[06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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[06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »


Laxija Atjanja Aҳatkөra
Laqi Free Republic

To whom it may concern,

An emergency session of the Laqi Provisional Government concluded in the small hours of this morning that the Laqi Government will call for an open, honest dialogue on the situation with a Shirereithan delegation and His Niftiness Kaiser B'caw I. This conflict has quickly developed into a stalemate as neither side wishes to fire the first shot, and despite the heartfelt support for our cause from foreign powers we feel no fair solution can be achieved militarily.
We will try and defend our newly found independence diplomatically, but we will settle for autonomy under the Shirereithan crown if our concerns are heard and genuine steps are made to improve the lot of the Laqi people.
We ask that the meeting take place in a secret location on neutral soil, the preconditions being that both sides recognise eachother as the legitimate representatives of their respective nations holding full sovereignty throughout the duration of these talks.

A successful conclusion to these talks shall result in the drafting of a treaty whose conditions shall remain binding on both parties for a peaceful and prosperous future for the Laqi nation and for the long-term interests of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.

The Laqi National Army will continue to guard the Free Republic's borders and coasts until talks conclude with the success we all hope for.

May Your Excellencies accept the assurances of my highest consideration,

M. Hadjimehmetov

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Andreas the Wise »

The borders between the Laqi Free Republic and the Imperial Republic of Shireroth had been quiet. After initial reactions, no shots had been fired, and nothing much seemed to be happening. The Kaiser, it appeared, was addressing the larger rebellion in Elwynn first, and had not made it down here, despite repeated calls for negotiations. Nothing indicated he was likely to come soon, so the guards were nervous but not too watchful.

They were therefore somewhat surprised to see a car approaching the border line. An odd looking hand was hanging out the window, bearing a flag.
"The Shirithians are here?" one guard asked.
"No, that's not even the old 'new' flag. That's a squid, for Mors sake," another replied.
"I think it's one of the Kildari lot," a third suggested.
By now, the car had reached the barb wire fence which had hastily been constructed. It sat there, waiting. Some of the other guards had gone up to check. There was a brief conversation, and then the flag was pulled back into the car. The door opened, and a short figure stepped out, still bearing the flag. Whoever it was, he was very old.
"My name is Cla'Udi," he said. "I'm here to see Mr Hadjimehmetov."

It was several hours later, and Cla'Udi was now sitting inside a house, being passed a cup of tea. There were several people around the table, and a number of guards waiting outside. "I don't understand," said one of the men Cla'Udi did not yet know. "I thought the Shirithian delegation would be bigger."
"I'm not the official Shirithian delegation," Cla'Udi said patiently. "I am merely the Count of Melangia, and Baron of Atterock, for as much as that title still means."
"Then you are here because ...?" The man paused.
"I am not authorised to negotiate, if that is what you are asking," Cla'Udi replied. "However, I am authorised to listen. They say history is written by the winners. That's not true. History is written by the Melangians. History is written by me. And I'm here to listen, and write what I can of your history now. Before the truth gets lost in fighting and propaganda."

OOC: Didn't want you to think we'd all forgotten you, even if the Kaiser and Steward aren't around. I'm happy to listen if you'd like to outline your concerns.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Jonas »

From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
Can't you see? I'm crazy! :tomcutterhamonfire :smashy

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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Sakat be praised!
Jacobus Loki
Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est.
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Kaiser B'caw I
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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Kaiser B'caw I »

(OOC: Hell, I can't pass this up...)

The red-gold disc of the sun made its lazy way above the horizon, the waters of the River Elwynn glittering like the riches of kings. Throughout the vast and ancient city of Shirekeep, roadways sprang into life, shops opened, and government buildings bustled with people. From the Temple, the innumerable lesser Cedrist shrines, and other places of worship, there came the tolling of bells, the calls to prayer, and the detonations of explosives to greet the dawn.

In his study, high in one of the towers of Raynor's Keep, B'caw I, Kaiser of Shireroth, continued to write at his desk, as he had for the past eight hours. He scarcely noticed the rising sun, except that it meant he could turns the lights down.

Several piles of paper seemed to be occupying his attention at once. Here, a list of candidates for Arbiter; there, a collection of correspondence with the Elwynnese separatist leadership; over there, a particularly messy stack consisting of pages from the Lawbook and Decreebook, scrambled together and covered with notes and cross-references; and immediately next to it, a somewhat neater and reorganized version of the same. This one had an attached sticky note, on which was scribbled, "Imperial Code of Law: needs cutting down".

Sighing, the Kaiser flopped backwards in his chair. He'd been secretly hoping he could discover the secret to not requiring sleep, but it didn't seem to be working. There weren't enough hours in the day for all this; things were going better than they had been, but still not good enough, not good enough. Rebellions, government vacancies, legal reform...

My reign is going to go down either as one of the greatest of all time, he thought muzzily, or the most catastrophic...

He hadn't realized that had fallen asleep until a knock on his door awakened him. His personal secretary entered, giving him a stern look. "You look done in, Niftiness."

"I always look done in these days, Reyn. 'Done in' is my natural state. I assume you've got something for me?"

"Some news, sir. It appears that Cla'Udi of Melangia has successfully entered Modan-Lach to speak to the Laqi leadership."

"What?" the Kaiser exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "Not to negotiate, surely?"

"Just to hear their concerns. Someone in Exterior approved the visit."

The Kaiser sank back into his chair. He was rather fond of Cla'Udi, but the last thing he needed was negotiations he wasn't involved in. "But no one told me this."

Reyn looked embarrassed. "Apparently the communiquè got lost in the shuffle."

"I really do need to get someone over to MiniEx to put them in order... for now, at least, until the Minister returns from his factfinding mission." The Kaiser shook his head. Another thing to worry about. "At any rate... I've been holding off on the Laqi issue for long enough. We need a diplomatic team there to liaise with Cla'Udi. ...Get in touch with the
Candle in the Dark, would you? Cada Sightland is the captain. She's done diplomatic work for us before; she should be on her way to the Sundersprite assembly. We can ask her to make a detour. Have her make port at Twoggle, and send some attachès to meet her there for the crossing into Laqi-held territory."

Reyn attempted to suppress a look of distaste. "A Sundersprite, sir? I know you have strong connections with them, but their usual style seems a little..." he groped for a word. "...informal, for this sort of thing."

"Cada is a professional in these matters. I've met with her before; she's even more individualist than most of her kin." The Kaiser smiled, and his expression became faintly distant. "Quite a unique lady, indeed."

He fell silent, and Reyn waited for a while before speaking. "Er, sire," he prompted.

"Hmm? Ah, yes. I have no doubt she'll do well. Have the navy radio her and relay the instructions. ...And let the Laqi know she's coming, too." The Kaiser's mind seemed to have returned to the present, but remained decidedly unfocused. "And if there's nothing else, I should get back to work."

Reyn bowed. "Very good, Niftiness." The secretary returned to the door, opened it, and glanced back briefly. The Kaiser's head was already resting on the desk, and his eyes were closed. Sighing, Reyn slipped through the door, and quietly shut it.

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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Hadjimehmetov sat despondent in the Laqi President's chair in the old Brookshirereithan Great Kehl, now empty after the last meeting of the Emergency Provisional Government some five hours ago. What could be done? The Laqi wanted full independence, not dependence to some foreign crown as had been the case for so many humiliating centuries in this provincial background.

Nonetheless he would talk to these Shirereithan travellers, having Visa problems at the Laqi border near Twoggle.
Perhaps they would have some interesting offers to make. The President bit viciously into a juicy Shirekeep mango, its juice spraying over the desk.

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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Aster »

A solitary digestive biscuit rests on a sideboard...




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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Jacobus Loki »


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Falkner van der Sluijs
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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Falkner van der Sluijs »

Oh, looks like this has been taken care of...disregard my statement in the MiniEx then...
Dutch of Kildare
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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Shyriath »

Er. Well, probably less taken care of, and more "Shy got distracted again and Max got sick of waiting".

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: [06082010] Laqi Free Republic: Opening Negotiations

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

I've just completed the MicrasWiki article on the Laqi Free Republic.
I hope it's relatively impartial and an interesting read.

N.B. Yes, it's listed as a Dead Nation ;)

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