Whisked Away: Part 1

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Whisked Away: Part 1

Post by Oze »

Viotor had lived for all of his life on a farm on the outskirts of Vaap, on the Veldt. The furthest away from home he had ever been was to the town of Tusk for the annual Steikfaat tournament. He was always curious about what lay beyond the grasslands of his home; He had heard stories of far-away places with strange names such as 'Babkha' and 'Straylight'. He longed to see these places for himself, and to get away from his boring life helping his father on the farm.

He saw his chance when large trucks emblazoned with Lamifo Corp. began going past his farm in droves every day. When he got the chance to ask one of the drivers what they were doing, he said that they were 'building a railroad' that would take passengers 'all the way to Rhodondra, and further!' This excited Viotor greatly, and for many nights after that he stole his father's binoculars and looked out towards Spleazure, where he saw long metal lines extending into the distance. A cliché of a plan formed in his mind.

One night, while his father was fast asleep, Viotor went downtairs and left a hurried note, explaining what he was about to do. It saddened him to leave his father like this, but his heart was set on discovering what lay beyond the Veldt. He gathered some carrots and a few bottles of Wulde Ayle, which he hoped would sustain him on the way to Spleazure, then went outside into the Boar Pen where he selected the strongest-looking boar, which he would ride.

For many days and many nights he rode across the Veldt, using the binoculars, the stars and the position of Tarsica to keep him on the right track. He rested under stones, in ruins and in various shrines to the goddess Rhodondra. At one point during his journey, he was attacked by a flock of Aaak Birds, and had to use veldt grass to bandage up the wounds. After several days of what seemed like endless trudging, he found himself on the outskirts of the pungent city of Spleazure, his gateway to the wide world. He got off his boar, and sent it homewards. He would now have to find the metal rails he had seen.

Viotor had heard about Spleazure, but had never actually been there. It was a riotous, bustling and noisy sort of place, filled with every sort of aroma imaginable and some less imaginable. There were taverns, casini, greengrocers, temples and bright lights. Viotor was overwhelmed. He walked nervously towards a tall man on a street corner.

"Excuse me, Sir. Do you happen to know where the 'railroad' is?" he asked, tembling with every word.
"Okraam hí gaax! Zpa paal vot?" spat the man, in harsh Passikaans. Viotor had never learned the language; His father and himself only spoke Lakhesian. He ran away, trembling. He trembled so much, he fell into a drain and lost consciousness.

"Wake up, quickly" said a voice.
"Come on, drink this water". Viotor found himself in the middle of a circular room, panelled with wood. A man wearing dark glasses, a black trenchcoat and a grey fedora was offering him a flask. Viotor took it hurriedly.
"Where am I?""You are underneath the railway station, in the city of Spleazure, Highpass, Lakhesis, Brookshire, Shireroth. Have some rest now, and I will tell you what we want you to do."

Viotor took the water, and the mysterious man left the room quietly. He sipped his water as he slowly fell asleep once again. When he awoke, the man was sitting in front of him, accompanied by two similarly dressed people.
"Who are you?" asked Viotor.
"That is of no importance. We want you to help us, and you will be payed a handsome amount of Erb for it."
"Do what?"
"Take this package to the Count of Highpass, in Rhodondra. Take the train." The mysterious man, withdrew a white package wrapped with a red ribbon from his coat.
"The Count? Package?"
"Do you agree to this mission?" Viotor longed to see Rhodondra, and because of his accident, he wasn't thinking clearly.
"Yes, I agree"

The next day, Viotor boarded the train from Spleazure to Rhodondra, clutching the mysterious package meant for delivery to the Count, and thought about what he had agreed to do.

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Re: Whisked Away: Part 1

Post by Malliki »

This is exciting! :yay:
His Grace the Lord Brookshire, LK GMNS
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Prodigy Almighty
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Re: Whisked Away: Part 1

Post by Prodigy Almighty »

Wonderful read! I beg for more! :yay:
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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Whisked Away: Part 1

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

The next day, Viotor boarded the train from Spleazure to Rhodondra
Courtesy of M. Hadjimehmetov's new Shirereithan Railway Initiative, I hope you remember! ;)

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Re: Whisked Away: Part 1

Post by Oze »

Maksym Hadjimehmetov wrote:
The next day, Viotor boarded the train from Spleazure to Rhodondra
Courtesy of M. Hadjimehmetov's new Shirereithan Railway Initiative, I hope you remember! ;)
And an excellent plot device it is, too. :thumbsup
Baron Oze of Ynnraile
Count of Highpass
Member of the Order of the Northern Star
Goldshirerithian, Brookshirerithian
Follower of Biternion, Spleazure and Rhodondra

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