Local Cedrist God: Yuuurgh

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Local Cedrist God: Yuuurgh

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Behold the glories of Yuurgh- The unblemished mystery of mushy peas, what lurks behind the U-bend, and of David Cameron's policies actually are...
Chronicles of Yuurgh, Razzamatazz, 13:1

Behold, His WTFness, Yuurgh

K'Tzuni's local demi-God of the Cedrist Faith, Yuurgh is traditionally revered among the highest of the Cedrist pantheon as the Cedrist God of Mystery and Oddness. Singular in his appearance, Yuurgh is always depicted as a photo of a man in Soviet military dress, his face disturbingly blacked out in a hint of the true nature of what liesbehind.
Is Yuurgh evil? Is Yuurgh a force of good in our mundane lives? We just don't know. Hell, I don't know, and I'm writing this damned article.
The story of Yuurgh's veneration began on the Lywinder and Modan-Lach borders in the early ages of the Imperial Republic. Some wandering wise men, coming across a mysterious ruin, windswept on the high Lywinder plains, examined the temple for gold, and found only mysterious Khaz-Modani runic inscriptions. The single identifiable feature of the previously unexplored temple, whose existence had been revealed after the concealing mud had been worn away in a flash flood earlier that spring, was statues. Thousands of them. Identical, and covering the entire conical roof of the ruined temple.
Every single statue, however, had had its face removed with a hammer and chisel. Evidently very well done work, as the shoulders and neck were still undamaged and the impeccable decoration on the other parts of each statue remained unblemished.
The significance of these odd statues became a mystery, and in recent years, archeological expeditions in K'Tzuni have revealed hundreds of these statues, some gold, some jade, some marble, all with their faces brutally chiselled off. Who was this? Perhaps some King, whose deeds were deemed so unpopular he was never to be remembered, or maybe the cult of whichever deity this was fell out of favour with some religious authority?
Whatever it was has never been discovered. But so far, the cult of Yuuurgh, as the demi-God is now known, has substantial following in Cedrist temples across Southern Brookshire- K'Tzuni in particular, where the mysterious temple is a site of particular reverence.
The name 'Yuuurgh' was the only name they could decipher from the cryptic inscriptions, and as such the name has taken hold on the mysterious deity. Yuuurgh is seen as a demi-God of everything bizarre, mysterious, and downright odd.
It has become K'Tzuni custom to write questions or complex equations and place them on Yuuurgh's altar- usually a large slate slab with a question mark emblazoned on it- and wait for several days until an answer appears. This practice had to be stopped in some Counties, however, as schoolchildren were found to be placing their maths textbooks underneath the altar in order to pass their exams. Either the oracle of Yuuurgh is a mathematical genius, or K'Tzuni has some very bright kids.
The feast day of Yuuurgh falls on the 29th of October (coincidentally, also Hadjimehmetov's birthday!) and a wonderful procession takes place in Brookshire Hamlet. Traditionally, at feast day meals, guests are blindfolded and fed dishes from the host's table at random, in keeping with Yuuurgh's mysterious nature.
As a result, it is considered an unparalleled honour to have an allergic reaction to one of the dishes on Yuuurgh's feast day, even if near fatal.
Such is the way of Yuuurgh

By the oddities and curiosities this world provides,

Maksym Matbaiovich Hadjimehmetov,
First Acolyte of Yuuurgh

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Kaiser Loki III
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Re: Local Cedrist God: Yuuurgh

Post by Kaiser Loki III »

Sounds like a cousin of Loki.
Loki III, Kaiser of Shireroth
"Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est."
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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Local Cedrist God: Yuuurgh

Post by Andreas the Wise »

A delightfully mysterious god.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Local Cedrist God: Yuuurgh

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Maybe Yuuurgh needs a goddess for a wife?

Also, shall I do a sketch of an altar of Yuuurgh?

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Re: Local Cedrist God: Yuuurgh

Post by Oze »

Maksym Hadjimehmetov wrote:Also, shall I do a sketch of an altar of Yuuurgh?
I would be very interested to see the altar of Yuuurgh. :thumbsup
Baron Oze of Ynnraile
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