Happy Early Birthday!

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Happy Early Birthday!

Post by Allot »

Albert came running at the sound of Andrew Allot's voice.
"What is it, my lord?"
"What. Are. All. These. Sheep. DOING IN MY COURTYARD??!?!"
"Ah, it's the Baron of Thule's early birthday present to you, my lord."
"And how am I supposed to get through to the front door?"
"Get Steve and Steve to clear them out. Put them OUTSIDE."
"That might be difficult, lord..." Albert pointed out the window, where Steve and Steve were riding sheep.
"Ahh..." Allot massaged his temples. "If I hear one more baaa, I swear to Elwynn..."

"I'll tell the sheep to be quiet, my lord..."
"See to it." Allot, went back inside his bed chamber.

As Albert closed the door, he heard a baa, a scream of rage, and a smash of glass as Andrew Allot threw himself out the window into the massive pile of sheep, armed with a pair of scissors.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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