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The N'audia Divian Language

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:58 pm
by Jess

The Alphabet:
Format: Name | (pronunciation)

at (att)
au (ow)
ax (acks)
di (dee)
el (ell)
er (err)
es (ess)
et (ett)
fa (fah)
ga (gah)
gi (gee)
go (goh)
hor (hoar)
ig (igg)
jin (jinn)
le (lay)
n (n; attaches to closest vowel)
pe (pay)
ra (rah)
re (ray)
ri (ree)
ru (roo)
sa (sah)
se (say)
si (see)
ta (tah)
te (tay)
to (too)
us (oos)
ve (vay)
vi (vee)
k (designates plural) (kk)
a (designates female) (ah)

Small dictionary
Format: English Horjinic literally: "this"

air raga
angel totajinraleviataxten lit. "divine bird man"
animal petara
big veus
bird viatax
brother lenpeten lit. "little man"
cat risi
death taax
demon raautaax lit. "one who uses death"
destruction taaxri
divine totajinrale lit. "god gift"
dragon veusrengoteigeldi lit. "big fire lizard"
earth fael
father fateelten lit. "fertile man"
fertility fateel
fire rengo
gift jinrale
god tota
horse sitadi
island viet fael lit. "water earth"
kaiser totajinrale horgorisa lit. "divine leader"
leader horgorisa
lion rungarisi lit. "plains cat"
lizard teigeldi
man ten
moon aurafateeltena lit. "sky mother"
mother fateeltena lit. "fertile woman"
one who uses raau
pegasus viatax sitadi lit. "bird horse"
phoenix rengo viatax lit. "fire bird"
plains runga
planet veus fael lit. "big earth"
shireroth fael totajinrale horgorisa lit. "earth of the kaiser"
sister lenpetena lit. "little woman"
star lenpe lit. "little sun"
sun aurafateelten lit. "sky father"
tiger totajinralerisi lit. "divine cat"
water viet
wolf lenpenelig lit. "little nelig"
woman tena
sky aura
little lenpe
chimaera petaranauvinraautaax lit. "animal mixture demon"
mixture nauvin
griffin rungarisiviatax lit. "lion bird"
arm axdiru
back axdiel
body axdi
foot axditesa
good pele
hair axdivisa
hand axdijin
head axdivi
leg axdite
music peletavito lit. "good sound"
sky aura
sound tavito
squid axdiruvietpetara lit. "arm water animal"
denotes verb -vier
denotes past tense -vile
denotes future tense -viga
to go atvier
to have gone atvile
to go later atviga
home seren

(NOTE: The alphabet was lost in photobucket)

Re: The N'audia Divian Language

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:51 am
by Gman Russell
Wow, someone doing something with this place besides James. Bravo.