City Planning

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Leo Fenrir
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City Planning

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Five men sat in a board room eating doughnuts. These men were in charge of the planning of Echo city. Their discussion about using rose instead of beige was cut short when the sixth man entered the room.

"Good morning gentlemen," he paused for a moment then added "and my good ovine". The sheep who was cataloging the meeting 'baa'ed in return. "The basic ground works for this project is nicely set, but I believe we have all agreed on the biggest problem: there's no one here." This proclamation caused an awkward silence that emphasized the mannequins they had been using as butlers that were scattered across the room.
"I was brainstorming last night sir and I was thinking. Why not build a giant Badger?" The room feel into silence once again. This awkward silence was in fact the state in which this room spent of its time.
"Or not. Now I have been doing some research on what makes the public go crazy. I have discovered an anomalous phenomenon that is seemingly entrancing an entire nation. It is known as 'Angst'." A dramatic intake of breath came from the men sitting. All except for one who happened to be taking a bite of his doughnut at the time and ended up choking which ruined the effect. "As I was saying. This 'Angst' comes in all shapes an sizes: pre-pubescent, teenage, wizard, etc. If we can harness this power we should be able to create pointless movies revolving around Echo City that will make the audience think: "Why the F#@$%k did I spend my hard earned cash on this S&*#)@*#$t and will then come here to find the As@#$%#ls that made it. Its FOOL PROOF!"

The room fell back into silence and the only noise was the sheep who was somehow managing to transcribe the meeting despite the lack of opposable thumbs.
"Fine I guess its back to the drawing board."
Leo Fenrir

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Re: City Planning

Post by Allot »

The man in black, who, by means of some careful bartering with the Possibility Police, hand managed to bend the laws of space enough to fit himself into an air vent in the meeting hall. As soon as he heard the idea, he had to stop himself from gasping.

It's genius! he thought. I must get back to my master and tell him right away so he can rip it off!

Nothing happened for a few seconds.


OK. How did I get in here? I must be able to turn around...

It was then he heard a soft "baa" behind him and felt a hoof on his back.

f--- me.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

Nathan of Natopia
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Re: City Planning

Post by Nathan of Natopia »

"and my good bovine"
Sheep are ovine, cows are bovine. :)
Prophet of the Butter Bull,
Head Missionary of the Bovic Dominion of Natopia,
Natopian Representative to the Small Commonwealth,
Member of the Roth Zera of Elwynnese Realm


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