Mar Saran Historical Stuff

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Mar Saran Historical Stuff

Post by Orion »

Ok, so you wanted to know all about Mar Sara....

Well.... As you may know, it was founded by Thomas Hubert as the People's Republic of Mar Sara. Rather obviously, he based the country around the premise of the game StarCraft, and more specifically, around the Space Marines (Hubert's ezboard login was spacemarine). After its destruction at my hands, since I was the one that infiltrated the place, I opted to "reform" Mar Sara.

The initial storyline (which I'm still looking for, since I know I wrote it all down somewhere) was that "nature" had taken back Mar Sara from the Space Marines. And when I say nature, I mean that in the fantasy Tolkien-Bill sense of the word. I had the island populated by various fantasy creatures, including Pantherfolk (cat-humanoids), Myconids (mushroomfolk), Ents, Demons, and a remnant amount of the Space Marines now-turned docile. The island was split into various climates, each suiting a particular race, and each climate controlled by an ancient Space Marine machine known as the Machine of Xultan. In reality this was an atmospheric regulator, one of my early creations from the days of the FIOJ (along with the grav-train). Basically it was an immense atomic reactor buried in the central hills that worked, more or less, like a giant furnace, regulating climates via lesser machines buried deep under the island. Basically only four climates were established; the north was desert and tropical, called Jacurutu, the south was tundra, the east was jungle and swamp, the west was dense forest, and the central area was barren hills and inhospitable steppe.

This is the first flag I designed for Shirerithian Mar Sara.

The above was based on the original flag of the PRMS, which basically only lacked the swords and palm trees.

The Second Era of Mar Sara was begun (and short lived) when I attempted to re-assert Space Marine culture over the entire island. This being years after I initiated the first era (and thus aeons in micronational time). By this point, the Machine of Xultan had exhausted itself and Mar Sara's climates were plunged back in the frozen tundra that was the true nature of the island. Many of the fantastic races that had occupied the island became extinct or migrated away. Only the Pantherfolk and Space Marines remained behind. This was an era of industry and technology, when Mar Sara once again became the beacon of star exploration and future science.

At this point a new flag was instituted.

A map was done of Mar Sara at the time.

I'll see what other information I can dig out of my archives.
Orion Apollantis
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Re: Mar Saran Historical Stuff

Post by Orion »

Aha! Found the old climate map!

Orion Apollantis
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Re: Mar Saran Historical Stuff

Post by hypatias mom »

Looks really good, and it is certainly really creative. I'm glad you are bringing back the old histories.

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Re: Mar Saran Historical Stuff

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Why was this friggin' awesomeness not here when I moved in?!

Looks great! Maps! I love! :love

If you could get the full text of that story I'd really appreciate it. Wow, I can't believe I had such an awesome county. And we have flags! ZOMFG!
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
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Re: Mar Saran Historical Stuff

Post by Prodigy Almighty »

Shit, how did I NOT notice this was here?! This is AWESOME! :D :thumbsup

I approve! So sweet!
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