Bridge Building 101

Gryphoness of Shirlan
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Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphoness of Shirlan »

Hello everyone and all!I've been asked by UnknownwonknU and the like to check some things out here and start buidling a bridge amongst our two nations. If confused of which nation I speak of or from...then...please see title above.Now, I am told that there are two Gryphons that exist here, thus far, or from what we can see.I should like to speak with one, if not both of you in order to do so. Now, I've been instructed also, that these discussions should take place through this lovely barony here, Straylight. So.....

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

Hi.I will answer your questions in this thread if you have them.I ask that if this be a diplomacy meeting, that it be limited to the Gryphoness, myself, and if Nick decides to drop by, him as well, as it seems the will of the Gryphoness. So please, other people, give us a bit of room and don't clutter this thread with extraneous comments.I will volunteer to relay final decisions of this diplomacy to the landsraad for request, if that is your wish.So... what's up? Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by UEC »

*sits in on the discussion and listens(as Dukes often may do...* E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

*sits in on the discussion and listens(as Barons often may do...* Mitä minä todella sanoin

Kaiseress Jadie
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Kaiseress Jadie »

*doesn't sit in on the discussion like Kaiseresses often may do..." Harvey's Elf-cat Kaiseress

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

*sits in on the discussion as he was invited to do* Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

*stumbles in the door*Bloody hell! There was a sit in and nobody told me?! -Gryphon Avocatio- Anarch and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Imigration and Naturalisation, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - "Minsiter of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks" - SAVE THE KIWI!! God save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen. Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us; God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign.May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen.

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

actually, you were invited... but oddly enough... the hostess seems to have disappeared... I wonder if we should search her out.. Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

Gryphoness of Shirlan
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphoness of Shirlan »

*looks around*Well, it seems a lot has taken place since I've been detained.*looks around room**furrows brow*What's with all the sit-in?!By the way, as I've stated, Gryphon the Pure, we can carry this discussion over into Shirlan. Shireroth doesn't appeal as such a private place to me for such discussions with relation to Shirlanian affairs and such.We can carry this discussion in the general forum within Shirlan, or perhaps one of our duchies.....with permission of the owner of that forum, of course.

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by UEC »

THAT's IT!*stands up**gestures to Ari and himself*We are the only two others here, as your Baron, Ari, and as your Duke, Me, we have the right to at least view, if not participate. You, are a County, UNDER Straylight. Ari is your Baron. What's more, You are a County, under Brookshire! I am your Duke. And I've had enough. You try to break the fuedal hiarchy, you ignore the chain of command in relation to political matters, and you try to tell your superiors what to do. This is enough. By the end of this day I shall lay down a Dukal Decree to deal with this ONCE and for all! We tried to play it your way, we tried to give you lenience. Now it is time to reign you back in! by midafternoon Brookshire time or late evening I will decree what shall be done. If you like it, fine. If you don't, Yoiu'll have to live with it. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Gryphoness of Shirlan
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphoness of Shirlan »

*stares at UEC, gaping*You are SO irresistable when your temper flares!*smiles widely, suppresses wee giggle deep inside*Look, lighten up Erik. First off, what is your aversion to Shirlan. You have the annexation thingy going on. Okay, Shirlan is a county. We said, OKAY! Ari is our baron and you are our Duke...yadda, yadda, yadda. Got it!You can conduct business within the general area of Shirlan surrounding our duchies. But within each of our duchies is a different story. So, why not start posting there? Geesh.Maybe with your help, along with other Shirithians (such as Gryphon the Pure and Ari) we can keep UnknownwonknU in check. I AGREE with you here!

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote:You have the annexation thingy going on.And as far as I'm concerned, it's also legally been finished. Well, except that I still don't see any legitimate immigration forms from you at the ministry of immigration.Quote:You can conduct business within the general area of Shirlan surrounding our duchies. But within each of our duchies is a different story. So, why not start posting there?Since there's no law forcing or prohibiting us from doing this... I guess is that people do either not find the time or just do not want to post in Shirlan. I can see what you're trying to do, and I commend you for your efforts to make Shirlan active, but... it doesn't work this way. You can't... pull a Shirerithian, or any micronationalist, heck, any man or woman, to be active in a nation the way you're trying to do it. You'll have to make people like yourself first, then advertise your nation. In Shireroth, if you want to be popular, you have to follow the rules. And the rules are not hard to follow. Not as hard as you make it seem... Mitä minä todella sanoin

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by UnknownwonknU »

Okay Ari. The Shirlanian Immigration form(s) are thusly being filled out, as wished.UEC, I suppose you don't necessarily have to consult me directly on things. I am sorry that I have irritated you so. However, I would request that you do be respectful to those choosing to reside within Shirlan, to start, for one, the Gryphoness.Now Ari, it would be beneficial if we clarified, now that it is legal that we do discuss these things, the different Shirlanian duchies with respect to Shireroth's own subdivisions. Please enlighten appropriately. If the wish is to instruct the Shirlanians, do so in it's general forum, if not, then please converser with our own Gryphoness.

Gryphoness of Shirlan
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphoness of Shirlan »

Okay, Gryphon the Pure. As far as Ari stated, and with the filling out of the Shirlanian Immigration form(s), it is suggested that it IS legal for us to continue discussions upon the status of things.

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by UEC »

Well, it would appear that this is now dealt with.Though, I think I might point out.. since... it might explain something that confused me, (why you wanted to talk to both the gryphons....who are really quite seperate from the maybe immigration where Nick is Minister).... In the case of Nick and Joseph, the word... "Gryphon" in their names, is not a denotation of any sort of position..heh, which I get the feeling your use of Gryphoness is. Gryphon, as used by them, is like a first name. So it's effectively like called them, Bob the pure, and Bob Avacatio... if that made sense..hehe. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by TopedaranGryphoness »

*takes over*Um, Hello Erik. *smiles*I can see that you are trying to make sense. And probably are aiming to just call both Bob the Pure and Bob Avacatio, just Bob, to kinda refer to both at the same time. As long as "we" understand and are careful with which one we are speaking about or to by doing so, this should not prove to be problematic.....

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by UEC »

Now I'm confused...I just meant that in both Nick and Joseph's case's "Gryphon" was just a first name.. like.. Bob.. or Frank.. or Erik..., and not any sort of accual title of nobility or status. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by TopedaranGryphoness »

Oh, no, no...yes, I see...So, yeah okay. No nobility or status. Understood.So, how does one refer....*scratches head* Ah, do...what do...*scratches head*So, just choose an aribitrary name, just for reference purpose?*shrugs*Doesn't matter here, really. Doesn't affect anything, nothing either, in fact, but there should be....something, perhpas...."hey you"? *smiles oddly*

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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by UEC »

Huh? Their names.. are.. their names... Just like mine is Erik Metzler.. (if indeed I used a login by that name, and not UEC, but my real name is Erik Metzler....)I was just clearing up something that looked like a confusion...... umm.. Never mind... Just remember the only Titles of Nobility in Shireroth are Kaiser, Duke and Baron, and Count. (and the female equivilants)And the Non-Noble Titles are Steward, Prætor, and Minister. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Bridge Building 101

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

alright... now who is it that wanted to speak with me?!?!?! and/or about what?! Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

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Re: Bridge Building 10101

Post by TopedaranGryphoness »

Hi Gryphon the Pure. Perhaps we should speka, but there is nowhere to go to do that, is there? Or perhaps there is somewhere, but maybe I'm not the right person to be discussing those.....*heavy sigh**slowly moving towards becoming less confused*

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: Bridge Building 10101

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

Umm... what's wrong with here. If it must be in private, then either you may IM me at AIM: LeftyHazard, or you can come speak to me in Schlangen... or Kildare... but bear in mind I haven't much power over your situation as you are part of a different Duchy than mine. Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.


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