History dump

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Ari Rahikkala
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History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I've been very secretive about the real meaning of a lot of things I've said about Straylight ever since its inception, and have tended to leave a lot of stuff unsaid because it would be "spoily" - that is, it would have spoiled my plans to reveal those bits in the form of an actual story. I've done this since, to be honest, there's so far only one exception to the rule that all of my wiriting on Straylight is infodump, and you really can't make pure infodump exciting and fun...

... the problem with this approach is that the notes I've left for myself are almost as scarcely detailed as the published stuff. And I've been at this for years. By now I must have forgotten more than I've ever published. I keep seeing mysterious references to things that might or might not have been meant to begin a story. I do have a directory where I tend to stuff "all text" - it contains ebooks, homework, backups of forum posts, some IRC logs, and occasionally, when I dig with enough gusto, the occasional note relating to Straylight (as sad as it sounds, this thing *is* the primary sink of my creative energy for my last five years, despite the lack of things to show for it).

Well, I think those occasional notes, and bits I left out of published Straylightian stuff, have been lying around for long enough. I'm going to be harsh on myself here and just publish all the text that I can find out, even if it's stupid or silly (just look out for Katamaridamashii in the original list of sancts :p). There won't be any need for you to read through them... especially since there *are* some ideas that I can still remember from quite far back that I haven't ever published, and everything you read here will be interpreted in terms of those ideas...
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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

The original website of the Duchy of Straylight, forumified. The mtime of the file is 26.1.2003, but that's because it was copied to the directory it's in that day... the update mentioned at the end must have been in 2002, meaning that this file is from 4.4.2002.

Highlights: Biting political commentary about Shireroth's status in Tymaria! A reference to ancient Apolytonian history that not even Imran will get! The slowly dawning realisation that I was already an annoying smartalec in 2002! Complete ignorance about the existence of the Duchy of Kildare! Vague references to things that might or might not be significant!

The Duchy of Straylight is the first and, for the time being, the only aquatic realm on the whole planet Micron, or, as everybody except Bill and Jason likes to say, on the MCS map. Currently its leadership is taken care of by its only citizen and duke, Ari Rahikkala, the ex-Kaiser of Shireroth, and things are expected to stay that way at least until something happens to the government of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth (whose subordinate the Duchy of Straylight is) or to the United Republic of Tymaria (whose subordinate, or superordinate, depending on the way you see it, Shireroth is). The Duchy of Straylight is best known for its only citizen, Ari Rahikkala, the great master of style who has never succeeded in being obtuse, and from several other things you didn't know before but are now apparently about to read about.


The Duchy of Straylight just appeared one day out of thin air, and thin air is actually pretty much what it has been until now.

A few days after people originally got to know about its existence, the Straylight Reef became geologically a very active area and the caves decided that the reason why they existed is not thousands of years of coral growth but some obscure effect that nobody has observed anywhere yet. Nobody actually knows the reason of this proliferation of geological activity, although some say that the fact that Ari Rahikkala, the Angel of Really Powerful Weaponry, spent a whole evening making a lagoon with terraform before he remembered that lagoons are a result of geological activity had something to do with it. In any case, you can happily forget what you know about the geological activity of the Straylight Reef and update your knowledge on this page.


The effective population of the Duchy of Straylight is one. This includes its duke, Ari Rahikkala, the Creideiki of Istvanistan, who is not exactly alive in the strict sense of the word, such as any sense of the word that require a corporeal body for the object of observation to accept that it is alive.

The real population of the Duchy of Straylight is zero (since it doesn't have any living citizens), unless you want to know its really real population, which is one (including the duke, Ari Rahikkala, the Global Bartender, who sometimes wonders why he tends to get so obscure at times).


(there will be a map here someday, probably not before I get a 'net connection to my apartment... Which is, by the way, overdue by several weeks. If you ever move to Finland, I wouldn't recommend trying to get the Connection from such adi-dah company as Sonera)

The Duchy of Straylight is located in the sea area east from the line between Yardistan and Brookshire, and it stretches over most of the sea between Shireroth and whatever country there is on the other side.

The main area, and the only populated one, of the Duchy of the Straylight is the Straylight Reef. The sea region around the Straylight Reef is very low and full of rocks and shoals. It is often avoided by seafarers since it is hard to map and storms and fogs are common on the area. The Straylight Reef itself is a giant undersea labyrinth of corals, and in the northeastern parts, lesser undersea growth. The reef is known by divers as one of the very best places to find undersea caves from; the cave networks under the reef, grown over hundreds of years as corals have grown upwards and died from down. Geological activity on the area is minimal, which means that the corals have had uncounted years to grow extremely complex structures. A warm sea current brings tropical temperatures to the reef, allowing all kinds of creatures of tropical waters live in it. Unfortunately this warm current is also known as the origin of several violent storms which hit Shireroth several times every year (umm... could we make Micron revolve clockwise so that this would make sense?).


One of the things the Duchy of Straylight is known of is the dolphin population of the area. Documents saved from the Björnberg Institute of Animal Intelligence Research, which was destroyed in an unknown situation*, suggest that a strain of dolphins with greatly heightened abilities of cognition and tool usage had escaped from the institue only a few days before its partial disappearance. This is the story that is told to the tourists who visit this area when the dolphins of the reef appear because of the abnormal behaviour of the dolphins of this area:

When a tourist ship comes to the area and stays still for some time, a pod of four or five dolphins will surface without warning and all at once. Then they will observe the ship, staying static, for several minutes. If the ship stays still, the dolphins will all plunge back into the water and head for the undersea caves, from which they will not reappear for hours. No evidence from the Björnberg institute indicates that this strain of dolphins woulhave any ability of breathing underwater, so it is commonly accepted that they breathe in the air pockets of the caves. However, this has gone on for years - nobody quite understands why the air pockets haven't ran out of oxygen yet.

Another interesting feature of the dolphins of the Straylight Reef is that they tend to befriend humans, especially locals on the coastal areas of Yardistan, quite easily. This behaviour is not quite understood, either; The dolphins seem to pick swimming people depending on their equipment, (nothing more than swimming trunks or suits is usually allowed by them) on their movements in the water and on whether they have seen the swimmer before, and approach them calmly and peacefully. It seems as if it was the dolphins who tried to create a contact to humans through swimmers who they know to be trustful. This attempt, whether it actually is the reason of their behaviour, has not succeeded; it has been extremely hard for humans to find meaning in whatever their language is.


Save the occasional ships that get sunk on the Straylight Reef without any kind of forewarning, the storms that are known to kill several people, and the other dangers that have not even been found out about yet, the Straylight Reef is a very pleasant area to go swimming or sailing in. Ari Rahikkala, the duke of Straylight and Shezestriaki of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, will be quite willing to guide tourists to the area since there are no other guides - and, for the time being, no other tourists, either. Maybe it's because of that ship that sent a SOS and told that their hull had been breached completely noiselessly and that the ship had took in several cubic meters of water and sunk half a meter before anyone had noticed that anything had happened? That one was lost from the only radar that happened to be on the area only a few moments after the help transmission. Nothing was left. But let's not let it hinder the coming of adventurous people who want to find out more about the Straylight Reef.

Written and last updated Thursday, April the fourth at 18:30 GMT by Ari Rahikkala, the ex-head of the department of research of the Flying Islands of Jasonia (isn't it just wonderful how long titles can get?). Spartan style acknowledged shamelessly. Only handcrufted HTML used, which is a fact that I can conveniently blame if somebody makes me ashamed of the style. May contain bits of sanity.

* The research on what actually happened still goes on. Some people guess it was swept over by a giant tidal wave - however, this is easily refuted by the fact that nothing else in a radius of one hundred meters got destroyed. Other theories have also been proposed, but they have usually been stranger than even the actual known events.
The alt text for the Flag of Straylight on the site was lengthy (hey, I predated Dinosaur Comics' use of overly long tooltips by a few months, let's go sue them):
The flag of the duchy of Straylight. It isn't exactly what I was supposed to make (I originally wanted to make a flag with two colors - hues of blue - and the outline of a dolphin's head) but it still has some symbolism, since I happened to bump upon it while playing with XaoS (a fractal zoomer program) with really obscure settings and high unzooming. That is, the flag signifies mathematics, programming skill (even though XaoS is a masterpiece and I'm a mere toddler who has experienced Deep Hack Mode only very few times in my life) and obscurity, all of which I would like to embrace better.
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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

A file named shirdolph.txt from the same directory. No idea what this was about. Tempus means grammatical tense, I thought at the time that if you're allowed to use the Latin word for it in Finnish then surely the same would work in English...
(pardon the shifting tempus)

Meanwhile, three dolphins looks boredly at the battles taking part in the air and on land but nowhere on the sea. They remember fondly the times when people would bring forth their ships on the sea, always being armed against submarines, other ships and aircraft, but forgetting one greater threat... one inherent to the sea, but greatly reinforced by the inevitable development of technology. Until the last few months the seas around Shireroth were diligently patrolled on all sides except the extreme north by squads of dolphins, armed to the teeth (well, they didn't have much other places to be armed at but the mouth, but that's beside the point) and ready to do serious damage to any ships that would violate the seaspace of Shireroth (which, naturally, was quite a bit wider than that of most nations with their international alliances on Earth).

That had, however, changed, due to the indifference of the human representation of Straylightian (Straylight is the name of the duchy of Shireroth where most of the Shirithian dolphins lived) in the recent times. The dolphins had lived on on their own without any trouble and need for human intervention; And due to the time being peaceful, no sea fleet had even tried to invade Shireroth. Thus, no man had noticed the lessening amounts of coast guards
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

straylighthistoryarc.txt, from 3.7.2003. Not written for publication, and you'd better put up your cliche shields for the first paragraph.

* reads the Finnish bit *

* is amused... because said Finnish bit is pretty much the explanation that more or less has the whole story... plus some extra stuff that might or might not really be part of it... *
Over time, several Hyperborean elders, wanting to thank the dolphins that helped them cross the seas, enchanted their most faithful servants with great magic powers and the ability to live for thousands of years. There were seven of these dolphins altogether, and they were of different races - from orcas to, er, smaller dolphins (there were no porpoises in the group, though - they're too small to comfortably ride on). Being wise and having great foresight, the elders imbued the dolphins with not only wonderful magics, but also with the sapience to use them only for the purpose of bringing life and peace in the seas.

The magical abilities that the dolphins have are largely mystical, but not deity-based, and definitely have nothing to do with CRaPGs or AD&D. They are quite powerful, since the Hyperboreans trust the dolphins to use them properly.

Now, in Khaz Modan, there's a rather motley team of scientists, magicians and engineers whose leading member suddenly gets a really strange idea in his head - that Khaz Modan is going to be destroyed one way or another and there's nothing that can be done to stop it, but it's possible to rebuild it... after some hundreds of years. (note: make it clear that this is not Asimov's Foundation) Few people believe him, until a rather manipulative friend of his finds out that it's possible that he could be the leader of the newly built Khaz Modan. After learning this, he (Zhaki) sets out to convince members of the team and others to join Mopol (the leader of the team) in his project.

(note: Mopol is to be a historian. This way he could be freaky enough to get that idea, being that civilizations have a tendency to fall, and he would know about the Hyperboreans' dolphins)

Although the Hyperboreans were wise, they were not able to expect what would happen to the enchanted dolphins. The whole plan needs to be explained to be able to understand why the Modanian group needed them...

THE PLAN: Khaz Modan will fall one day. But it is a superior culture that needs to be preserved somehow. It's not possible to stop it from falling - that happens to every culture, sooner or later. However, it is possible to recreate it one day - in fact, even outside the sphere of human existence. The timing of this needs to be done so that the culture will be recreated in a time when the traditional enemies of Khaz Modanians (i.e. the Technomaezj) are waning in strength. An archive of great Khaz Modanian works will be created and hidden. The most important thing - the citizens - will be... dolphins. A great self-replicating magic (nanomachinery+magic=coolness!) will be created to give all the dolphins in the world the *ability* to become sapient - a signal chemical will then have to be dumped in the sea (an earthly civilization will need to be contacted for this purpose - the chemical will also be hidden away and stored with refrigeration (it will be an important point that the chemical will slowly break down if it isn't properly stored)) to realize this ability. The group will move their minds into the bodies of the dolphins that were enchanted by the Hyperboreans, and do or get done all of this stuff, and lead the new Khaz Modanian civilization to fruitition.

Eräs Khaz Modanilainen tiedemiestiimi - jota olisi kyllä heidän mukaansa pitänyt kutsua pappistiimiksi, vaikka tieteestä he oikeasti vain välittivät - päätti yhdessä että merten yläpuolinen maailma oli vaarassa joutua suurten historiallisten ryöpytysten kohteeksi. Oikeassahan he olivat, kun ottaa huomioon sen mitä kaikkea on tapahtunut. He päättivät luoda suht monimutkaisen suunnitelman jolla selviytyä omien mieltensä ja kaiken tieteensä kanssa ainakin parisen tuhatta vuotta eteenpäin. Siksipä he käyttivät erittäin korkealentoista maagista teknologiaa ja loivat eräänlaisia nanokoneita ja viruksia jotka elivät tarttumalla delfiinien aivoihin ja periytymällä parasiitteina useiden sukupolvien ajan. Itse he siirsivät mielensä kuuteen hieman mutta ei kuitenkaan täysin satunnaisehkosti valitun delfiinin ruumiiseparituhatta vuotta lisää elinaikaa ja aika häröt maagiset kyvyt.

Nämä kuusi tiedemiestä olivat nimiltään Zhaki, Mopol, Phoenix, Takara, Kohana ja Nakai. Tai jotain. Nimillä nyt ei ole niin paljoa merkitystä, kunhan ainakin Zhaki on mukana ja muut nimet eivät ole niin äärimmäisen tyhmän kuuloisia... hahmoille voipi ihan hyvin suunnitella eriävät persoonat, tietenkin...

Niinpä sitten jonkin aikaa he elelevät herroiksi erityisvoimiensa avulla, orjuuttaen pieniä määriä delfiinejä voimillaan aina silloin kun huvittaa. Jossain vaiheessa he päättävät ottaa nimekseen Salomon Pod, lähinnä kyynisenä vitsinä maailmaa kohden. Suuri osa heistä onkin nimittäin tullut aika kyynisiksi nihilisteiksi saatuaan tietää Khaz Modanin tuhosta ja muista historian ikävistä jutuista. Takara, Kohana ja Nakai ryhtyvät itse asiassa - yksi kerrallaan kylläkin - olemaan välittämättä koko orjuuttamishommasta lainkaan ja lopulta lähtevät vain seikkailemaan jonnekin merille yksin. Tämä ei kuulunut alkuperäiseen suunnitelmaan, mutta Zhaki, Mopol ja Phoenix eivät varsinaisesti välitä. He eivät nimittäin varsinaisesti osaa vielä odottaa tulevaa...

Shirerothin kolmannen kauden keskivaiheilla Salomon Podin jäljelläolevat jäsenet tuntevat, kiitos henkisen tietoisuutensa vanhojen heimojen jäsenistä, Ly'Tecnomaezj-heimon vallan alkavan vihdoin vähenemään pitkän enemmän-tai-vähemmän-vallan ajan jälkeen. Siksipä he päättelevät että on aika tuoda takaisin Khaz Modan. Zhaki suostuttelee tämän yhden Brookshirelaisen tiedemiehen, Edward Rupenin, kautta erään tyypin jolla on valtaa ja tietoa ja joka on lähellä Kaiseria dumppaamaan mereen merkkiaineen. Tämä merkki saa (yhä melkein kaikissa delfiineissä elävän) parasiitit korottamaan isäntiensä henkisiä kykyjä tarpeeksi saadakseen delfiinit melkein kaikissa maailman merissä (kiitos merivirtojen) tarpeeksi korkealle tietoisuusasteikolla luodakseen Khaz Modania vastaavan kulttuurin.

Valitettavasti vain kaikki ei suoimistaan, kykenekään alistamaan orjuuttajiaan vastaan nousseita delfiinilaumoja joilla on nyt älyä päässää enemmän kuin ennen. Eivät etenkään kun pienempien puolella ovat myös Takara, Kohana ja Nakai, jotka ovat nykyään sitä mieltä että kulttuuri ja tiede ovat pahoja asioita. Zhaki, Mopol ja Phoenix pakenevat levitaatiokykyjensä avulla maan pinnalle ja alkavat luomaan kaikenlaisia suhteita päästäkseen perille maailman tapahtumista. He ryhtyvät pitämään maailmanlaajuista baaribisnestä koska se on yksinkertaisin tapa saada kaikki poliittisiksi ystävikseen. Zhaki myös nerokkaasti keplottelee Shirerothin keisariksi satunnaisen tuntemattoman älykkään delfiinin, mutta joutuu myöhemmin tapattamaan tämän koska tämä satunnainen delfiini meinasi paljastaa mitä merenpinnan alla on oikeasti tapahtumassa.

Maailmanlaajuinen tietoisten delfiinien valtakuntahan (valtakunnat, itse asiassa) tietenkin yrittää ottaa yhteyttä ihmisiin. Zhaki kuitenkin peittelee mediassa melko tehokkaasti kaikki tällaiset yritykset, ja koska delfiinit tahtovat lähinnä taistella toisiaan vastaan ja riidellä siitä kuka syö missäkin, hänen hommansa on harvoin edes erityisen vaikeaa. Vieläpä kun vain hänellä on tarpeeksi tietoa saada yhden sukupolven aikana aikaan selkeä tapa välittää tietoa ihmisten ja delfiinien välillä eikä Takaralla, Kohanalla ja Nakailla ole mitään aikomusta ottaa enää yhteyttä ihmisiin...

Ajan kanssa tilanne lientyy. Osoittautuu että tiedemiestiimimme on tehnyt lisää pahoja virheitä; merkkiaineen konsentraatio vähenee pian suurimmassa osassa maailman meristä niin pieniksi että uudet delfiinisukupolvet syntyvät pian taas normaaleina. Nanobotit kylläkin pysyvät kaikkien aivoissa, nukkumassa. Vain Straylightissa, minne merkkiaine alunperin dumpattiin, sitä riittää niin paljon että delfiinit luovat todellisen sivilisaation. Takara, Kohana ja Nakai katoavat - siirtynevät jonnekin maailman merille elämään kuin tavalliset delfiinit, välittämättä ele enää vaaraa merissä, ja siirtyvät pian Straylightiin, elääkseen siellä osana paikan kulttuuria (ei kuitenkaan alussa johtajina, vaan vasta poliittisen keplottelun kautta).

Sitten jossain vaiheessa ilmestyy tämä Ari Rahikkala joka ei tunne ketään Salomon Podissa mutta osaa itse muuntautua ihmis- ja delfiinimuodon välillä ja siten myös välittää tietoa. Hän ilmestyy Straylightiin ja ystävystyy pian henkilökohtaisella tasolla Zhakin, Mopolin ja Phoenixin kanssa tietämättä lainkaan siitä että he ovat jälleen paikan diktaattoreja ja että heillä on myös aika tumma historia. Ari tekee diilin Salomon Podilaisten kanssa jossa hänestä tulee Straylightin paroni (Zhaki kylläkin halusi hänestä kreiviä) ja Salomon Podin jäsenet... kummallista kyllä mutta totta, pääsevät teknomaagi Dexterin juttusille. Dexter kavereineen edustaa uutta ajattelutapaa ja Khaz Modnilaisten kanssa välien selvittämistä, ja siten pitää kovasti siitä että pääsee tapaamaan ainoat tunnetut vielä elossa olevat täkäläiset. Salomon Podilaisethan tietenkin valehtelevat siitä miten ovat käyttäytyneet muita eläviä olentoja kohtaan ja saavat Dexteriltä ihmisruumiit käyttöönsä. Ja. Niin, siinäpä sitä sitten ollaankin - vielä ei tiedetä, mitä he päättävät niillä tehdä...
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

straylight-second-try.txt, from 30.11.2004. Yes, this is the whole file.
This is Wishes are Fishes. Yes, that's the name of this city, after all it's a Straylightian one. I don't want to go on a tangent in the third sentence of this post, so I'll explain the naming of Straylightian cities later. So, anyway, this is the city called Wishes are Fishes, or sometimes just Wishy, or if you're a little kid, Wishy-Washy. If you were rather technical, you could say that it's not one city, it's two.

There's a heaven-and-hell dichotomy here, sure. It doesn't go much deeper
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

... I thought I'd lost this one forever! Ladies and gentlemen: This is straylight-minor-cedrist-gods.txt, from 6.11.2004!
Praise B'Caw, for he has given me a Vision! A couple of days ago I saw his head priest point out that the official Cedrist pantheon consists of only the major gods, and that it would therefore make sense to have minor gods somewhere, too. See what others said - most importantly that the minor gods are of a more personal nature, at the new divine census thread. While that was not enough for my mortal mind to get the hint, B'Caw blessed me through the spicy chicken I ate today with this insight: If people could make minor gods for themselves, why couldn't fiefdoms do that, too?

Thus, without further ado, since I'm too lazy to write any funky RPy introductory texts anyway, the List:

Jan Hubicka, The Seer of Order in Chaos. He led humanity in a great war against the KOULE armies of the DARK APPLEPOLISHER, one of the most unique experiences of our kind ever - and one of the best tests of one's reactions that are known to the people of Straylight. He brought out the order in chaos for everyone to see with greater grace than possibly any other man ever did. He leads the elusive Command Line Brotherhood, a conspiracy so obscure and well secured that even I do not know more about it than its existence and Hubicka's part in it. He did even some stuff that has to do with graphs that I don't understand shit about. For all of this, and so much more, he is considered the Worthiest of all of the gods in the Straylightian Pantheon.

1x1spacer.gif, the Invisible Pixie of Bad Web Design. 1x1spacer.gif is a pernicious little devil that promises people to make their work effortless and its results beautiful. That it does, but only its creator will see the results he wants to see - everybody else will see something different.

Gashen, the Ludicrously Big Elephant of Pressure. Gashen is the Straylightian explanation to what pressure under large amounts of water is: It is an invisible, colossally big huge elephant standing on the structure in question. It is widely believed that exactly one Gashen is standing on the main dome of Pohjankaupunki(*). From this dogma, it has also been calculated that the head of an average Grabbit Steel sewing pin is big enough for about 0.0000045 Gashens to stand on.

Spoon, the Piece of Cutlery that isn't. Like the other divine entities, Spoon manifests itself in mysterious ways. In this case, while I was previewing this post its name was shortened to "S" - clearly a sign that there is, in fact, no spoon. I later found out that the physical reason of the shortening of the name was that I hadn't ended the bold tag of the preceding god's name properly - but it should be obvious to anyone familiar with the workings of almost any supernatural beings that the reason you believe some event has is not necessarily the real reason...

Malarbar, the Public House of Bad Spelling. Malarbar is where all of the bad spellers in Shireroth are considered to have visited. The Teckila and Wiskey that are served in Malarbar are famous for special, extremely localised kind of brain damage they cause - no matter whether you only take a little or drink them until you drop, the only kind of (more or less) disability caused to you is in the area of the brain that takes care of spelling. There is a Straylightian story that tells about a man going into Malarbar with Arnold Schwarzenegger's body and Friedrich Nietzsche's mind... the end of this story is too disgusting for me to tell in public.

God, the God of Christianity.

Ra, the Fun God.

root, the Janitor of the World. root is the god that makes flowers grow in spring and snow fall in autumn (in areas where that is applicable). root is, unassumingly and humbly, the highest of all gods - she has the keys to all doors and read-write access to even the deepest secrets. The reason why her name has no capital letters is that she is truly not a wrathful or attention-seeking god - instead, she seeks to make her presence as subtle and invisible as possible to people. There are some who say that knowing the True Name of root could allow one to use all of the power of this god, but such theories come neither from philosophers or theologists but from adolescent dabblers in magic arts.

Oldfield, the Musician of the Divine Court. In Straylight, the Elizabethian (or is it Pythagorean?) idea of "music of the spheres" is considered flawed. We trust in music of the tubular bells.

Defenestra, the Not-Window. Defenestra contains the spirit of throwing people out of windows for ridiculously bad puns or jokes that simply make you cringe, such as the description of Oldfield. Defenestra is also what a Straylightian who is removing Microsoft Windows from a computer calls to for advice.

Masami Eiri, the Duct-taped God of the Wired. Masami Eiri left behind his body to become some sort of a fucked up virtual entity whose body is quite clearly patched up with duct tape, and who affects the world through encrypted pieces of additional data in IPv7 that somehow affect the Schumann resonance. Masami Eiri is the patron god of all of those who like to not have the slightest idea of what the hell is going on and enjoy the feeling.

Toboldlygo, the Great Split Infinitive. Toboldlygo reflects the Straylightian ideal of language - free of syntactic salt, at least the completely pointles kind of it. Straylightians believe in endowing the natural language with as much expressive power as possible. (Heck, I might even translate http://apolyton.net/forums/showthread.p ... ost2772838 to English one day and get around to doing something useful with it...)

Do worry, more are to come, should I happen to invent any good ones. I recommend the other Nobles look into deepening the culture of their fiefdom by cataloguing the minor Cedrist deities their people believe in, to.

(*) This name will be explained... given due time.
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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

So much for my hope that the original plan for the fictional history of modern Straylight had been lost... this story *will* be changed - I want modern Straylight to make at least some kind of sense, and what's in this file is just... too disbelievable. This file exhibits my writing style reasonably well: Those breaks of four of five lines were originally actually several dozen lines, long enough that each bit of text between them was on a separate page. I tended to work on one bit, then when I became unhappy with it, go on to make another. It is very likely that there are severe inconsistencies between these bits.

straylight-how-it-is-now.txt, from 24.4.2005. I haven't even read through all of this myself yet.
OK, first forget what I've told you about Straylight. It's changed, and it's changed a lot :). Not to worry about the culture... it never had much of that, aside "it's the geeky place" and "it's the wet place" there's really very little that I ever wrote about Straylight. This document aims secondarily to be a guide for any later efforts in roleplaying that take place in Straylight, and primarily to be interesting and entertaining itself.

So, first, to shock you guys into reading this... the dolphins are gone. OK, no, not really. They aren't gone. Now stop panicking, OK :) ? They're out of the spotlight, though, for two reasons: First, I'm not the addict I used to be. It's a long time since I read Startide Rising and almost as long since the last time I was interested in roleplaying a dolphin. Yes, that means that just out of respect for my sanity, you guys might want to stop calling me a delphinophile. Second, Straylight itself has matured a lot in my head and the society I have in mind really is a human one. I'm not going to add anything to it that doesn't sound like a good idea.

Some things stay, of course. The infeasibility stays - I'm not out to create a particularly likely society, and not even a terribly well thought-out one, simply one that could in my uneducated opinion work in at least some way and that sounds as cool as possible to me. Keep your disbelief suspended and you might enjoy it. The geekiness stays, too - Straylight seems to be known as the "Linux fiefdom", and I'm not going to drive anyone away with my cultural exploits. Straylightian culture will be quite separate from Straylightian tech support. Note, however, that the culture itself might well be quite geeky...

Also, of course, the maritimeness <FIXME> stays. Straylight is in the sea and its only land claims are the small islands in its area that nobody else can be bothered to claim.

The creation of modern Straylight began in one of the last years of the stable rule of Kaiser Wyltheow I, 1743 ASC. This is the year when the undersea laboratory city Incremental Search was built in the minor Issenna basin, between the Aracic isles and mainland Kildare. As the finishing touches were put in, the geodesic dome of Incremental Search housed two hundred people, most of them scientific staff working for the Shirithian navy. Incremental Search was an unexpected success: It never exceeded its allocated budget or deadline, and the result was exactly what was asked for: A prototype installation of an undersea torpedo silo that would, if built in just a couple of dozen strategic places, make Shireroth basically invulnerable against any sort of naval attack.

The rational successor of Incremental Search, actual implementation of a network of torpedo silos, was left unrealised for now, as the turbulence of the ending of Wyltheow's reign made such a project impossible. In fact it wasn't until well into the time of Los II that anyone could get permission to do anything out of the ordinary in the sea anywhere near Yardistani waters. This was because the Yardistani navy had, for some reason, developed a reputation of being paranoid enough to blow to smithereens anything they could find on the sea that they didn't believe belonged there...

In 1780 ASC Kaiser Los II had finally managed to calm the military down enough that talk began behind closed doors about resuming the project and beginning the building of the so-called k + 1 defense system. k + 1 was a very ambitious project and, despite the best efforts of the most paranoid of Shirithian officers, knowledge of it started leaking to the public. The complete plans to the building of Incremental Search were soon in wide distribution by means of samizdat, and the locations of many of the unfinished torpedo bases became common knowledge. There was much public controversy but little actual action...

... until an insurgency in Sargassum, a base very near Novi Nigrad. It was manned mostly by military personnel and engineers from Yardistan, and none of the crew felt terribly loyal to the feudal government. Since they were quite fed up with what they saw as a useless project to waste taxpayer money, they did what any good Yardistani would do, and rebelled. Their main weapon was, of course, the torpedo silos. The insurgents demonstrated their their power by blowing up quite a few things - almost everything they could find that could be blown up by torpedoes, except, of course, manned civilian ships.

The crew of Sargassum managed to hold Novi Nigrad hostage for a long time through skillful diplomacy that made them seem more threatening than they actually were. This encouraged other bases to join in the rebellion It turned out that it was no trivial task for the imperial government to conquer or even destroy a system of dozens of bases that it had itself designed to withstand external attacks for an indefinitely long time. The rebellion soon got an official face as it became known as the Federation of Yardistanis Under Pressure (they were all fans of David Bowie and Queen) and it began work towards its original goal, scrapping the k + 1 defense system and using the technology and infrastructure built in it for better purposes.

It was not until a whole year of war of mutual attrition had passed that the Shirithian government finally gave in. On the anniversary of the rebellion, a peace treaty was passed that allowed the FoYUP to use the bases for private enterprise and actually try to be productive members of society. The rest of Shireroth would finally get to breathe a sigh of relief as they were assured that their ships would be safe on the seas, at least from their own people. This treaty wasn't particularly well liked, and while some Shirithians were very bitter toward the FoYUP, just as many were impressed by its ability to beat even such a force as the Imperial Government.

The mentioned private enterprise quickly became popular, as many FoYUPians realised that if they wanted to regain the trust of the rest of Shireroth, they'd better become very useful very soon. Vacation resorts sprung up all around, despite the fact that what spaces they worked in tended to be rather cramped and spartan. In some places the seafloor's rich sediments were mined, a couple of bases originally meant to be "the last line of defense" near Yardistan's southern coast were repurposed for kelp farming. Even Incremental Search itself was turned into a museum of sorts, for showcasing the history of k + 1.

All this popularity posed problems, however: Soon a lot more people wanted to move in to the FoYUP from all around Shireroth than any of the bases had space for. The federation was not yet financially ready to start building new seafloor bases of any useful size. This caused the quality of life - which was already a lot lower under the sea than most people thought it was - to become even worse, and in general despite all of the celebration about how cool the sea was, most people there were rather miserable as they were packed under small domes with fluorescent lighting and thousands of other people in a very small space.

The solution to this problem was invented by an eccentric artist/architect Dante McCallavre. He pioneered the idea of the Sanct, or as it's more mundanely called, the floating city. It would be a majestic place to live in: A group of tetrahedronal spires supported dozens of meters above sea level (and therefore well above even the highest waves that could ever appear on the high seas). It would provide more than enough living space for anyone on the surface of the tetrahedrons. It would be just as close to the wealth of the sea as the seafloor bases. Despite all that, with a modular architecture, it could be cheaply built piece by piece wherever it's most convenient and the parts towed to one place over time to slowly form a growing city.

The first city planned by McCallavre was named Straylight Sanct, after the duchy whose center was found to have been in the same place in studies of history. The city was a success, drawing almost five thousand citizens - much more than any other city in the FoYUP had housed before - within only a couple of years. The name was an even greater success, since many bases in the FoYUP already housed a significant non-Yardistani minority who didn't really like being called Yardistani.

As decades passed, business in the growing network of Sancts flourished, and the sea attracted even more people. In the turmoil caused by the prospering of the Barony of Amity and Mirioth and the feodal leaders' fight over Yardistan's status, Straylight was noticed and considered important enough to be a barony of its own.

There's still much to write... too much, I think :). I'll try to develop the Sancts and the Fuller Web a bit further first... they're the one part that I think someone other than I could find interesting :p.

Straylightian English

Yes, as any good Shirithian subdivision does, Straylight has its own language, too. It's not a terribly complex one, but complex enough that it'll probably stay in the "under construction" phase for quite a while. I'm not a linquist, I hardly even dabble in that art.

The basic idea of Straylightian English is that it is English, but it makes sense. Making a language make sense is achieved by patching up holes and removing inconsistencies. A few things I've planned:

- Add genderless pronouns. This should be quite familiar to Shirithians.
- Add a way to tell the singular and plural of "you" apart. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out how this was handled in Middle English and import from it if that makes sense..
- Make verb inflection more consistent, preferably by removing the inconsistent case of the third person singular. In Straylightian English, I do, thou do, zie do, we do, you do, and they do - no inflection is needed.
- Allow the use of the word "not" to negate sentences without needing an auxiliary verb, so, for instance a Straylightian could quite well say "I like not coffee".
- Make quoting make sense. The inside of a quoted sentence should never be mutilated by quotation, no matter how tempting it might seem to an English speaker to put a comma or a period at the end of it. The exact details of punctuation will have to be worked out...
- Make the orthography consistent and simple. This change doesn't affect spoken Straylightian English at all, but to the written form it's magnitudes greater than the change caused by all of the others points combined. Correspondingly, it's also going to be the most difficult part. Would anyone happen to know about any projects to seriously improve the orthography of English? I might learn a lot from other people's efforts...

The Sancts


Straylightian minority religions

Although Straylight is dominated by Cedrism and traditional Yardistani religions, there are a few small religions that were founded in Straylight and that are rather popular there despite not being known of elsewhere. The largest of them is Simulationism, whose various sects are taught about in Straylightian schools. A more minor one is the occultistic Guruism, which is really not so much an organized religion as a method of self-improvement through means that can only be called magical. There are also various small sects of Simulationism that can only arguably be called religions by their own right.

Simulationism, in general, is the belief that the world is a simulation created by any race that is either capable of simulating a planetful of people in something that looks like a completely acceptable reality to the minds in the simulation. The most common school of thought is that this higher race consists of humans similar to those living in Straylight and all around Micras, using computers to simulate this complete world and all of its inhabitants with at least a certain minimum accuracy. Pretty much each part of the doctrine is under constant dispute, though: Some believe that there's no reason to think the simulator race is anything like humans, somebelieve that the laws of nature of the simulator race's world are completely different from those on Micras, some believe that only a specific set of people, perhaps just one, has an actual mind of zir own, and everyone else is just a mindless metaphysical zombie, etc..

One thing that all different divisions of Simulationism have in common is their attitude. Basically every simulationist realises that there is, in fact, nothing wrong or undignified about not being "real". The reason is obvious and practical as long as Simulationism stays a mere religion - that is, as long as there actually is no evidence that the world Straylightians live in really is a simulation. Opinions differ on what should be done if such proof actually were found. The traditional way of thinking, advocated by the creators of the religion, is that if such a thing happened, it would be our duty to learn whatever we can about the world running us, while being mindful of the very real possibility that that world is simulated, too. Lately, however, the popular way of thinking has been one of humility - i.e. that it would probably be destructive for parts of a simulation to try to "reach out" outside of it, and therefore any attempt to do so should be stopped if at all possible.

The moral teachings of Simulationism vary widely depending on what sect is in question. The most commonly accepted doctrine considers all of the world's people to have been "created equal" - as a part of the simulation, and as a unit that consumes processing power just like everyone else does. This leads to a simple sort of soft morality: Since there seems to be no reason why one person should be inherently better than any other, perhaps it might be a good idea for people to try to just get along. A much stricter form of moral, in fact something that could be called moralism, stems from the idea that the world's creators probably didn't want people to fight amongst each other, so the sanctity of all people and an orderly society should be preserved. On the very liberal (Americans: libertarian) end of the spectrum there's the idea that there's only one person in the simulation with actual thoughts and everyone else is just a metaphysical zombie: This tends to allow people to get the idea that since they obviously have thoughts of their own, they are that zombie, and therefore can do anything at all they want to everyone else, because nobody else is a conscious being.

Most simulationists see people as actual simulated minds, running along with everything else in the universe inside some computer-equivalent. Some, on the other hand, think that their body-equivalents and brain-equivalents actually do exist in the world of the simulators, but are fed a stream of sense data to make up the simulation, Matrix-style. Some see the simula

The teachings of Simulationism vary on afterlife too, of course. The general idea is obvious: If there is an afterlife, it's either a simulated world created by the race running the simulation (perhaps the same one, although Simulationists tend to be wary of the idea of soul that defines a person even without zir body and memories) or the world of the race running the simulation. There is, obviously, no way to be absolutely certain of the difference, but then again that doesn't matter *yet* since one can only find out about it after death. That is if afterlife is defined as what comes after death -

Guruism is practised in few Sancts, but where it is practised it is quite common. The center of its "worship" is in the sanct where its creator lived, christened as Touchshriek but known by Guruists as init (yes, it is written in all lowercase). Guruism is also popular in Deep Trouble, Gensym, Yobi-Yibou and the secretive Petrovna, with differently themed sects based in each of the cities. Guruists use various kinds of magic rituals to learn things about their lives or affect things. Some of these are:

- A* Search
- Onion routing
- Quine alphabeticisation
- Hindley-Milner Type Inference:
- Burrows-Wheeler block sorting
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch <FIXME> coding

The pods of intelligent dolphins in Straylight:

- Salomon pod: The most revered, and certainly mysterious, the Salomon pod is rarely in contact with humans. As far as anyone knows, most individuals in the Salomon pod were born before ASC 1500, and no member of it has ever died of a natural cause.
- Nigaditzemloki pod: (Military)
- Harappa pod: (Historical importance?)
- Nietzsche pod
- Howard pod (how could one forget the intelligent dolphin from the Illuminatus! trilogy?)

- Lenin pod
- Creideiki pod
- Hawaii pod
- 5-1-7-4 pod
- Ulf pod
(more to come, writeups on these pods to be made)


Straylight is a subdivision of Yardistan. You already knew that, didn't you? Well, in fact you didn't. Not the way you should know it. It's not just governmental. If it were, nobody here would bother to acknowledge the relationship anyway. It's much more than that. Straylightians are, in essence, Yardistani. The longest living all-Straylightian family goes back only four generations; Before that, it had come from Yardistan, like pretty much any


Straylight ei kuulu Yardistanin alle ainoastaan hallinnollisesti. Suurin osa sen asukkaista on nimittäin Yardistanilaisten perillisiä, Geenien mukana Straylightiin on kulkeutunut myös vapaa asenne kaikkia elämänmtapoja ja -muotoja kohtaan. Straylight on kuitenkin siitä erilainen kuin isäntäherttuakuntansa, että täällä yhteiskunnalla on tapana pysyä jonkinlaisessa järjestyksessä jo ilman valtionhallinnon pitämää kontrollia, lähinnä siksi, että Straylightin kansalaiset itse haluavat pitää elämässään edes jonkinlaista varmuutta. Epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydelläänsäkään he eivät tietenkään...

Straylightian primer

Straylight is light where no light should be. It is not the light that shows the hardships of the poor to the people, though that light is important. It is not the light upon horrors that brings visible what would have frightened people less had it stayed unknown. It is not the light that shines unjustly upon criminals and fraudsters, reassuring them their fortune is in some way justified. Straylight is the light that seems physically impossible, the light that reflects and refracts at strange angles inside twisted structures until nobody can track its origin. Straylight is also the light of the mind, of the unpredictable turns of conscious and subconscious thought, of the myriad levels of complexity between neurons and the emergent symbolic thought in their interactions.

Straylight's cities are hard to describe as such. Big jumbled messes is much better a name. Straylightians live on the bottom of the sea, inside pontoons, dozens of meters over the surface of the sea, everywhere where nobody else lives. Each of thentilation and of keeping essentially all structures watertight, governed by essentially no rules. Entrepreneurs and charlatans, hermits and the gregarious, engineers and luddites are all drawn to Straylight, all for their own reasons. The sea doesn't offer vast wealth, but it does offer an almost unrestrained environment for individual expression and enterprise.

Most of the cities of Straylight are floating, coastal ones, located in the protection of inlets primarily near Yardistan, but also Amity and Mirioth, some areas of Brookshire and Kildare, plus one at Vanaheim in the north. As cities go, the ones in Straylight aren't particularly populous. The largest few house about a hundred thousand people, but most have barely over ten thousand citizens. Cities floating on the high seas, called Sancts, are mostly only a couple of thousand citizens in size, though Straylightians do still consider them real cities instead of just villages. The smallest "cities" in Straylight are the sea-bottom bases, of which the biggest one is the permanent residence of eight hundred people.

Finding a source of livelihood on the sea is not as hard as it seems. A preciously small percentage of the locals do any sort of primary production. This consists of several sorts of mariculture. The most popular one is, of course, fishing and cultivation of fish. Farming of kelp, algae and plankton is also practised to some degree. Rarer still is whaling and cultivation of shellfish and oyster. Some with access to lots of resources and technology "mine" metals like magnesium out of the sea water - it isn't a very profitable industry, but it does work. Beyond that, Straylightians live in rather similar ways to citizens of other modern nations. The service sector is larger than the rest of all of the trades combined. Some heavy industries like metallurgy are constrained by buoyancy, which makes the barony more dependent on the outside for its ships and building materials than it would prefer to be. Expectably, some modern industries like biotechnology and IT are disproportionately big, although not so much so that the economic fate of the barony would depend on them.


- Pohjankaupunki: Yeah, it's a lame Finnish name that means simply "city of the bottom" but hey, it doesn't have any umlauts so people won't suspect anything :). Pohjankaupunki is in the bottom of the sea, not so far from the coast of Yardistan. It's not the most impressive of all of the Straylightian projects, being essentially just a traditional city on the bottom of the sea... but I kinda had to create it because of that image of Shyriath's :p
- Triton: Name for the cities that float on water. Straylightian Tritons are predominantly deep-sea ones, though it wouldn't be an impossibility to build some protected ones on, say, the coast of Yardistan, or on the coast of Kildare or mainland Shireroth. A Triton consists of an upper and lower part, where the upper part is for good living and the lower part more for maintenance (you're essentially living in pontoons there).
- Fuller Web: This used to be called Atlantis Web initially, but then I learned about all of the cool stuff done by Buckminster Fuller that relates to this... and since the name Buckminster Web would be a bit *too* obvious, this is what I'm using instead.

OK... this'll be separated in two documents, an "outside" explanation and an "inside" description. The explanation is shorter, more compact and hopefully *less* interesting than the description. I'm going to use this duality to illustrate the interesting way we go about role-playing and generally living in micronations. Some information is basically the same, whether you look at it from the outside or the inside - but some things like, say, the source of the name, are quite different. If you didn't understand this paragraph, just read on and you'll understand it.


Some people still don't know where the name comes from. Pitiful... well, OK, not really. You can't expect absolutely everyone to have read Good Books. Only the best of us :p. The name comes from the orbital residence Villa Straylight described in the science fiction novel Neuromancer by William Gibson. It's a long while since I read it, but interestingly I seem to have tended to select the same sorts of unique tidbits to build the barony of as the Villa consisted of. Perhaps it's just that I remember the book subconsciously (I could hardly explain the plot, or the structure of the Villa now - my memory doesn't go back that many years with perfect clarity), or perhaps - if I understood the passage I'm going to quote properly - it's some sort of a necessary consequence of a mind that works the way that mine does...
They floated in the center of a perfectly square room, walls and ceiling paneled in rectangular sections of dark wood. The floor was covered by a single square of brilliant carpet patterned after a microchip, circuits traced in blue and scarlet wool. In the exact center of the room, aligned precisely with the carpet pattern, stood a square pedestal of frosted white glass. "The Villa Straylight," said a jeweled thing on the pedestal, in a voice like music, "is a body grown in upon itself, a Gothic folly. Each space in Straylight is in some way secret, this endless series of chambers linked by passages, by stairwells vaulted like intestines, where the eye is trapped in narrow curves, carried past ornate screens, empty alcoves..."

"Essay of 3Jane's," the Finn said, producing his Partagas.

"Wrote that when she was twelve. Semiotics course."

"The architects of Freeside went to great pains to conceal the fact that the interior of the spindle is arranged with the banal precision of furniture in a hotel room. In Straylight, the hull's inner surface is overgrown with a desperate proliferation of structures, forms flowing, interlocking, rising toward a solid core of microcircuitry, our clan's corporate heart, a cylinder of silicon wormholed with narrow maintenance tunnels, some no wider than a man's hand. The bright crabs burrow there, the drones, alert for micromechanical decay or sabotage."

"That was her you saw in the restaurant," the Finn said. "By the standards of the archipelago," the head continued, "ours is an old family, the convolutions of our home reflecting that age. But reflecting something else as well. The semiotics of the Villa bespeak a turning in, a denial of the bright void beyond the hull.
It works out to be interestingly similar to two important structures of Straylight, created in different times: The Straylight Reef, probably less remembered by people than it really should be, and the Web. Both of them are full of unnecessarily complicated structures, twisting and turning surfaces with as many facets as a human brain has. The former, for the benefit of those who don't remember it, is written to be a complex structure of bright corals, creating an unnecessary and, in nature, very unlikely complex of colourful, almost reflective caves. The latter is a design


Some of you don't remember where the name of the Barony of Straylight comes from.
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I make baby Arthur C. Clarke cry by primarily considering the aesthetics, not the technical feasibility, of science fiction concepts. Icebreaker teaches me this.

straylight-building-a-sanct.txt, from 20.2.2005.
OK, now that I've introduced myself to the basics of Blender by working on those silly girders and pontoons, I think it's time to start discussing *real* issues. Not just the basics of mesh modelling anymore (although I know I still have a hell of a lot to learn there), but actually understanding *what* is being modelled.

Firstly and secondly, there's scale, and there's buoyant stability. These two issues are rather closely related. This far, in the latest image, the area of the city is approximately a square of almost 30m by 30m (the part of the girders above sea level is 30 meters tall - this is the only number involving scale I started out with knowledge of - and by accident the area supported by the girders ended up being as large as the girders are tall). This raises two issues: First, what kind of a self-respecting city can be packed into an area of 30m by 30m, and second, what kind of a structure is supposed not to keel over with most of its weight way over sea level on such a small area?

The solution to both of these problems is that... the city is bigger. Much bigger. 300m by 300m would make a hell of a lot more sense, not to mention it would give the sancts more of that fun epic "it's manmade and it's huge" feeling. No, it's not terribly plausible, but I like it this way anyway :).

A sanct is... a city. OK, perhaps it's better to call sancts towns, but it stands that more than just a couple of hundred people live in the
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

straylighthistoryexpanded.abw (the .abw means I was writing this in AbiWord, you know, with formatting and all). The mtime is... 15.5.2003?!?


Just how long have I been harboring this plan anyway?

(also, just how creepy did I manage to make Phoenix in the space of two lines anyway?)
History of Straylight
(DELME: Plan of chapters:

#1: Khaz Modan has fallen

- focuses on Kohana, the nihilist who really just wants to save himself and finds out that later in the story that life is easy and effortless as a buffed-up dolphin

#2: The Enslavers

- focuses on Nakai, the young (well, in the beginning of the story) idealist who believes mostly in world peace and finds out that she doesn't want to become a human again lest she see wars again

#3: The Dormant Empire

- focuses on Takara, the linguist who used to have a great interest in languages but has become bored of everything, including languages, in the sea... and decides that she wants to just get rid of it all

#4: The Contact

- focuses on Edward Rupen, the scientist who is contacted (or contacts) Zhaki and is definitely manipulated by him

#5: The Sign

- focuses on Ari 0, the emperor

#6: The War and the Fall

- focuses on Zhaki, the manipulator and antagonist (without protagonist) of the story

#7: The Barony of Straylight

- focuses on Ari Rahikkala)

The Salomon Pod

Chapter 1: Khaz Modan has fallen

(DELME: Let's pour over the circumstances so that I get to begin the story...
- Khaz Modan has conqured a good part of the world but is now being pushed back
- the people we're dealing with are priests of some god (will be chosen when I write the story proper)
- they are wondering what the hell they will do... and Mopol gets this weird idea...
- Zhaki is for it right since the beginning and manipulates the others to come with him (Phoenix wants to go with Mopol, of course)

"Did you hear the news mail's been bringing?"
"It's not like I couldn't guess what it was about. The Ly'Technomaezj have finally landed?"
"Crashed and burned, fortunately. The firethrowers held them off this time, I heard... but they simply have too many ships. And our floating spies have spotted a fleet of ironclads... we have hardly any protection against those. When they get through and establish a toehold..."
"I've heard that story already. They're so fast on the ground with their zappers that they'll have destroyed a good part of our artillery before we can organize any sort of defence."
"How reassuring..."
Phoenix rolled her eyes and smiled: "And we're privileged to know it, brother high thaumaturge. The people on the streets think that we're in no danger at all."
"As long as they can't fly and drop bombs on us, that's still true... for a while."
"Hah! Mopol, you're the weirdest husband I could ever have had."
"Thanks, love," Mopol smiled, "I guess that'll make me go down in history after a Ly'Technomaezj poisons my blood."
"No, Mopol... you're all mine. Until death."

Even as Phoenix embraced her husband, the Ly'Technomaezj were already planning another attack. Musica had already fallen, the Khazmodnese tribes of the southern parts of the continent had been subdued, and the conquerors had the taste of blood in their mouths. The islands of Khaz Modan were well defended by highly advanced guns that fired burning bolts. It was well known to the Ly'Technomaezj after their attack that wooden ships would hardly have a chance to invade Khaz Modan proper. They had recently fought with Khaz Modan for naval superiority and had won it with the help of their new ironclads - ironclads which would likely be soon used to invade Khaz Modan. Against ships not made from wood the Modnese coastal defenses were powerless.

In Khaz Modan, the king's government was still very much in power. It used the loyalty of its citizens and its efficient bureaucracy to carefully control the flow of information. Only those that they would be useful to received accurate reports, the rest were let to live on their pretty little endangered lives. The whole nation was geared well for the war. Every single of engineer, thaumaturge, - practicer of a very strange, highly restricted but sometimes very powerful form of magic - priest

Mopol was the head of a thaumaturge brotherhood - a sort of a research group in today's terms, but one that had much different knowledge and power - whose current mandate was to create a miracle and save

They were, however, able to create a miracle.

"What... exactly... are you implying?"
Kohana rubbed his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger while speaking: "We can keep the Khaz Modanian civilization intact inside the seas."
Mopol butted in: "How?"
"Allow me to explain... there are dozens of pieces in this puzzle and if we're going to put them all together
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

10.6.2003. straylightasrecordedbyhumans.abw. Nothing new here, I think, other than the five hundred year thing that I'd completely forgotten and which is probably best ignored.
Straylightian history... as happened to humans... a part of it anyway...

- Recorded as the disappearance of six people, including some rather prominent magic researchers: The beginning of Straylight. Also, the burial of a sort-of-a-treasure; the signal chemical that will wake up the delphine intelligence. The map is sealed magically so that it will not be decipherable before five hundred years pass; it is forgotten in Shirerithian archives eventually.
- nothing... for a long time...
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Its name is straylight-prophecy-of-malevolent-god.txt, and it mentions Dante McCallavre, but I don't think it actually has anything to do with Straylight beyond that. I'm not sure. I haven't read it yet. It's from 28.12.2004, and from a cursory scan seems to reflect the kind of feelings that Christmas rouses in me...
The Vision of Prophet Dante McCallavre

"Welcome to my court, mortal! Please make yourself at home. You don't get to see the home of your Creator every day, you know. In fact, most people don't ever get to see me. You see, I am a malevolent god. It defines what I am - I created the world to make people's lives really miserable, and since being in contact in one's god is perfection for a man, of course I decided to deny almost everyone that privilege.

"Please have a taste of the condiments. They mightn't be particularly divine, though. I told a CEO to steal them from some starving kids in Ghana. Of course he didn't know he was doing it, I just made them disappear through the cracks in his company's bureaucracy and had them shipped to my Heaven. I have a masochistic streak, too, you know - how else would you explain the existence of a malevolent god?

"You're a rare guest for me. Of course only very few people get in to Heaven. The ones that do get here are mentally ill to begin with because I made the human mind so that people can't just trivially decide to live without sin. No, they have to be completely innocent and completely committed to righteousness, and they can't just be little kids. The few actual people here in Heaven spend most of their time hurting themselves on sharp objects and regenerating after bleeding to death - only conceptually in a less painful way than on Earth, I might add. In some ways, you could say that the pain is worse, since I had to change its nature to get it to affect these minds. Anyway, if you can believe me, it gets boring watching people and not giving any definite, provable signs of my existence after a while. I'm going to show you a few of my better kept secrets. Of course I know already what your reaction will be - mind you, you *would* actually have free will if it wasn't for me, but by being able to coerce you to act however I like, I'm taking it away from you - but I get a thrill from seeing you act out the response I want from you anyway.

"This, my esteemed subject, is the human brain, the way I designed it and the way I make changes on it. It's a relatively simple, senseful and regular structure, though it does have the remarkable feature of creating an illusion of consciousness out of a ridiculous amount of parallel computation. Your average phrenologist wouldn't have been able to figure its functions out, but a neurologist in your time could do it. That's why I obscure the design from you. I do this by scrambling all of the different pathways around the brain in almost random ways and by creating inane constructs that look like the result of natural development if you squint really hard. Such a shame, really, considering all of the problems it causes: You would have been much more healthy in general without the obfuscation, and more intelligent: The mean intelligence quotient of a human with unobfuscated brains in a population of normals is about 160. I would have much preferred to create a discrete module that would stop you from understanding the structure of your own brains, however, that design turned out to be too dangerous since, as you know, I'm not quite omnipotent and omniscient, after all - it should be obvious to you that a malevolent god can't be that.

"Despite the obfuscation, I'm too proud of my creations to keep them secret from all of mankind forever. Have a look at this. It's a beautiful structure, isn't it? Just like a diamond. In the human brain, it's one of the most fragmented ones, in clumps of only a couple of dozen neurons in several different areas. That's because it's one of those I really tend to feel inclined to protect well. This is the sin structure: It's what drives people to do things that they believe are against my will, and as the rules that I've created for a nice amount of misery for mankind dictate, doing anything that's against my announced will means getting a ticket to Hell.

"I think I should take this moment to tell you a few things about Hell. It's not quite like what they say. Heat is such a narrow idea. It's just vibration of atoms. You can use lots of it or very little of it to cause lots of pain to people, but in both cases it really just goes through sensors - which I would really have put in more of if it had been practical - and into the pain center, and that's it. Oh, you didn't know about the pain center? Yes, I created it. It really just uses an integer variable to describe your state of pain which, as quite a few philosophers could point out, isn't necessarily a good approach for systems capable of self-modification. However, that's just for your earthly life. It also has a flag, really just one bit, the tells whether you're in Hell or not. If the flag isn't set, you're probably more or less OK - you might be in some pain, but because of the willingness to go on to feel more pain that I built in to you, you will usually survive it. If it is set - normal pain never causes it to be set, though malfunction can, so it has happened to a few maniacs on Earth - it goes into a completely different behaviour mode. This doesn't mean acting like the pain variable was at its highest value. It means a sort of pain that's unknowable to people. It's not a "this goes all the way to 11" thing. It's more like the difference between a whiff of water vapour and the Pacific Ocean. There might be a small common base to the different sorts of pain, but the pain is Hell is of a completely different magnitude than the pain on Earth.

"The pain center and the sin creator aren't the only structures that I like in the human brain. There's also the Coercer, the part that stands between your soul and body coercing my will upon you, as I mentioned before... in words that you would remember quite easily if it wasn't for the Handicap. In my opinion, the Handicap is a particularly elegant creation: It simply writes random information over random parts of your mind at random times, thus reducing the capacity and reliability of your memory and, by bringing random, irrelevant thoughts into your conscious mind, greatly increasing the efficiency of the the sin creator. The Handicap is the reason why your short-term memory can only keep in so few words - I made the unit write over that area almost constantly. It's the reason why you have to rely on logic to figure out which of your memories, and in some cases, sesnsory inputs are real.

"Now that you know of some of my secrets, it is time for you to die. Do understand that death is not the end - in fact, all that will happen is that a couple of bits will flip in your brain, one among them the one telling the pain center whether you should feel a universe of excruciation for all eternity or not.

"Or... in fact, perhaps I should try out one of my newest creations on you. I recently updated the pain center in a way that, I believe, could cause a much worse pain. The sort of thing that's so hard to express in human terms. That's a crying shame, you know. I made your languages so that you can't really describe any true emotion to each other or even yourself. Suffice to say that it is, again, a different sort of pain - and if I'm right, this time it's the most fundamental sort of pain there is, something that simply can't get any worse.

"Do you think I should test it on you? Yes? Good boy..."
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

... and let's just add a little bit of modern and almost-modern stuff here, too... 3.12.2007, city-list.txt. The actual list is from 23.10.2005 - I stuffed the beginnings of the Wiki articles for Blavatsky and Sanctuary Dome in the same file, hence the recent mtime.
This is a list of names of Straylightian cities.

Straylight Sanct
Much Rejoicing
Wishes Are Fishes
Incremental Search
Aldous Huxley
Cradle of the Mind
Polyester Landscape
Nylon Oxygen
Ashes to Concrete
Tears in Rain
Chainlink Break
Sanctuary Dome
Scorch Island

Unspeakable Horror
Backbone Site
Deep Trouble
Wave Manifold

== History ==
Not many weeks after people started moving in, the [[sanct]] of Blavatsky gained the dubious honour of possibly being the ''worst engineered'' sanct in all of [[Straylight]]. This strange pentagon-shaped city was, for some reason, built with no regard for sunlight - usually an extremely important consideration in the architecture of a sanct - and with little understanding of what goes into building just a decent place for people to live. Due to the significant structural faults in the spar, there were plans to actually scrap and rebuild the entire sanct. However, hotter heads prevailed, and [[COSAC]] announced the sanct suitable for habitation.

It is unknown why the sanct was built like this. The entire project was funded and controlled by a single investor who provided all the architectural plans, and was never heard of after the building project was complete.

The sanct was built to experiment with a system of "public lighting" using [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur_lamp|sulfur lamps] and optic fiber to provide light from a few central "light stations" to the entire sanct. The lighting system worked excellently until one day the magnetrons of every one of the light stations burned out simultaneously. The entire inside of the sanct was plunged into darkness for several hours until new parts could be switched in.

After the commotion in the darkness, the sanct was ''changed'' somehow. It was difficult for anyone to actually tell what was different - everything seemed a little bit strange, but not one citizen could quite place a finger on anything that had certainly changed. Perhaps the corridors, which had originally been designed to feel "organic", had taken on a slightly twistier form, perhaps the air felt slightly colder and damper although no thermometer or hygrometer showed a difference. Perhaps it wasn't so much that the corridors were any different, it's just that they felt more like ''caves'' now. Rooms were found whose existence people only had vague memories about.

There was one change, however, that everyone realised couldn't have been natural. A previously empty area of the city - meant for immigrants who were slated to arrive in a couple of weeks - suddenly sported a massive new building complex, the so-called ''Institute for Occult Studies''. Still, some of its employees felt strangely familiar to many Blavatskyans, and when contacted, none of the expected immigrants had any idea anybody had been expecting them in the sanct.

From this time on, Blavatsky's history was actually quite uneventful. The structural faults in the spar were found to be disappeared, maybe just misreadings in the first place. The Institute for Occult Studies, instead of being all evil and secretive as everyone expected, actually went on to create the

== The Ashpool Theory of Correspondence ==

This theory was created and cultivated over several decades at the Institute for Occult Studies in Blavatsky. It is a variation on the usual "there is another dimension where everything is different" theory: It postulates the existence of ''some'' kind of structure, usually named "possibility", that exists equivalently to theo genera

'''Sanctuary Dome''' is a smallish [[sanct]] located in northern [[Straylight]], near [[Lower Lunaris]]. Famous for its architecture, the local [[Cedrist]] culture, this young sanct manages to have an almost completely tourism-driven economy while still maintaining a certain amount of depth of character. Sanctuary Dome is administrated by a joint council with members from the Dukal government and [[COSAC]]. At only thirty years of human habitation, it is still making significant gains in popularity as a vacation spot, and as a result its economy and population are also growing rapidly.

== Economy ==
Tourism is considered an important statistic in almost every sanct, not because it is economically very significant for those sancts with other sources of income, but because it is an excellent indicator of the general social and economic health of a sanct. In Sanctuary Dome, by many estimates 80% to 90% of the sanct's GDP is tourism, tourism-related services, and industries that depend indirectly on a steady stream of tourists.

The only significant source of revenue in Sanctuary Dome that's arguably not related to tourism is its mariculture. However, even in this case the argument is simply that the maricultural business is economically viable only because of the wealthy, quickly growing population, so if the tourism were to suddenly end, the mariculture would fall upon hard times as well.

== Tourism ==

== Architecture ==

Designed by [[Prento Hansel]] over three hundred years after the death of [[Dante McCallavre]], Sanctuary Dome is considered to be one of the first that even begin to reach the brilliance of the original Great Architect. With much more advanced knowledge of materials and structure, it was possible for him to actually create shapes that Dante McCallavre could only created illusions and hints of.

The shape of Sanctuary Dome resembles an hourglass, or two stacked half-spheres. Commonly named Dolie and Shirrek, or just Downdome and Updome
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: History dump

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

That's all, folks - for now. I'm going to go to sleep now and actually read what I posted tomorrow (well, for a definition of "tomorrow" that's actually "later today when I wake up"... it's almost 10 AM :p).
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.


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