Origin of Humans (Scientific)

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Kaiser Leto III
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Origin of Humans (Scientific)

Post by Kaiser Leto III »

A document, written by Bill, that I consider as interesting. I post it here so I hopefully remember to use it later, or at least will add it to a library with some updates.
have recently found out that a species is what up to an organism can breed with without making sterile offspring. Therefore, all humans must be of one species, all microns are one species, etc.

To name the species, you have to do this:


A Jasonian would be:


Homo Sapiens is the actual race, the humans. All Apollonians are of the subspecies Mageous, which mean that they have decended from some way from the Jasonian Magi. The different races of Mageous are:

Jasonius (Jasonians) - The Jasonians are the direct decendents of the Magi.
Audentior (Audentes) - Audentes are, geneticly, a combination of Hyperboreans and Elpifernos.
Elpifernus (Elpifernos) - Elpifernos are the average Apollonian, a combination of Jasonians and Treesians.
Treesarious (Treesians) - Treesians are half Jasonian, half Triballian.
Hyperboreus (Hyperboreans) - Hyperboreans are Jasonians who use Divine magic instead of Arcane magic.
Automaticus (Automatics) - Automatics are Audentes who had lost their talent for magic and have gone through natural selection instead of Supernatural Selection.
Cereian (Blackrockians) - Blackrockians are Treesians who have lost their talent of magic and have gone through natural selection instead of Supernatural Selection.

The thing that makes the Apollonians different from other humans is that they use magic. Different types of magic are different types of mutagens and physically and mentally mutates the body of the human.

Scientificly, the term "Triballian" is not an insult, but the other Micron subspecies of humans. The Triballians are the more successful group of humans, which have populated the most of Micron. There are too many different races of Triballian humans to count, but all of them come from humans who did not choose the path of magic long ago in 80 MYBC. These humans were are different locationsin the world after the eve of destruction and no Triballian was near the Apollo Sector at its rebirth in 1000 AD with the exception of the Shirerothians.
(Btw, Micron = Micras)

Source: http://imperiumofmenelmacar.yuku.com/to ... tific.html
Signed by the Nifty Hand of,
Leto III Ozymandias 'the Desired' of the Noble Line of Win'Eth

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