Liam! I have an offer!

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Ari Rahikkala
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Liam! I have an offer!

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Would you like to be Straylight's emissary for a little while longer? You know, despite everything, I'm kind of uninterested in Landsraad politics at the moment...

So, uh, how about this kind of a contract: You get complete, sovereign authority to use Straylight's vote and voice in the Landsraad for the period of one month. In exchange you take the bother of using said vote away from me. I remain the duke and all, the only difference is that it'll be you speaking for Straylight in the Landsraad and not me.

It's entirely your choice whether you take this or not. I'm kind of 50/50 on it myself. I'm not busy or anything, I'd just like to have someone else look after the Landsraad for a while.
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Liam conToketi
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Re: Liam! I have an offer!

Post by Liam conToketi »

Gladly! I still need to get the revised Alexandrian Treaty up (I only just got it approved by Enrique yesterday). If you wish me to be Straylight's voice in the Landsraad, I will not refuse.


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