Notes on Goldenbrook titles and Nobility.

Erik Mortis
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Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:37 pm
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Notes on Goldenbrook titles and Nobility.

Post by Erik Mortis »

Duke of Goldenbrook: appointed by the Kaiser or inherited. Granted all lands of Goldenbrook as Fief.

Marquess of Shirekeep: Appointed by the Duke of Goldenbrook. Heir presumptive of the Duke. Presiding Lord of the Great Kehl of Goldenbrook. A title granting the station of Lesser-Noble, though no automatic fief. Grants 2 votes in the Great Kehl.

Baron: Title of Lesser-Nobility granted by the Duke of Goldenbrook or inherited. Includes a fief that is inherited with the Title. Granted 2 votes in the Great Kehl.

Earl: Title of Lesser-Nobility granted by the Duke of Goldenbrook. Does not include a fief and cannot be passed to an heir. Granted 2 votes in the Great Kehl.

Baronet: A Title of Lesser-Nobility purchased from the Duke of Goldenbrook. Does not include a fief and cannot be passed to an heir. Grants 1 vote in the Great Kehl.

Count: A status given to one who holds lands (a county) in fief, as granted by the Duke or a Lesser-Noble who was granted the land in turn from the Duke. Cannot pass to an heir without being part of Baron's fief. Grants a single vote in the Great Kehl.

Emissary of Goldenbrook: A Lesser-Noble granted permission to vote on the behalf of the Duke of Goldenbrook as allowed by Imperial Law.

If a person has multiple titles that may grant a vote in the Great Kehl, the one with the largest vote is used for purposes of voting in the Kehl.


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