Let this be decided...

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

Moderator: Kaiser Fish XII

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

In fairness there is nothing wrong with the Kaiser wanting to rule the badly drawn worlds.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Jake, I would have cheerfully accepted you as Kaiser if Hasan had chosen you as his successor. I did have doubts for a long time, but then I had an epiphany when I saw the Dennis Moore thing... it seemed really annoying and stupid until I distanced myself a bit and noticed it was simply funny in a stupid way ;). A few humourless people subjected to too much of that kind of treatment would quickly produce your notoriety, but really, at least here in Shireroth you really have been a good, decent fellow, and have shown no signs of changing for the worse :).
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Kaiser Loki II
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Kaiser Loki II »

Ari, as I said, I'm not really complaining. It is my nature to draw sword and charge off into nearly-hopeless causes.

You approve of my infrastructure work, oh ye whose keyboard I am not worthy to dust. Sincere thanks.

(The "Dennis Moore" thing was a Jacobian attempt to assist my Kaiser annex more territory. And because I hadn't really P.O.ed anyone lately, and Jeremy seemed worthy of said.)
Loki II, Kaiser of Shireroth
The Awaited One, Bearer of the Sword
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Jonas »

Duke Hasan Kalir wrote:Jonas, you HAVE to make that map. We can put it in the wiki, and further, if people change sides over time we can turn it into a gif showing the progression.
I will do it tomorrow. ;) :knife :knife
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
Can't you see? I'm crazy! :tomcutterhamonfire :smashy

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

In The News:

Kaiseral-claimant Liam I, aka Liam conToketi, was found dead this morning at his residence in Blavatsky, Straylight. Discovered moments after his death by a local (by what means is unknown), he is believed to have suffered from a massive heart attack. No foul play is apparent.

Found among his official documents was a will, leaving all titles and possessions to one Oroigawa Koreyasu, an immigrant to Shireroth from the Tokian territory of New Shirlan. He is expected to arrive in Blavasky within the week.

Liam's body is to be shipped back to Toketi for a royal funeral in Rielrar. Services are scheduled for July 13th.
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

Chairman, Senate of the Lakes, Hurmu

Hesam Jayatar
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

That would pass except Ric is actually a citizen, who's a REAL human being. Oroigawa Koreyasu is not a citizen and as far as I know is just a double login.

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

I have no claim for the throne, you dolt. The one who claimed the throne is dead. Listen up.
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
Count of Asantelian, Brookshire

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Kaiser Ayreon
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Kaiser Ayreon »

Letter to Mr Oroigawa:
Dear Mr Oroigawa,

I was very saddened to hear of the news of Liam conToketi's passing. The thoughts and prayers of this entire nation are with you and your loved ones in this time of grief.

The Count of Blavatsky was a man of integrity. He was appointed by Jacobus to serve as his representative, or steward, during the first part of this succession crisis.

I would like to promise you that a thorough investigation unto the death of Count conToketi will be taken.

Once you arrive in Blavatsky I would like to visit you to discuss our friend, the future and the crisis we are in.

Keeping you in my thoughts during this difficult time,


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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Jonas »

May he rest in peace... :(
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Bayen »

Liam died again!?!?!? Alright, where's Duncan...? :fish
Bayen ronToketi
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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

To some extent, with exceptions, the "old school Shirerithians" never seem to have accepted my sincerity. I am tolerated, even thanked, for helping keep the country from falling down the chute last year. The "younger" (newer) generation is with me, for the most part.

Much like Ardy, I sense a glass ceiling. This is an observation, not a serious complaint.
OH NO OLD BOYS CLUB! Let's dig up Locke and Rakesh and take the revolution to the gates of Brookshire! Onward mighty soldiers of PAST!

PS: Jacobus, I like you well enough, although sometimes your anti-MCS, anti-foreigner stance scares me. You impressed me by sticking up for Shireroth back in the old days when everyone else was gone. But why ruin a four hundred year streak of Jacobites not getting thrones they deserve?

Hesam Jayatar
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Uh, I hate to say it Scott, but at one point Shireroth was an elitist clique. Then it caved in on itself.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Erik Mortis »

What are you talking about.. it still is. and never did.

Hesam Jayatar
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

By caved in on itself, I mean it went inactive and almost dead.

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Uh, I hate to say it Scott, but at one point Shireroth was an elitist clique. Then it caved in on itself.
Lies! Damnable lies!

Shireroth's always been a meritocracy. It's always taken a heck of a lot of local knowledge and a certain kind of character to climb it. New people tend to be without that kind of local knowledge, and haven't yet developed the right character, and are usually confused.

Yes, the throne was usually kept among a couple of people, but that's true of any country, and Shireroth's current "Let's give random people absolute power every three months" attitude is sort of unique. Ministries and fiefdoms have always been a dime a dozen, and anyone with a bit of intelligence could get themselves listened to.

Take Locke and Rakesh. Erik disliked both of them, they both were new people who went against everything the nation stood for, and they both became Dukes as well as highly influential figures.

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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Didn't know Locke very well, But Rakesh (obviously) was just as active in Babkha at the time. I can appreciate the security measure of proving someone is loyal to the country before giving them absolute power, but it seemed a few years ago, there was a big divide between those members of Shireroth who'd actually meet in RL and were friends, vs those members of Shireroth who were on the other side of the planet. Now, this is just an outsiders observation, but that seemed to be the case more than it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, Babkha has an unofficial policy of seniority. If people have ambitions to be Shah, they'd better have at least a years experience. I myself have been Babkhan since 2001 and have yet to be the Shah. The policy is in place to ensure (especially in the old days) that no one is infiltrating the nation to destroy it. These days its less of a problem since most people are generally more constructive.

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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Erik Mortis »

The people who were around long enough to merit being Kaiser and trusted, tended to also be people who had made it to a convention...

And.. if I met you in person I was much more likely to trust you.

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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Yeah of course. I'm not saying its a bad thing, I'm just saying it is what it is. I met Earl Washburn and Julien Starr at a convention, so the result was that I trusted them more, even if they were evil Atterans.

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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Erik Mortis »

Locke was just jealous because he knew he would never be Kaiser. I didn't trust him, especially after what he did in Tymaria. Plus I kinda double crossed him at one point, due to the Tymaria incident. Not so much doubt crossed... as I took advantage of his mistake, and got more land.

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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

There was a time when that was perfectly acceptable. Things change I suppose.

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Kaiser Ayreon
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Kaiser Ayreon »

Going to the ShireCon in Dublin was a great thing to do, although most of them were Elwynnese. Anyway, I am sure there are a picture of all of us standing behind the Shirerithian flag.

One day I'd like to go to meet those of you who live on the other side of the Atlantic. It is also through RL interaction that friendships and trusts can be cemented in such a different way. And I promise you, I'll do my best to come!

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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Erik Mortis »

Also, most of the eldest people at the time were people that came from Sonoma(CA in general)... so it was just a bunch of various things that came together...

Honestly, I think it was a good idea to keep the Kaisership among those who I knew I could trust... look what happened when I handed it off to Aure for fun... Meskan....etc...

Hesam Jayatar
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Ric, I completely agree. I have to say the majority of the Euro's I "know" are through mn's. And even just having someone show you around in a strange place can be a relief. Especially if you're tired of being gouged by tourist prices.

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hypatias mom
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by hypatias mom »

Two years ago, while Renee (HYpatia) and Mike were up here from Santa Barbara, we hosted three Shirerithians, Scott, Eoin, and Bill in our home. We visited Sonoma to see Erilk, Jadie, and Zary, saw Muir Woods, San Francisco, and the coast, then to San Jose to see Joe. We then toured Yosemite. And last year Gman came out to visit Sonoma and Fremont. It is good to get to know people face-to-face. We're hoping to host some other Shirerithians in the future.

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

I need to find out about a Shirecon I can attend. I'd love to meet some people. Someone let me know when there's one in the Northeast US somewhere...
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
Count of Lesser Attera, Kildare
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Re: Let this be decided...

Post by hypatias mom »

The way we did it was to find out that a couple of people would be out here, and invited them. And we got together with as many current and past Shirerithians as we could.

Oh, yes, it seems to work best when people are not in class sessions.

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