Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Handles the census, and migration to, from and within Shireroth; apply for citizenship here

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Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Bayen »


Name: Bayen ronToketi
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Location: USA
Other Micronational Citizenships: Confederation of Gralus


AIM screen name:
Interests: micronationalism, MAGIC (as in card tricks, *poof*s, and awesomely slight-of-hand), programming
Birthday: Dec 30 1991
Preferred subdivision: I suppose Straylight... that's where Liam is...
How you heard about Shireroth: Liam conToketi! (see previous ;) )
Previous micronational experience: Well, I'm the current King of Toketi... :kaiser
Anything else about you: Squirrels WILL take over the world.
Bayen ronToketi
Count of Backbone Site

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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by hypatias mom »

Welcome to Shireroth, Your Majesty. It is good to have you joining us. You will be given a county within your chosen Duchy of Straylight, and will become a Count there under your Duke, Ari Rahikkala. (I'm afraid your royal title will not apply here unless you come on a State Visit or engage in diplomacy in your Toketi personna.) I'm sure your Duke will be greeting you soon. Again, welcome.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

* thinks about Backbone Site, which does not have a wiki article yet *

Gah! Why are the sancts that I believe people are the most likely to be interested in also the most difficult to write about? :(
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by andelarion »

Welcome Bayen!

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Liam conToketi
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Liam conToketi »

Yay! My influence is powerful! Thanks for following, cousin... ;)

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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Jonas »

The Invasion is begun... We will become a colony of Gralus... they will murder our beloved Kaiser... :tomcutterhamonfire

Sorry for that. Welcome! :)
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Bayen »

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! Shireroth seems like a great place! :thumbsup

I do have a question, though:
hypatias mom wrote:You will be given a county within your chosen Duchy of Straylight, and will become a Count there under your Duke, Ari Rahikkala.
So am I just supposed to pick one, or will Ari choose it? :confused
Bayen ronToketi
Count of Backbone Site

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Technically, I pick it for you. That's the way things work in Shireroth's feudal system - the power of the Dukes over their Duchies is next to only the Kaiser, the Landsraad and the Ministries. However, the way it actually has worked since New Feudalism died is that every Duchy has essentially been a smorgasbord - you're given a selection of Counties and whichever you pick is then decreed as yours by your Duke.

Now the problem with Straylight in this system is that culturally, it's not really appropriate for me to have a whole bunch of Counties. The Straylightian Ducal government uses a very hands-off approach to managing the various citystates, and is basically as small as possible (*). Except for Shyriath, the Counts are *not* culturally chosen and employed by the citystates, they're chosen by the Ducal government. They're more like governors than mayors. Thus, I can't accept having a separate County for every sanct - the Ducal government prefers to spend its resources on... more important things.

As it is, so far I've given people Counties that span a single sanct, based on what I believe they would be happiest with. I'd let you choose but I'm having problems pulling my scattered ideas together into coherent, understandable wholes, so I haven't actually been able to write articles on most of the sancts (though there are a few). There's no reason for Straylightian Counties to only span one sanct, BTW, it's just that nobody's asked for more so far.

- Icebreaker got Discontinuity, because he's the one I talk with the most about developing Straylight - it was appropriate to give him the most important sanct
- Shyriath got Sunderspray because he brought it with him
- Liam's been promised Blavatsky, because it has magic. Granted, it's probably not the kind of magic that he's used to... or then it might be... it kind of depends, considering I haven't yet quite figured out *what* kind of magic it has :p
- you can pick whichever sanct you like, but the one I'm guessing you might like the most is Backbone Site, because it has... well, it has technology and computer science, though so has the rest of Straylight, but Backbone Site has it in a more unique way. You'll see :p...

(*) For instance, I'm still working on a system of taxation - nothing real-world, just cultural - that would go together with... er... the system of currency that I'm working on...
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Bayen »

Okay, sounds good! There's no wiki page for Backbone Site, but I'm sure I'll find out about it eventually... :) (For some info on Liam magic, check out the MCM magic website. The only real difference is his magic is psionic in nature, as opposed to arcane... We're really big on our magic in Toketi! :thumbsup
Bayen ronToketi
Count of Backbone Site

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Liam conToketi
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Liam conToketi »

Hey, where did that website come from? I've never seen it before... :confused

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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Bayen »

Really? We've been passing it about for ages now... North has it in his signature, even... You may know it as ... or maybe just the links as or /mcm.doc or /library.xls
Bayen ronToketi
Count of Backbone Site

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Liam conToketi
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Re: Immigration: Bayen ronToketi

Post by Liam conToketi » I know...

Anyway, I'm the exception to the rule, so some of it doesn't affect me ;)

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