A Visitor for the Count

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Daniel Dravot
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A Visitor for the Count

Post by Daniel Dravot »

"Compliments of the Khan to your Lordship.

I regret the intrusion but the Baron of Eliria has reported four of his Gentlemen-Cudgellers, who had been assigned to 'beating the boundaries' that is to say demarcating the boundary between Eliria & Utasia and Illumination for taxation purposes and erecting the sheephead posts marking the border, as being, how shall we say misplaced. Naturally he is desirous of their return and has asked if I would be so kind as to deploy the Kopfjäger on a search and rescue mission to recover the same. I have given the matter some consideration to the request and have acquiesced to it accordingly.

Now it is entirely possible that the four in question, being Cudgellers Lembit, Calla, Jernkot and Hastfenning answering to the Bailiwick of Eliria, have, by pure happenstance, wandered into Illumination of their own volition, I fear the orienteering skills of that particular force are not all that they could be. If that be so I would request that they be given a warm meal, a compass and directions for the road back to Eliria. If however they are, at the behest of agencies unknown, being held against their will I request your Lordship's assistance in their recovery. I am assured that the Khan will show his customary gratitude to all who assist him, and the inverse also applying similarly.

The other thing is, well, we've heard from a Gasthörer that they might have been spotted as far north as Port Illumination. Arrant nonsense I'm sure, but perhaps you might be able to shed some light on the matter. Oh dear, that was almost a pun. Pardon me while I fall down laughing. HA, HA, HA.

Anyway, I hope this affair can be resolved speedily as I have urgent business to attend to in the south. Some benighted itinerant muckers in need of a damned good thrashing.

I bid you good day and look forward in anticipation to your response."

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: A Visitor for the Count

Post by Jacobus Loki »

(The count was still a bit groggy.)

"I'm sorry sir, but we have a bit of a pickle at the moment. We seem to be being invaded by either an ancient warship, or aliens or somesuch.

"Sheriff Lembit will take your coat, and Undersheriff Jernkot will make tea. Oh..." There was a rustling of wings as a medium-sized Dragon came to lite on the corner of the wall outside .."and here is soimeone else to help you pass the time. And.." Turning to the rather large men entering the room, "Mind your Staves of Office, our guest is a gentleman".

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