Winter 1902 - Terribly sorry about that, sir

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Ari Rahikkala
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Winter 1902 - Terribly sorry about that, sir

Post by Ari Rahikkala »


The news of the season is the British apologising as they retreat from Brest and leave Norway. English fleets instead take position in every naval area around Germany except for the Baltic sea. Their lone army in Europe continues the battle over Burgundy, with France providing a unit, and Germany responding with an equal advance of its own. France also finally occupies Portugal, while using its forces in Spain and Marseilles to defend against Italy - but no attack is coming, as Italy submits no orders this turn. Also, Germany holds Holland with two units against an attack that does not come, not this turn, and tries to advance into Sweden but is stopped by the holding Russian fleet.

In the east, a decision is reached in Rumania as Austria finally brings its own forces in to the battle properly, and Turkey's Armenian fleet harasses the Russian support from Sevastopol, thus forcing Russia to retreat and allowing Austria to occupy the region. At the same time Turkey (finally) advances unopposed into Greece, thus occupying the last neutral supply center in the game. From now on it won't be possible for one player to gain without another losing. Play accordingly.


Russia has to retreat from Rumania: You have a choice to either disband the unit or retreat to Ukraine. In case of the latter, you will be one supply center short and will have to disband a unit of your choice. Russia, please submit your retreat order within 24 hours (and preferably ASAP) in this thread.

This winter's builds are as follows:

Austria can build 1 unit
France can build 1 unit
Turkey can build 1 unit
(Russia either has to disband a unit or can not build any units, depending on their retreat order)

Build orders are due Fri Dec 11 12:00:00 UTC 2009
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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Winter 1902 - Terribly sorry about that, sir

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Icebreaker attacked me with ruleslawyering on #etd wrt. Russia's possible moves, so, well, here's what he can do:

- in the retreat phase, he can either move the retreating unit to a free space that the unit can validly move to, not including the space the unit was attacked from; or he can disband the unit. That's the retreat phase. It's more of a phase of the preceding turn rather than a turn of its own, and AFAIK in (some? a few? all?) play-by-post games retreat contingency orders are specified as part of the preceding turn's orders... hence the short deadline and public order: The other players are supposed to know where you're retreating before they have to submit orders for the next turn.
- in the build phase the comparison of supply centers vs. units works as usual; if he disbanded the unit earlier he doesn't need to disband any units in this phase, if he retreated instead he'll have to disband some unit, but it doesn't have to be this one.
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Re: Winter 1902 - Terribly sorry about that, sir

Post by Ryan »

What's this? It's still Tuesday morning here!
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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Winter 1902 - Terribly sorry about that, sir

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Welcome to timezones, sir!
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Winter 1902 - Terribly sorry about that, sir

Post by Malliki Tosha »

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