SCIRA Charter

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Andreas the Wise
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SCIRA Charter

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Shirithian Civil and Internal Recwar Association (SCIRA)

Any Shirithian Citizen may have an army. Upon cessation of citizenship their army will be disbanded.
SCIRA only recognises the land held by Shireroth on Micras. Participants may not enter any other land, though they may enter international waters in order to reach other parts of Shireroth.

The Judge shall be the MoMA or appointed representative.
The judge's decisions are final and cannot be changed. They may realise later an error, but in order to further the forward progress of the war, they are not able to go back and change things.

General RecWar
SCIRA troops may be used in a general recwar, which is a war organised by agreement between individuals. This war can be illusionary (using SCIRA toops but taking place in an illlusion modelled on reality, hence, any damage done does not effect the world after the war, and no troops are lost after the war) or real (using SCIRA troops in Shireroth, any damage done or troops lost is permanent). The war may be fought under any rules or guidelines as long as they include the following:
-All combat troops used in the war have been purchased under SCIRA.
-It is remembered that SCIRA points = the relative strength of the unit.
-Troops can only be engaged in one conflict at a time.
General Recwars can use the SCIRA judge or appoint their own, limit the use of SCIRA troops (for example, to only Medieval), introduce new ways of determining battle outcome, determine any rewards of the war etc, though they are advised to use the guidelines below.

Civil War
If political negotiations between two or more parties (generally over ascension after the incumbent has stepped down) reach such a level that they are deemed virtually-impossible to solve via negotiation, the Judge may declare a state of Civil War. Civil War may be declared on a Duchal level (at which point it affects all units in the Duchy and any units invited in, and fighting may only occur in the Duchy) or at a National level (at which point all units are involved and fighting may occur anywhere within SCIRA boundaries). Once civil war is declared, any involved troops may be used to recwar with. In National civil wars any troops may be used, regardless of any regional restrictions. In Duchal civil wars, only restrictions applying to the whole Duchy are honoured. When the opposing parties reach agreement, or one opposing party is completely defeated, the Judge will declare the state of Civil War over. Troops may be purchased and introduced into conflict midway through a Civil War. Civil Wars will be fought under the guidelines below:

Troops are moved and commanded in three ways, PUBLIC, SECRET, and RESPONSE. Each unit may only make one Public or Secret action per day. If their opponent responds to that they are permitted to respond again, up to three times per day. If they have been attacked, their first response counts as their Public or Secret action for the day.
For public actions, you post the orders that your troops are given in a War Topic or other similar place, as specified by the judge. It is encouraged to also post a narrative version of your orders, to make reading more enjoyable.
Anonymous ("secret malefactor" in popular terminology) public actions are allowed at the discretion of the judge.
For secret actions, the same procedure is followed, except instead of posting it, you privately send it to the judge (method of contact is at the judge's discretion, typically pm). The judge will determine if the orders are possible to be done secretly. (For example, marching a full army by a city in broad daylight isn't typically something that can be done stealthily, but slipping four covert ops outside a camp to keep watch is.) If the judge deems it impossible, he/she will ask you to post it as a public action instead. The actions does not officially take place until the judge sends you a confirmation. (If you don't have time for this, make a public action, which acts instantly.)
Public and Secret actions can be used in conjunction (like a public battle plan to retreat, and a secret order to set up a minefield behind you to catch pursuers.)
A Response action is used to defend, counter, or otherwise react to another member's action. It can be either a Public or Secret action as well. If the judge thinks the connection is too indirect, or the response is irrelevant, the Response action will have to become its own Public or Secret action instead.
Response actions can be chained - a response to a response to a response is not uncommon in large battles.

If an action involving battle or conflict is made, the attacking troops must wait for a Response Action from their enemy before making another move.
If the enemy takes more than twenty-four hours in responding, the commander of the attacking troops may decide the outcome of the conflict (including casualties and such) and proceed on with other moves. This decision of the outcome, if deemed unfair by the judge, can be vetoed and changed (also by the judge).
The outcome of a conflict should be decided (or at least an attempt made) by the involved parties. The base deciding point, if ALL else is equal, is point value. If a 5,000 point force encounters a 3,000 point force, the former should, under normal circumstances, defeat the latter. However, take into account factors such as strategy (a well planned attack by the 3,000 point force met by a thoughtless defense by the 5,000 point force could very well prevail), terrain (high-ground better than low-ground), familiarity (homeland better than foreign land), morale (high spirits [due to defending land from invading forces] better than low morale [due to lack of supplies, overwork, etc.]), among other things.
When posting an attack, the attacker can post expected casualties for both sides. These are in no way set in stone, but merely an idea of what they hope to accomplish. The defending side may then post their counter, and their expected casualties for both sides (which are also subject to change).
If the combatants cannot decide on a consensus for the outcome and casualties within 24 hours of the last Response action (or, if there were no responses, the original action), the judge may make a final, irrevocable, unchangeable decision, which all must abide by.
"God-modding", defined as determining your opponents reaction/result, or the failure to play within acceptable reality as set by the association, is unacceptable. Where persistent and/or deliberate, it results in an appropriate action being taken by the Judge. In essence, your attack post should only include what you plan to do (and if you wish, expected casualties). It may not include how the opponent responds, or assume the attack is successful. This is up to the opponent to respond to. Even if there is no way you can see for the opponent to stop your attack, you must still not god-mod the results. The only exception to this is invoking the 24 hour rule above.

Actions occur at the time when they are posted, except for response actions in conflicts, which can occur at any time in between when they are posted and when the action they are responding to was made. This being said, the time of day the action is occurring is up to the person initially making the action.

Purchasing an Army

Units may be purchased from Registered Orbat Sellers.
Units cost the amount of Erb of 1/5th their strength in Anunia Points. See sections IV.D-G of the Anunia Convention for the principles of determining a units point cost.
Magical units will be determined under NCM or equivalent. By agreement, magical troops operating under other magic systems may be introduced.
At all times, and especially for units not expressly covered under Anunia or NCM, a unit's point cost is their strength relative to other units, with 1 point being a basic modern infantry unit.
Biological Weapons, Nuclear Weapons and other weapons of Mass Destruction may not be purchased under any circumstances.
Units purchased remain until they have been killed.
Only units purchased in this manner, and buildings already described [eg. Existing National Defence, see III.A-C, though for SCIRA purposes these need not be in a specific Existing National Defence post, merely described.] may be used in battles.
Where desired units are not available at any Orbat seller, they may be purchased from MiniTrade at 1/5th their strength in Anunia Points.
All units are subject to removal by the judge if they are deemed unrealistic as reality is defined by the Association. Anybody in possession of unrealistic units will be given a full refund.

Registering as an Orbat Seller
Prospective Orbat Sellers must gain MiniTrade and MoMA approval before being registered.
Orbat Sellers can only be registered to produce a specific type of troop.
Orbat sellers are required to purchase the raw materials to construct their units from from MiniTrade. Costs are in Erbs and Points and are as follows:
Infantry (modern) - 0.18 / 0.9
Tank - 5 / 25
Non-Tank Vehicle - 3 / 15
Helicopter - 10 / 50
Plane - 90 / 450
Sub - 180 / 900
Ship (any) - 200 / 1000
Mage - Their rank cubed
Creature - Their base cost
Unmounted Infantry (non-modern) - 0.06 / 0.3
Cavalry - 1 / 5
Siege Weapon - 2 / 10
Non-Modern Vehicle - 2 / 10
These must be paid for each unit sold.
At present (though this list is subject to change at the discretion of MiniTrade and MoMA) the following categories of troops may be sold, with the following restrictions.
Medieval - In use 14th Century or earlier, no gun powder.
1800's - In use 19th Century or earlier.
Modern - Land - In current or previous use. Land units only.
Modern - Sea - In current or previous use. Sea units only (includes Marines).
Modern - Air - In current or previous use. Air units only (includes Paratroopers),
Advanced - Currently possible technology or possible up to 20 years in the future (at Judge's discretion). Any type.

This charter may be amended by the Judge, MoMA or MiniTrade, after consultation with the public, and one weeks notice.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Andreas the Wise
Posts: 5253
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:41 pm
Location: The Island of Melangia, Atterock, Kildare

Re: SCIRA Charter

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Charter amended. For reference, the previous charter is here.

Shirithian Constant Internal Recwar Association (SCIRA)
Any Duchy of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth may elect to join SCIRA.
Any member-Duchy may elect to leave SCIRA. They may only do so if there are no forces of other Duchies in their territory, and they are not currently engaged in conflict. Upon leaving SCIRA all of their currently held troops become forfeit. If they re-enter SCIRS, they do not receive these troops back.

Any Shirithian Citizen residing in a member-Duchy may have an army. Upon cessation of citizenship, or moving to a non-member Duchy, their army will be disbanded.
Hereafter references to Shirithian Citizens assume they are qualified to raise an army (ie reside in a member-Duchy).
SCIRA only recognises the land held by member-Duchies on Micras. Participants may not enter any other land, though they may enter international waters in order to reach other member-Duchies.
Shirithian Citizens are free to give their troops actions at any point in time, regardless of whether a war is officially occurring. Each unit of their army may only make one action per day (unless responding). See Action and Conflict for more details.

The Judge shall be the MoMA or appointed representative.
The judge's decisions are final and cannot be changed. They may realize later an error, but in order to further the forward progress of the war, they are not able to go back and change things.

Troops are moved and commanded in three ways, PUBLIC, SECRET, and RESPONSE. Each unit may only make one Public or Secret action per day. If their opponent responds to that they are permitted to respond again, up to three times per day. If they have been attacked, their first response counts as their Public or Secret action for the day.
For public actions, you post the orders that your troops are given in a War Topic or other similar place, as specified by the judge. It is encouraged to also post a narrative version of your orders, to make reading more enjoyable.
Anonymous ("secret malefactor" in popular terminology) public actions are allowed at the discretion of the judge.
For secret actions, the same procedure is followed, except instead of posting it, you privately send it to the judge (method of contact is at the judge's discretion, typically pm). The judge will determine if the orders are possible to be done secretly. (For example, marching a full army by a city in broad daylight isn't typically something that can be done stealthily, but slipping four covert ops outside a camp to keep watch is.) If the judge deems it impossible, he/she will ask you to post it as a public action instead. The actions does not officially take place until the judge sends you a confirmation. (If you don't have time for this, make a public action, which acts instantly.)
Public and Secret actions can be used in conjunction (like a public battle plan to retreat, and a secret order to set up a minefield behind you to catch pursuers.)
A Response action is used to defend, counter, or otherwise react to another member's action. It can be either a Public or Secret action as well. If the judge thinks the connection is too indirect, or the response is irrelevant, the Response action will have to become its own Public or Secret action instead.
Response actions can be chained - a response to a response to a response is not uncommon in large battles.

If an action involving battle or conflict is made, the attacking troops must wait for a Response Action from their enemy before making another move.
If the enemy takes more than twenty-four hours in responding, the commander of the attacking troops may decide the outcome of the conflict (including casualties and such) and proceed on with other moves. This decision of the outcome, if deemed unfair by the judge, can be vetoed and changed (also by the judge).
The outcome of a conflict should be decided (or at least an attempt made) by the involved parties. The base deciding point, if ALL else is equal, is point value. If a 5,000 point force encounters a 3,000 point force, the former should, under normal circumstances, defeat the latter. However, take into account factors such as strategy (a well planned attack by the 3,000 point force met by a thoughtless defense by the 5,000 point force could very well prevail), terrain (high-ground better than low-ground), familiarity (homeland better than foreign land), morale (high spirits [due to defending land from invading forces] better than low morale [due to lack of supplies, overwork, etc.]), among other things.
When posting an attack, the attacker can post expected casualties for both sides. These are in no way set in stone, but merely an idea of what they hope to accomplish. The defending side may then post their counter, and their expected casualties for both sides (which are also subject to change).
If the combatants cannot decide on a consensus for the outcome and casualties within 24 hours of the last Response action (or, if there were no responses, the original action), the judge may make a final, irrevocable, unchangeable decision, which all must abide by.
"God-modding", defined as determining your opponents reaction/result, or the failure to play within acceptable reality as set by the association, is unacceptable. Where persistent and/or deliberate, it results in an appropriate action being taken by the Judge. In essence, your attack post should only include what you plan to do (and if you wish, expected casualties). It may not include how the opponent responds, or assume the attack is successful. This is up to the opponent to respond to. Even if there is no way you can see for the opponent to stop your attack, you must still not god-mod the results. The only exception to this is invoking the 24 hour rule above.

Actions occur at the time when they are posted, except for response actions in conflicts, which can occur at any time in between when they are posted and when the action they are responding to was made. This being said, the time of day the action is occurring is up to the person initially making the action.

Purchasing an Army
Units may be purchased from Registered Orbat Sellers.
Units cost the amount of Erb of their strength in Anunia Points. See sections IV.D-F of the Anunia Convention for the principles of determining a units point cost.
Magical units will be determined under NCM or equivalent.
At all times, and especially for units not expressly covered under Anunia or NCM, a units point cost is their strength relative to other units, with 1 point being a basic modern infantry unit.
Biological Weapons, Nuclear Weapons and other weapons of Mass Destruction may not be purchased under any circumstances.
Units purchased remain until they have been killed.
Only units purchased in this manner, and buildings already described [Existing National Defence, see III.A-B] may be used in battles.
Where desired units are not available at any Orbat seller, they may be purchased from MiniTrade at their strength in Anunia Points.
All units are subject to removal by the judge if they are deemed unrealistic as reality is defined by the Association. Anybody in posession of unrealistic units will be given a full refund.

Registering as an Orbat Seller
Prospective Orbat Sellers must gain MiniTrade and MoMA approval before being registered.
Orbat Sellers can only be registered to produce a specific type of troop.
Orbat sellers are required to purchase the raw materials to construct their units from from MiniTrade. Costs are as follows:
Infantry (modern) - 0.9
Tank - 25
Non-Tank Vehicle - 15
Helicopter - 50
Plane - 450
Sub - 900
Ship (any) - 1000
Mage - Their rank cubed
Creature - Their base cost
Unmounted Infantry (non-modern) - 0.3
Cavalry - 5
Seige Weapon - 10
Non-Modern Vehicle - 10
These must be paid for each unit sold.
At present (though this list is subject to change at the discretion of MiniTrade and MoMA) the following categories of troops may be sold, with the following restrictions.
Medieval - In use 14th Century or earlier, no gun powder.
1800's - In use 19th Century or earlier.
Modern - Land - In current or previous use. Land units only.
Modern - Sea - In current or previous use. Sea units only (includes Marines).
Modern - Air - In current or previous use. Air units only (includes Paratroopers),
Advanced - Currently possible technology or possible up to 20 years in the future (at Judge's discretion). Any type.

This charter may be amended by the Judge, MoMA or MiniTrade, after consultation with the public, and one weeks notice.
This charter may be amended by Act of Landsraad.

Currently participating Duchies:
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).


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