Decree #28 - End of Hostilities

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Harvey Steffke
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Decree #28 - End of Hostilities

Post by Harvey Steffke »

The Duchy of Goldshire in total will cease any campaigns or hostiles against any of the so-called rebel territories within Shireroth's boundries. Goldshire pardons any insurgents for crimes they may have committed against the Duchy. We will resume full economic, political, and military cooperation with the Duchy of Brookshire, provided none of this support requires making actions against Kaiser Aurangzeb, Shirekeep, or Shireroth at large.

The borders of the Duchy are hereby reopened to unrestricted civilian travel and trade. Military leave will once again be allowed to enlisted men and women. Drafted soldiers that did not volunteer for the Ducal Defense Forces will gradually be given the opportunity to leave the Forces based on lottery, with the speed of this process being determined by the advisers of the Duchy based on the current threat assessment of our holdings. It is our hope to send every one drafted into the Forces home within a year.

Goldshire reaffirms its loyalty the the Imperial Crown and to Shirekeep, but will no longer take part in any military campaign to conquer or punish rebel territories. We will, of course, act swiftly to meet any military action that threatens Goldshire itself.

By my hand,
Harvey Lekuan
Duke of Goldshire

Erik Mortis
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Re: Decree #28 - End of Hostilities

Post by Erik Mortis »

Monty Crisco/Dolor reaffirms its commitment to not violate goldshire lands, or its people. We reaffirm our friendship with Goldshire.

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Re: Decree #28 - End of Hostilities

Post by AryezturMejorkhor »

Aryeztur Mejorkhor


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