Well, I *did* name it the Shrine of Controversy...

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Re: Well, I *did* name it the Shrine of Controversy...

Post by Austi_Scot »

I do would say there are certain core beliefs.
Jesus is God - is my starting one.
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Re: Well, I *did* name it the Shrine of Controversy...

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Andreas the Wise wrote:Sorry then. Must be in Australia that I just had more vocal atheist friends and most people are agnostics. How odd ... when you're a Christian, you lump the agnostics with the atheists, and when you're an atheist, you lump the agnostics with the Christians. Nobody seems to like these agnostics ... :confused
True of so many things in general.

When you are 80, you group everyone aged 10-30 about the same.
When you are 10, you group everyone 30-80 about the same.

When you are a teetotaller, you group everyone who drinks in the same category.
When you are a raving drunkard, you group everyone who doesn't drink as much as you in the same category.
(^ Inspired by Babkhan conference and later discussions)

As a non-teetotaller who does not drink as much as Ardashir I would like to say the Agnostics probably think both Atheists and Christians are crazy if these two situations are at all comparable. ;)
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Re: Well, I *did* name it the Shrine of Controversy...

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Ari said, in part,
Still, there's one thing about you that I really hate. To mix metaphors, you play the victim card at a hair trigger, placing yourself as the "little guy" fighting "the man".
A well reasoned criticism, and a decent point. I don't see MYSELF as a victim, but I do tend to jump in to the fray on the side opposite of where I preceive the Power to be. So I do tend to side against what I see as "the Man".

I can get away with it micronationally. In RL, one would most likely find oneself dead or in prison for such stands, and I have too much respnsibility to others in RL to do that. Also, micronationally, one gets to waive a sword and engage in hyperbole, whereas sword wielding in RL gets one sent to jail, the looney bin, or the graveyard.

In the case of the Amendments, the observations were for the most part true, but for the wrong reasons. I had the best of intentions. I knew I couldn't get them through the Landsraad, and Imperial Decrees to those ends would have been illegal. I used the format that would work.

I did not expect Erik to go off like a rocket. I responded in kind. (Thank G-d we stopped.) I still think I was right, but the issues are not worth an acrimonious Civil War. (And when someone responds so protectively to a preceived threat to his/their creation, it seems heartless to continue strife.)

Respectfully, the question remains and needs to be addressed eventually. Who does Shireroth belong to? Who defines Shirithianness? Is it an RPG that belongs to it's creator, to the Kaiser of the moment, something along the lines of a lodge that belongs in part to the members, or is it realy non-territorial "nation"?

If so, does "title" go to the community at large, to an owner, or to those who have invested the most in it?

Eventually, this needs to be figured out.

I think Ari is thae farthest thing from lazy. I believe everyone here is bored to tears by something that drives us back here.

Anyway, off my soapbox. Long Live the Kaiser!

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Re: Well, I *did* name it the Shrine of Controversy...

Post by Malliki »

Really? In what way would such decrees have been illegal?
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Re: Well, I *did* name it the Shrine of Controversy...

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Interfering with the internal workings of the Landsraad.

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