Metal and Shameless Advertisement

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Gryphon Avocatio
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Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

To ye few metalheads that browse these boards, I say, go hither to Vörnagar's website.I know the guys in this band, and they just recorded an album and you can download the whole thing and their demo off of their site.Their drummer is going to be on tour with Vital Remains in Europe this fall. Yeah, it's death metal.Okay, I'm done shamelessly advertising my friends. I'll leave now. 3e knowe ek that in fourme of speche is chaunge / With-inne a thousand 3eer, and wordes tho / That hadden pris now wonder nyce and straunge / Us thenketh hem, and 3et thei spake hem so, / And spedde as wel in loue as men now do...

Stjepan Veliki
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Re: Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Stjepan Veliki »

Sharon Osbourne shall know only grief for daring to insult to insult Iron Maiden. Such shameless acts can never be forgiven.Up the Mother-Fucking Irons! SF-SN

Stjepan Veliki
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Re: Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Stjepan Veliki »

Oh yeah, and that drummer has his shit under control. Fucking solid. SF-SN

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

To roughly quote Bruce Dickinson at OzzFest in Mountain View, Ca , "We don't go on those reality television shows and suck corporate fucking cock!" This was said shortly before Sabbath went on.I understand Mrs. Osbourne's frustration. However, Dickinson, though he may have been a asshole, is entirely right when he says Ozzy is a complete sell out. Of course, I think he's being a bit hypocritical considering he is on OzzFest, the most commercially oriented metal tour there is (how many times did they tell us to go play the in the PS2 while the second stage was going on?).And yes, Marco Pitzurella is a fucking bad ass. I played his kit for the rhythm guitarist the other day. He's very interesting to watch. He's very...well...calm...what the hell am I the video on their website.And if you know anybody into that brand of metal, advertise, please. I'm trying to spread the word as far as I can. 3e knowe ek that in fourme of speche is chaunge / With-inne a thousand 3eer, and wordes tho / That hadden pris now wonder nyce and straunge / Us thenketh hem, and 3et thei spake hem so, / And spedde as wel in loue as men now do...

Stjepan Veliki
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Re: Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Stjepan Veliki »

From my understanding, much of the sharper edged parts of Bruce's rant came in the midst of the craziness that occured during Maiden's set. And I have to admit that after listening to all of the things that happened while they were playing, I have to believe that it was deliberately planned. However, it wouldn't surprise me that Bruce said those things anyway though since he has always ran his mouth liberally. The more serious point though is that the response was just freaking ridiculous. If you have a problem with a member of one of the bands you're on tour with, you don't deal with it by repeatedly disrupting their set because that's above all cheating the audience, and the Metal Gods ( ) know how much money people shell out for this Ozzfest crap.What I found really irritating though, and what has made it very difficult for me to have any sympathy for the Osbournes in the wake of this, is the shear ridiculousness of their statement about the events, especially when it gets here:"It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf."Right there, she's insulting my, and everyone else's, intelligence. When in the last 20 years, since The Trooper was first performed live, has Bruce not performed with the Union Jack (not English flag, jesus, she's English and doesn't know the difference...). How that can somehow be interpreted as offensive is well beyond my understanding.Anyway though, yeah, I was actually watching the video. That guy is solid. Has perfect control and makes it look like the easiest thing in the world. I think I'll go check out some of their original work now. SF-SN

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Re: Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Olorix »

Indeed, the whole Ozzfest thing did seem like it was exagerrated a bit, then again the entire thing to me seemed like a total degradation of Maiden, the Kings of Metal in my opinion (apart from Megadeth ).With regard to that metal band, it's damn good stuff, especially Bleeding Holocaust (which I am streaming right now). A thumbs up from a metalhead here, definitely. Bloody frantic drumming (And I loved the song title 'Defiling the Sepulcher of Christ', you seriously cannot beat that brutality!)

Nick the Yardistani
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Re: Metal and Shameless Advertisement

Post by Nick the Yardistani »

I think the demo version of Bleeding Holocaust is better. Their current vocalist didn't do the best job on the new version, and though he didn't do as good a job playing drums on the demo as the new guy, I still like it better.

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