Illumination in Illumination

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Illumination in Illumination

Post by Bacchus »

Elwynn. The worst offender of all the Duchies, she must be tackled first and brought to reason, for her own good and the good of the nation.

And this place, Illumination, it feels right in some way. I cannot place it. The name, I guess: Illumination. To bring light where there is darkness, that is the mission of the God, and so I suppose this is what attracts me.

Dionysus is here, children of light! Step forward and be initiated into the Rites if you can already see the light. If not, be prepared to bear witness.
The High Priest of Bacchus, or Dionysos Eleutherios, the bull-horned god
The poster formerly known as Benkern
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Re: Illumination in Illumination

Post by Bacchus »

Sing to the God, the liberator of ourselves from ourselves! :party

Eaaaaohhh! The god who repatriates us to our true selves!
Bearer of wine, let the libations be plentiful in recognition of his power!
Eaaaaohhh! His power to inspire is unlimited!
Fruitful are his labours, and unhappy are those who cross him!
The High Priest of Bacchus, or Dionysos Eleutherios, the bull-horned god
The poster formerly known as Benkern
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Re: Illumination in Illumination

Post by Bacchus »

I was Benkern, now I am nothing. The true self revealed; I am the High Priest of Bacchus. This was my destiny and what he knew would happen at the appointed time. He gave me the rites, and the mission to save you all! Let the illumination commence in Illumination! Let the ranks of the Maenads swell and reform! Eaaaaohhh! the god, the god is come.
The High Priest of Bacchus, or Dionysos Eleutherios, the bull-horned god
The poster formerly known as Benkern
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Meretricious Kalends
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Re: Illumination in Illumination

Post by Meretricious Kalends »

Steady on there Sir, had a bit of a jarful this evening have we? Here, let me take that amphora off you. Tell you what sir, how about a nice night in the cells sir? A bit of a chance to sleep it all off with a bit of kip. Tell you what, if you're able to recite some Horace from memory in the morning the lads may chip together to get you a smoked kipper for breakfast. That's if the giant spiders haven't eaten them all, the kippers that is, not the lads, although that being said...

Anyway, are you going to come along sir? No time to be dawdling in the street sir. Let's not be having to be forced to resort to persuasion as it were... now come on sir, behave now, keep your Maenads out where I can see them. You seem a reasonable enough chap and I'd hate to have to apply for a writ of cudgelling to be served on you.

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Leo Fenrir
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Re: Illumination in Illumination

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Get your drunken posterior out of my Barony you Alcoholic!
Leo Fenrir

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Illumination in Illumination

Post by Andreas the Wise »

A Goldscale dragon merely fluttered down and breathed a puff of smoke. A peacekeeper followed, to translate, saying: "We will not have drunkness in our forests. We envision a different path. Be gone before we make you."
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: Illumination in Illumination

Post by Bacchus »

Such hostility to the rites of the god! If he wills it, Bacchus will have his justified revenge. But do not take these words as prophecy, for as a man I cannot claim to know the will of the god. All I know is what Dionysus lets me know; and what Dionysus is telling me now, is to leave the man with the big cudgel be, forgive the fools for their ignorance (after all, a man who speaks wisdom to a fool will be considered a fool himself), and find a new place to found the rites in Shireroth. Come, my Maenads, dance your way to Brookshire!
The High Priest of Bacchus, or Dionysos Eleutherios, the bull-horned god
The poster formerly known as Benkern
Eaaaaohhh! Join in the dance!
official representative of the Channel Islanders in Yardistan

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