Becoming one with Straylight

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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

(11:06:39 PM) Corey: I decided that the female gymnastics uniform thingies were too illogical
(11:06:49 PM) Corey: and they should stop wearing them altogether
(11:06:54 PM) Corey: more people would watch the olympics
(11:07:00 PM) Jess Heimer: they would
(11:07:20 PM) Jess Heimer: how about SNFO?
(11:07:35 PM) Corey: ?
(11:07:45 PM) Jess Heimer: shireroth nude female olympics
(11:07:53 PM) Corey: YAY!
(11:07:58 PM) Corey: do those exist yet?
(11:08:03 PM) Jess Heimer: no
(11:08:07 PM) Jess Heimer: yet
(11:08:08 PM) Corey: :(
Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Bayen »

On #micronations:
(13:22:07) #  ari has left the chat (Quit: "Ping timeout" ).

(Well, five seconds later he came back, but still... :surprise )
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Jess »


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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Bayen »

#xkcd-signal is awesome!!
(14:34:06) bayen:  I am alone in my squirrely views...
(14:34:30) null1024:  I wholeheartedly agree with the squirrels taking over the world bit.
(14:34:30) karanlyons:  Also good:
(14:34:40) null1024:  They already took over my apple tree...
(14:34:57) docfox:  You've gotta fight back
(14:34:57) #  jm is now Online.
(14:34:57) #  jm is now Voice.
(14:35:18) bayen:  no!  the squirrels will be benevolent overlords
(14:35:42) docfox:  In less than an hour...children from the neighborhood will join others from around the world...and they will be launching the largest ground based anti-squirrel offensive in the history of mankind...
(14:35:51) null1024:  ...crap, I've got bacon grease on my hands... had to decide to grab some bacon during all that talk of bacon...
(14:36:21) bayen:  docfox: but it's too late - you've tipped your hand. the squirrels are now being notified to prepare their defenses... notifying the parents }:)
(14:36:50) docfox:  Squirrels don't speak english, it'll take time for their translators to figure out what i said
(14:37:27) bayen:  we're feeding them information...  the humans loyal to the squirrel cause monitor such channels and they're bilingual
(14:37:34) #  tumbleweed has left the chat (Quit: "Ping timeout" ).
(14:37:41) karanlyons:  But I speak squirrel. How much will you pay to keep your secrets guarded?
(14:38:23) docfox:  What do i care? I'm not fighting, i'm sending your kids to fight (and presumably die) for i cause I only half know about User tumbleweed joined channel #xkcd-signal
(14:38:29) #  moderator sets mode +v tumbleweed on #xkcd-signal
(14:38:34) docfox:  A cause, rather
(14:38:51) bayen:  the squirrel counterstrike is quite simple:  let the parents know what their kids are up to :)
(14:39:06) bayen:  (though various proxy sources, obviously)
(14:39:21) docfox:  How about all those anti-squirrel gun toting parents out there?
(14:39:43) bayen:  we will also notify the democrats
(14:40:12) #  jm is now Away.
(14:40:12) #  jm is now Away.
(14:40:13) karanlyons:  Al Gore will have a keynote presentation about saving the squirrels.
(14:40:24) bayen:  all within the next twenty minutes :)
(14:40:36) docfox:  Thank god for republicans
(14:41:02) karanlyons:  The republicans will kill the squirrels just in case the squirrels are made out of oil.
(14:41:14) karanlyons:  I mean, God would make squirrels out of oil for man, right?
(14:41:25) bayen:  and the democrats will kill all the squirrels trying to create an alternate energy resource
(14:41:32) docfox:  I'd start killing squirrels myself right now if I knew they were made out of oil
(14:41:39) bayen:  but they don't realize that squirrels float, and therefore have no battery potential
(14:41:52) docfox:  Yes, but are they sour?
(14:42:00) Maahes:  murders squirrels all the time, squirrel oil is not that useful for internal combustion engines.
(14:42:05) #  User curtmack joined channel #xkcd-signal
(14:42:05) #  moderator sets mode +v curtmack on #xkcd-signal
(14:42:19) #  musante has left the chat (Quit: "Quit: Leaving" ).
(14:42:26) karanlyons:  Squirrels taste really good in smoothie form though.
(14:42:37) bayen:  that implies sweet, though >_.
(14:43:09) karanlyons:  bayen: With a lot of sugar, yes. Otherwise, very so4:43:21) lrdspmln:  Squirrelade
(14:43:32) lrdspmln:  I SMELL A BUSINESS VENTURE
(14:43:41) karanlyons:  You will have the power of TEN THOUSAND SQUIRRELS!
(14:43:44) docfox:  So we can extract lightning from squirrels, excellent
(14:44:15) karanlyons:  You will feel UNCOMFORTABLY ENERGETIC! You want lemonade? How about, SQUIRRELADE!
(14:44:30) curtmack:  so classes start on Monday... god damn, college already. Feels like yesterday I was graduating
(14:44:38) karanlyons:  Your children will crack nuts faster than SQUIRRELS!
(14:44:50) captainm:  I know you guys don't want to get muted, but isn't a 20 minute conversation on squirrels going a tad far?
(14:45:24) karanlyons:  captainm: This is serious discussion. If you can't handle it, go to #xkcd and leave the matters of the world to us.
Bayen ronToketi
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »


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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Prodigy Almighty »

(6:19 PM) Corey: *Image link*
(6:19 PM) Aidan: xD
(6:19 PM) Corey: I'm sorry
(6:19 PM) Corey: but it's pictures like these that make me want to be a lesbian :p
(6:19 PM) Aidan: >.> You ALREADY like girls
(6:19 PM) Corey: I can't quite figure out why...
(6:20 PM) Corey: yes, but this is different...
(6:20 PM) Corey: this is exotic and fun :p
(6:21 PM) Corey: and if I become a swedish citizen
(6:21 PM) Corey: and properly convince the government that I'm clinically transgendered
(6:21 PM) Corey: they'll pay for a sex change operation
(6:21 PM) Corey: :p
(6:21 PM) Aidan: O.o
(6:21 PM) Corey: Ric is good for a lot of things :p
(6:22 PM) Aidan: Apparently, sex changes among them
Well, according to Corey, this makes Ric basically the best Kaiser ever :D
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Bayen »

I had the same conversation... :p
Bayen ronToketi
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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

I knew it was only a matter of time before one of those conversations made it to this thread...
Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
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Gilrean Treebane
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Gilrean Treebane »

(6:19 PM) Corey: *Image link*
(6:19 PM) Aidan: xD
(6:19 PM) Corey: I'm sorry
(6:19 PM) Corey: but it's pictures like these that make me want to be a lesbian :p
(6:19 PM) Aidan: >.> You ALREADY like girls
(6:19 PM) Corey: I can't quite figure out why...
(6:20 PM) Corey: yes, but this is different...
(6:20 PM) Corey: this is exotic and fun :p
(6:21 PM) Corey: and if I become a swedish citizen
(6:21 PM) Corey: and properly convince the government that I'm clinically transgendered
(6:21 PM) Corey: they'll pay for a sex change operation
(6:21 PM) Corey: :p
(6:21 PM) Aidan: O.o
(6:21 PM) Corey: Ric is good for a lot of things :p
(6:22 PM) Aidan: Apparently, sex changes among them
*sigh* *shakes he18
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And what I am needs no excuses"

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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Icebreaker »


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Oroigawa Koreyasu
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by Oroigawa Koreyasu »

Oroigawa Koreyasu
Count of McCallavre, Straylight
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hypatias mom
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Re: Becoming one with Straylight

Post by hypatias mom »

Very cool. :thumbsup


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