Dominion Ruling #1 : Restoring Normality

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Leo Fenrir
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Dominion Ruling #1 : Restoring Normality

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Leo sat at his desk thumbing his favorite pen. It was becoming glaringly obvious that power had led him down the path of neglect, letting Wintergleam fall into a state of snowy disrepair. Reports were coming in from all the major cities that power struggles between the ruling families had effectively pulled all support out from beneath the county's feet.

But even more disturbing was the report, which he was now perusing, that yet another door had come unsealed in the temple. Along with the citadel that had very nearly destroyed all of the Grendvald's domain, the levels and extremes of the fantastic that touched the world in Wintergleam were reaching record highs. If precautions weren't taken the county would be overrun by variations of the Ohl'tar and what not in a mater of years.

No it was time to act.
Leo Dine wrote:
Dominion Ruling

By the will of Count Wintergleam, the following Rulling shall be implemented forthwith:

It has come to my attention that the threat presented by beings that can change their shapes, fly, read minds, use magic, and who posses a myriad of other unnatural abilities, has reached a point where their very existence endangers the well being of the citizens of Wintergleam. To counter this ever growing threat of the improbably an elite dispatch team, henceforth known as the 'Restoration Initiative' (R.I.), is commissioned to begin the normalization of Wintergleam. The team will make use of ISI narrativity generators to establish locations of stability and assist in the evacuation and deporting of said beings. Should any entities refuse normalization the R.I. has the authority to us force eliminate it.

Any being who can not pass the ISI patented normality field test is to be subjected to immediate deportation. Enforcable as of the moment of the publication of this ruling.

So it is written, so it shall be.
By my hand,

Leo Dine
Count Wintergleam
Leo sighed. He would be seen as a tyrant for this, no better then Osmani. But it was a necessary precaution to ensure his people's safety. There are ALL your people. said a sad voice in the back of his mind. He hardened his resolve. I'm to old for this.

[OOC: New story arc! Get excited.]
Leo Fenrir

Santelran Rottsaa
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Re: Dominion Ruling #1 : Restoring Normality

Post by Santelran Rottsaa »

Inforcable? It cannot be forced? :document
Libido-powered perversion, coming to your home at the speed of light.

The longer that the journey takes, the further down the road

"Well, as the saying goes with D&D, give players a fish, and they'll use it to club someone down. Teach a player to fish, and you'll have them showing up next session with a copy of The Complete Fisherman, trying to dual-wield vorpal fishing poles."

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Leo Fenrir
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Location: Echo Manor, Nordland

Re: Dominion Ruling #1 : Restoring Normality

Post by Leo Fenrir »

My logic is undeniable!... :( Fine I'll fix it.
Leo Fenrir


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