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Jacobus Loki
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Post by Jacobus Loki »

I cannot support the current structure of the nation. Certainly, I cannot serve in any responsible position in a government I don't believe in.

I also feel that it would not be appropriate to declare rebellion in the name of Loki IV, or anyone else at this time. Besides, I've taken Nelagan citizenship, and will spend the majority of my time there.

Erik as Mors VI has more right to screw up the country than anyone else. The fact that it is unilateral, damages history, makes the nation vulnerable to foreign encroachment and aggregates more power to the Imperial government than is warranted is merely my personal opinion.

Grouching about it is not going to change anything. Enough people seem to be buying into things, so let the experiment proceed. Without my blessing, but without my active hostility.

Color me as nearly inactive again. I have left Yardistan, as my Barony has been destroyed, and as the soon to be non-Duke of Yardistan seems to be uninterested in being an Anarch in fact as well as name.

(OOC: Nothing against Ryan. Merely a political difference that does not lessen my respect for his talent and good humor.)

As far as this new system goes, I pledge myself to Kildare, as it seems to be the group most interested in maintaining at least a semblance of tradition.
Jacobus Loki
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Daniel Farewell
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Re: Decision

Post by Daniel Farewell »


It's unfortunate that you feel as you do. Nobody wishes to alienate you. But sometimes, I suppose, we need to try new things, new ways to reinvigorate our nation, our community... New ideas need to be tested. New feudalism was one of way of this. We tried it, lived it, and then we decided that it didn't work. Shireroth has never been constant. There have always been differences.

I don't know what to say to you. I care about you. How you feel, what you'd like. So tell me... how would you like Shireroth to be?

Right now the system of duchies didn't work so well. Activity was low, and it was in the duchies that most of our activity and cultural works were made and lived.

Nothing is cast in stone. No formal decision has yet been made. It can still be influenced. Be part of forming this, be part of changing Shireroth. For that which does not change, unfotunately succumbs to something else...

Man, please, don't go...

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Kaiser Mors VI
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Re: Decision

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

Seriously, don't book out now. This process isn't even actually started yet, we're just planning thing. It's not being done unilaterally. I've been discussing it for some time in the IAC, and now openly. I want all inputs.

I don't see how this makes us "vulnerable to foreign encroachment". We are as solid and protected as we ever have been.

The History remains. New Counties are being Deleted. No posts erased. The structure is changing. Even the current duchies seem to be reforming as the are now, more or less. Elwynn and Kildare have already consolidated into Houses. I haven't heard from Yardistan or Straylight yet.

As for aggregating power into the Imperial Government. I admit it gives more duties for the Kaiser to do, but the power to grant/revoke lands and titles was always there. We're just making it visible, as a means to garner more options. Options bring activity. Just look at the activity generated by discussion of the possibility of this plan.
And as for the land. Those lands have always been the Kaiser's to move as he pleased. We just gad them so set in stone that we risked, to be honest, behavior like this from people. We crippled our nation with the thought that nothing could be changed. I admit to having added to that.

This is not the first time we've changed things Jake. I doubt it'll be the last. We started as a Dirrect Democracy, we instated Duchies, we made more, removed some. Created New Feudalism. Let Yardistan take us over, Merged with Jasonia, The Hegemony, Tymaria. I admit it's been some time since we tried something wild. But isn't it about time? Isn't it...Yardistan to do something strange and bizarre? I would love it if you and Greg were a part of this change. If nothing else, be that voice that makes us question our plans and ideas, makes us be sure we want this. Many support this, some simply plan to watch and see. Why not be the voice of Traditional Conscience, a voice I currently lack. I want to keep both of you. It is indeed quite important to me. Please. Don't leave in a huff. Stay, help us. Be Yardistani.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Decision

Post by Ryan »

I'm still not sure what you mean by saying that your barony has been destroyed. The only thing that has changed is the joke-county of Poketto-shoto was folded into Western Absentia. All of Absentia remains territorially intact and still under your control. So, if anything, you just gifted a good portion of Yardistan to Kildare. I'm not sure who's destroying what here...
I haven't heard from Yardistan or Straylight yet.
I have approached both Greg and Jacobus about forming a Yardistani House. The latter has already decided above, the former I have not heard from yet. So that is the status at the moment.
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Gman Russell
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Re: Decision

Post by Gman Russell »

Funny how the only voice OPPOSED to change are the Yardistanis. Indeed, we live in strange times.
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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Decision

Post by Jacobus Loki »


Daniel, you will be an excellent Steward. (Seize power when no one is looking!)

The Kaiser has the right to do what he has done, this Kaiser more than most. Something needs to be done to jump start things, so eh, teh, meh. Thus no Jacobite rising. At least now. :fish

As far as vulnerability, Erik, I'll PM that. No sense in giving foreigners ideas.

I'm just not going to be obstructionist this time. I spoke my mind, and backed away.

I'll do cultural stuff, and catch up on some background stories.

Gad, I'm more active when I'm inactive sometimes.............

Oh, and Greg-


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Kaiser Mors VI
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Re: Decision

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

See! The plan is already generating activity.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Decision

Post by Shyriath »

Funny how the only voice OPPOSED to change are the Yardistanis. Indeed, we live in strange times.
I have to admit, yeah, that's kinda freaking me out.

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Kaiser Mors VI
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Re: Decision

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

Yeah... And Brookshire was the first to fall to the Idea... The seat of Traditionalism...
Kaiser Mors VI,
Head of House Mortis.

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