Preparing The Troops

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Erik Mortis
Posts: 7238
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:37 pm
Location: County of Monty Crisco

Preparing The Troops

Post by Erik Mortis »

The Duke of House Mortis stepped out into the noonday sun, bright overhead and burning his eyes. Before him stood, weapons at the ready, his elite troops, generations of breeding augmented by years of training. These men had pledged their lives, blood and deaths to their lord. If he said die, they would die. If he said live, they would live. Though in sheer numbers, other units could out match them, what they lacked in numbers they more then made up in training and equipment.

Men, today we prepare for combat. Not in some foreign land, but none the less in the name of the Empire. We shall soon debark for the shores of Apollonia, striking hard in the Kaiseress' name against the renegade House Kildare. Their Dutch has called for the overthrow of the Supreme Noble of our lands, has declared himself Disloyal to that crown we so venerate.
We as noble and honourable people of Shireroth shall respond. We as noble and honourable members of House Mortis MUST respond. Our line of noble and royal descent must heed the call of the throne and of the empire.
The malcontents and rabble rousing Dutch thinks he can strike at the Kaiseress' name with impunity. He thinks he will need answer to no person for his words and action, but today....TODAY... he...will...answer. For the glory of Shireroth; for the glory of House Mortis, for the Glory of the Kaiseress!

A loud unified cheer went up from his men. Lord Mortis looked on in satisfaction. His men were willing and ready for the hard fight ahead. And a hard fight it would likely be against House Kildare, on their own lands. But fight they would, and victory would be theirs.

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