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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

* ari wonders in an out-of-character way if this ship appeared out of nowhere or if there were signs of it in the recwar thread in Goldshire, notes that since his character is currently skipping towards the shore of the duchy it doesn't really matter, decides to go reread the thread anyway and perhaps figure out what the hell to do with that ship, and also thinks that he should do something about this run-on sentence but decides to not bother anyway *Oh, and thanks for those Einhänders. I never knew Straylight had them but I figure they'll come in handy ;). In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to a Finn.

Draco the Tainted
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Post by Draco the Tainted »

"captain... err... someone who cares! The cloaking field about the ship has been recalled, we are now detectable by radar and sonar! It looks like we're... we're in the middle of the ocean!"Another Sailor: "Umm... we're not just in any part of the ocean... it seems we're right over Straylight"Third Sailor: "The ship is stopping! The ship is stopping!"Second Sailor: "Why would this ship want to go to Strayl--"*a melodic voice of chips and chirps emanates from the whole ship*"Recall your efforts to aid the attack on Goldshire. I am holding your capital hostage lest you return. It is suggested that you do not attempt to near this craft with any seaborne or aireborne vessel. It is protected by high-voltage, high-current electroplating on the hull, and more than a dozen completed Einhänder's. The men on this ship are also prepared to fight back against any aerial or onboard attack. Take heed of this warning. Recall your efforts."First Sailor: "what the hell did that thing just say?!"Second Sailor: "I don't know, but I have a feeling I'm gonna be aching to find out."*the voice begins again, this time in man's tongue*"Prepare yourselves"Sailor Over Loudspeaker: "You heard the... umm... ship?! Prepare! All men to arms!"Entire Crew: "For the Thanedom!!!" Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

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Re: *shimmer*

Post by SimplyRhedd »

Einhanders? Huh, looks familiar, but not reeeeally what I think it is....Are they like trawlers (speaking in fishing terms) that are similar to the main fishermen's fish nets? *bubbled confusion*

Draco the Tainted
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Draco the Tainted »

umm... no... they aren't fishnets, they're fighter jets..and no, they aren't for you, they're for you if you don't pull out of goldshire.*zaps the surrounding area as a demonstration**the water around the boat sizzles and evaporates**boat, now hovering in midair begins to fall but is caught by the waves rushing back in on it*Be happy your dolphins weren't near enough to get caught in that, and that it was put on short range mode. Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I'm slowly starting to figure that first post out. I don't know if it is just me, but honestly, I have had to read it (and this whole thread) several times to actually understand who's attacking who, with what and for what reason... In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to a Finn.Edited by: Ari Rahikkala at: 7/25/03 11:31 pm

Draco the Tainted
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Draco the Tainted »

Umm... the jist of it is stop attacking goldshire... or straylight goes *sizzle* Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!

Solitary Poet 8
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Solitary Poet 8 »

OOC: Sounds like "check" to me. :) I'm really starting to appreciate dragons. ~The Solitary Poet of Delvenus

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

AAARRRGH!"Where the hell were all you guys?!?!?""where did those missles come from?!!?""alright, I've had it! straylight, you've had your last chance""activate the electro-plating!!!"*someone presses a button, somewhere else, someone pulls a lever, elsewhere, a knob is turned, and suddenly, the ship glows brilliant blue.**seconds later, the whole ship is surrounded by an electric sphere, and it ... -dives?-**except where it dives to there is no longer water**one of the Einhanders was unfortunate enough to get caught in the field; it falls to the water, only half-constituted, with the rest of the plating dripping away**the ship dives straight towards the straylightian capital* Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: *shimmer*

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

A transmission is received on the ship on all radio frequencies of any notable purpose:"This is Commander Mar Laane (*) of the Imperial Navy of Shireroth, Ops center," a slightly disdainful but hurried voice said, "and I am ordering you to call off your attack immediately." A few seconds of silence pass, then the voice continues much more diplomatically:"If you don't follow this order, I'm afraid you do not know what you are doing. By attacking the capital you will not harm only Straylight, but the future of Shireroth itself. It will be the greatest mistake of your life. I need half an hour to explain you why, but you're threatening... your threat is too strong for us now. You might be going to cause a great deal of destruction in less than a minute if you continue your descent further."Becoming more impatient again, the voice added:"Your ship will be kept in safety, goddamnit, we don't even have anything to scratch it with!" The voice paused for a couple of seconds after this, as if to think, but continued anyway: "Just don't continue towards Rising Tide!"(*) OoC: My imagination is even worse than Austi Scot's, it seems In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to a Finn.Edited by: Ari Rahikkala at: 7/29/03 1:30 am

Draco the Tainted
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The New Storm is Rising

Post by Draco the Tainted »

The ship, which ended up diving straight downwards, missing the capital by near a mile, has been sitting on the bottom of the ocean for awhile now, encased in its own air bubble formed by the vaporization of the water around it.The water directly above the ship has been boiling for over a month now, and the water has been collecting in a large, darkening cloud. The level of the sea around Straylight has dropped by almost as much as a foot.On the ship, the crew has been frantic in figuring out how the hell to steer the ship back up to the surface. 98% of the onboard oxygen tanks have been opened, and food and supplies are running out.The Einhanders above had long since retreated, seeing that a threat no longer lurked within straylight, but having no carrier to retreat to, they flew into the Air Force base stationed in Schlangen. Every now and again, there could be seen a scout or two returning to the scene to check if the ship had resurfaced, but they always return with the same unfortunate message.Hopes for the survival of the ship and crew have waned, and the scouts come less often now, even so scarce as to skip a day. But it is easy to see from anywhere in the Central and Shire Seas that the vessel remains. The cloud overhead, now black as the sea floor from whence it was borne, is ironically the only hint that the lost may yet survive. It is the sign that the ship still functions, that the ocean has not yet fallen to seal the wretched fate of the crew. Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 9/6/03 8:23 pm

Gryphon the Pure
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Re: The New Storm is Rising

Post by Gryphon the Pure »

An open scrap of metal is forced away from the ship and towards the barrier that marks the edge of the Straylightian capitol. It is sharp and sleek on the outer edge, but closer the end of it, it is visibly damaged, and it ends abruptly in a wrinkled, melted edge, which folds outward and inward in a wavy pattern likening it to a large clamshell. Past three layers of random material, open wires hang clean-cut, with no frays. There are no active lights in the open chamber, but every now and then, a control board will sizzle as the weak metals rust.The cabin is mainly empty, save for the control boards themselves, and a few tiles hanging from the ceiling... However, upon closer inspection, one would notice that there is an odd spherical object beneath the main control board, encased behind a glass window, and seemingly hovering inside its small, dark container. It has the texture of a clean pearl, and its surface reflects the deep blue-green of the ocean surrounding.There is one other artifact out of place in the technological sanctuary that is the cockpit of this Einhander. A small square of silk-like fabric, showing only the slightest wear from floating in the ocean for so long, is caught in a folded corner of a square of metal above the cracked main display.The wreckage skids through the sand across the barrier into the capital of Straylight Raised by a family of Griffins in the forests of Llanowar, this young mage is rumored to be the sole male born of the Serra tribe.

Draco the Tainted
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Re: The New Storm is Rising

Post by Draco the Tainted »

It was little more than a week ago that the problem was finally solved. Someone on board found the controls for the shield, and created an opening at the base of the ship. The water was able to flow beneath it, and lift the ship up. Unfortunately, the crew had been starving for days, and was unable to man the ship once it resurfaced.To add to their peril, the craft first opened to the eye of a great hurricane. Fortunately the storm had been brewing for over a month and had quite a wide enough opening for them to safely sit and wait. They radioed their fleet and sat it out. A few superior officers were reduced to simple fishing methods in order to feed the crew, as they were the only ones with enough strength left to lift themselves. The majority of the remaining crew survived, but a few were lost from the light diseases which their immune systems could not handle. The fleet arrived two days later, and along with them was the complete Shirithian Aire force, who was at the time still being commanded by Draco the Tainted (also a member of the fleet of the ship). They kept their distance from the storm, but continued communications, trying to figure out how to get the ship out of the eye. Finally they decided that the ship would dive again, and use openings in the shield like pressure thrusters, hoping that whatever water got inside would not be enough to keep it down for good.The plan was finally executed this morning, and the ship resurfaced a good ways away from the storm. Unfortunately the supplies for propelling the ship by normal means would only get them so far, and the pressure thrusters were getting higher and higher risk as the ship's energy supply depleted.And so it happened that the fleet would tether themselves to the ship and pull it along with them, away from the storm. The wind was pushing too hard to the southwest for flight to be safe and/or effective in that direction, so they decided to go north up towards Goldshire. Heil Loki!!!
Heil H'Graa!!!


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