Searching for home...

Gryphoness of Shirlan
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Searching for home...

Post by Gryphoness of Shirlan »

Hi Erik! I hope with the agreement we made between us we can move things along, nicely and peacefully. I truly feel bad for the difficulties, but nonetheless, we can get beyond them and livve together in peace.*smiles politely*Now, here's a problem that I am asking you, Erik, as my Duke, that I would appreciate your advice with. (ARi, my baron, if you need to carry this through to Erik then, please inform me if I am stepping out-of-line, truly don't want to upset you guys, at all).Okay, back to problem, Shirlan has a very unhappy resident that has relayed to me that she would like to find someplace to, I don't know how to articulate properly, but I guess, for now, you could say, unwind(?). Well, what would be the proper course of action for her to do just so?Now, mind you, she does NOT own, per se, her own computer, as such, so I have offered for her to use mine and create a login (so yes, another login with same IP, however, a person who truly is not the same) but I am allowing her certain priveldges that might support a little happiness.So, can you guys help us out here?

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Searching for home...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I'll play Joel Spolsky. Use this forum. I'm not going to delete posts, though, but... use this paragraph as a guideline of what's fine and what isn't. Quote:-- posts which are personal, ad hominem attacks on non public personalities. I better define that. Ad hominem means it is an attack on the individual, rather than on his ideas. If you say "that is a stupid idea because..." it's OK. If you say "you are stupid" then it's an ad hominem attack. If it's vicious or uncivil or libelous, I delete it. There's one exception: because the Joel on Software forum is the best place to criticize Joel, vicious or uncivil posts about Joel are allowed to stand but only if they contain some tiny sliver of a useful argument or idea. Mitä minä todella sanoin

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Re: Searching for home...

Post by TopedaranGryphoness »

Well, thanks Ari, I request that before playing or better yet, let's call it, handling Joel, that you don't do so unless I authorize it (only because, well, the one we are referring to that is seeking peace and quiet, is beyond sensitive, so....) Okay?The quote you are showing is obviously taken out of context, and therefore, does not apply directly to what we are discussing.


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