Requires immediate attention

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

That forum is clear grounds for a nullification of the Mango-Camel Pact. It's a huge, huge problem. Any suggestions for course of action?
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
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Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Why, here's what I'd do if I had the Kaiser's powers:

I'd be cool about this whole issue; bring it out to the public ASAP before someone else does, sure, but not get all whiny and angry over it. In fact I'd contact some of the people most likely to get that way - Jess and Jonas at least - personally and ask them to act cool. Why? Because this *is* an embarrassment to Shireroth, but we still have a whole lot of dignity left (more than Babkha does, I'd say), and we should hold on to it. Getting mad would acknowledge that we were beaten. I don't want us to acknowledge that there even was a game.

I'd thank Hesam and Ardashir for their valuable help in maintaining Shirithian activity even while Babkha was under life support the whole time. They have done great work in Shireroth, and they have seen us welcome that work, and by donating their free time to Shireroth, they have shown their practical loyalty. Both of them should be considered welcome to reimmigrate at any time.

I'd ask Hesam nicely to return the Sword of Vengeance. It'd take an amount of assholery way beyond him to not at least return *some* sword. He might cross his fingers, he might say it's not the actual one on a different secret forum in Babkha or something, but I'd say having Brrapa identify it as the real thing would make it more than canon enough that we have the sword back again. Yeah, I know. Roleplaying kinda gets strange sometimes without GMs :p

I'd repeal item 4 of decree 287 (note that the number in the title is wrong, it really is decree 287) but grant personal amnesty to both Hesam and Ric anyhow. Under Imperial law as it stands, with that decree, we aren't able to legally prosecute either of these people for anything ever... but we don't really want to prosecute them either, just fix the insanity that having been kaiser once makes you absolutely legally immaculate for life. Since Ric asked for legal recourse presumably against a former kaiser, now would be a good moment for that.
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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

And just a couple more things as they come to mind:

Make it a Shirithian affair. Not an affair between nations. Hesam was responsible for taking the Sword in the first place, and Hesam will be the one returning it. Handle the situation only within the borders of Shireroth and contact Hesam about it personally, not through Babkha's forum.

Again, this too is about not acknowledging there was a game, and not even mentioning the game. If we accept there was a game of Shireroth and Babkha trying to wrestle control of and corrupt each other, then it's obvious Babkha won, and Babkhans being Babkhans will be very eager to get us to acknowledge that. At least deny them that joy :p.

Try not to be spiteful, either. It might be best to not mention that bit about Babkha being on life support, now that I think of it. Thank Hesam for the work he's done and acknowledge him as a legitimate historical Kaiser - Hesam's kaisership wasn't the first time we put someone on the throne as a voluntary experiment, and it won't be the last.

Basically, yeah. A calm, collected response, with the unspoken implication that there never was a Babkhan coup. Maybe a little bit of roleplaying pomp and circumstance, though not too much; Let's say Brrapa finds out that the Sword of Vengeance has been stolen, and in the next post you say you've checked the records and found out it was replaced with a replica during the Hasan kaisership, and give a speech urging everyone to be calm and let Hesam prove his honour or somethnig. That's my plan. Other people probably have different ones, but don't sit around waiting for them too long - every day there's a chance that the Babkhans will come laughing at us over it or a Shirithian hothead will find out about the forum and break all hell loose.
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

And Scott, since I see you're reading this anyway, I'd like to hear your opinion. In the SEP or by PM (I can summarise/copy it here) if you don't want to speak in the IAC :)
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Yeah, I try not to post here since I'm not legally an advisor, but since you asked:

What did the Babkhans get out of this? A decree that Shireroth is part of Babkha, which depending on what our legal eagles say will either be nullified by Corey or declared invalid by Brrapa. Access to several secret forums which they admit we're too smart to use for anything important. Meanwhile, they're still half-dead and Ric has proven himself more loyal to us than to them (assuming my first impression is correct and it was he who revealed that forum to us).

What did we get out of it? A great economic system, two Babkhan citizens for several months, a 180+ post count, a successful recwar, and the moral high ground, two excellent Kaiserial reigns, and now the House of Loki getting its long-deserved chance on the throne. Kaiser Hasan has already been discredited, and our opinion of Kaiser Ayreon (that the process of his accession was sketchy but he was a nice guy) remains unchanged.

I agree with Ari as usual, and suggest sending Babkha a thank-you card. Seriously, our defense policy nowadays is based on there being no way anyone can seriously hurt us even if they try, and this just confirms that.

I should say more, but I'm in a rush. Will investigate further when I get back from school.

PS: Do need that sword back, though.

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hypatias mom
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Re: Requires immediate attention

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I have spoken at length with Ric after he, Corey and I had a joint conversation online. He feels he had no legal recourse as Shahanshah but to go along verbally but not contribute materially to the plot, and that only now that Babkha is crowing publicly about the plot, could he actually speak of it here. I am certain that his fragile health and reluctance to rule here are understandable given the pressure he was under from both sides. Ultimately, he had to tell what he knew and sent us the link to that page.

I think that in future, we should institute a perod of non-involvement in the rule of foreign powers, say at least 6 months, to attempt to forestall this type of skullduggery.

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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by hypatias mom »

I asked Hypatia Agnesi, who was Kaiseress after me, what she suggested. She feels that for most ordinary sitruarions a six week rather than a six month gap from the date of a prospecitive Kaiser's last post in their former country. However, in a situation in which a foreign government wishes to cause harm or death to Shiireroth, and are plotting in secret, therei is little we can do to prevent sabotage other than to maintain eternal vigilance against it.

I personally feel that any vows taken by former officials of foreign powers must be tested through time.

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Scott, you are welcome to comment here anytime.

I admit, getting angry admits being beaten, but I'm not so much mad at the infiltration as at their reckless use of Ric as a puppet.

I do really want to lash out at them violently for what they've done, but I will not, considering your advises above. I do think a nullification of the Mango-Camel Pact is in order, though. I won't allow for such flagrant violations of a treaty.

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

A report on the situation from Andreas. I find it very well done and insightful. The suggestions for action are half-good, half-bad.
Having read the forum in question, I see the following issues raised:
1. That there was a thought out, planned Babkhan plot to infiltrate Shireroth and incorporate it into Babkha.
2. That said Babkhan plot can be viewed to have failed for several reasons:
a. Despite Shireroth's closeness to Babkha during this time, any attempt to control Shireroth in name, or anything clearly too Babkhan for Shireroth, could and would have been opposed vehemently by the majority of Shirithian citizens.
b. That despite the Shirithian adoption of the Babkhan economic model, no trade between Shireroth and Babkha ever occured under it, and the development of the economy was strictly Shirithian.
c. That permanent control of Shireroth by Babkhan leaders through the Kaiser failed, and that any real sort of attempt to control Shireroth through the Legilsature, considering the concentration of Babkhans in Elwynn, can be viewed to have been entirely unsuccesful.
d. That the actions of Ric, while not necessarily openly opposing this plan, can be said to have ceased its further advancement. The following post in particular is quoted. "The Padeshah knows I have doubts about this plan of Babkha's to integrate Shireroth to the Empire, but I will let you decide what to do in the future with it."
3. That Hesam used his admin powers to gain access to secrets he should not have, intending to find out more.
4. That this Babkhan plot extended to the incorporation of other nations (confer Alexandria)
5. That all this plot can be said to have acheived was making Shireroth more amenable to Babkhan interests. This, in and of itself, is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, it could equally be said that a nuber of Gralans are Shirithian citizens, hold high positions, and have their voices heard in Shireroth. Naturally, they also, whether conciously or subconciously, work towards a Shireroth amemable to Gralan interests. However, the Babkhan plot was more serious in two respects: 1. That the Babkhans planned it out, instead of it just naturally occuring through a share of citizens. 2. That a Babkhan claiimed to be acting totally in the interests of Shireroth and was not (as every Gralan has asserted) saying that, at heart, he was a Babkhan. That is, any Gralan says "Yes, I love Shireroth, I want to help as much as I can - but if push came to shove, I admit I'd serve Gralan interests first" but the Babkhan (Hesam) did not, instead rising to become Kaiser.

I'll work through each issue in turn, and then table a brief report on each post within the secret forum.

Issue 1. That there was a thought out, planned plot.
It's hard, from the posts alone, to exactly determine the plan, but it seems to be roughly as follows.

* Hesam becomes Kaiser.
* Shirithian secrets can be leaked to Babkha
* The Babkhan economy is adopted by Shireroth (allowing control of the Legilsature also)
* Babkhans are appointed to key posts. (See above brackets)
* Hesam becomes ruler of both lands simultaneously.
* The Shirithian economy is fully integrated into the Babkhan one.
* Further Babkhans emigrate and get comfy.
* Finally, there are enough Babkhans and pro-Babkhans for Shireroth being ceded fully and publically to Babkha to occur with minimal resistance

They may not be in order, but they're the major parts.
It must be noted that significant portions of this plan suceeded, but the crucial final stages were not entered into. Babkha's goal was first to rule Shireroth in all but name, and finally, to rule them in name. They may be considered to have suceeded, to a degree, in the first part, but to be no further to the second part of their goal than before they started. This is largely due to the suspicious and patriotic opposition of Shirithians at each and every step of the plan, resisting Babkhan intrusion. However, it must also be noted that this opposition decreased over time (in a general sense), and the plan may have been considered to be nearing fruition. However, I am sure that the final step would still have been resisted completely and fully by all non-Babkhan Shirithians, even those who may have been considered to have "pro-Hasan" tendencies (in that list I would put Andreas, Erik and Scott). Though these Shirithians may have supported some of Hasan's actions as Kaiser of Shireoth, and may not have resisted Babkhan intrusion as much as they perhaps should have, they can be relied upon, I have no doubt, to have existed any obvious control of Shireroth by Babkha, and any attempt on the MCS to cede Shirithian land to Babkha.

Issue 2. That said Babkhan plot can be viewed to have failed for several reasons:
a. Despite Shireroth's closeness to Babkha during this time, any attempt to control Shireroth in name, or anything clearly too Babkhan for Shireroth, could and would have been opposed vehemently by the majority of Shirithian citizens.
As mentioned above, though up to the first five points of the Babkhan plan can be have considered relatively succesful, I stand by my assertion that the basic attitude of the non-Babkhan Shirithian citizens would have been to oppose any clear Babkhan control of Shireroth, and especially any attempt to control Shireroth officially. I cite, as some examples, the immediate opposition of Andreas the Wise to Hasan becoming Shah (until it could be proven that it was clearly not a dual-citizenship issue); the strong support for the suggestion that Babkha become a Duchy of Shireroth if they wanted Hesam as Shah; and the reaction of Scott and Andreas to the Babkhan-esque tactics in the war with Bosworth, particuarly at the end (I have it on good faith that those two had secret plans to avoid Ardy getting his hands on any Nova English POWs if need be).
b. That despite the Shirithian adoption of the Babkhan economic model, no trade between Shireroth and Babkha ever occured under it, and the development of the economy was strictly Shirithian.
In all fairness to the Babkhans, it might be better said that this would have absorbed the Babkhan economy into the larger Shirithian one. While Shireroth adopted the basic Babkhan model (vote-based economy), that was all they adopted. The Bank was designed by Erik, and Babkhan comments show they really needed to borrow that coding for their own purposes. The tax system and major changes to the Bounty system were designed by Andreas and Scott, with absolutely no reference to Babkhan models. Further changes were suggested by Mike and Erik. All in all, the economy developed in the manner it would have developed had no Babkhan's been involved - the plot totally failed in this aspect, and, if anything, would have absorbed Babkha into Shireroth.
c. That permanent control of Shireroth by Babkhan leaders through the Kaiser failed, and that any real sort of attempt to control Shireroth through the Legilsature, considering the concentration of Babkhans in Elwynn, can be viewed to have been entirely unsuccesful.
In terms of legislature, the Babkhans were heavily concetrated in Elwynn. While they controlled that, their control of Kildare, Brookshire and Straylight was nil, and Benkern's reign in Yardistan, despite his Babkhan citizenship, can hardly have been described as a pawn of Babkha (he resigned immediately upon becoming Grand Vizier, and vehemently opposed the original removal of Ric as Shah. His loyalty to Shireroth is clear, I think). The only clear Babkhan attempt to control the legislature comes from the significant payments to Hasan (as Kaiser), Ardy (during the war) and Hasan's insistence upon Harold receiving the 200 for being Steward for several days (which increased the vote of Ardy controlled Elwynn, but may not necessarily implicate Harold in the plot in any way).
The permanent control via Kaisers also has clearly failed, with Jacobus gaining the throne. I personally believe that long term control of the Shirithian throne by Babkhans was unlikely to continue anyway, given the likelyhood of someone like Erik re-ascending.
d. That the actions of Ric, while not necessarily openly opposing this plan, can be said to have ceased its further advancement. The following post in particular is quoted. "The Padeshah knows I have doubts about this plan of Babkha's to integrate Shireroth to the Empire, but I will let you decide what to do in the future with it."
Mentioned in more depth at the end of the post report - I leave the matter of Ric to the Steward/Kaiser's discretion. If nothing else, his action as whistleblower should probably gain him protection from any prosecution, as long as the matter of whether the plot was called off by someone else (suggested somewhat by the resignation of Ardy and Hesam's citizenship) is resolved.

3. That Hesam used his admin powers to gain access to secrets he should not have, intending to find out more.
Hasan becoming Kaiser allowed him to use his admin powers to access records he should not have, searching for SHINE secrets. As far as the posting record reveals, he didn't find anything more than vauge annoyance that Elwynn was so Babkhan (and this back in 2000). Despite him finding nothing, this breach of secrecy borders on the unnaceptable. Perhaps a secret secret forum should be created when admin is held by people of questionable motives?

4. That this Babkhan plot extended to the incorporation of other nations (confer Alexandria)
One post (raising the issue of Babkhan-Shirithian military treaties) suggested that future heirs should be considered carefully to bring a third kingdom into this union. Hesam said this was "preferably Alexandria". If the Kaiser/Steward intends to pursue these matters further, especially militarily, this quote should certainly be provided to Alexandria - I have taken a screenshot of the relevant post in case the forum is later closed to the public.

5. That all this plot can be said to have acheived was making Shireroth more amenable to Babkhan interests. This, in and of itself, is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, it could equally be said that a nuber of Gralans are Shirithian citizens, hold high positions, and have their voices heard in Shireroth. Naturally, they also, whether conciously or subconciously, work towards a Shireroth amemable to Gralan interests. However, the Babkhan plot was more serious in two respects: 1. That the Babkhans planned it out, instead of it just naturally occuring through a share of citizens. 2. That a Babkhan claiimed to be acting totally in the interests of Shireroth and was not (as every Gralan has asserted) saying that, at heart, he was a Babkhan. That is, any Gralan says "Yes, I love Shireroth, I want to help as much as I can - but if push came to shove, I admit I'd serve Gralan interests first" but the Babkhan (Hesam) did not, instead rising to become Kaiser.
Before huge retribution is wreaked upon the Babkhans, it should be noted that, despite what it aimed at, all it achieved was to make Shireroth more likely to follow Babkhan interests. Even with a Babkhan on the throne, it did not make Shireroth instantly and completely a puppet (except possibly in the matter of pulling out of Bosworth, but peace treaties could be succesfully passed by the Landsraad still). In and of itself, this acheivement is no different to a similiar one achieved, as if by accident, by the Gralans - there are more Gralans around, their opinions are valued, they now control Foreign Affairs, Military and the Economy ... and one would expect that Foreign and Military policy won't directly collide with Gralan interests for that reason. This doesn't mean there was a Gralan plot to achieve this, nor is it necessarily a bad thing. This also makes it hard to detect legitimate plots in the future as opposed to a mere close alliance.
On the other hand, the fact that Babkha did plot this, rather than it just happening (as we all, before this, thought was the case) is held significantly against them. That may have been the way the game was played years ago, but Shireroth, I think, it not interested in slow spywork and becoming someone's puppet, and doesn't reguarly entertain the capacities to resist this. It shouldn't have to, in today's modern, micronational world. Babkha's actions are all the more reprehensible because they are not a normal micronalists' actions.
Secondly, that Hesam claimed to be acting in the total interest of Shireroth when "My loyalty is always with Babkha first," is also a rephrehensible act and considerably separates his actions from those of the Gralans, which have a similiar effect but a vastly different motive. In a round about way, you can trust those foreigners who say "Love Shireroth, but x is my first loyalty," far more than those who say "Love Shireroth always" but entertain an active quasi-citizenship in their old nation, where this old nation may have questionable interests in Shireroth.

Post Report:
Link. First/major posters. Report
Edict 1: Ben "Let us restore Chivalry and Knightly virtue to Shireroth." suggests the Babkhans did not think existing Shirithian virtues sufficient. This is particuarly amusing because few would describe Babkha's wholehearted love of slaughter "Chivalric." Note the forum started in early March, three days after his coronation (though the plot may have been formulated earlier)
Transfer of Sovereignty Of The Ostan-I Sathrati: Hesam. This is the most damning of all posts, and though it doesn't explain the details of the plot, it explains its planned fulfilment - the full transfer of Shirithian Soverignty to Babkha. In this post, Kaiser Hasan swears total allegiance of himself and all future Kaisers to the Shah of Babkha. Worst of all, he handed the Sword of Vengance to the Shah, and the one in the palace is only a copy. Immediate retreival is strongly recommended. Ric here accepts the offer and the sword.
Ostan Situation Report 12 Esfand 1386: Hesam and co. Hesam gained administrator status (Admin being given to a ... what's the word ... traitor will do ... is a serious issue indeed and needs further examination) and tried to determine all our secrets. Thank goodness that SHINE archives didn't contain anything relevant and were conducted more via pm. This comment in particular is concerning: "Over all it's quite boring and I can safely say that Shireroth is barely a micronation and has all the characteristics of a general discussion forum." From this, two things can be inferred - the contempt of Hesam for Shireroth (at least at the start of his reign) and secondly, that the Babkhans do not view a group of people with a shared outlook on life and shared culture as a "micronation" - apparently plotting and schemeing are the way forward, in their opinion. Brief plans were made to try and revive SHINE and get Scott to share his secrets. Thankfully, this did not occur (though this eventuality will have to be explored in the future).
Directive: Historical Record: Ben/Hesam. Ben (Grand Vizier) wants Microscope rewritten to be more supportive of Babkha. Nothing happened with this, apparently. I'm amused actually that people think Microscope Shirithian, and not just Scott-ish.
Ostan Situation Report 17 Esfand 1386: Hesam. Ardy is appointed head of MOMA (we can see the problems with that now). Andreas appointed MiniTrade as he liked the economy idea. Hesam confident Erik will soon leave and allow him to appoint Ardy to the Judex. Hesam also plans to replace Jacobus with a Babkhan as Steward when Jacobus leaves (then the full integration of Shireroth into Babkha could be begun). His appointment of Jacobus as heir was clearly purely political.
Additional Report: Secret Forum: Hesam. Found secret and evil plans forum. Never reported on it ....
SHINE ARCHIVE: ELWYNN COMMENTS: Hesam. Expect to include a set of posts about fears (back in 2000) that Elwynn was being Babkhanised ...
Consolidation: Hesam and co. Mid April. Closest we have to a full plan. Replacing Ric (as Shah) with Hesam was a clear political move to 'incorporate Shireroth into Babkha'. "So long as we manage to stay within the laws of Sathrati [Shireroth] we remain able to continue integration." Major plan beyond this was from Ben - to incorporate further Babkhan citizens into Shireroth under the guise of a union/commonwealth [Commonwealth idea must be re-looked at]. I raise the concern that clearly different Babkhan names to the rest of the world leaves me unable to tell how succesful this was*.
VDS/MoMA: The Tymaria City Agreement: Ardy and co. An agreement between Shireroth and Babkha was made militarily. I don't remember ever seeing this publically, and am rather annoyed Norfolk was the place used. After this follows Hesam's plan re attack NB - letting Ardy use his treaty to get Babkhan help (clearly this never eventuated - perhaps Jeremy got wind of it?). Finally, "the" plan - integrate economies fully, reset the Babkhan aristocracy to be interchangeable with Shireroth, and finding an appropriate successor to bring a third kingdom into this union (preferrably Alexandria - this may be a useful thing to quote if we take serious action against Babkha).
Shirerithian and Babkhan succession. Ric and co. A fascinating set of posts. Ric wants to stop being Shah and appoint Hesam, but notes, clearly, that the MCS is more powerful and will not allow Shireroth and Babkha to have the same ruler, and as this plot hasn't gone public yet they can't just be the same colour. Yay for the MCS! Ric also notes he still has the sword of Vengance, and that Zurvan has still noted the eternal loyalty of the Shirithian Kaiser by oath etc ...
Hesam says "I intend to abdicate the Throne of the Ostan-i Sathrati. My loyalty is always with Babkha first." I think this is the greatest proof we need for any actions against Hesam. Ardy raises several possible nominees for Kaiser (anything to avoid Jacobus) "I would suggest Scott Alexander but there is a danger he might refuse. Nominating Jess might be a nice scorched earth gesture. Andreas would probably put Shireroth too far into the Gralan camp. Harald would present the same problem for stormark that Babkha has faced. I would be suicidally unpopular. What about Krasniy as a surprise welcome back present?" Hesam suggests Ric ... we all know what happens then.
I've lost track. Ric. From late June (succession post) to early August there are no posts. Now comes Ric's confession - Shireroth is too confusing for him to follow, and he needs an heir. This comment counts in his favour: "The Padeshah knows I have doubts about this plan of Babkha's to integrate Shireroth to the Empire, but I will let you decide what to do in the future with it." Hesam suggest Ardy as the only option as heir (though his first suggestion is Ric just needs to be a figurehead and doesn't have to do anything).
Requesting the presence of the Satrap of Ostan-i Sathrati. Hesam/Ric. Hesam requests Ric renew the oath Hesam made to the Shah. Ric grudgingly accepts.
The posts end here (16th August).
Final Notes: It is several weeks before Ric abdicates in favour of Jacobus, signaling his breaking of ties with this plan. Ardy dissapears for personal reasons before this (then returns to Babkha but not Shireroth). Sep 8, Hesam resigns his citizenship, and gives his money to Jacobus (not sure why). Sep 11, Ric ceases to be Kaiser. This may possibly suggest the abandonment of the "plan" before Ric's abdication and revealing of this forum. This will need to be further investigated.

All in all, these posts indicate ... parts. Like the Shirithian secret forums, things are begun, discussed, and then ... stop. Either interest dissapeared (as does happen often in micronations) or further key parts of the plan were discussed via other means. All in all, there is easily enough to incriminate Hesam, Ardy, Ben and Ric. In Ric's defence, he seems to have got cold feet later on, and should be applauded for ending this by his abdication for Jacobus, and revealing this forum. However, from posting evidence alone, the resignation of Ardy and then Hesam before Ric calls into question somewhat whether Ric ceased the plan unilaterally, or whether the plan was stopped without being posted in that forum, and then Ric finished the final remnants off. This can be ratified by examination of the witnesses, which I believe the Kaiser/Steward has further evidence on.

*Hesam = Hasan etc is easy - I know Ardy, Hesam, Ben, Benkern, Gudio and Jeremy. I know Will's in there, can't remember his name. In particular, I'd like to know if the Emir of Vey and Ibrahim Fakir are purely Babkhan citizens, or whether I know them by another name.

These are various (and in no particular order), but relate to the security and political issues raised. I leave all to the Kaiser/Steward's discretion.
a. That SHINE continue its policy of handling key features via pm/non-forum-means, to avoid secrets slipping into the hands of stray admin. However, a record of these is also useful for legitimate Shirithian purposes. A second forum started elsewhere, purely for SHINE and having only Scott and Erik as admin (and reguarly archiving secret information that only they can view) would best acheive this.
b. That Shireroth continue the full use of our current economy, but not link it to any other (at the present time) unless it is clear they are subordinate to us.
c. That in addition to the One-Citizenship rule, future Kaisers be required to have had Shireroth as their only citizenship for at least a period of one month before ascending to the throne.
c2. Ideally, they also be required not to keep up an active denizenship in their old nation, and certainly not permitted to hold admin there.
d. That Shireroth re-asserts that it shall never, ever submit its territory or soverignty to foreign rule. The Babkhans have this in their constitution - why should we not have it in a similiarly uneditable document (perhaps uneditable except by will of the Kaiser and a unanimous Landsraad decision, say).
e. That Shireroth immediately retreive the Sword of Vengance from Babkha, whether by official request, rite of conquest, or infiltration squad (as ironic as it sounds, may I suggest a Gralan one, if we have to infiltrate? The Babkhans can't resist magic too well).
f. That the Kaiser immediately reasserts Shireroth's independence from any and all foreign powers. Do not say "I revoked the oath" for that suggests it held power over Shireroth, even for one reign. But be sure that the oath is clearly and unequivacolly nullified.
g. That the Commonwealth Idea be relooked at - specifically the passage allowing for exchange of citizens. This should not necessarily be dropped, but provision against it being misused in cases such as Babkha need to be examined.
h. That the Steward/Kaiser determine an appropriate response to Babkha. Possible suggestions are as follows:
h1. Merely revoke any Babkhan claim to the throne, retreive the sword, and leave it as that.
h2. Revoke the Mango-Camel pack and do all in h1.
h3. Put Hesam and Ardy, and possibly also Ben (and possibly even Ric, depending on j) on trial for their actions, such as Delphi was put on trial for the destruction of the Antican forum. Ensure the trial is fair by providing for international judges or an international jury. Get to the bottom of this issue and cross-examine witnesses ruthlessly. Provide an appropriate punishment based on what this trial reveals. If the Mango-Camel pact invovles no section for trialing Babkhans, do all in h2 and h1. If it does, hold the trial first, then do all in h2 and h1.
h4. Do h3, h2 and h1. Depending on the result of them and Babkha's response, if it is unhelpful/unapologetic, declare war on Babkha. Request Alexandrian help (showing quote) and Novan/Tokish help as an absolute minimum. Preferably also include Stomarkian, Bosworthian and Antican help. Really make Babkha regret this and ruin their international reputation.
h5. Offer Babkha and those involved a chance to explain and repent of their actions, and then forgive them, and continue the Mango-Camel pact. If they refuse to do this, then do all of the below. (Note Issue 5, and that the actions are typical for Babkha, and so in one sense may not be considered that serious)
i. Consider more stringent citizenship checks, both for immigration, and on ascension to the positions of Duke, Minister, Steward and Kaiser.
j. That Ric be pardoned for his involvement in this affair because he ended it and revealed it to us ... once it has been sufficiently proven that those actions were his only, and not that the Babkhans merely stopped the planned and he just decided to tell us afterwards.

I hope the Kaiser/Steward finds this report helpful and that it clarifies the issues involved. If you wish to reveal this report to the public after reading it, go ahead (or edit out certain parts and reveal the rest). I have attempted to be impartial and write in the third person, but being involved in some of these matters, bias will naturally slip through. Whatever the result, this matter:
a. Should not be rushed into and
b. The Shirithian people do need to be made aware of this soon, and consulted over possible responses.

While those two aims may appear to be contradictory, I hope you understand, as I, the importance of both of them in responding to this issue.
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I'd like to remind everyone of this post by Hesam. It's from four days after the last post on the Ostan-i Sathrati. Isn't it strange? It's as if Hesam had figured out himself how the work he'd done to implement his plan had basically purely benefited Shireroth ;)
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Ari Rahikkala wrote:I'd repeal item 4 of decree 287 (note that the number in the title is wrong, it really is decree 287) but grant personal amnesty to both Hesam and Ric anyhow.
Er....wait...can I legally repeal another Kaiser's decree?

Also, I think Ardy made a decree granting himself complete amnesty for everything forever, which makes me wonder: If both Babkhans made decrees leaving them untouchable by law, why wasn't a flag raised? :confused
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

Erik Mortis
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Erik Mortis »

I don't have the time to deal/read any of this.. big essay, lots of reading and a gf to attend to... so I'll say this about what little I've gleaned.

We win. We always win. And always will win.
If the systems fail, we have one last card.

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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Erik Mortis »

Okey. My advice, after talking with Nick. Do nothing; act casual. Ignore it completely. Don't even comment. No trials, no nothing. Don't even acknowledge it. If they say anything respond with.. "Right... have fun with that..." or "Yeah.. sure... moving on..."

They don't have the Sword of Vengence, it was given to Ayreon after Hasan, and is now under protection of the Steward till Loki can take the throne. Hasan never said he was "stealing" it.. so it automatically went to Ayreon, and then to Loki. I'll make a speech sooner or later saying how it's good to see it waiting for Loki...etc..etc.. and that'll set it right.

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

...I'm liking Scott's suggestion of thank-you note. Stick it to them :p
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Reasoning: they want us to get angry, so let's do the opposite.
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

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Erik Mortis
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Erik Mortis »

Yes, but that acknowledges that something was done. Nothing really happened. They tried to plot something, which wasn't even much of a plot. I say we go with just ignoring it and moving on.

Babkha: "We had a plot to overthrow you! HAHAHA Behold our evil!"
Shireroth: "That's nice. What's for lunch?" *looks at menu* "I'm thinking the black forest ham."

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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Hmm...well...this ruins my plans to do something notable in my reign... :p
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Erik Mortis wrote:They don't have the Sword of Vengence, it was given to Ayreon after Hasan, and is now under protection of the Steward till Loki can take the throne
Uh, actually...
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

Erik Mortis
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Erik Mortis »

Ignore it.

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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

The thread? Very well...
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

Erik Mortis
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Erik Mortis »

The Sword of Vengeance in conceptual form belongs to the True Kaiser and will never leave him. The Sword as a physical object is in my possession.

Any way you look at it... we have the sword.

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Kaiser Loki II
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Re: Requires immediate attention

Post by Kaiser Loki II »

We have the Sword. My mentor, Loki the Trickster, may have sold Hesam a clever fake. (See Hasan's request for a new Sword.) Or something.

Seeing the power and size of Babkha vs. Shireroth, the whole thing would be akin to East Timor claiming to have annexed Australia.

(Here, now, that's a good little bloke, go and play with your proclamations, now.)

Screaming about it only give them publicity. Perhaps quietly we offer them Duchy status, or something of the Commonwealth idea.

Cool heads have acted well. Ric deserves our thanks.
Loki II, Kaiser of Shireroth
The Awaited One, Bearer of the Sword
Traditional King of the Mala'anje
Former Vryheer of Maraguo


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