Old Magicks

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Leo Fenrir
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Old Magicks

Post by Leo Fenrir »

From the desk of Leo Dine in Echo,

Urgent Report
The Third Dispatch

Lord Baron,

Investigation of the barony since the thaw has been moving steadily and most of northern Wintergleam and Agnesia has been covered. Most findings have been been discounted as unimportant and the few artifacts that have been found are being shipped to Echo at the present.

However I am writing this report on a much more pressing matter then any artifact. Just south of Avaldens my dispatch discovered a temple that has been built into the face of a solid rock cliff. We questioned the locals about it but apparently the ice must have been covering it until recently as they were clueless as to its origin or even its existence. Our historian has analyzed the inscriptions and architectural style of the exterior and has dated it as an early Elfinshi creation. But his conclusion was hesitant at best, and even I can see that it is an unusual style.

I must admit that at first the dispatch was excited this discovery as it seemed we had stumbled onto a true treasure trove of history. But had that been the end of it I wouldn't have written to you personally Lord Dine. When we first attempted to enter the temple our mage was physically repelled as soon as he got within three meters of the place. He says that it is the old magicks repel organized magic though usually not to the point of physical manifestation. Such a site that can not go unstudied my Lord as it poses both interesting possibilities and dangers.

Our good mage waited outside as we entered the temple. The first chamber was a simple square chamber with walls adorned in murals and a giant friez that runs along both sides of the corridor that led to the inner temple. The craftsmanship was astonishing and still in excellent condition. We could only spare one torch so we could not spend any time analyzing or cataloging the murals. Once again I urge you my Lord to further investigate this temple as I believe these murals may hold the key to its secret.

By my calculations the central chamber is about a ten minute walk from the entrance, an exact distance will require more time. What we saw in this chamber I will try to explain to the best of abilities as I myself am still not sure of myself. The room was circular in shape with six arches, each sporting a symbol, that led to other corridors, only that all but the one we had come through were sealed with what can only be described as opaque solidified water. When we later described the phenomenon to our mage he professed his incredulity at the existence of such a substance as magic cannot permanently change something's nature.

Our academic was busy scribbling on a sheet of paper when the barrier, sporting the sol symbol, flashed and vanished. It was like the air had been compressed and came rushing out all at once. It was also then that I felt the most malicious intent pervading the air and called for the dispatch to evacuate the temple at once. My Lord I do not know if our presence that was the cause of the barrier failing or if it was just destined, but whatever escaped from that place was evil if I ever felt any.

As such Lord Leo I implore that you address the matter of this temple with the utmost urgency. For the time being I will continue with the task you have set the dispatch but I feel that we are inviting our doom should we ignore this.

Third Dispatch Leader,
Troy Avalon
Leo Fenrir


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