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A Tux smiley...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:58 am
by Ari Rahikkala
... isn't it kinda obvious that we need something like this?My first attempt that could be classified as somewhat succesful-ish, simply downscaled and cropped from the image at :It looks somewhat funky in this colour scheme... and it might be a bit too big so... well, you tell me if it's OK or not. I spend my days enjoying the minty taste that surrounds Erik.


Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:19 am
by Scott Alexander
Perhaps you could transparentize the background? I'd do it myself by my paint program is temporarily upscrewed.

Re: Stuff

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:42 pm
by Kaiser Mors III
Woot! LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Re: Stuff

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 9:37 pm
by Phoenix the Risen
hrm... yess.. that is very odd... if you can transparentize the background, then I'll put it on the emoticons list Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess of Kildare - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - COME BACK, STEVE!!! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

Re: Stuff

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:01 pm
by david northworthy beckfor
I see no backgrond "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: Stuff

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:06 pm
by Phoenix the Risen
hrm... then maybe it's just my computer... or browser...I see the background as a redisplay of whatever is to the upper left of the image... in this case, ari's titles and the post time... is it only screwing up for me? Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess of Kildare - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - COME BACK, STEVE!!! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 1:28 am
by Ari Rahikkala
Bitten by IE's lack of support for PNG alpha transparency again, I see. Hm. , same in .gif. and from might work better as smilies, but then again, if we use Tux like the kiwi the size is just about right... I spend my days enjoying the minty taste that surrounds Erik.

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 6:51 am
by david northworthy beckfor
*checks IE*oh...that's rubbisshI thought they had fixed that? "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 12:21 am
by Kaiser Mors III
Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 1:58 am
by Ari Rahikkala
Now we just need to "brand" some fiefdom with a Linux image... I spend my days enjoying the minty taste that surrounds Erik.

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:35 am
by Kaiser Mors III
Well.. Straylight would have been the obvious choice.. but it's gone... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 6:27 pm
by david northworthy beckfor
force Ari at gun pint to start a new barony "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:52 pm
by Kaiser Mors III
He'll need to recruit first.. Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 3:16 pm
by david northworthy beckfor
then give him a gun so he can recruit people "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:57 pm
by Mattlore Devious
But then when you try and force him at gunpoint to start a new barony he will shoot you with his gun

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:01 pm
by david northworthy beckfor
darn "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:25 pm
by Gryphon Avocatio
*is amused* -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas Give me your child, and by the age of five, I can make him a priest or a thief or a scholar. - SCOTT: You know, I always joke about how nothing will ever be able to get me out of micronations...but...I think if my mother got into micronations that would get me out in a hurry. - GUILDENSTERN:We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered.

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:42 pm
by Kaiser Mors III
I had the idea of putting an add up in a theater.. you know those annoying ads before movies... the ones that are just a picture basicly.. that you read out of boredom? Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:46 pm
by Phoenix the Risen
dude... seriously... if you could get a two-panel one, like the coke trivia ads... ask some rhetorical question about politics in the first ad... and then in the second one just say "We don't know either, but you've just been annexed!" in big yellow letters at the top over a full-size picture of Malarbor, the URL across the middle in red bold, and then the Yardistani flag on the lower left, and the Shirithian flag on the lower right...heh, then you could add to the list of annexations "Viewers of the (insert time here) showing of (insert movie here) at (insert theater here)." Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess of Kildare - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - COME BACK, STEVE!!! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:52 pm
by Gman Russell
I wonder if they would actually allow that.......

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:10 pm
by Scott Alexander
Is Ari even officially a citizen? Because if not, he must be citizenified. No use going off on these big recruitment campaigns when there's someone so close to home who still has not been assimilated.

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:37 pm
by david northworthy beckfor
de assimulation should be banned "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:52 am
by Ari Rahikkala
Niin usein olen matkoihini kävellytja melkein yhtä usein takaisin tullutTaas sinnepäin matkalla olen nyt,tulkaa vastaan, oi ystävät hullutHeh. It's not common for me to post song lyrics that are actually *relevant* to the discussion... well, except that lines two and three aren't quite correct...Ah, heck, I'll just make your life easy. I've been assimilated once, then I've... er... asdifferentiated myself, then I was assimilated again, then I asdifferentiated myself again. I'm currently in Trevon mode so you can't get me to join a micronation right now and shouldn't even try. Patience might help, though. I spend my days enjoying the minty taste that surrounds Erik.

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:42 am
by david northworthy beckfor
patience?*gets our pack of cards* "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: A Tux smiley...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:39 pm
by Phoenix the Risen
Quote:I asdifferentiated myselfSo... what's your tangential slope? Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess of Kildare - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - COME BACK, STEVE!!! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)