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A letter to the Count

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:04 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
To Sir Ardas Andelarion, Count of Eliria and Utasia, from the Count of Lesser Zjandaria, Greetings.

My esteemed and noble friend,

I am in receipt of your letter dated Tuesday 18th of December 2007 regarding Cape Farewell. I should like to thank you for your kind greetings further would like to assure you that you may remain confident of our continued good will and affection. I have given careful and due consideration to the contents of your correspondence.

Before Zurvan and Elwynn, may they guide the cosmos towards serenity and beauty in equal measure, I declare that I am favourable to your proposal. We in Lesser Zjandaria have long been aware o the unique significance that the Manor of Cape Farewell holds for your family and has done ever since ancient times. I am mindful therefore to accept. However before I do agree formally to this proposal I would be obliged if your excellency were to furnish me with a map detailing the schedule of changes entailed in this territorial adjustment.

May your Excellency please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ardashir Khan
Count of Lesser Zjandaria
Khan of Vijayanagara
Amir of the Militia and Police of Lesser Zjandaria

Re: A letter to the Count

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:38 pm
by andelarion
To Ardashir Osmani, Khan of Vijayanagara, Count of Lesser Zjandaria and Amir of the Militia

My dear and noble friend,

It with greatitude that I hear that you lean towards my request with favour. I am thankful for the respect you have shown me and my ancestors for a long time.

Three maps have been prepared by my court for your consideration.

The territories marked red will be transferred to Eliria and Utasia, the blue to Lesser Zjandaria. There are three alternatives, each one different to the other. The first proposal transfers the Commune of Caligae in its entirety to Eliria and Utasia while grants Lesser Zjandaria all of southern Utasia. The second proposal would give Eliria and Utasia the cape and the city of Caligae, while the third only the Cape.

I am hopeful that we can come to an agreement. Please advise me what alternative would be best for you and the good people of the territories in question.

May Elwynn endure,

Yours truly

Count Andelarion of Eliria and Utasia
Lord of Cape Farewell