Magroth Industries

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Magroth Industries

Post by Al'Magroth »

The factories of Magroth industries appeared almost fully formed on the outskirts of Biotopia; teleported from where Al Magroth had been constructing it before deciding upon its final location. His armed guards began patrolling around it; while out the front, the finishing touches were being painted onto the sign by two local contractors.

"Your first name in rune?" one of the painters asked the other. "It doesn't sound right."
"How so?" the second asked, focussing on the 'r' in rune he was painting.
"Shouldn't it be 'Your first name in runing'?" the painter asked.
"Perhaps," the second said, noncomittally. "But we were definitely told to paint 'rune', and for 100 erb a piece I'm not complaining about the grammar."
"Fair enough," the first painter said; and carried on.
Summary: Magroth Industries is deployed as a unit in Shireroth SCOWL. My techies, modified Hueys and Fast Response Infantry are stationed there (and the infantry double as guards). Until further notice, the factory is crafting magical items. Obviously I don't want to publicly post the incantations used, so I'm working it all out as secret moves with the judge. Since assumedly Jacobus (as MoMA) is the judge; and since he's not around; I'm running it through Longbow (the Gralan SCOWL judge) until I'm told otherwise.

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The Kildare Contract

Post by Al'Magroth »

Now they had gained the Kildare Contract, Magroth Industries would be working overtime for the forseeable future to ensure it was completed. While the factory busied themselves with Forceshield Tokens, Null Field Tokens, Anti-Mage Guns, Teleport Blocks, Anti-Spell Bombs and Null Rays, Al'Magroth and his rank 15 associates set about constructing Mighty Gates at strategic locations across Kildare; placing magic walls around strategic buildings; and upgrading the Ocean Palace.
Summary: (which is more detailed than the post).
Magroth Industries is creating a number of magical items, at minimum in the following amounts:
30 000 Forceshield Tokens,
20 000Null Field Tokens,
5 000 Anti-Mage Guns,
100 000 Teleport Blocks,
5 000 Anti-Spell Bombs,
5 000 Null Rays,
The incantations and means of creation for all these items has been told to the judge.

At the same time, Al'Magroth and associates are doing some of the work that requires a mage on the ground.
Initially, they have made all the newly deployed SAM and ABM equipment "Insta-Travel TM" capable.
Then they are constructing 20 Mighty Gates across Kildare (according to the following map).
From the Mighty Gate description (courtesy of the Magroth Industries Christmas Catalogue):
Cast on a stone gate, anybody who steps through this gate will be teleported to a nominated location. A set of locations are specified at time of casting - new ones cannot be added (except by re-casting the spell). A point is set where a spoken pass code will change the destination. Generally, Magroth Industries places two techies into a safe location near the Mighty Gate, and put the pass code speaking point there. Mighty Gates are one way only. Light from the other location is teleported in, so that when you look through the gate, you see what you're about to step out to.
Magroth Industries will of course source local stone for the construction of the gates. They are also constucting the nearby safe locations for the techies (generally an underground bunker fashioned by magic).

After the Mighty Gates are constructed, Al'Magroth and associates will set up Magic Walls over important buildings in Blackrock Nua, and over much Sakatra (as the city most in danger of attack).

Finally, they'll upgrade the Ocean Palace (details of which will be sent to the judge).

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Al'Magroth »

The defence upgrade of Kildare had gone surprisingly well, and quickly too. Al'Magroth's new method for the mass production of magical items had proved far more efficient than his wildest dreams - and as a result, the required quantities of items, as well as 20 000 Building Pavers (used to create magic walls on buildings, for use by general non-magical employees) had been completed in little over a week. The Dant surveyed Kildare, and saw that it was safe. He began to cast his mind further afield. Perhaps there were other lands that needed protection. But until then, he had an interesting idea.

He stood inside the factory, showing one of his general employees a prototype. It resembled a golem; but was produced without requiring words in the head. It resembled an earth elemental, but was sleeker, smoother and more streamlined. It resembled a robot, but was powered by magic, not computers. It was metallic, of a reflective silver kind, with simple human features; and stamped with the logo of Al'Magroth industries on the front, with the motto underneath. It spoke with a simple male voice.
"Hello," it said. "I am a Magroth Bot. I am here to serve."
"What do you think?" Al'Magroth asked.
"It's beautiful, boss," the employee said.
"Give it an order," Al'Magroth suggested, smiling.
"Walk around the room." And sure enough, the Magroth Bot did so.
"It's wonderful!" the employee exclaimed.
"We shall begin production immediately," Al'Magroth said, pleased at this reaction. "Before the month is out, there shall be one in every household."
"But ... do we have a big enough factory for that?" the employee said, worried.
"No, which is why I just quintupled its size."
Al'Magroth develops a prototype Magroth Bot, a new style earth elemental cum robot, which he begins production of immediately. He is hoping to give them away to households initially, to make life easier and improve sales in the future. More points also deployed for the factory, to manage this.

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

At the New Kajar "Mighty-Gate"

"I Jenaab Abu Ilyas Eskandar al-Aziz al-Karim al-Rashid ibn Haroun ibn Musa al-Karim ibn Zakhariya ibn Ardeshir Khan Mirza Abdul Shah Kamalshahri, Sarlashkar of the Gârd e Jâvidân, Defender of the Harem Orchards and Holder of the Keys of the Six Golden Cabinets of the Shah’s Bedchamber do request and humbly solicit an audience with the esteemed Dark Lord Al'Magroth - avatar of Malik Tawûs, Quintessence of Chaos, manifestation of the ineffable will of Zurvan &tc. - on behalf of his most munificent patron the sayyid Aurangzeb Khan Osmani, Baron of Eliria, Earl of Alelahzamin, Count of New Jasonia, Khan of Vijayanagara. In my retinue I have thirteen Babki youths from the land of Mahoz, they are the sons of brigands formerly in the pay of Khan Mellah Khan, himself lately in the custody of the Ashkenatzim Security Services. They will not be missed. As a token of good will from the Khan they are for your excellency to dispose of in whatever manner you see fit."

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Al'Magroth »

The envoy waited a moment, and then a human figure appeared by the gate. He looked very vague, like he was mildly transparent, or not used to being there.
"The Dark Lord looks with favour upon your request. If you are ready to travel immediately, I shall take you to a place where you can meet with him."
Summary: A Shadow Seer is sent to meet him, and offer transport.
OOC: To speed things up, if you accept, consider yourself transported to the Raynor Isles mighty gate, and escorted to a meeting room in Magroth Industries by the security guards, where you will find Al'Magroth, and can say whatever you were planning to to him.

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Magroth Industries

Solid-looking shafts of light came in through the windows of the great apse and shone onto the floor of the audience chamber. Abu Ilyas Eskandar stared at them, his face composed into a suitable picture of thoughtful attention belying a certain Oriental inscrutability characteristic of the Euran. The glass of the windows gave the light a strange underwater look. The odd oily flick of incense smoke moved in it. A dark lord indeed the Jenaab thought, but at least one with a sense of theatre.

The room was empty save for the phalanx of Magroth Bots which had comprised the Jenaab's escort from the Raynor Gate to the heart of Al'Magroth's new Imperium. On the way to the audience chamber Abu Ilyas had passed factory after factory, all churning out Magroth Bots and other instruments of war and the spectacle had filled his heart with dread.

Now finally a single hooded figure had entered the chamber and, without any ceremony, ascended to sit upon the marble throne which dominated the centre of the hall.

Taking this as his cue the Jenaab stepped forward and prostrated himself before the throne. An impatient voice cut him short.

"We summoned you to hear what your master has to say. So speak."

Retaining his outward calm, the Jenaab returned to his feet and once standing upright more modestly salaamed towards the throne.

"Majesty, I kiss feet. I Jenaab Abu Ilyas Eskandar al-Aziz al-Karim al-Rashid ibn Haroun ibn Musa al-Karim ibn Zakhariya ibn Ardeshir Khan Mirza Abdul Shah Kamalshahri, Sarlashkar of the Gârd e Jâvidân, Defender of the Harem Orchards...

"Yes - I know who you are, the pimp of the Khan, a collaborator of the Feldmarshall and a brothel keeper for the Emir. Do get on with it."

The Jenaab's face twitched in a rictus of displeasure at the insult. Stroking his beard and remembering the guards, unthinking, uncaring, unbribeable, all about him, he regained his composure.

"The Khan of Vijayanagara, mindful of the silence of the Kaiser and the Fabian-Gandhian strategy adopted by the majority of the nobility, has resolved upon adopting a pragmatic strategy and desires that a peace be established between Eliria and the Raynor Isles. Your sublimity will note that the Khan exercises exclusive control over the authorisation codes required for those DSI systems which survived the Goldshire Conflict. A certain Lucard Wrend is at this time being incommunicado awaiting the Khan's pleasure - this was so as to simplify the command structure. The Khan offers terms; for the duration of the war with Gralus and Nelaga he will target the DSI systems in accordance with your wishes - in return for the use of the Duchy of Goldshire, currently under your occupation, which will furnish the means to upfund their activation. In accordance with Imperial mandate the Khan will at no time cede control of the DSI but he will put to good use the discretion he enjoys with regards to its use.

Should you decline the offer the Khan will not authorise the activation of the DSI but will instead propose that a truce be observed along the Elwynn so that the Duchy of Elwynn and the Imperial County of Shirekeep falls under his dominion whilst you employ the benefit of the rest to wage war upon the wider world."

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Al'Magroth »

The Jenaab paused, waiting for a response, and watched for several moments as Al'Magroth thought. Finally, a smile was detectable under the hood. "I look with favour upon this plan of your master. It is nice to find someone who is capable of sensible negotiation, and, of course, your master's malevolence and general evil tendencies are almost as famous as his family's desires to subjugate Shireroth to the Babkhan Shah, whether a Shah remain on Micras or not. I grant the following terms:

The lands of Elwynn, Goldshire and Shirekeep shall be granted to the Khan, to do with as he needs in order to keep up his part of the agreement.
The Magroth Bots in these regions which are unwanted by the residence shall obey the order to move away, and shall move to Lakhesis.
The elemental hordes on the borders of these regions shall retreat a distance of 100 km.

The Khan shall target the DSI weaponry at any and all non-Shirithian targets I define.
The Khan shall not engage in any military or subversive action; or any other action that could be construed as wresting control of the other military resources of Shireroth or other nations from the hands of Al'Magroth and his associates.

Should the Khan fail to follow these terms, a firey, watery, windy and rocky hell shall await him and all who resist; as, I am sure, he fully intends to attempt to turn the DSI weaponry onto me, should I engage in military action against Elwynn, Goldshire or Shirekeep. I am sure he will find these terms acceptable."
Al'Magroth did not look down, but out of his pocket what looked like a small crystal ball hovered out, and flew into the hands of the Jenaab. "This ball can pass on verbal messages between myself and the Khan, and will function anywhere that magic will function; and its connection, to the twin I hold, cannot be broken. I am sure we will find it of mutual advantage. For now, you can tell the Khan that his first target will be in Laranel, to the east of Toketi and Novatainia. I'm sure he will wish to begin moving."

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Bill3000 »

Rocks fall, everybody dies.

I win.
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
Citizen of Shireroth
Zor nukrô šempi zor fredrô

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Jenaab salaamed and departed. Ritually cursing the Senechal of Greater Audentior for no apparent reason.

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Re: Magroth Industries

Post by Al'Magroth »

After the Jenaab departed, one of Magroth's aides turned to him. "Where you serious about sending those Magroth Bots into Lakhesis? They do have a navy there."
"Of course," Al'Magroth replied jovially. "The last communiqué we had from their government was along the lines of 'As long as you give us no paperwork, we're going to ignore you.' They appeared to feel it so necessary to tell us they were ignoring us, they've done it at least three times. So send it in. We'll just take the military resources from the land as normal, and do our own paperwork. Everyone's happy."
Al'Magroth leaned back and reclined. "Now I just need to wait for the Ouroboros Array to reach Laranel. Then, things will get fun ..."

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