Et in Elwynn Ego

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Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Palace of One Thousand Columns, Ardashirshahr, Elwynn

"Kindly remind the Under-Secretary that the Kaiser is five hours late. I repeat, five hours. I have had to forgo lunch because of this and I cannot begin to tell you how irritable that makes me." And in truth it made the Khan rather irritable, as was manifested when he banged the telephone receiver back down into its cradle with a rather excessive amount of force.

"I suppose you've had more than enough extra time now Delir. Have the additional items for the agenda we discussed been finalised."

Delir Eghbal, Director of the County Security Department, casually leaved through his dossier once more, the fourteenth time the Khan had asked that question since the dinner that ought really to have compensated for the missed lunch.

"Yes my Khan. Everything is in order."

"Good. Well there is no point us dallying here much longer, it is clear he isn't going to make it. I'm going to take a table at the Lycurgus Club, could you see to it that the Phantom is brought up from the garage - I think I will drive through the park, it is quite pleasant evening."

At that moment the phone rang again. The Khan simply looked at it disdainfully and turned his attention back to instructing a eunuch to fetch his coat, so Delir picked up instead.

"Ardashir, err.. My Lord Khan. It is the Under-Secretary - the Kaiser has just left the Palace."

"Well sod him. He kept me waiting long enough. Have him driven over to the Lycurgus when the train arrives at the Kaiser Strasse. Oh and send someone round to the Maydan Hotel. Evict whoever is in the Imperial Suite and on the adjacent floors. He'll need a place to stay."

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Kaiser Hasan I
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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

The Convoy of trucks drove through the city streets toward the Lycurgus Club. Located street-side with an unassuming black painted door merely two steps from the sidewalk, the Club was a local exclusionary diversion typical of the Khan's dislike of anything "common and accessible". He had frequently complained of nausea following any public speech or appearance. The club was inconspicuous enough that even the status chasers would not be able to petition for entry, simply because it was an unregistered building. None of the usual hallmarks were present, no bronze cannons, flags or doormen, but a street-front entrance and a side-alley drive to accommodate the members vehicles.

As the Convoy passed the club, The Kaiser's black Bentley, diverted and slipped into the alley as the trucks moved on toward a nearby police depot. Moving down the drive, Hasan noticed a galvanized steel utility door open from the side of the building. The Driver parked, opened the door allowing Hasan to collect his brief and leave the car. He walked a step and reminded himself of the sealed document he had left on the seat, retrieving it, he placed the folded vellum document in his jacket pocket behind the small tortoise-shell case he kept at all times.

As Hasan moved across the drive, he could see the Khan back lit in the doorway. The head of the Osmani family, (contemporaries of Hasan's own lineage) turned away from the door and back up the short stairs toward the lobby of the club. The subtle change of atmosphere was marked by a gray sky.

"Typical July" Hasan thought,

It had looked like it was on the brink of rain for days, and yet it never quite happened. The stillness of the air and a lack of any breeze made Hasan eager to move indoors, the traffic had died down and the drive gave off an eerie silence. Entering the club, the door was closed from the inside by a dark gentlemen wearing driving gloves, Hasan moved toward the coat room without acknowledgment.

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

As the Kaiser was led into the clubroom the Khan instructed the two Lunarian hostesses who had been attending upon him for the evening to depart back into their waiting areas. He promised that his aide would settle their pecuniary matters later. The club was largely empty, access having been denied to the majority of even the already select Zjandarian clientelle. Tonight the few tables that were sat at were reserved by Elwynnbrigaden officers newly returned from Gascony and by the usual collection of CSD officers and senior County Service bureaucrats.

One by one, each of the parties at the tables stood to acknowledge the Kaiser - however there was a degree of tardiness in their reactions. Finally the Khan stood, and beckoned the Kaiser to sit at his table - an inversion and violation of the usual protocol.

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Kaiser Hasan I
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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

"What brings you such consternation that you would behave this way Lord Khan?" Hasan asked before seating himself.

It was one thing for the Khan to invite the Kaiser to his private club as opposed to the palace, but it's another to subject him to this complete insolence. Having diplomatically obliged the requests of the Khan for so long, Hasan was nearly at his mark. The Khan represented not only his county, but represented Babkha and his own clan in Shireroth. Behaving this way would surely reach The Emir in Kamalshahr, something with more dire consequences than the Emir's provincial cousin would want to contemplate.

Forgoing the usual formalities and realizing the quality of the establishment, Hasan lit a cigarette something best avoided among the locals. But in the presence of fellow Babkhans, a matter of circumstance. Hasan's eyes narrowed unblinkingly at the Khan, this trip, evidently was not a matter of Elwynn.

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

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"My Lord - I do not believe that I have properly spoken to you since before, when was it, ah yes, before you departed to Hyperborea. That seems such a long time ago and your fortunes have certainly enjoyed an upturn since when you were Director of the CSD Main Office. What is it? Count, Kaiser, and Duke - truly you are a modern day Atlas to carry such a burden so well. But what if Atlas shrugged?

The Kaiser blinked, he was clearly both unsettled to have been brought to the Khan´s private club and also to have been subjected to such singular disrespect - even before he had been elevated to the Mango Throne he would have been mortally offended at the treatment he was receiving. "Ardashir Moqtada Khan - I do not quite follow your meaning."

"I do not believe, especially in the current climate, that the burden you now carry is one thadefinitely."

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

Hasan knew where this was going. He'd noticed the dark man with the driving gloves had not moved from the door. The others at the table held their eyes low while the Khan busied himself with a report. Hasan speaking in Babkhi continued:

"If this is going to go as it seems, let us at least conduct it in our own language. Excuse these people from the table, let us speak alone"

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

"Very well." Replied the Khan in Babki before speaking in Common to his lackies at the table, "Fuck off the lot of you. Not you, Jal'Nar - fetch over a bottle of whiskey and two glasses."

Jal'Nar, an outlander from Kildare did as bidded and returned with two glasses and poured a double into each. "Now you can fuck off." Said the Khan, expressing his gratitude.

"Hasan, if we must do this, let us do so as sons of the fatherland. Our 'cousins' have always appreciated the work you have done in effecting a reconcilliation between the two empires but now - after the war especially - they are concerned that if you stay on much longer you will be in danger of undoing all the good work that has been done. We have built up new working relationships, done deals, settled in, even the new generation has managed to make a home for itself here. If we return to the bad old days all this investment will have been for nothing. You have to understand I have nothing but the utmost respect for you."

At this point the Khan placed a Webley .445 Revolver on the table.

"But the time really has come for you to consider your position - and to do the honourable thing."

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

Hasan sipped the Scotch while a series of papers were put before him.

"I trust you'd likeo be written into this?", Hasan picked up the pen and lowered his eyes back to the paper.

"Nothing more than what was already arranged" The Khan pondered the situation, suspecting his future in the Empire,

"As you like, the virtue of my position is that you must wonder, How will the world know what I write if you so wished it to be concealed? I assure you Lord Khan, what I write here is merely a copy of a document already produced. Not that I doubt your honour, I just doubt your humility. So I will do this for the good of Shireroth and by the grace of "our cousins" suggestion, but your influence ends here. Feel free to rip this paper to shreds if it does not agree with you, the die is already struck, five more copies are awaiting distribution as insurance against such an eventuality."

The Khan looked slightly interested in this development, but maintained his usual slate-like emotionless facade.

"Did you not think I had considered this? When was the last time a Kaiser died naturally? My good Baron, you've been away from home too long. No true Babkhan would make such an unnatural mistake. Here, read this"

The Kaiser passed the paper to the Khan curtly.
Imperial Decree #286

I, Kaiser Hasan I of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, Regent of the Kingdom of Babkha, Duke of Elwynn do state the following as my last will upon my death.

1. I name Baron Andelarion of the Elw, Count of Eliria and Utasia, Lord of Cape Farewell as my heir and successor to the Throne of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, that he, an experienced leader, shall bring this state to even higher levels of glory.

2. That the sword I requested to be forged be completed and guarded as a national treasure as per the designs stated in the original request.

3. That Harald of Froyalan shall replace Jacobus as Steward immediately and without reservation.

4. That former Kaisers of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth shall enjoy immunity before the law and be protected against prosecution or act of the Landsraad.

Signed by My hand on this day,

2 Rasday 3258 ASC

Kaiser Hasan I,
Kaiser of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth,
Regent of The Kingdom of Babkha,
Duke of Elwynn
Hasan spoke, "So, you have what you want"

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

The Khan regarded the erstwhile Kaiser with the look of someone who was regretful but resolved to undertake a distasteful but necessary duty, such as putting down a favourite hunting dog who has now turned lame.

Taking the revolver in his hand he stood up and began to speak.

"You know full well this is not what was agreed. If you revoke it there is still a chance that you might be an exception to the rule and live out a graceful retirement."

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Kaiser Hasan I »

Hasan contemplated what the Khan had said, and considered his options. He lit another cigarette and took a final sip of Scotch.

"I have considered the fate you've proposed, I think I'll do it my way".

Hasan stood and toasted no one in particular.

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Re: Et in Elwynn Ego

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

"Then I fear that your reign, and so much more besides is at an end."

And with that the Khan fired three rounds at point blank range into the torso of the man who had before today been both his lord and his friend, but politics trumped all other considerations as the body of Hasan crumpled under the impact. Stepping round the table, having only paused to pick up his drink, the Khan walked over to where the bleeding body of Hasan laid sprawaled out and fired another two bullets into the Duke of Elwynn's head.

"Heil Loki." Muttered the Khan as he threw the gun down and began to walk towards the exit. By the door he paused, downed his scotch and threw the glass at the wall, shattering it into tiny sparkling slivers.

Stepping outside into the cold night's air the Khan shivered as he picked out his mobile phone and called his Adjutant in Shirekeep. "Mobilise the Guards, the damned fool has tried to pull a fast one."

At that moment the Kaiser's Bently pulled up.

"Mine I think." said the Khan as he opened the door and stepped in.

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