to elect a Steward, then any citizen past their period of minorcy may take the throne if they can convince the nation to acknowledge their claim.
b. A Landsraad vote is suggested as one possible way to define acknowledgement, although it is not legally necessary.
6: Kaiserial Absence
a. If the Kaiser is absent for over a month, with absence being defined as failure to post to Shireroth or answer any queries, such as email, telephone, or IM about zir status, and has not declared a reason for zir absence such as LOA or vacation, the Kaiser is officially declared dead by Shirerithian law, and the succession process shall take place in the same manner as if the Kaiser had officially abdicated.
b. If there is no Kaiser, and a Steward is ruling Shireroth, then after one month of absence, the Steward will be officially declared dead by Shirerithian law and the Landsraad will have the right and duty to choose a new Steward.
c. If the Kaiser or Steward later returns, ze will not automatically regain zir position.
C: States of Emergency
1: Definition
a. A State of Emergency shall exist if the nation of Shireroth comes under attack by a foreign power, terrorist organization or malicious rebellion of citizens.
b. If the State of Emergency is the Kaiser, we are all screwed.
2: Rules of Succession
a. During a State of Emergency, the Chain of Command shall be used to determine who is in command of military forces.
b. Command shall fall to the highest listed member of the Chain of Command.
c. Should a higher member on the Chain of Command not be available, the next lowest member of the Chain of Command shall take Command.
d. Once a higher member in the Chain of Command is available, command shall transfer to them.
3. Chain of Command
a. The Chain of Command of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth shall be as follows:
1. Kaiser of Shireroth.
2. Steward of Shireroth.
3. Minister of Military Affairs.
4. Minister of the Interior.
5. Prætor of Shireroth.
6. Minister of the Exterior.
7. Highest available military officer.
8. First available minister.
D: Imperial Advisory Council
1: Purpose
a. To advise the Kaiser on his actions.
b. To suggest possible actions the Kaiser might wish to take.
c. To inform the Kaiser of matters within the realms of Shireroth, which the Kaiser may have otherwise not have known about.
2. Powers
a. The Imperial Advisory Council has no power outside its own halls and is solely for the purpose of advising the Kaiser.

Chapter V: Ministries
A: General Provisions
1: Accountability
a. The Ministers of Shireroth are answerable to the Kaiser directly.
b. The Ministers of Shireroth are vested with their powers by the Kaiser.
2: Creation and Destruction
a. The Kaiser and the Landsraad may both appoint and dismiss ministers at will; and create and destroy ministries at will, with the Kaiser having final say.
3: Jurisdiction
a. Ministers have complete control of affairs that fall under the jurisdiction of their Ministry.
b. Ministers may not violate the Charter, Imperial Decrees or the Lawbook.
4: Restrictions
a. Ministers may not speak in the Landsraad unless summoned to speak on a particular issue by the Prætor.
b. Ministers may request to be summoned, to speak on an issue they believe concerns their ministry, in the Landsraad at the Landsraad Front Gate.
B: Requirements
1: Citizenship
a. A Minister of Shireroth must be a citizen of Shireroth.
b. A Minister of Shireroth shall not be a minor as defined by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization.

Chapter VI: Imperial Ombudsman
A: Duties and Qualifications
1. Duties
a. The Imperial Ombudsman shall be chosen by election by the citizens of Shireroth.
b. It shall be the duty of the Ombudsman to talk to the citizens of Shireroth, to advise the Kaiser of their needs, wants and opinions, and to transmit their messages anonymously to the Kaiser.
c. The Ombudsman shall be a member of the Imperial Advisory Councel, and considered a Officer of the Kaiser's Court.
2. Qualifications
a. Those eligible to be Ombudsman shall be those citizens of Shireroth who are neither a minor, nor the Kaiser, nor under any continuing punishment by the judicial apparatus of the Imperial Government.
b. Those eligible to vote for the Ombudsman shall be those citizens who are not Nobles (as defined by Imperial law) or minors, and who have not had their voting privileges revoked due to punishment.
B: Elections
1. Electoral Proceedings
a. A thread shall be opened in General for the purpose of nomination of candidates; a candidate must be nominated, and then seconded, in order to be considered for election. Unlike in voting, any Shirerithian citizen may nominate a candidate.
b. No candidate may nominate zirself, although any candidate may declare zir unwillingness to participate. In accordance with the disallowance of political parties or interest groups, there shall be no public campaigning or organizing in favor of, or based around, any candidate.
c. The nomination round shall continue for one week (half a Shirerithian week), or until there are at least two candidates, whichever comes last. At this point the nomination thread shall be closed, and the voting thread opened. Each citizen who is eligible to vote may, under a recognizable login, present in this thread a listing of the candidates in order of preference, from most preferred to least preferred.
d. Voting shall continue for one week (half a Shirerithian week), or until at least one half of all those elegible have voted, whichever comes last. At the end of this time the voting thread will close and the results will be announced.
2. Calling Elections
a.Elections shall be held for the Ombudsman regularly, with one taking place six months after the previous election. Early elections shall also be called by the Kaiser should the Ombudsman lose qualification for zir office, or if at least three citizens register complaints in the Kaiser's Court.

Chapter VII: Imperial Scribe
A. Duties and Qualification
1. Duties
a. The Imperial Scribe will be charged with maintaining records of all Imperial Decrees, major ordesr and Proclaimations of the Kaiser.
b. The Imperial Scribe will be charged with assisting the Kaiser in the maintainance of the Imperial Decreebook as a document including all Imperial Decrees which establish perminent law.
c. The Imperial Scribe will be charged with correction of spelling in all Imperial Decrees.
d. The Imperial Scribe will be charged with advising the Kaiser on grammar and syntax of all Imperial Decrees.
e. The Imperial Scribe is considered an office of the Kaiser's Court.
f. The Imperial Scribe shall be charged with maintaining the formating of all Imperial Decrees, aswell as the Imperial Decreebook.
2. Qualification
a. The Imperial Scribe must be a citizen of Shireroth who is not already an officer of the Landsraad or the Imperial Judex.
B. Appointment and Dismissal
1. Appointment
a. The Imperial Scribe shall only be appointed by the Kaiser.
2. Dismissal
a. The Imperial Scribe shall only be Dismissed by the Kaiser.

Chapter VI: Laws of the Land
A: Equality of Gender
1: Landsraad
a. Both male and female nobles of the Landsraad have equal voice in its halls and may vote freely with their allotted votes.
b. Barons are still subject to their Duke's will.
2: Imperial Level
a. Both males and females may vote in any vote created on the imperial level. Only non-penalized citizens may vote on the Imperial level.
b. A penalized citizen is a citizen subject to penalty under the law for a crime where their voting rights were not granted back to them.
3: Duchies and subordinate lands.
a. The duchies, and the lands contained within, have the right to create their own rules, regulations, and/or ordinances for the establishment of voting rights within their realm.
B: Archives and Records
1: Mandatory Archival
a. All ministers and Nobles are to backup/archive all important threads, posts, orders, decrees or discussions under their jurisdiction.
b. Hard-drive backups should be made of all important documents.
C: Gambling
1: Legalized Gambling
a. Gambling in all forms is legal within the lands of Shireroth.
2: Exceptions to Legalized Gambling
b. Nobles may restrict Gambling within their subdivision as they see fit.
D: Official Symbols
1: Official Fruit
a. The mango is the official fruit of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
2: Official Animal
a. The Shirerithian Blue Moose is the official animal of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
E: Citizenship
1: Tri-Citizenship Restriction
a. No citizen of Shireroth may hold official allegiance to four or more nation while he/she is a citizen of Shireroth.
b. Citizens of Shireroth are allowed only three national allegiances including Shireroth. When applying for citizenship, an individual must have two or less citizenship, else they will be denied citizenship.
c. If a citizen comes into violation of these requirements, he/she must remedy the situation within one Shirerithian week. (14 days). The Kaiser may shorten or extend this period.
d. The Landsraad may place further restriction upon citizenship as long as they do not counter the spirit or the word of this law.
e. The Landsraad may abolish multi-citizenship within the empire entirely if it deems fit to do so.
2: Hostile Nations Restriction
a. No citizen may retain Dual-Citizenship within any nation that the Imperial Republic of Shireroth has declared War upon, or is considered hostile to the nation of Shireroth.
b. The Kaiser gives the Minister of Exterior and Landsraad the power to pronounce a nation hostile to the nation of Shireroth.
F: Military Action
1: Restriction of Military Action
a. No citizen may take Military Action outside the borders of Shireroth, against any foreign power without consent from the Imperial Government.
G: Political Parties
1: Prohibition
a. Political parties are banned from Shireroth.
b. Any denizen of Shireroth who creates a Political Party is liable to punishment by the Kaiser, Landsraad and/or Judex.
2: Political Interest Groups
a. Political Interest Groups are a form of political party.
H: Rebellion
1: General Provisions
a. Rebelling to overthrow the legitimate Kaiser of Shireroth without his/her consent is prohibited.
b. Rebelling to overthrow a legitimate Duke or Baron without his/her consent is prohibited.
c. In case of unauthorized rebellion the Minister of Military Affairs and Minister of the Interior must come to the immediate aid of the besieged noble.
d. No rebellion may be conducted with malicious intent.
2: Yardistan
a. The Duchy of Yardistan is allowed to rebel as long as it does so without malicious intent and does not violate the General Provisions for Rebellions.

Chapter IX: Land
A: Sectors
1: Recognition of Sectors
a. Shireroth shall not recognize the use of Sectors as a Micronational geographic or cultural subdivision. Nor shall it reside in any sector. Nor shall any duchy or territory be considered a part of ANY sector unless the Duchy or Territory expressly grants permission to be considered in such sector.
B: Treatment of Annexed Lands
1: Exclusion of Land from Annexation
a. Whensoever a nation or polity is brought into Shireroth, all its lands and territories shall, unless otherwise arranged in the treaty or agreement of annexation, be considered Shirerithian lands.
b. When, in a nation that is negotiating for annexation by Shireroth, there is a territory whose exclusion from that annexation might be desirable, such an exclusion must be explicitly stated in the final agreement.
c. After the agreement is complete, all territories not excluded from the agreement shall be considered lawfully part of Shireroth, and claims to any of them shall not automatically be entertained.
C: Holy Land
1: Isle of Naudia'Diva
a. The Isle of Naudia'Diva is Holy Ground. In addition, Naudia'Diva shall be Shireroth's first National Game Preserve, Wildlife Refuge, and Sacred Hunting Ground.
b. A Temple to Horjin shall be built at its center.
D: Imperial Preserves
1: Creation of Imperial Preserves
a. An Imperial Preserve, a small portion of land protected by the Crown, may be created around a specific feature of the landscape of a subdivision, which is deemed by the residents of that subdivision to have some cultural value or social importance.
b. No Imperial Preserve may include the entirety of a subdivision. Neither shall an Imperial Preserve be created that exists in two or more subdivisions simultaneously, unless all subdivisions involved are given equal say over its creation and maintenance.
c. A request for an Imperial Preserve to be created shall be brought before the Kaiser as a petition. The petition shall specify under whose authority the petition is being made, whether the noble or the people of a subdivision; it shall also specify the type of feature that shall be protected. No petition shall be accepted that does not have the approval of the noble who rules over the subdivision, and also (should the subdivision not be a Duchy) of the Duke within whose Duchy the subdivision occurs.
d. If the Kaiser accepts the petition, then zie shall extend zir good grace to protect the the designated territory as an Imperial Preserve. The Kaiser may also, in zir goodwill, agree to disestablish an Imperial Preserve only at the request of the noble or residents of the subdivision in which the Preserve rests.
2: List of Imperial Preserves
a. "Ode to Multiculturalism", Eliria, Elwynn

Chapter X: Honors and Awards
A: Definitions
1: Types of Honors
a. Shireroth will have two types of honors: awards and knighthoods.
b. Awards will generally be given for achievement in specific areas, and knighthoods for general excellence.
2: Bestowment
a. All honors will be given by the Kaiser, although the Landsraad may vote to give a recommendation to the Kaiser on who should receive an honor.
b. The Kaiser may, if he/she wishes, give the Landsraad the power to bestow certain awards upon individuals
B: Awards
1: Celestis Award
a. The Celestis Award is given for recruitment of new citizens to Shireroth.
b. The Landsraad may bestow this award.
2: Gold Sword
a. The Gold Sword is given to military personnel who distinguish themselves in military actions.
3: Silver Sword
a. The Silver Sword is given to citizens not in the military who nevertheless distinguish themselves in some way in the defense of Shireroth or in combat.
4: Bronze Sword
a. The Bronze Sword is given to foreigners who aid Shireroth militarily in some way.
5. Red Dragon Award
a. The Red Dragon Award is given to an individual who has performed a specific exceptional achievement for the betterment of Shireroth.
b. The Red Dragon Award may be given to a single individual multiple times.
c. The Landsraad may bestow this award.
C: Order of the Griffin
1: Limitation of Admittance
a. The Kaiser may admit any person who is not a Citizen of Shireroth to the Order if he or she sees it fit to do so, so long as no more than one individual is admitted per month.
2: Admittance
a. The Kaiser of Shireroth alone shall be allowed the privilege to enroll persons in the Order of the Griffin.
3: Expulsion
a. The Kaiser may expel any members from the Order if he or she sees it fit to do so.
4: Non-Allegiance
a. Members of the Order of the Griffin shall not be compelled to swear an oath, nor should any oath or pledge be written.
5: Non-Evil
a. No secret codes or agendas shall be created, followed or permitted.
6: Non-Denominational
a. Admittance shall be secular. No church shall have any pull on the Order
D: Order of Kampioens
1: Definition
a. The Order of Kampioens is a military order created to form a fraternal bond between those most committed to protecting the nation.
b. The order also serves in some circumstances as an elite bodyguard for the Kaiser.
c. The head of the order is the Prime Kampioen and he may induct new members whenever he wishes with the permission of the Kaiser.
d. A member of the order is called a Knight Kampioen.
E: Order of the Dragon
1: Definition
a. The Order of the Dragon honors citizens of Shireroth who have been exemplary citizens or done some great act worthy of high praise.
b. The head of the order is the Kaiser, and he may induct one new member per month, with the only exception being when multiple people are inducted for the same achievement.
c. Those inducted into this order may be called a Knight of the Dragon.
F: Order of the Chimera
1: Definition
a. The Order of the Chimera honors those who are not and never have been citizens of any micronation, but are nevertheless deserving of praise.
b. It may be given either to people who have helped Shireroth despite not being part of it or to macronational politicians and celebrities of whose work Shireroth strongly approves.
c. The head of the order is the Kaiser, and he may induct one new member per month, with the only exception being when multiple people are inducted for the same achievement.
d. Those inducted into this order may be called a Knight of the Chimera.
G: Order of the Phoenix
1: Definition
a. The Order of the Phoenix honors those who were once part of micronationalism but have gone on to other things, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Harry Potter.
b. It may be given either to former Shirerithians or to former foreigners, and may be a present from the Kaiser to a citizen who emigrates after a distinguished career.
c. The head of the order is the Kaiser, and he may induct one new member per month, with the only exception being when multiple people are inducted for the same achievement.
d. Those inducted into this order may be called a Knight of the Phoenix, although unofficially, due to their status as micronationally "dead" but with a legacy that lives on, they may be called a Knight of the Living Dead.

Chapter XI: Punishments
A: Banishment and Exile
1: Banishment
a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and/or Arbiter may temporally banish an individual from the lands of Shireroth.
b. Banishment is not permanent.
2: Exile
a. The Kaiser may permanently exile an individual from the lands of Shireroth.
b. Exile is permanent.
c. Only the Kaiser may Exile an individual.
B: Censorship
1: Posting Restriction
a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and/or Arbiter may restrict the posting limit of an individual in the Lands of Shireroth.
a. The Kaiser may cause it so that an individuals name may not be uttered within the Lands of Shireroth.
b. Only the Kaiser may prescribe this punishment.
C: Economic
1. Monetary Fines
a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and Arbiter may impose monetary fines upon individuals.
b. Monetary Fines shall be collected only in the currency of Shireroth.
2. Relievement
a. The Kaiser has the power to relieve an individual of all their monetary assets within the Lands of Shireroth.
b. Monetary assets shall only consist of the currency of Shireroth and Shirerithian lands held by the individual.
D: Nobles
1: Banishment
a. Nobles may banish individuals from their lands.
b. The Kaiser may order banishment lifted from an individual.
2: Censorship
a. A noble may censor individuals within their lands.
E. Removal of Title
1: Dethroning
a. The Kaiser and Landsraad have the power to dethrone a noble.
b. The Landsraad must show good reason for dethronement before it may dethrone a noble.
c. Dethroned nobles are done so in disgrace.
2: Removal from Office
a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and Arbiter have the power to remove a Minister, Prætor or other government official from office.
b. The Kaiser and the Arbiter alone have the power to remove the Steward from office. The Arbiter is only assigned this power should there be no Kaiser.
c. Individuals may only be removed from office for grievous abuse of the powers appointed them or grievous misconduct.
d. Nobles are not considered Government Officials for purposes of removal from office.
F. Jurisdiction
1: Final Jurisdiction
a. The Kaiser has final jurisdiction over all punishments issued by the Kaiser, Landsraad, Nobles, Arbiter, or other government officials.
G. Further Punishment
1: Alternative Punishments
a. All punishments issued, which are not listed above, must have the written approval of the Kaiser to be carried out.
2: Physical Punishments
a. No physical punishments may be issued upon an individual.
b. Death cannot be sought as a punishment.

Kaiser Raynor XI
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Re: Imperial Decreebook.

Post by Kaiser Raynor XI »

Decreebook Kaiser Raynor XI of ShirerothHeir to the Line of Raynor

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Kaiser Meskan II
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Post by Kaiser Meskan II »

You lie.

By my hand,
His Niftiness, Meskan, Second of the Name, Kaiser of Shireroth, Overlord of the Duchies of Kildare, Naudia’Diva, and Northold, Overlord of the Baronies of Elwynn and Vorpmadal, Thane of the Shirelands, Keeper of the Apollo Legacy, Grand Master of the Orders of the Dragon, Griffin, Phoenix, and Chimera, Wielder of Vengeance, Count of Shirekeep, Knight Companion of the Most Magnificent Imperial Order of the Sovereign Viking Crown, and Lord of the Golden Mango Throne.

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Re: Imperial Decreebook.

Post by Jonas »

The category of Imperial Decrees.

I'm updating it on the moment.
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
Can't you see? I'm crazy! :tomcutterhamonfire :smashy

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