Information on the Order of Vajra

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Harvey Steffke
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Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Ongoing back history and notes about the Order of Vajra, Goldshire's chivalrous military order. Needs some images.


Although officially founded as an Order by then High Ollave and Baron Aryeztur Mejorkhor on 3782 ACS, the beginnings of the Order reach far further in time back to before Goldshire was reorganized as a duchy. The story of the Duchy of Goldshire’s meteoric rise from disorganized territory to a powerful speaking force in the Landsraad is a legendary one, but most are relatively unaware that, despite all the political dealings of that time, most of what happened was only possible because of the outstanding efforts and sacrifices by the local militias of the area.

The simple fact of that matter is, while many of the upper political figures were in agreement towards the independent Goldshire cause, a large portion of the middle and lower-middle officials were not. They had carved up their own petty, meaningless little kingdoms out of the disorganization and neglect of the territory and were loathe to part with their even trivial power. Harvey Lekuan’s promises of power in the future were good and well, but what really pulled the duchy together was the growing force of the army that had been supplied from every agreeable count. Tactical use of the limited but dedicated men at his disposal in key areas to sway opinion slowly built up the territory as more and more cities fell in line and dedicated their own troops to the cause.

The revolution from borderlands to duchy was essentially bloodless; the Khanflict that followed, far less so. Goldshire immediately began a massive forced recruitment campaign to attempt to face the Duchy of Brookshire, a far larger and better equipped force, and, to make the situation more complicated, an ally that Goldshire had signed a treaty with to support in all cases except treason against the Kaiser. The armies of Goldshire fought several minor skirmishes with the forces of Dolor and Monty Crisco around Shirekeep and several others on both sides of the river Elywnn when Brookshire as a whole rebelled against the Kaiser, and its fledging fleets could do little more than launch relatively ineffective hit-and-run tactics upon the superior Yardistani vessels blockading the area from the south. In the end, it was the rebels’ lack of fortitude that stopped the small battles from becoming a major war and Goldshire as the likely battleground with disastrous results for the new duchy.

By the time the Order was officially founded, the armies of Goldshire had divided into three distinct categories; the semiregular militia, the regular army, and a small but elite fighting force known then as the Aurom Brigade. When given an official name and purpose by the higher-ups, there was little restructuring necessary other than to rename a few of the command ranks and get a whole lot of insignia patches printed.

Since their foundation as a chivalrous order, the Order of Vajra has improved significantly, both in terms of general training techniques as well as military funding. They maintain their goal of becoming the most elite fighting force in all of Shireroth and eventually the entirety of Micras.


The symbol of the Order of Vajra is two crossed, burning Vajra symbols. It is traditionally depicted simplistically with the symbols as gold on a red field and as an official banner symbol with the Vajras burning with red flames on a black field.

The traditional weapon of the Order of Vajra is a golden spear of about five feet in length. Though obviously not used in combat, these weapons play several roles in military ceremonies. For example, during recruitment ceremonies, recruits place both hands around the spear and recite the oath of the Order of Vajra. Each officer of rank Commander and higher is issued one, and only ever one, spear for their own personal use to symbolize their commitment to the Order of Vajra. To have one’s spear become damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen is considered a terrible omen.

The oath of the Order of Vajra is as follows: “I commit myself to the Order of Vajra and the men and women that it represents; to the Duke of Goldshire and all the lands that she represents; and to the Kaiser of Shirekeep and the all of Shireroth that she represents. I affirm my devotion to the Tenants of the Order of Vajra. I shall defend and serve, to the best of my ability, less Mors take me.” This oath is recited by recruits several times during their training, by companies at sunrise and sunset gatherings, and during official ceremonies.

The motto of the Order of Vajra is as follows: “Discipline is the foundation of excellence. Experience is the pillars of excellence. Commitment is the apex of excellence.” This is also the first of the eight tenants of the Order.


The Order of Vajra is composed three relatively independent fighting forces united under the banner and high command of the Order.

Ducal Militia – citizens that feel the calling to defend the Duchy of Goldshire may join the ducal militia. Militia members negotiate their own contracts with the Order of Vajra, with the minimum time of duty being one year. Militia members undergo a basic three-week boot camp initiation and spend two weekends a year plus two weeks solid back at the base for additional training. At the end of the contract period, militia members can be discharged honorably from service or, as is usual, be offered a position in the Regular Army. Being offered a Regular Army is also possible for militia members that show extraordinary promise during their times at base, though this is far more rare. During times of emergency, the Ducal Militia conscripts citizens into the militia by force of law – citizens that see this sort of thing coming have been known to join the Ducal Militia or even the Regular Army voluntarily as it is known that voluntary recruits are generally given better treatment than conscripts.

Goldshire Regular Army – the backbone of the Order of Vajra is the Regular Army, which maintains all military and training bases in the duchy. The basic tour of duty is four years, with extensions offered (almost always with a promotion) for capable members at the end of the four years. Boot camp training is a full two months, yearly training is three weeks, and interspaced short training is four times a year for five days. The Regular Army conducts the bulk of the necessary work by the Order of Vajra including the majority of the officer corps and there is considerable opportunity for advancement for people willing to make their military service the highest priority in their lives.

Vajra’s Golden Spear – the most elite of the Vajrites of the Regular Army are screened for membership into the Vajra’s Golden Spear, a special division of the Order of Vajra that undertakes the highest profile missions and is generally considered one of the best fighting forces in Shireroth. Members of the Vajra’s Golden Spear spend considerable time on bases acting as training officers and general overseers as well as undergoing special operations training themselves on a regular basis. Members are not allowed to have another job outside the military and, though they are given considerable leave during peacetimes, must always report their larger travel and vacation plans to the Order – even during the safest of days, they are never truly off duty.

Command Structure

Lord of the Order of Vajra – the absolute commander of the Order and its most prominent figurehead, the Lord spends most of her time in high command meetings maintaining the standards of the Order. She is also a major player in negotiations with other entities including the Goldshire Ducal government, the militaries and nobility of other duchies, the Kaisorial forces, and even, on occasion, the Kaiser herself.

Duke of Goldshire – the current Duke of Goldshire is always given a position in the Order of Vajra. It is generally understood that the Duke has many other things to worry about and no time to micromanage the military and thus this position is more of a formality than an actual tier in the command structure. Should she choose to do so, however, the Duke could wield considerable power over the Order’s oprations.

High Jaal – each of the three divisions of the Order is commanded by a High Jaal that is responsible for that division and coordinates strategy and general planning.

Jaal – a general in the Order responsible for a certain subdivision of each force. The Ducal Militia and Regular Army have several Jaals; the Golden Spear, only one. Barons are given the rank of Jaal over forces from their own barony.

Commander – the rank directly below a Jaal, Commanders are responsible for either a smaller subdivision of the force or a base’s operations at large. Counts are given the rank of Commander over forces from their own barony.

Various Officers and Division Leaders – further command ranks that subdivide the divisions of the Order into controllable components. Though many of these are officer positions, the majority of them see times at the front lines along with the soldiers they command. Lesser nobility may be given any suitable rank in the lower command structure.

The Kaiser has no formal rank position in the Order of Vajra. Decrees and general proclamations from Shirekeep are treated with the utmost seriousness as the Order considers itself to be the Kaiser’s finest fighting force. However, any attempt for the Kaiser or another entity outside the Order to directly interfere in the command structure is met with firm politeness and irresistible assurance that the Order is capable of handling itself. A major situation where this has been a problem has yet to occur, but unofficially there are several safeguards in place to ensure that the Order is capable of holding itself together through any sort of command crisis.

Major Tenants of the Order of Vajra

The Order of Vajra is as much an order of chivalry as it is a military machine, and respect is honored on equal terms as discipline. Much as there are eight do(do)s of Goldshire’s behavior, there are eight major tenants of the Order that define the basic etiquette, standards, and attitude demanded of all members.

1. Discipline is the foundation of excellence. Experience is the pillars of excellence. Commitment is the apex of excellence.
2. The Flag of the Order of Vajra is supreme and has the backing of the Duke, the Kaiser, and Shireroth as a whole.
3. Show respect to your superiors and your subordinates alike, at all times, in all circumstances.
4. An enlisted man or woman is never alone. Any member of the Order of Vajra will always have channels for them to request and receive any sort of necessary support. Likewise, helping those that request aid is the responsibility of all members at all times.
5. Trust in superiors is vital. Orders are to be questioned for validity freely, but always through the proper channels; never on the spot.
6. It is never a waste of time or effort to improve one’s skills or knowledge. A man or woman’s body and mind are two assets greater than anything else the Order can equip itself with.
7. Serving the Order and Goldshire is its own reward, but the Order never fails to compensate earnest discipline, commitment, and sacrifice.
8. Being wounded or killed in the service of the Order of Vajra is an honor beyond all others the Order is capable of bestowing. Record of those who have made sacrifices will be displayed publically for all those to see until the end of the Order’s days, so that the deeds of the righteous shall never be forgotten.

Major Order of Vajra Sites

Aurambre Base, Goldshire Hamlet – once a huge palace and grounds of the pro-Goldshire Kaiseress Aurefiction and actually, for a short time the political capital of all of Shireroth, centuries of neglect turned the palace into a crumbling ruin and the sprawling grounds into an ill-trimmed wilderness. The area was claimed by the fledgling government during the Goldshire Khanflict civil war and has been converted into the duchy’s largest military base and training facility. Its location just slightly northwest of the capital in a sheltered section of the coastline provides an excellent naval safe harbor while simultaneously keeping it close to the capital to defend against a ground assault. Aurefiction's crumbling palace remains intact, as a grim reminder of all that Goldshire once had and has lost.

Fort Erudinz, Teldrin – just north of the city of Teldrin, at the most significant Brookshire-Goldshire crossing along the River Elywnn, is a sprawling and relatively unplanned army base that has recently become the largest concentration of ground forces in Goldshire. Repeated tensions with both Brookshire and Shirekeep lead to more and more forces being sent to what was assumed to become the “front lines” at any moment and, as a result, the base was expanded drastically without proper time for proper layout. Fort Erudinz is the staging area of the Vajra’s Golden Spear fighting force, who, even in these days of peace, are prepared to undertake missions to defend Goldshire with minimal notice.

Temple Citadel, Mejor – almost more of a religious site than a military base, the Temple Citadel is a small but unusually effective training base that has gained a reputation for instilling a sense of discipline that is second to none in the Order. As part of the Duke’s plans to refurbish and grow Mejor, a large navy dock supplies the majority of the fleet.

Cloudbase Academy, Aina – a sleek, modern base in one of Goldshire’s most technology advanced city, the Cloudbase Academy trains the ducal air forces as well as houses its largest airfields.

Lune Villa – the large nature area south of Lune Villa is occasionally the site for special military training exercises, mostly involving paintball weapons but occasionally using live ammunition. Generally speaking, only the Vajra’s Golden Spear trains in this area.

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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by AryezturMejorkhor »

Great work. I will hold on to my spear tightly :)
Aryeztur Mejorkhor

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Harvey Steffke »

The Order of Vajra is hereby disbanded. All current members will be paid an extra month's wages and discharged.

All former members of the Order of Vajra that have an interest in the defense of Shireroth are encoruaged to apply for the Imperial Guard at Shirekeep.

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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Ryan »

This isn't in any way related to the old Republic of Varja, is it?
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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Since Aryeztur named it, I doubt it.

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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Ryan »

Ah, just strangely coincidental then.

But of course, nothing is coincidence.... :document
Oh ye who torments me in dreams of dark abysses, beware the sleeping shadow, for it is a bane like no other...
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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Harvey Steffke »

There are no coincidences, WarVoid, only the illusion of coincidence. Thus spoketh V.

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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by AryezturMejorkhor »

Most of the Order has complied. However, a few rouge soldiers, embedded with the loyalty, and mindful of their oaths, full of the valor of ancient times, and careless of their lives, have sworn to fight till the death to preserve Goldshire.

(I am not one of them; nonetheless, take note of a low scale rebellion throughout Goldshire)
Aryeztur Mejorkhor

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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by AryezturMejorkhor »

The Order is hereby revived.
Aryeztur Mejorkhor

Wil Nider
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Re: Information on the Order of Vajra

Post by Wil Nider »

The earth will tremble beneath their advance, and all will know that men and women of stout heart and deadly will defend the Aureate Land.
Wil Nider
Protector of Goldshire
Harbinger of the Aureate War


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