DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

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DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Syr William »

Austi,you can place your reports here.You should probably write at least a small report(doesn't need to be too big) once a week.

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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Andreas the Wise »

I'll be most interested to see what a foreigner thinks ....
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Cultural Report: Novatainian

Post by Austi_Scot »

Cultural Report: Novatainian http://www.novatainia.org/phpBB3/index.php

Each person probably has several reasons for being a micronationalist and several things they enjoy. In Novatainian one of those things is having fun. Thus Novatainian has an "Office of Jocker". I´ve read through their forum and found it loads of fun. It would even be fun to participate in one of the "activites", if that´s your cup of banana tea.

I encourage Shirerothian citizens to at least take a look and make a post.
Office of the Joker: http://www.novatainia.org/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=226
The office of the Joker, leader of the "Laughocratic" citizens and generally the funniest person around.
Constitutionally, the Joker is the second or third most powerful person in Novatainia, under the King, and possibly under the Lord Protector. The Joker controls all the non-essential parts of government (ie excluding Trade, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Defence and the High Court), with the power to appoint Ministers and create further ministries as is needed. The Joker is also in charge of the police force (both Standard and Laughocratic), and thus indirectly responsible for normal court matters. It should be remembered, however, that crimes committed in regional forums are tried in that region.
The Joker is also the leader of all Laughocratic citizens - a bit like their spiritual leader, as Laughocratic citizens can live in any region. The Joker can declare Flaws that all Laughocratic citizens are humour-bound to follow - and in this area, the King himself cannot veto them.

Potentially, the position of Joker is exceptionally powerful (depending how loyal laughocratic citizens are) but has been generally under-utilised thus far. The position does NOT entail admin-ship and as such, the Joker is requthe King or other admin to add ministry forums. Other than that, there is no real check on Joker power apart from the King, and that only over governmental powers.
Austi Scot
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Syr William »

Very good Austi!I always have liked Novatainia.Maybe it's the name..........

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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

Novatainian Report 1-15-2009
ternal State of Emergency declared Jan. 10 and passed Jan. 12 by authority of the Government Knows Best Act and War Crimes Act.

rest warrant issued for one Extreme 007 for War Crimes

vatainian controls the Bay of Shields according to their reports.

stilities that began Dec 18, 2008 continue to hold Novatainian in a war. Almost a month later Shirerothians are fighting on both sides of the conflict.

Remember to visit Novatainian for fun and recreation: http://www.novatainia.org/phpBB3/index.php
Constitutional Jurisdiction: Citizens and foreigners, no constitutional diplomatic immunity. Court jurisdiction is decided according to the forum in which an item is posted, ie: national or regional.
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

Tue Jan 20, 2009: Novatainia signs the Small Treaty of Non-Aggression
http://www.novatainia.org/phpBB3/viewto ... 240&t=1527

Mon Jan 26, 2009: Novatainia request bids to build an advanced "Star Wars" defense with spying capabilities
http://www.novatainia.org/phpBB3/viewto ... 138&t=1534

Cultural report:
The Novatainia economic system allows citizens to purchase and develop land, on which they build homes. This is a great idea and one which should be considered by all micronations - IMHO. http://www.novatainia.org/phpBB3/viewto ... 133&t=1190

There is a thriving business district in Novatainia.

Shirerothians are encouraged to visit Novatainia.
Austi Scot
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

The Novatainian Tourism Board is being set up. I encourage Shirerothians to take a tour.

"As you travel across Novatainia, you'll be able to experience su things as riding Dragons down The Barrier, swimming in the Paribian Isles, crossing the Great Southern Desert, sailing in airships around the Flying Duchy, and even exploring the continent of Fire and Ice - Myzoria itself."

Whoo, sounds more like a vacation!

The Flying Islands Pact makes for an interesting read; especially the military, economic, citizenship, and territorial agreements.

The Joker is dismissed! Guess he wasn´t so funny after all.

Are you on the Red List? Or the Pink List, or the Khaki List - or maybe worst yet, the Green List? ... and do you know what the CoRR is all about? - maybe you should know!

Going on an expedition can be fun, but don´t take a Jokerdom expedition lightly... and we mean it.

If you haven´t already read the The Anunia Convention - vs 2 and you recwar, or supply recwar forces, here is a place to read it. Always nice to be kept up to date.

There is so much more going on in Novatainia, you should make a visit and post so they know you visited.

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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Kaiser Agni I »

Since Shireroth technically sent troops to fight against Nelaga, does the pact concern us at all?
Kaiser Agni I,
95th Kaiser of Shireroth
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

You Niftyness - there is no affect of which I am currently aware, other than perhaps Shirerothian troops no longer being needed. However, I have requested a discussion in Novatainia to clarify this matter. I will report as soon as those discussions are held.

The signers of this Pact are Novatainia, Maraguo Vrystaat, Natopia, and it returns control of the islands of Soloria, Airosamente, Setakutet, Armoria, Enhasa, Provos, Aquata and Nelaga to the Flying Islands of Nelaga.
Much beyond that I am not as yet well informed.

May I suggest our diplomats contact the other signers and gain their perspective?
Austi Scot
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

I note for here for the Kaiser and for all of Shireroth that this Resolution congratulating Nelaga for winning the war has now been declared passed in the Landsraad.
1.We resolve to convey the following sentiments to Nelaga:
"On behalf of the people of Shireroth, the Landsraad would like to offer its congratulations to the Flying Islands of Nelaga for winning their war of independence, returning to the MCS, and being generally awesome.

We hope that as Shireroth once worked in partnership with Jasonia we can now work in partnership with Nelaga (and never need repeat the part of the history where we shoot the islands out of the sky)."

2. We further resolve to request the Minister of the Exterior to visit and organise a treaty with Nelaga to cement the friendship between our two nations.

3. Finally, we resolve to invite Nelagan scientists to come to Amity island and help work in JASO.
Austi Scot
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

Kaiser Agni I
Since Shireroth technically sent troops to fight against Nelaga, does the pact concern us at all?
Kaiser Agni I, please allow me first to beg your forgiveness for the long report I am about to make, and possibly the unfavorable direction of some of the report.

There were at least three sets of Shirerothian forces sent to fight in what was called the Jasonian War of which I am currently aware.

Appearantly Shireroth had forces on both sides of this war; even to the point of it being noted a couple of times during battle. "Shiretoth has been split down the middle regarding which side to support." This one quote gives the flavor of all such words that could be quoted.

Shireroth, at one point during the beginning of the war, was also suspected of providing mercenaries to the notorious Exteme who has been accused of war crimes with the use of his forces and it appears is being hunted to this day. The forces under the command of extreme007 faught against Nelaga.

Since I have no certain knowledge of the origin of these forces I make no recommendation to the Kaiser concerning them.

1st) Erik Mortis Brookshire - on Wed Dec 31, 2008 at 7:29 am pledged troops
Just letting it known officially that the Shirerithian County of Monty Crisco is joining Nelaga's side.
25 DIO Fighters (750*25=18750)
1 Stealth Recon Plane (1200)
1000 Monty Crisco Paratroopers (3000)
10 Monty Crisco Special Forces (50)
There was not a single post in the official war thread by anyone commanding these forces. The war was conducted under the The Anunia Convention, which in Article IV. `Forces´ states in part:
H. If a person doesn't post for more than 3 days, their unit is considered to have deserted. If the person returns, they must announce their return, and it will take their unit 24 hours to reassemble.
It can easily be viewed that these Shirerothian forces deserted the war and most likely returned to the Shirerithian County of Monty Crisco.

It was expected by one alley of Shireroth that "... they will be relying on Shireorth satellites and general knowledge..." It was also spoken during the war that Shirerothians shirked their duty.

2nd) Kaiser Reynardine I on Thu Jan 01, 2009 at 1:41 am gave his consent to a request made Tue Dec 30, 2008 at 11:32 pm by The Khan of Vijayanagara, in the name of Babkha, to command the following Imperial Volunteer Forces originally raised for the Gascon Campaign.
D. Imperial Volunteer Forces
- Headquarters (500 HQ General Staff)
Kampfgruppe Becks (3880)
Kampfgruppe Carling (3880)
Kampfgruppe Carlsberg (3880)
Kampfgruppe Stella (3880)
1st Aeronautical Volunteers (9,000)
These forces did enter the war against Nelaga commanded by Ardashir Khan beginning Wed Jan 07, 2009 at 12:30 am. The use of these forces was seldom and on Thu Jan 22, 2009 at 12:39 am, slightly before the war ended, Ardashir Khan requested to be "written out" of the war.

Indeed, on Fri Jan 23, 2009 at 6:44 am it was said "Ardashir is nowhere to be found, presumed to have escaped before the final assault." After that Ardashir was only heard from to criticize some actions and remarks made by others and to give some arguments in favor of actions taken by Extreme007.

It can easily be viewed that these Shirerothian forces, under the command of Ardashir, deserted the war and most likely returned to Babkha. It is therefore the view of this diplomat that the Kaiser should secure the return of those Shirerothian forces to the homeland of Shireroth.

3rd) Cerune Russell, a self-admitted wanted criminal in Shireroth who also admitted bouts with mental illness and that she would be in jail, or a mental hospital "If not for the shady (and timely) actions of her brother Greg and her mentor, Aggy...", lead a force of either 8,000 or 8,333 Marines on the side of Nelaga.

These forces were Shireothian Marians who volunteered to fight and later joined Nelaga.
"Colonel Gamemalvin Usa spoke up first. "Are we officially nationals of Nelaga now?"

Cerune made a face. "Yes and no. We're all being processed by the Department of Logistics, and should have it all official by the end of the week. Shireroth, however, doesn't recognize Nelaga as a nation yet, and we're not even sure how the kaiser or thect when they find out that eight-thousand marines up and left the Shirerithian Armed Forces. SHINE is gonna crap themselves when they find out what we did."

The colonels nodded, and Colonel Rogers, leader of the second Marine Regiment guarding Bryden spoke up. "Do you think they'll send a task force to extradite us?" Cerune shook her head. "It's unlikely, but you never know. It's why I made sure all eight-thousand of you were volunteers. No use dragging marines into another life if they don't want it. SOME of them still have oath's of fealty to uphold."

"Welcome to the Nelagan Marine Corps, gentlemen."

It appears to me that these are marines who were from the Barony of Kai-Raikoth in Shireroth. It also appears to be acknowledged by all the current signers that these marines are now Nelagan Marine Corps although this item does not actually appear in the pact.

I make no recomendation concerning these forces and leave the decision in your hands.

With that said, Kaiser Agni I, I have been requested to convey to Shireroth an invitation to sign the

Flying Islands Pact. (Pact language repeated below).

I note that the The Anunia Convention under Article II. `Politics´ reads:
E. Once a nation is involved in a war, it cannot leave the war until it has signed a peace treaty with every nation it was formerly at war with, either separately or all together. The peace treaty may have any terms that the parties negotiating will agree upon. Non-national belligerent parties may leave the war whenever they wish.

It appears that all forces under the "official" command of Shireroth deserted the war and thus it is not necessary to have the signature of Shireroth for the the Flying Islands Pact to have effect. Also, the document itself does not call for the signature of Babkha at all and several other parties to the war have not signed the pack.eems to me that inviting Shireroth to sign is a graceful attempt at diplomatic relations in order to send the message that those involved in the war wish to remain friends with Shireroth. Please note the signature of Shireroth was requested and expected from the very beginning of the writing of the pack.

It is my recommendation that an official apology be sent to Nelaga for the conduct of Shirerothian foreign and military policy in this mater along with the resolution of congratulations passed by the Landsraad. It is also my recommendation that acknowledgement of Nelagan Statehood be declared immediately. It is also urged that the Flying Islands Pact be signed by Shireroth.

Flying Islands Pact

1. We, the Kingdom of Novatainia and Maraguo Vrystaat, respecting and admiring the history of Jasonia, having held the islands most sacred to them, and recognising that here stands a worthy successor, by virtue of ideals, courage and direct heritage, do agree to the following, to ensure the legacy of Jasonia will never be forgotten, and allow a bright new future:

2. We return control of the islands of Soloria, Airosamente, Setakutet, Armoria, Enhasa, Provos, Aquata and Nelaga to the Flying Islands of Nelaga. All Batavian and Novatainian military units shall leave the islands, and all Novatainian and Batavian public servants shall be offered the choice to leave, or serve in the Nelagan government.

3. All people currently living in the above islands shall be granted full Nelagan citizenship, and the rights and protections entitled therein.

4. Batavië shall be given a military and research base on Point Vincent, including the village and some surrounding areas. When the islands are flying, the Nelagans need to provide access to the area untill the Batavians can arrange it themselves.

5. Novatainian businesses shall be granted the right to acquire 20% of the resources available on the above islands.

6. The Governments of Novatainia, Batavië and Nelaga shall be permanently united in fendship.

(sign Batavië/Novatainia)

7. The Floating Island Pact, being no longer necessary, shall be formally rescinded with our signature:

(sign Batavië, Novatainia, Natopia)

8. And we, the nations who fought in the Jasonian War, and worked together against the Omen, do witness this treaty, and agree to return our respective militaries home, leaving Nelaga in peace;

(Lovely, Antica, Toketi, Shireroth)

9. Maraguo Vrystaat will be integrated as part of the Nelaga Territories.


Signed for Natopia:
HSRM Nathan the Only,
Bovic Emperor of Natopia

Signed for Maraguo Vrystaat,
Senechal Jonas Windsor of Enhasa

Signed for Novatainia
King Andreas the Overtitled
Austi Scot
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Kaiser Agni I
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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Kaiser Agni I »

Flying Islands Pact

1. We, the Kingdom of Novatainia and Maraguo Vrystaat, respecting and admiring the history of Jasonia, having held the islands most sacred to them, and recognising that here stands a worthy successor, by virtue of ideals, courage and direct heritage, do agree to the following, to ensure the legacy of Jasonia will never be forgotten, and allow a bright new future:

2. We return control of the islands of Soloria, Airosamente, Setakutet, Armoria, Enhasa, Provos, Aquata and Nelaga to the Flying Islands of Nelaga. All Batavian and Novatainian military units shall leave the islands, and all Novatainian and Batavian public servants shall be offered the choice to leave, or serve in the Nelagan government.

3. All people currently living in the above islands shall be granted full Nelagan citizenship, and the rights and protections entitled therein.

4. Batavië shall be given a military and research base on Point Vincent, including the village and some surrounding areas. When the islands are flying, the Nelagans need to provide access to the area untill the Batavians can arrange it themselves.

5. Novatainian businesses shall be granted the right to acquire 20% of the resources available on the above islands.

6. The Governments of Novatainia, Batavië and Nelaga shall be permanently united in friendship.

(sign Batavië/Novatainia)

7. The Floating Island Pact, being no longer necessary, shall be formally rescinded with our signature:

(sign Batavië, Novatainia, Natopia)

8. And we, the nations who fought in the Jasonian War, and worked together against the Omen, do witness this treaty, and agree to return our respective militaries home, leaving Nelaga in peace;

(Lovely, Antica, Toketi, Shireroth)

9. Maraguo Vrystaat will be integrated as part of the Nelaga Territories.


Signed for Natopia:
HSRM Nathan the Only,
Bovic Emperor of Natopia

Signed for Maraguo Vrystaat,
Senechal Jonas Windsor of Enhasa

Signed for Novatainia
King Andreas the Overtitled

Signed for Shireroth
Kaiser Agni I
The pact is signed. We have issued through the Landsraad that statement already. I plan to issue no apology, as I feel no need to apologize for a war I opposed from the beginning.
Kaiser Agni I,
95th Kaiser of Shireroth
Baron of Dolor and Count of Monty Crisco

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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Austi, if I may clarify one point - Shireroth was originally asked to fight against Nelaga, as was Batavie, in order to provide some enemies. Nelaga has absolutely no hard feelings on this point and was glad of what Shireroth did in that regard.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Re: DiploCorp Report Archive for Novatainia

Post by Austi_Scot »

A business in Novatainia called VBNC makes a deal with Beaugium to extract MITO resources, Salt and Pearl/Abalone, and then resell them to other nations. It appears Shireroth will be purchasing dye through this arrangement.

I would love to run such a company in Shireroth, but alas my first attempt at gaining such an advantage was unsuccessful!

Are the Novatainias building a space fleet. Is this something the Shirerothian military should know about?

You should see what´s being destroyed in Novatainia. They actually have a destruction zone!

Does the Perpetual Motion Machine actually work? Will it make the List of Failed inventions.

Have you ever been to the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy?

This is NOT for publication in Shireroth!

(If you check out any of this please leave a note here.)
Austi Scot
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